25166643? ago

And will continue to do so! #WWG1WGA #QArmy

25165319? ago

Q packages it up for consumption.

25161360? ago

they surely gave the people a fuck ton of time to research

25161091? ago


If nobody is ever punished for it? When will Hillary be punished?

25161505? ago

Are you jewish or just retarded?

25161664? ago

Waiting on those arrests...... any day now..... soooooooooon!

25161487? ago

When you stop waiting for Q / the government to arrest itself.

25161678? ago

I know that Q is a psyop and Trump works for Jews. I figured that out in 2017.

I'm just here to spread the gospel of truth to the Qtards.

25160684? ago

Qanon is evil.. to those who are evil..!

25160148? ago

Well before Q came around this is what us “conspiracy theorists” read and talked about while everyone called us insane

25162030? ago

Q brought a bunch of boomers into the fold. For that I'm thankful but you're completely right.

25159893? ago

People already knew about this stuff before Q came around. Is there anything Q has actually revealed that wasn't already known?

25161652? ago

A tiny group of "People" is not the majority, rabbi.

25161428? ago

Well, he did reveal that Hillary Clinton was extradited in 2017.

25159873? ago

Q movement has merely taken credit for research /pol/acks have done, spread a bunch of unverified rumors which are usually bunk, and spread controlled opposition talking points which cost all of their proximal movements massive amounts of political capital because the Q movement spreads bullshit and people have been keeping their bullshit detectors off around their "allies".

Q is a big fat mistake, Q is a mess. Q poisoned the whole rightwing.

25161654? ago

That's some very dishonest revisionism.

25161370? ago

That's some very dishonest revisionism.

25160338? ago

Actually I don’t blame Q for that, I blame his followers. I do think there is someone behind this that might have some insider information, but followers put things on Q that he doesn’t deserve. They treat him like a mystic, or an Oracle, who can predict the future, and they make incorrect assumptions constantly and terrible predictions constantly and never own up to their mistakes and miscalculations. I do wish that at some point he would just tell his own followers to shut the hell up for a minute. And that’s a problem found mostly here. I see a lot less of it on Twitter and in other places. This place is full of cult like behavior, textbook religious cult behavior. That’s not even arguable and even some of the followers here admit it. They are embarrassed by their peers. They should be.

25161439? ago

You can't blame the followers for Q's very first post.


25160746? ago

He did tell them to shut the fuck up when the pandemic started.

They didn't.

25159802? ago

Those are all things white nationalists were doing, that you joined in on.

25161757? ago

Lol. No.

25159750? ago

Even folks on this board are like "Q hasn't done shit and you fools eat it up."

25159685? ago

You can't fix what isn't a problem.

See, one sentence proves you're an idiot.

25159616? ago

Yes, no one knew about media bias and Hollywood pedophilia before Q.

And thank God he told me also that politicians are crooked. Really, I was stunned to find out.

25161761? ago

80% of the population was in denial. Now less than 40%.

It's not all about you.

25159663? ago

80% of the population was in denial. Now less than 40%.

It's not all about you.

25160608? ago

No, that’s not what the post says. It says that Q “exposed” all of this stuff. That’s false. Spread it to a wider audience? Sure. But that’s not what the post says. You see, words have meaning. I know you guys like to fudge definitions suit your purposes but that’s not what it says.

I agree Q followers are the good guys, there’s no question about that. But this stuff was exposed well before Q.

25161528? ago

Thanks rabbi. Only you can explain what it doesn't mean while ignoring it's completely accurate.

Where would we be without rabbis like you? Oh ya, happy.

25161506? ago

the good guys

What does that even mean? Even if their intentions are good they're a bunch of low-IQ boomer grandmas and middleschoolers. They're actions are harmful to the truth seeking community.

25159320? ago

Regardless of the legitimacy of Q, it is undeniable that this movement brings into light the discussion of all forms of corruption. Not surprising that so many want to discredit that.

25160862? ago

I agree, but that’s not what’s going on this thread I don’t think. I don’t think anyone is saying that it’s bad to bring Hollywood and political pedophilia to light. I don’t see one person here saying that. The debate is whether or not this statement, that Q “exposed“ these things is true or false. I don’t see one person here who thinks it’s bad that more people are aware of child trafficking.

25162337? ago

Sure. My comment only suggests that Q has brought us all together to unify these discussions on various sources of possible corruption. Any strong movement thrives under some unifying driving force, in my eyes.

