secretseven ago

They love experimenting on us

yids_rape_kids ago

Kikes are always looking for kids to use in their pedo rituals though. Why do they now need autistic ones?

MercurysBall ago

High functioning autists can have a higher affinity for some computing tasks and can be detail oriented. They are able to focus on tasks for longer periods than 'normies'. They would make good cyber spies.

yids_rape_kids ago


MercurysBall ago

The Roim Rachok Program

Ro'im Rachok (Hebrew: רואים רחוק‎, lit. 'looking ahead') is an innovative program designed to train young adults with Intellectual disabilities in professions by the Israel Defense Forces . Qualified young adults, who want to volunteer for service in the IDF or integrate into the job market, are taught professions for which they have a comparative advantage.

The first graduates of the program learned to analyze aerial and satellite photographs in cooperation with Unit 9900. Later the program expanded and currently it trains for professions like Software QA, Information sorting Electro-optics and Electronics. The soldiers serve in more than 10 units in the Israeli Intelligence Community, Israeli Air Force and more. In 2016 the program had roughly 50 individuals.[1]

The program is operated in cooperation of Beyond the Horizon (Charitable Company) and Ono Academic College.

Unit 9900

Unit 9900 (Hebrew: יחידה 9900‎), is an Israeli Intelligence Corps unit responsible for collecting imagery intelligence (IMINT) from aerial and satellite imagery. Along with Unit 8200 and Unit 504, it makes up Aman, the Military Intelligence Directorate.[1]

The unit utilizes computer vision for image analysis.

The Israeli Army's Roim Rachok Program Is Bigger Than the Military

Founded in 2012 by three former agents of the Mossad, Israel’s national intelligence agency, it accomplishes two goals: providing the military with highly skilled analysts and providing autistic teens with the opportunity to serve. The program scours the country for capable volunteers, men and women, then trains them for three months in life and work skills to integrate them into the unit known as 9900 (which also includes soldiers who aren’t on the autism spectrum).

The experience doesn’t end with the service, which can last several years. The soldiers enter the workplace with this invaluable expertise, and companies such as Intel seek them out. The story of Roim Rachok has implications far beyond Israel. It demonstrates an inspiring new way of thinking about autism, one that empowers both those on the spectrum and those around them. “It’s a win-win for the country,” Eitan says. “It’s a win-win for the soldiers. And it’s a win-win for me. This is the right thing to do at the right time.”

...In addition to visual analysis, recruits get schooled in information analysis, which means gathering intelligence online. Information warfare—the kind practiced by Russia against the U. S. during the 2016 election—requires analysts who scour the web and make sense of all manner of information, from fake news on Facebook to propaganda videos on YouTube. It’s the perfect task for those in the program, who are able to spend several hours in front of a computer assimilating a flood of data while maintaining intense concentration. This knack also makes the candidates ideal for what’s known as quality assurance, or QA, searching for and fixing bugs in software and hardware.

..In fact, what has long been considered a liability is starting to be seen as an asset. Neurodiversity—a term that applies to a variety of conditions, such as dyslexia, ADHD, and autism—is a burgeoning movement that seeks to “reject the idea that autism should be cured,” according to a statement from the National Symposium on Neurodiversity at Syracuse University, “advocating instead for celebrating autistic forms of communication and self-expression, and for promoting support systems that allow autistic people to live as autistic people.” The notion is catching on among corporations, which are cultivating and capitalizing on this population’s powers of concentration and understanding of complex systems. “It’s a talent pool that really hasn’t been tapped,” Jenny Lay-Flurrie, the chief accessibility officer at tech giant Microsoft, told CBS News last year. In addition to Microsoft, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Ford, IBM, Ernst & Young, and JPMorgan Chase are some of the companies exploring how to include autistic people in the workforce.

'Autism, a condition that shouldn't be cured'. But instead used by large corporations... Yeah, I figured things were heading in this direction. Blood curdling stuff.

derram ago :

Roim Rachok Empowers Youth on the Autism Spectrum through the IDF - YouTube

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MercurysBall ago

The above video was posted on the Facebook page of the Autism Channel

The Autism Channel has deep links with some major cruise liners as mentioned in this post:

The Royal Caribbean and the NORWEGIAN cruise lines for example.