20146342? ago

You da man!


(yeah, I know...brainwashed idiot, etc.. YAWN)

20146268? ago

Funny how he concludes that Q is a false prophet.

Without a theory, without a bit of proof, even a hint at why that statement is made.

20154810? ago

1 John 4:1-6 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

20144713? ago

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20144014? ago

First off let me (uselessly) ask that this thread not be downvoted into oblivion. This keeps coming up and we need to have a serious discussion without screaming "shill!!!!" and running away.

That said let me say this doesn't make sense.electing Hillary would have been easier and the gun grab laws would have sailed through with rino support.if you are trying to argue that civil war would have erupted then please understand that this is exactly what wi8ll happen anyway if Trump trys anything.peacemealing the guns away will hit a wall when they actually start to take the guns.only blue states have any such laws and they'll never pass in red states without open war on those states to force it.

You'll simply never get the guns without force and civil war.hillary would have been the better choice for this.

One last thing that is often overlooked is that many cops and military personnel are patriots who will not cooperate with this.un troops would be needed and it'll be game over if that is tried. Please explain to me,step by step,how you think the guns will be confiscated.

20144502? ago

One other thing,and I think it is absolutely killshot level, is that by playing the long game the powers that be would have been able to create an entire generation of liberal idiots with the corrupted education system.by simply waiting until most of the older conservative gun owners died of old age their kids would have given up the guns anyway.

Why go to so much trouble to do it the hard way when the path they were already on would have worked so beautifully? They only really needed one more generation and they would have won without firing a shot.

20144116? ago

Indiana and Florida are RED STATES and they have the RED FLAG LAW. So much for that theory that only the Blue States will enact the RED FLAG Laws. Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio and Texas have it on their ballot agendas.

Trump was placed because The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not.

Until you understand this concept you'll not understand why not Hillary and why Trump.

20143897? ago

Nice of you to not post such drivel very often. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

20143982? ago

The brainwashed will remain brainwashed.

20143837? ago

https://qmap.pub/ and https://qanon.pub/in which has been wiped clean as most of you know.

That is wrong. No point in reading the rest.


20143872? ago

I wasn't referring to both sites. Re-read and do try to understand.

https://qanon.pub/ wiped clean pal. Carry on now.

20144866? ago

Qmap.pub is not wiped clean. You definitely need to go back to lurking moar. Just stop spewing your stupid shit. It is no wonder you don’t post much.

20145002? ago


OP's shit so thukxy, kek

20143918? ago

Qanon.pub is not wiped clean dumb ass. I am on it now. Most recent post is Q3570.

So the rest of the nonsense is probably all wrong as well.

Go post this on r/pol where the sheep will lap it up.

20144010? ago

Uh huh. The sheep are right here.

20144053? ago

Yes, that's why we can spot all the BS in your post. Sheep won't spot your BS, so go to r/pol where they will lap it up like the sheep they are.

Move along pal.

20144126? ago


20144162? ago


Exactly what your post makes every reader do.

20144208? ago

Yeah uh huh. In your imagination only. Carry on. Nothing to see here but the Brainwashed flipping their wigs.

20143821? ago


I can smell that dirty greasepaint from here.

Oversize shoes?

Comedy car?

Nothing Will Stop What Is Coming.


20143957? ago

I know. The NWO Globalist Agenda is Large and in Charge.

20143699? ago


20143971? ago

Too bad. You will continue living the LIE.

20144055? ago

Shorter and more concise screeds if possible.

20144194? ago

Ho Hum the natural Brainwashed reaction.

20144175? ago

A .gif for your meme arsenal, anon. For future encounters with screedfag.


20143645? ago

If Q is complicit with the FF gun-grab agenda, why did they point to the masons' involvement?


20143936? ago


Says nothing about the Masons being behind the gun grab. Like the article above says. You're reading into what you want the breadcrumbs want to say.

20144023? ago

If the FFs are the stated reason for the gun grab, why would Q offer civilianons a peek behind the curtain of the narrative being play-acted before America?

Your premise is astute, anon, there is a game being played. Q has been kind enough to help demystify the rules of that game.

20144183? ago

Q is just another tool of the Globalist Elite. The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not. Until you fully understand the concept of this you'll never understand. Q has given you just enough to keep you in the GAME. That is all. He missed the target so many times right from the start.

For instance:

Drop #1 “claimed that “HRC extradition [was] already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run” with

Drop #2 alleging “HRC detained, not arrested (yet)” and that there would be “massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US.”


Drop #15 to predict that John Podesta would be indicted on Nov. 3, 17 and Clinton aide Huma Abedin indicted on Nov. 6, 17.


Drop #25 that proof of his predictions would “begin 11.3, 18.” Again, the only significant event of this day was the president leaving for Asia. Drop #32, Q claimed that the “initial wave [of arrests] will be fast and meaningful,” with many members of the media “jailed as deep cover agents.”


Drop #34 unveiled a host of predictions for what Q claimed would happen imminently. He claimed that “over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country.” He claimed that everything he’d been talking about in secret “will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted,” resulting in “public riots.”


Drop #38 continued with the conspiracy fantasizing, predicting “other state actors attempting to harm us during this transition,” along with “increased military movement,” “[National Guard] deployments starting tomorrow, and “false flags.”


Drop #44 that “before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter,” used Drop #47 to warn his readers to “be vigilant today and expect a major false flag,” and claimed in Drop #55 that President Trump would unleash the massive military purge (now nicknamed “The Storm”) with a tweet reading “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us…….”


Drop #61: that there would be “Twitter and other social media blackouts” that would accompany the massive deep state purge. Drop #65, Q claimed “it has begun,” with Drop #67 predicting that news of John Podesta’s military plane being “forced down” “will be leaked” with a prominent “fake news anchor” being pulled off the air.