25158947? ago

Q didn't do any of that. Pizzagae existed before Q. Corruption in our politics has been known about for decades. Fake news was a term before Q posted. This is more low IQ "we wuz kangs!" from the Q crowd trying to take credit for things they didn't do.

25159296? ago

Qanon achieved critical mass of all those things.

25160808? ago

I agree with that, but that’s not what the post says. The person said the Q code “exposed” these things, yet they had already been exposed. Even if it was to five people, it was exposed. Again, why can you people never understand that facts are facts? You just say things and then when challenged, you exaggerate or lie or stretch the truth or change the meaning of words to suit your purposes. This is exactly what you guys do every day. The post is technically and provably false. Are we being pedantic? Yes. Probably. That doesn’t make us incorrect. Q did not expose these things, that’s plainly and provably false.

It’s dishonest to defend it as true. But you know that. The problem with honesty in the Q community is very disappointing.

25159348? ago

It was coming before Qanon. Pizzagate was gaining popularity before Qanon. All Q as done is associate these legitimate problems with insane theories about military intelligence using time travel technology to stage a coup and instate Donald Trump so he can rescue all the trafficked children from the underground tunnels in NYC.

25161785? ago

Verifiably false. Pizzagate was basically dead and widely branded false conspiracy theory. Which is many people still avoid the label.

Simple fact is, only Qanon brought critical mass and acceptance of these things to the world's populations.

This remains true even if it hurts your feelings.

25161813? ago

Wrong, liar.

Pizzagate was growing, even if you believed the MSM lies about it. Qanon coopted an already growing movement.

This remains true even if it hurts your feelings.

25159810? ago

Verifiably false. Pizzagate was basically dead and widely branded false conspiracy theory. Which is many people still avoid the label.

Simple fact is, only Qanon brought critical mass and acceptance of these things to the world's populations.

This remains true even if it hurts your feelings.

25159844? ago

Pizzagate was basically dead


and widely branded false conspiracy theory.

So is Q.

Simple fact is, only Qanon brought critical mass and acceptance of these things to the world's populations.

Wrong. Q coopted the movement that brought critical mass and acceptance of these things to the world's populations.

25161781? ago

Many of the people pushing pizza gate openly express frustration that the public's perception of pizza gate was that it was debunked.

Jew harder.

25161435? ago

Many of the people pushing pizza gate openly express frustration that the public's perception of pizza gate was that it was debunked.

Jew harder.

25158986? ago

No one said it wasn't talked about before Q.

The point is the greater awareness being spread through the great awakening truth movement.

25160743? ago

No, that’s exactly what it says. It says that Q “exposed” these things. They were public knowledge. Spread it farther? Undeniably. But he did not “expose” any of these things.

25161767? ago

The degree and depths were exposed, to the general public, by Q. Period. Everything prior was generally dismissed by the public and MSM.

The fact you're wordsmithing seems to imply you're jewish.

25161411? ago

The degree and depths were exposed, to the general public, by Q. Period. Everything prior was generally dismissed by the public and MSM.

The fact you're wordsmithing seems to imply you're jewish.

25159142? ago

The OP claims that "Q has brought to light the massive pedophile problem that involves celebrities, politicians, and high powered individuals past and present".

That's what pizzagate did, and its disingenuous for Q to take credit for that.

25159278? ago

Q never took credit for it. You are missing the point, but probably being willfully ignorant.

You really don't see an increased awareness of pedophiles and child trafficking since Q and the great awakening truth movement started redpilling millions?

25159311? ago

Sure, I see an increased awareness. It would have come with or without Q. Pizzagate was a growing movement that got gobbled up by Q; it would have continued to grow if Q hadn't happened.

If anything, Q has slowed the dissemination of pizzagate information by associating it with theories about rescuing children from underground tunnels in NYC.

25161774? ago

Lol. You are clearly, literally retarded, or a shill.

25161381? ago

Lol. You are clearly, literally retarded, or a shill.

25160084? ago

Wrong. The media silenced pizzagate. Keep shilling, you won't win.

25160096? ago

Low IQ take. You're saying that the media is on the side of Q?

25160189? ago

Keep shilling, you won't win.

25160194? ago

Cry moar. Truth will win.

25158901? ago

And STILL, no reporter will ask POTUS about Q. Why he says 17 so many times. 😂

25158880? ago

I already knew about #2,3,5,6, & 7, but a lot of normal people didn't before Q.

