ababcb ago

Here is an archive of Heart to Heart Adoptions' website from around 2015:


redwing14 ago

There is no strong connection. It's just some troubled kid.. and he went to school with this girl.. you think they would keep the kids in the school?

SmockingGunn ago

Before I jump into this, have such a bad attitude today, tired of being censored, tired of people who claim they soo interested, dont click damn link. This is especially noticeable when video is 3 mins long & click link 1 min after I post it, so apologize for sounding like a dick out of the gate.

Anyways, I have been censored on this numerous times, and found by accident looking into the El Paso shooting, David Hogg and the Parkland Gang, but never gets seen. Maybe here someone can archive here at PG on my behalf, too lazy too at this point. Archived elsewhere though.

This whole Parkland bs was a false flag, and having a museum at the fucking Standard Hotel doesnt help, especially when not advertised to the general public like whole Stoneman Douglas facade was & still is.

Here you go folks, I present to you Parkland Memorial at Standard Hotel.


Fred Gutenberg is a douche-nozzle PoS too, never tells anyone his brother was a victim of 911. Wonder why that is? Seems pretty important. Conveniently around for next false flag it seems.

Cant blame Brett Kavanaugh for not wanting to shake his slimy fucking hand either especially tweeting he would do anything to stop him from SCOTUS appointment. Reaching, no pun intended, but makes me wonder what was on his hand to be in such to rush to shake it in first place.

ababcb ago

This whole Parkland bs was a false flag, and having a museum at the fucking Standard Hotel doesnt help

The very first thing I noticed when I clicked your link was the "two towers" symbolized by the orange cones.


GUN CONTROL SCRIPT : https://duvx7h32ggrur.cloudfront.net/attachments/5fc9516cd816b06b95b924fad6acea6fb4122bc0/store/reduce_quality_and_resize/60/2500/52bdca78e26e454a95dc84dd65297d8180220802e44681029aab77bed0df/parkland+everytown+7.jpg

Parkland shooting victim made into fan cutout at MLB games to raise gun violence awareness


Manuel Oliver Endorses Phil Ehr : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GApuMMToReo

Parkland father who slammed comedian Louis C.K. with his own standup video will attend State of the Union address

Manuel Oliver accepted an invitation to attend the event at the U.S. Capitol as a guest of Rep. Ted Deutch, a Democrat who represents Florida's 22nd congressional district, which includes Parkland, CBS Miami reported. Oliver's son, 17-year-old Joaquin Oliver, was among 17 students and staff killed in the massacre on Feb. 14, 2018.


ababcb ago


Manuel Oliver accepted an invitation to attend the event at the U.S. Capitol as a guest of Rep. Ted Deutch

I wonder if there is any connection to former director of the CIA John Deutch who was famously confronted about CIA involvement with drug trafficking


Ted is connected to US Rep

She said she emphasized the importance of two critical issues, beach renourishment and the expansion of Port Everglades, both of which Deutch cited Wednesday in his announcement that he'd be running next year for the new congressional district, most of which lies in Broward.

Toothaker said she would also be a campaign co-chairwoman for Deutch and help "both on policy issues and from a general campaign perspective."

She'd expressed interest in running when most people in South Florida politics expected the candidate would be U.S. Rep. Lois Frankel, who lives in West Palm Beach. "Everybody was somewhat surprised, myself included, when I saw Ted's announcement," Toothaker said. She said she called him after his announcement late Wednesday and he suggested they meet for breakfast. "It's a fast moving world," she said.

Frankel and Deutch had to choose who would run where because the Florida Supreme Court ruled in July that the Republicans who controlled the drawing of new district lines after the 2000 Census violated the state Constitution.

The final ruling from the court this week changed the boundaries of the districts that Deutch and Frankel currently represent.


Reba Sherrill of Palm Beach wants to represent Florida in Congress.

The Republican candidate for the District 21 seat presently held by Democrat Lois Frankel aid she supports term limits and calls for health care plans to include dental and eye coverage.

Pretty standard campaign stances for Republican candidates. Then, there are Sherrill’s more atypical beliefs.

Sherrill also believes that “pedivores” — or pedophile cannibals — eat babies to get high. And that children as young as six are taught about having sex with animals.