Needless to say, none of what Q predicted in his first 3000+ posts took place. The National Guard was never called up, mass arrests never took place, Hillary Clinton and John Podesta weren’t detained, Donald Trump never sent a tweet mentioning “The Storm,” and the Emergency Alert System wasn’t activated.

On Dec. 10, 17 Q predicted in Drop #326 that “false flag(s)” would occur, with “POTUS 100% insulated” and to “expect fireworks.”


Drop #647, Q seemed to predict a major event involving the Department of Defense for Feb. 1, 18, calling it the “[D]ay [Of] [D]ays.”


A few days after that fizzled, Q insinuated in Drop #700 that the weekend of Feb. 10. 18 and 1 would be a “suicide weekend” for individuals targeted by the president. There were no high-profile suicides by public figures that weekend.


Drop #796 was a post full of quasi-military chatter that seemed to predict a possible car bombing in London around Feb. 18, 18. No terrorist attack of any type happened in London at all that month.


As talk of President Trump’s military parade ramped up, Q predicted in Drop #856 that “a parade that will never be forgotten” would take place on 11/11/18. That parade has now been postponed until next year due to costs, and likely won’t take place at all.


Then, in Drop #912, Q claimed that the intelligence sharing alliance known as “Five Eyes” “won’t be around much longer.” As of August 2018, it is still in effect.


Drop #997 predicted on April 3, 18 that the Pope would “have a terrible May.” The closest to this that happened was the resignation of several Chilean bishops in June after Pope Francis criticized them over their handling of a sex abuse scandal.


On April 7, 2018 Q made a cryptic post in Drop #1067 that read simply “China. Chongqing. Tuesday.” The next Tuesday was April 10, 18 and no newsworthy event took place on that day in that city.


Drop #1302 on April 27, 2018 Q claimed a “Mother of All Bombs” related to negotiations with North Korea would be “dropped” in the next week. Never happened again.

Q predicted on March 5 in Drop #854 that “HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5)” [sic] would soon emerge, and that it would be the “nail in many coffins.” She went on a tour with William Clinton.


Q predicted in Drop #1043 that “pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire,” and insinuated in two April drops that photos of Obama with a young girl named “Wendy” would appear and open him up to charges of pedophilia. No such pictures have ever appeared.


Q predicted John McCain’s resignation from the Senate as “imminent” several times, including Drop #1319 and Drop #1850, as well as predicting the “end near” in Drop #1555. Only this week did McCain announce he would stop seeking treatment for cancer.

https://qmap.pub/?pg=23 https://qmap.pub/?pg=19 https://qmap.pub/?pg=14

On April 4, 18 Q claimed in Drop #1014 that Mark Zuckerberg was going to step down as chair of Facebook and flee the United States. The same day Q predicted this, Zuckerberg reiterated that he was NOT going to step down—and he still hasn’t.


Q has also made some fizzled predictions about Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, saying “goodbye” to him in Drops #525 and #598, insinuating that Dorsey would be removed from Twitter in Drop #799, predicting in Drop #1102 that Dorsey was “next”

https://qmap.pub/?pg=36 https://qmap.pub/?pg=35 https://qmap.pub/?pg=27

Q’s use of the phrase “next week” to denote the occurrence of something important started with Drop #243 when Q told his followers “just wait until next week” without making any kind of claim as to what was going to happen. It would be the first of over a dozen times Q would kick the can down the road to “next week.”


In Drop #464: Q vaguely predicted a “BIG NEXT WEEK” on Jan. 5, 18 doubling down in Drop #527, predicting “Next Week – BIGGER,” repeating the claim three drops later.

https://qmap.pub/?pg=37 https://qmap.pub/?pg=36

Drop #1594 became one of Q’s most famous blown predictions, as he claimed that July would be “the month the world discovered the TRUTH.”


After not posting for about three weeks, Q posted in Drop #1687 that “something BIG is about to drop” with links to various press articles about QAnon. He made the exact same claim in Drops #1708, 1748, and 1802.

https://qmap.pub/?pg=17 https://qmap.pub/?pg=16 https://qmap.pub/?pg=15

QAnon baked a whole loaf of lies March 10 2018 alone.

20147162? ago

LOL, the OP is a super busy super productive guy, but he has time to create this diatribe.

That is curious. Reminds me of in my activism, where the opponent made a multi-year dossier on me. then their paid trolls would scan the dossier and bring up some obscure fact from years ago that no normal person would just remember.....They gave themselves away by their detailedness, exposed themselves. no game!

20144289? ago

No one is going to post disinfo right from the jump when they are attempting to get a following. kek

20144336? ago

Indeed, yet Q did, and here we are.


20144423? ago

You do know that this isn't a really big movement right? You are aware of that correct? 285.000 out of 285 million Americans is very, very few. Only 40 here at best. 20 daily. Maybe? 16,ooo on QRV isn't a movement as most of them have walked away. Too many failed drops bud.

20144490? ago

You aint my bud.


20144516? ago

That means nothing bud. You're distracting from what is coming. THEY ARE GOING TO TAKE YOUR GUNS. P E R I O D

20144575? ago

REEE if you must, am comfy here.


20144644? ago







There is a Game being played upon the citizenry of humanity all across the world. A systematic game of deception.

20144743? ago

Q is part of that. LOL

I have been observing Q since he appeared on 4chan then switched to 8chan.

Clinton. Podesta, Comey, Clapper, Brennen, Stzrok, Page, Yates, Baker, Lynch, the Ohr's, Steele, and Obummer all still walk free.

Don't worry you might GET it someday.

The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not.