Disclaimer: I am not normal.

25158848? ago

We are the news now

25158615? ago

Like christianity, Qanon is a trust-the-plan pacification scheme.

25160368? ago

I don’t blame God or Christ for the fact that many Christians are cucks. I’ve seen way too many of us who are unable to explain why we believe, who are unable to express the fundamentals of our faith. It’s frustrating and I see that quality in Q followers here. Responding like a sassy bitch isn’t good apologetics.

25159333? ago

Rabbi, we already know you have Christians.

25159615? ago

"Rabbi, we already know you have the Christians." Fixed it for ya.

25161478? ago

Lol. Christianity is the antithesis of judaism. It was a reactionary creation against it.

Thanks for making clear you are a jewish shill.

25161541? ago

If that's the case, why have we prospered so enormously in it's presence? In all honesty, we couldn't survive in this world without it!

25161812? ago

Read the bible.

Why do you stand against something you clearly state benefits you?

Dishonestly claiming both sides. Very jewish of you.

Low IQ rabbi is low IQ.

25161883? ago

We wrote the bible. Answer my question.

25158610? ago

This stuff was known before Q did you forget Wikileaks?

25161398? ago

Have you ever read wikileaks?

And if so: what exactly?

25162359? ago

All of it every single page.

25158747? ago

Not the point.

No one said it wasn't talked about before Q.

The point is the greater awareness being spread through the great awakening truth movement.

25160180? ago

No, that’s clearly not the spirit of the original post. At all. You know that. Someone is very clearly trying to give the Q movement credit for the stuff. Not just “spreading awareness”.

But go ahead and backpedal like you guys always do. It’s so much fun to watch. Move the goalpost, backpedal, change the narrative halfway through. I love that.

25161751? ago

Yes, correctly giving credit to Q for creating a mass Awakening and acceptance is important.

That doesn't remove anything from ther pizza gate researchers. But it's a complete lie to claim Qanon didn't bring about mainstream awareness and acceptance this is taking place. Before Q is was fringe conspiracy theory and largely shelved as such by the public.

25161342? ago

Yes, correctly giving credit to Q for creating a mass Awakening and acceptance is important.

That doesn't remove anything from ther pizza gate researchers. But it's a complete lie to claim Qanon didn't bring about mainstream awareness and acceptance this is taking place. Before Q is was fringe conspiracy theory and largely shelved as such by the public.

25160193? ago

No, you're just a moron. Period.

25159449? ago

You mean that sub ran by this guy?


25159008? ago

No, I think that is the point. You can't take credit for things Q didn't do. Pizzagate was mainstream before Q.

25161414? ago

Pizzagate was not mainstream before Q, though the issue was hit home by many as an isolated topic.

Q capstoned it.

25161517? ago

You're right, 3 years ago, pizzagate was not mainstream. 3 years later, it would have been, with or without Q.

25164093? ago

We'll never know, won't we... since Q capstoned it.

But credit where credit is due: pizzagate was well on it's way to reach a wider audience.

25161740? ago


MSM had already put it to bed. The public agreed it was a debunked conspiracy theory. Then, the large majority trusted MSM.

It was dead without The Great Awakening.

25161771? ago


MSM has claimed to put Q to bed, haven't they?

Q coopted an already growing movement. You believed the lies that it was debunked because you're low IQ, but it would have come around anyway.

25160124? ago

If what you said is true, your revisionism wouldn't be necessary.

25160161? ago

What revisionism?

25159061? ago

No, the point is you can't see that the truth movement has exploded because of Q when it is plain a fucking day because you are a fucking moron complaining from the sidelines while we do all the work. You are a do-nothing fucking faggot and will suck pedophile dicks instead of contributing. Be proud you fucking idiot.

25159511? ago

Not True. Trump did that . "We do all the work" omg how stupid do you sound right now, thats VOAT as a whole not just Q followers.

25159561? ago

Then contribute instead of complaining about a positive truth movement that is helping to spread awareness. Holy shit stop wasting my fucking time.

25160312? ago

I have everyday for over 4 years you are the one wasting peoples time and ruining Voat.

You're also a waste of space on Voats servers.

25159119? ago

Liar. The pizzagate movement existed before Q. Q is coopting an already existing movement.

25159676? ago

From that perspective sure. From another it is amplifying what would have been otherwise memory holed.

