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25158492? ago

Anyone ever joined a cult that told it's followers to think for themselves?

25166352? ago

You believe that you’re thinking for yourselves when in reality Q is leading you around by the (((nose.)))

There’s not a cult in the world whose followers don’t think that they have some special insight or awareness that’s absent in everyone else.

25159664? ago

Really? Watch what happens to one cute hard when they question another cute hard, or straight from the overall message. Watch what happens. I mean it’s every single thread every single day. Anyone strays off the plantation they are a “shill” immediately.

25161642? ago

Rabbi caught in his own lie.

25158993? ago

On QRV, just like in many cults, you will be immediately and harshly attacked for dissent. For example, when I say that I do not trust the plan, especially because I don't know what it is, I am called a shill.

25159715? ago

You’ll get downloaded and called names but no one will actually read but what you just said because it’s true. 100% true. That’s what they do, they always do the same thing: call your name and ignore your argument. I’ve never once seen an honest rational thoughtful reply to a real question, they are terrible at defending their faith.

25161621? ago

It's been refuted and disproved literally thousands of times.

You stating you are ignorant and retarded doesn't validate you. It simply means you're ignorant and retarded.

25161340? ago

Some arguments can be ignored out of hand, because it is usually beating a dead horse.

Especially when it shows the poster is lazy, has no clue how to use searchvoat and could.not be bothered to learn a trick or two and has a skin 2 micronmeter thick.

25160398? ago

It's been refuted and disproved literally thousands of times.

You stating you are ignorant and retarded doesn't validate you. It simply means you're ignorant and retarded.

25159363? ago's empty, division-promoting posts like yours right here that deserve to be shat on...there's a difference.

25159388? ago

Proving my point, thanks.

25161609? ago

Cool story, rabbi

25161294? ago

Cool story, rabbi

25159263? ago

Only rabbis feel this way.

25159277? ago

Sounds like you're consensus cracking to me.

25159377? ago

Rabbi, you shouldn't use words you don't understand.

25159421? ago

Lol its too late, anyone reading this thread is going to look up consensus cracking and understand exactly what you're up to.

25161614? ago

Literally not consensus cracking, rabbi.

Seriously, I invite people to look it up, just so they can laugh and point at the low IQ rabbi using words he doesn't understand. Once they look it up, it will help them spot you and other rabbi's bullshit down the road.

So much for the high verbal IQ rabbi myth.

You guys really are stupid.

25161300? ago

Literally not consensus cracking, rabbi.

Seriously, I invite people to look it up, just so they can laugh and point at the low IQ rabbi using words he doesn't understand. Once they look it up, it will help them spot you and other rabbi's bullshit down the road.

So much for the high verbal IQ rabbi myth.

You guys really are stupid.

25159481? ago

Literally not consensus cracking, rabbi.

Seriously, I invite people to look it up, just so they can laugh and point at the low IQ rabbi using words he didn't understand. Once they look it up, it will help them spot you and let rabbi's bullshit down the road.

So much for the high verbal IQ rabbi myth.

You guys really are stupid.

25158934? ago

Yeah.. all of us... It is an innovation of the modern world. kek

25158750? ago

Multiple q drops said to think for yourself. But knowing people. Rarely do. You said that because you’ve heard it yourself before and you want to feel special and unique, so “think for yourself” implies that you do and are better than everyone else. Rare are original thoughts you fucking nigger faggot

25159341? ago

Weak attempt, gotta step up your game, fool

25159258? ago

Yet the socratic method is central to the Q movement. Questions are constantly asked.

Like it or not, more people are critically thinking than perhaps the entire recorded history of man.

25159687? ago

So many questions are asked because the person pretending to have the answers doesn’t give you those answers, only gives you questions. Then, after the fact, connections are made to make it look as if some of the questions or vague statements were predictive-when they were not. This is literally the blueprint of every culture that’s ever existed and you people are falling for it. It’s embarrassing. And it makes you feel better to think that I’m an FBI agent or something. Because you live in a fantasy world. You’re not Fox Mulder. Stop it.

25161634? ago

Neato story rabbi.

25161629? ago

Objectively you are a lying rabbi since people are asking each other, not Q.

Opps. Rabbi is exposed as a rabbi.

25161385? ago

What makes you come here, then, nigger faggot.

O right .... you care about us......

So far your arguments fail to resolution as your arguments are vague, void of examples.

So here is a challenge:

Stop bad mouthing and show it! Make a new thread and see what happens.

25160094? ago

Neato story rabbi.

25159396? ago

All thanks to Q and Qanon.