“There are so many things that are actually being taught to our children in the school system, I would categorize it as pure evil,” she said on a YouTube video. “They start educating children in kindergarten about bestiality, anal sex and all these different things that children should not be exposed to.”

Whoa, that’s out there, yes, but Sherrill is not alone among congressional candidates in some of her more eyebrow-raising beliefs.



Great work @ababcb !!!

MercurysBall2 ago

And here are the MOSSAD, Disney and Google connections:

Jeff Kasky, Autism TV Channel and Touch-Map Tracking Systems

As well as being an adoption lawyer, Jeff Kasky is President of the Autism Channel http://theautismchannel.tv/about-tac.html

in 2014, a video from PGRS with Jeff Kasky and Disney https://vimeo.com/76039767

AND there is a connection because I just posted about the connection between the Autism Genome Project and Porton Down in a thread on the McCanns https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2477697/12359963


Autism Speaks is partnering with Google http://www.autismdailynewscast.com/autism-speaks-mssng-project-sparks-controversy/19908/laurel-joss/

In 2014, ‘MSSNG’ Project, Partnership Between Autism Speaks and Google for Autism Research, Has Official Launch

Mossad searches for kids with high functioning autism. Connections with the recent death of Ari Behn...I'll tell you how later.

Cruise liners, Disney, the Autism Channel, the art world - Ted Arison, Charles Bronfman and George Soros. Getting closer to the Ari Behn connection..

The HARPA Rabbithole.. the Child Mind Institute, Austism Speaks and Disney connections

Royal Caribbean Announces First TV Channel at Sea Dedicated to Autism Programming -

Royal Caribbean,you say? Voat posts:

Another 'suicide', wife of pop artist Peter Max with connections to the Park West Foundation, partners of Michigan Department of Human Services and the Prince's Trust International

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ababcb ago

Fantastic post, thank you for this info.

fogdryer ago

Wonder if his other companies received grants

YogSoggoth ago

Deitsch is a surname.It is also a Jewish term for people from Benelux. It is the first EU, possible? Classmate David Hogg seems to have disappeared after researchers found out the FBI connection, and the fact he went to HS in California and was too old to be in school.

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ababcb ago

Rick Dietsch's company Nutra Pharma owns the following companies:

Portage BioMed LLC

Infectech Corp

ReceptoPharm, Inc.

Bio Therapeutics, Inc

Designer Diagnostics

Nothing is right with any of these companies. All looks like bullshit. I think Infectech is in British Virgin Islands

ababcb ago

Here is another tl;dr for those who don't have the time to absorb the Kasy-Silsby infographics:

Rick Dietsch's son co-founded the advocacy group "Never Again MSD" with fellow Parkland "survivor" Cameron Kasky whose father Jeff was involved with the scandal ridden "One World Adoption" that adopted children without any documentation and he is also a founding member of the Florida Adoption Council. The Florida Adoption Council connects the Kasky's to infamous child trafficker Laura Silsby (who is in turn connected to James Alefantis) through the equally shady Heart to Heart Adoptions which sports a pedophile logo and is a member of the Florida Adoption Council. Andy and Melissa Moore essentially stole a child named Ja'Meka through Heart to Heart Adoptions even though her father still had custody rights, and Andy Moore was a manager at PersonalShopper.com, where Laura Silsby was CEO.

This means that Jeffrey Epstein, James Alefantis, and Laura Silsby all connect through the same mass shooting event.

fogdryer ago

Her name is Gaylor

Laura Silsby Gaylor. She married.

And we all Epstein has ties to Israel. I wonder if that trip was preplanned or not.

ababcb ago

Heart to Heart Adoption agency appears to be headquartered in Utah but has a location in Orlando (Orange County) Florida, which is about 3 hours away from Broward.

Heart to Heart in Florida


Heart to Heart Adoptions

7635 Ashley Park Ct. #503

Orlando, Florida 32835

ababcb ago

Thank you for all this digging. I remember years ago, when pizzagate was first breaking, that there was a review of Heart to Heart adoptions that said something very close to "beware. what you don't know will hurt you". Unfortunately I cannot find this review now.


It sure doesn't look good. Thanks for posting @ababcb ...

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