25158492? ago

Anyone ever joined a cult that told it's followers to think for themselves?

25166352? ago

You believe that you’re thinking for yourselves when in reality Q is leading you around by the (((nose.)))

There’s not a cult in the world whose followers don’t think that they have some special insight or awareness that’s absent in everyone else.

25159664? ago

Really? Watch what happens to one cute hard when they question another cute hard, or straight from the overall message. Watch what happens. I mean it’s every single thread every single day. Anyone strays off the plantation they are a “shill” immediately.

25161642? ago

Rabbi caught in his own lie.

25158993? ago

On QRV, just like in many cults, you will be immediately and harshly attacked for dissent. For example, when I say that I do not trust the plan, especially because I don't know what it is, I am called a shill.

25159715? ago

You’ll get downloaded and called names but no one will actually read but what you just said because it’s true. 100% true. That’s what they do, they always do the same thing: call your name and ignore your argument. I’ve never once seen an honest rational thoughtful reply to a real question, they are terrible at defending their faith.

25161621? ago

It's been refuted and disproved literally thousands of times.

You stating you are ignorant and retarded doesn't validate you. It simply means you're ignorant and retarded.

25161340? ago

Some arguments can be ignored out of hand, because it is usually beating a dead horse.

Especially when it shows the poster is lazy, has no clue how to use searchvoat and could.not be bothered to learn a trick or two and has a skin 2 micronmeter thick.

25160398? ago

It's been refuted and disproved literally thousands of times.

You stating you are ignorant and retarded doesn't validate you. It simply means you're ignorant and retarded.

25159363? ago

Nah....it's empty, division-promoting posts like yours right here that deserve to be shat on...there's a difference.

25159388? ago

Proving my point, thanks.

25161609? ago

Cool story, rabbi

25161294? ago

Cool story, rabbi

25159263? ago

Only rabbis feel this way.

25159277? ago

Sounds like you're consensus cracking to me.

25159377? ago

Rabbi, you shouldn't use words you don't understand.

25159421? ago

Lol its too late, anyone reading this thread is going to look up consensus cracking and understand exactly what you're up to.

25161614? ago

Literally not consensus cracking, rabbi.

Seriously, I invite people to look it up, just so they can laugh and point at the low IQ rabbi using words he doesn't understand. Once they look it up, it will help them spot you and other rabbi's bullshit down the road.

So much for the high verbal IQ rabbi myth.

You guys really are stupid.

25161300? ago

Literally not consensus cracking, rabbi.

Seriously, I invite people to look it up, just so they can laugh and point at the low IQ rabbi using words he doesn't understand. Once they look it up, it will help them spot you and other rabbi's bullshit down the road.

So much for the high verbal IQ rabbi myth.

You guys really are stupid.

25159481? ago

Literally not consensus cracking, rabbi.

Seriously, I invite people to look it up, just so they can laugh and point at the low IQ rabbi using words he didn't understand. Once they look it up, it will help them spot you and let rabbi's bullshit down the road.

So much for the high verbal IQ rabbi myth.

You guys really are stupid.

25158934? ago

Yeah.. all of us... It is an innovation of the modern world. kek

25158750? ago

Multiple q drops said to think for yourself. But knowing people. Rarely do. You said that because you’ve heard it yourself before and you want to feel special and unique, so “think for yourself” implies that you do and are better than everyone else. Rare are original thoughts you fucking nigger faggot

25159341? ago

Weak attempt, shilly.....you gotta step up your game, fool

25159258? ago

Yet the socratic method is central to the Q movement. Questions are constantly asked.

Like it or not, more people are critically thinking than perhaps the entire recorded history of man.

25159687? ago

So many questions are asked because the person pretending to have the answers doesn’t give you those answers, only gives you questions. Then, after the fact, connections are made to make it look as if some of the questions or vague statements were predictive-when they were not. This is literally the blueprint of every culture that’s ever existed and you people are falling for it. It’s embarrassing. And it makes you feel better to think that I’m an FBI agent or something. Because you live in a fantasy world. You’re not Fox Mulder. Stop it.

25161634? ago

Neato story rabbi.

25161629? ago

Objectively you are a lying rabbi since people are asking each other, not Q.

Opps. Rabbi is exposed as a rabbi.

25161385? ago

What makes you come here, then, nigger faggot.

O right .... you care about us......

So far your arguments fail to resolution as your arguments are vague, void of examples.

So here is a challenge:

Stop bad mouthing and show it! Make a new thread and see what happens.

25160094? ago

Neato story rabbi.

25159396? ago

All thanks to Q and Qanon.

25158482? ago

Mossad shillings are very strong with this post.

25159827? ago

I honestly do believe there is something to Q. I really do. I don’t think, however, that he can predict the future. Literally no one can do that. I think he has inside information, I think he’s a good guy, but he doesn’t have the magical and mystical powers you people think he does. Further, the same way there are Christians who make Christianity look terrible, you people are awful awful awful stewards of whatever the hell it is Q is trying to accomplish.

You ascribe predictions and accomplishments to him he never made. You see him as some kind of infallible mystic instead of what he actually is. It really comes off as a cult like. I can’t believe you people don’t see that. You are not even allowed to question “the plan” as if it’s the Bible, and infallible, and unable to be wrong, it’s the literal definition of cult like behavior. When asked a question about the fundamentals of your beliefs, you should be able to answer it. Christian to go “well I just trust God“ without actually understanding why they should, or what will come of it, or what the benefits are, and when they can’t give you the reason why the Bible tells him that they should do that, it means they have a weakness in their mind. A week understanding of their own faith. That’s what I see every day in every thread. I want to follow Q, and I check out what’s going on, but you people make it almost impossible to stomach this place. Seriously, you need mental help. Most of you anyway. Like I said, I don’t doubt that he’s a real person or a group with real info. But that’s not good enough for you you have to turn them into a demigod. What do you think Jesus thinks about Christians who represent the gospel incorrectly and push people away from an understanding of what Jesus was trying to do and accomplish? What do you think he says to those people when they meet him?

25161454? ago

hmmmm, the fact you Address Q as he shows you are mistaken.

And, Q has answered that specifically.

But to know that, you would have to read their posts.....

25161402? ago

You ascribe predictions and accomplishments to him he never made.


25160240? ago

Actually, before the DoD classified all the research, psychohistory was confirmed valid in the 1990s. They simply did not call it psychohistory.

There already exists scientific evidence for accurate prediction of the future for large populations.

Also, you'll find chaos theory was used to created the largest bond portfolio in such market history. It in turn confirmed that the created feedback loop, in of itself disturbed chaos, in turn making future predictions less accurate. In turn validation of such technology.

Btw, the government seized control of it, paid out over time, and shut it down. Some of the same formulas used to calculate stop loss insurance are used today. Both of which have origins in game theory and chaos theory.

25161473? ago

At least Issaac Asimov wrote the foundation series with that subject. ...

I would be interested in knowing the basis voor your claim it was confirmed.....

25161692? ago

It was confirmed because the research papers were published and they were doing interviews in which they stated their largest customer was the DoD.

A couple of months later their research disappeared. So did they.

The bond stuff is still public record.

25158439? ago

It’s so much darker and sinister than humanly possible to believe! Many are going to have a hard time accepting this Truth! If they ever do! I want more to wake up! The world needs to wake up! This is Global and will be Biblical! God wins!!

25158222? ago



25160269? ago

Sure, rabbi.

25159268? ago

Sure, rabbi.

25157658? ago

Exposing is a part of doing something about it, kike.

Jews hate being exposed. Squeal louder please.

25159769? ago

You should hang out at "DumbThugsWhoHateKikes.com"

25159820? ago

Good one!

25157613? ago

But it's worlds longest LARP?? :)

25158685? ago

Saying Q it is a larp either haven’t done an oz of research into it, or a complete low iq nigger shill. It’s definitely not a larp. A psyop -yes. Whether it’s for us or against us as freedom in America is the actual question that’s acceptable after 3.5 y of plenty of proof, out there proves it’s not just some fat neckbeard in his basement playing games. Larps don’t gather millions of followers and account bans all over twitter for starters.

25160156? ago

You may actually be right, but the way you argue makes me think you aren’t. First red flag: Anyone that argues that the people who disagree with him are simply stupid or low IQ can usually be dismissed immediately.

The second red flag is how defensive and pissy you people get when someone questions your beliefs. I’ve never seen a strong willed Christian strong in their faith who argues that way. Never. People who can actually explain what they believe and why they believe in it don’t get defensive and bitchy.

I do think queue is a person or group of people who have inside information. I do it. I don’t believe in all the border line-magic powers you people assign to him.

And, I will level with you: I read these “proofs“ with a desire to believe and came away thoroughly unconvinced. Things that are “proven” are usually very easy and simple to prove. Very. I can prove that I own one cat and two dogs. I can prove that. It will take me about 30 seconds. I can prove that I am the registered owner of my vehicle. I can prove that Donald J Trump is president of United States of America.

I can prove them with facts that are simple, repeatable, transferable to understand, relatable direct and concrete. That’s proof.

The maybes and mental gymnastics that I read as Q proofs fall very far short of the definition of proof. Sorry, that’s just my opinion. I can come up with multiple alternative scenarios to explain them. Easily with no effort whatsoever. And I think it’s funny that anytime someone questions them, you people get incredibly defensive and just start name calling immediately like insecure teenage girls.

When someone questions my Christian faith I have a solid answer for them, I don’t just insult them and call them stupid for not seeing things the way that I do. There are some very intelligent people who disagree with me. I don’t need to pretend that they are government agents or Chinese communists or rabbis to make me feel better about them questioning my faith. There are some very intelligent people who disagree with me. I don’t need to pretend that they are government agents or Chinese communists or rabbis to make me feel better about them questioning my faith. You’ll never convert someone that way. The only people that I’ve ever seen who do that sort of thing are very weak in their faith.

I can’t even imagine getting angry at someone who questioned something that I absolutely know to be a proven fact. I can’t even imagine being angry about that. Why would I? I’m 100% certain it’s a fact. I’m not delicate enough to have my feelings hurt when they don’t agree. I’m strong enough in my convictions. What’s your problem?

25157599? ago

Remeber the hits forget the misses

Morph the misses into hits with vague references

25160699? ago

Go three years back. Anywhere Q people post. Look at statements from three years ago, four years ago. Look at the things they said then, look how the narrative has changed. It’s hilarious. They claim not to move goal posts but it’s all they’ve done for four years. It’s fun to watch the slow dragging of the giant yellow posts from one place to another all the while they denied doing it. It’s riproaringly funny.

I absolutely believe there is a person or group of people who identify as “Q” who have insider information. I think that’s rather clear. But they’ve turned Robin into Superman and can’t admit that they do so. They will actually pretend I never said some thing just to get away with being wrong. That is not Q’s fault, by the way, I put that squarely on Qtards. They told me three weeks ago that Ellen DeGeneres had already been executed.

They told me that Katy Perry was at Gitmo.

Chances of anyone who said that actually coming back in and collagen that they were wrong or zero. That tells you absolutely everything you need to know about Qtards.

25161833? ago

You told us you're not jewish.

Katy comments didn't come from Q.

Your rabbi comments came from you.

Low IQ rabbi is low IQ.

25157857? ago

Just keep coming back to point out nothing is happening. Seems like a perfectly sane use of your time. Unless of course, you are getting paid to be here?

25158403? ago

Spreading skepticism is always a good use of time.

Maybe someone will read this and try some critical thinking.

25159734? ago

Rabbi's official position is, nothing is happening, but it is happening, therefore it's doing nothing, but those who are doing something should be made sceptical into actually doing nothing.

Ya, rabbi, you're clearly not a rabbi.

25159768? ago

Clearly you arent one of them.

25161489? ago

Low IQ rabbi is low IQ.

25159321? ago

All you are doing is attempting to kill the morale of a positive truth movement because you like having a mouth full of pedophile dicks for some reason. Thanks for your contribution you fucking moron.

25159678? ago

What a nice positive message.

Thank you.

25159789? ago

Pedophiles thank you.

25157578? ago

What happened to spell check?

25158085? ago

No one should admit to using 'spellcheck' unless you're willing to admit that you're too stupid to write without it. Using the old fashioned method of using a dictionary is unpopular these days. But, using a dictionary to find words actually results in you learning something. More people should try it.

25164364? ago

Did you know that Australia, and AUSTRALIA means 2 different things?

25164510? ago

Start a new thread

25164879? ago

Wasnt much, but here's a quick post


25158717? ago

Communication is the important part for now. (Until America is back on level keel. Strict spelling/grammar Nazis are equivalent to slide shills. Disrupt the topic for because you feel special you caught something in error. That’s reddit tier faggotry. Focus on the important stuff you fucking low attention span ADD nigger.

25161641? ago

Ah yes, grammar is racist. Spelling is racist....


You are really making a compelling argument.

Truth be told, at least the Germans still have something that is called Rechtschreiben, thank God.

25159757? ago

The day is fast arriving when we'll have a land full of illiterates. That's sad.

25157850? ago

Not every qanon is an amerifag

25157447? ago

As a side note,

Just followed E. On Twitter not long ago.

He says Barr is super corrupt. If that is the truth, that means prosecutions will never happen.

Is anyone on here familiar with E. ?

25158095? ago


25158295? ago

Does that mean you don't follow E?

25158490? ago


25158449? ago

milk squirt...I LMFAO!! XD

25158051? ago

I follow E .. still on the fence about his 'loyalty'. He posts lots of good info and many times it's posted mere moments before some 'shit hits the fan' event that proves his worth. But he posts a lot of stupid shit and then deletes the post when nothing happens. (Go look for the post when he said Q's drop about '4/15/2020 watch face' was some invasion of Venezuela. It's been deleted.)

All-in-all, I think he's more than a LARP but I'm not on board that he's "Ezra."

25158394? ago

Hmm. Thanks for your assessment. I don't know what to think. The thing that makes him seem legit is: he constantly says both sides are corrupt. That lends credibility to me.

Conversation started when DOJ was trying to get Assange today in news.

He says this is not optics. But that the govt truly want to keep his trap shut. This led to dialogue about Barr. Will admit. I'm perplexed. Many people on his thread were worried as well. Hell, I had his pic on my profile...

25161033? ago

Just read another article (on Fauci) and it reminded me that E. said quite awhile back that Fauci was currently on a humiliation tour and wouldn't be around much longer.

Looks like he's still spreading his spiel.

25162718? ago

THX for the follow up convo.

25157500? ago

Barr's father was super good friend with Epstein.

Barr was involved in the Waco massacre i remember.

So yeah, the day he was nominated AG, lots of veteran patriots got disillusioned.

25158329? ago

So, can military tribunals happen without Barr, if say, he was corrupt?

Are military trials allowed to happen if DOJ does not/will not prosecute?

25158443? ago

Good question. Unfortunately I have no idea. Hopefully patriots here can give you answers. Might want to try create a new post to ask ?

25157492? ago

Fuck off shill and take the pedophile dick out of your mouth.

25157428? ago

Taking credit for things exposed long before Q and doing nothing about them

Thanks Q

25157588? ago


Without arrests it appears Q is simply a pressure release valve run by the pedos.

25158122? ago

It appears that you're fucked in the head.

25157839? ago

If you think nothing has happened in 3 years, then I suggest you go join the normies. Why waste your time and our time coming here?

25157918? ago

I'm not wasting my time, if Q is indeed fake it's important for that to come out.

As far as things happening in the last 3 years goes, just enough has happened to keep you tantalizingly on the edge of your seat and holding onto the hope.

It's simply not good enough. God works in truth. Lies and deception are for the devil. Expose everything immediately. Or, as the saying goes, GTFO.

25159636? ago

Raising awareness or moving too slow for your liking do not = "lies and deception". You do not set the pace. Nor are you likely to understand the consequences of exposing everything thing immediately.

Q has too many ties to the Trump administration to be purely "fake". Qanon is real. Sure, it's possible Q is a psyop against us anons. However, that too is unlikely. Why would the pedos have raised awareness of their actions exponentially? The world is waking. Slower than many of us would like, but there is no turning back now.

Want faster action? Meme more. It's what Q asked of us from the beginning. Meme warfare works. Truth + memes = Great Awakening.

25158105? ago

You are a very gallant hero to spend so much of your valuable time to come here and expose all of us for whatever you think is going on here.

25157413? ago

All that from Wayfair screenshots, impressive

25158406? ago

Yeah, let's ignore the takedown of NXIVM, Maxwell, and Epstein.

25160977? ago

If Q knew about NXIVM, when did he know? Why didn’t he say specifically who these people were what their names are, where they were located so that we could’ve put a stop to it much sooner? Tell me why. Why would he let that continue to fester if he knew all about it, he knew so much about it that you’re actually giving him credit for bringing them down, but he never addressed them specifically ever, not once, not until after. Don’t give me this vague nebulous bullshit, why didn’t he say something specific? One specific name? One specific location? Why didn’t he do that?

And are you giving him credit for the Epstein arrest in like 2007 or 2008? What about all the other major pedophile rings that were busted in the 90s? Did he get credit for that too? Because you’re acting like none of this happened before him.

25161700? ago

Oh, rabbi...

25166561? ago

nice counter argument brosephus. hashtag so sick of winning amirite

25159306? ago

Remember when the rabbi shills claimed nothing would happen?

I remember.

25159019? ago

Epstein escaped captivity and fled to Israel. Maxwell will do the same, undoubtedly.

25158130? ago

Nice try. FAG.

25157391? ago

"have to be exposed" is the 3rd stupidest excuse, following "muh optics" and "muh disinfo necessary"

Ddin't Q said 90% of the truth must be hidden from the public lest "they will be in the hospital"

Well, now you have lots of people REALLY in the hospital, being killed by criminals, who are hired by Trump e.g. Fauci, still NOT exposed.

What a wonderful PLAN™ !

25158139? ago


25157343? ago

You can expose every single crime in the world and still lose, if you don't do anything.

Arrest or GTFO

25158151? ago


25157394? ago

There's been plenty of arrests, but you keep moving those goalposts so you can keep saying it. You just sound like total morons at this point. But when you get the arrest that you want, just remember that you did absolutely nothing in the great awakening except attempt to kill the morale of the truth movement and were a useful idiot for pedophiles.

25160461? ago

No, that’s absurd. You guys didn’t live up to the standard that you set. Not what I think, what you think, what you said. Where are the military tribunals? Where are the likes of Pelosi and Chuck Schumer at Gitmo?

Go back and look at posts from two, three, four years ago. Go back and look. Look at the things you people said we’re coming. Go look at the things that you people promised. Go look at the things that never ever happened. I’m certainly is, one after another, promises and guarantees and never, never, never, any acknowledgment whatsoever of the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times that you people have been wrong. Never one acknowledgment. Ever.

I’ll see a video up somewhere that tells me that Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have an executed the previous weekend. Three days later when they have both made public appearances, the videos are quietly removed by the person that put them up and there’s never any explanation as to why they had been missed lead by someone they claimed was a “insider“ that they trusted. I will ask them in advance, if this stuff doesn’t happen, will you continue to trust this advisor, this insider? The answer is always no. And guess who makes an appearance on the next broadcast? That’s right, that same insider. No accountability whatsoever for mistakes. You think that gives you credibility? Did you sweep it under the rug and pretend it never happened? Do you think I don’t notice?

25159043? ago

No, you keep moving the goalposts. You promised military tribunals, charges of treason, and executions for high ranking government officials including Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama. None of that has come to pass. Caliming that a cop arresting a methed out nigger proves Q is lying.

Arrests of GTFO.

25160330? ago

Yes, rabbi. Clearly you constantly moving the goal post means everyone else is moving the goal post.

25159118? ago

Keep sucking that pedophile dick. Be sure to tell your grandchildren that instead of contributing to the truth movement you had a mouth full of pedophile dick and doing nothing else but complaining like do-nothing fucking coward bitch.

25159163? ago

Anyone ever joined a cult that told it's followers to think for themselves?


25159405? ago

Every cult tells their followers to do that but none of them actually allows. Qult is no exception.

25161495? ago

Lol. Spoken like a true rabbi.

25160491? ago

Lol. Spoken like a true rabbi.

25157408? ago

NOT ENOUGH for me to vote

25161500? ago

Rabbi, you were never voting to support The People.

25160499? ago

Rabbi, you were never voting to support The People.

25159345? ago

Rabbi, you were never voting to support The People.

25156938? ago

Doing the research to expose it is doing something. Disseminating it and waking people up is doing something.

So while you passive blackpilled faggots criticizing from the sidelines do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but complain, the the Great Awakening is happening. Just keep the bench warm and stfu.

25157904? ago

Well said, thanks anon.

25157473? ago

No disrespect, my humble opinion.

All the great awakening in the world won't help unless the deep state are prosecuted and jailed or hung.

25157895? ago

They cannot be touched until a critical mass are aware. Look what happened with George Floyd, multiply that by a thousand if Obama is arrested tomorrow. Wake people, wake them fast...we are running out of time.

25157405? ago

Looks like you really triggered the shill faggots with this post. Good job! But don't post to catbox next time.

25156924? ago

human trafficking around the world

Oh so niggers and gook laborers/prostitutes. Yea that's what the super-duper nationalist JewAnon wants you worried about, fucking turd worlders LMAO https://voat.co/v/whatever/3968694

25156919? ago

Because the ‘movement’ doesn’t really do any of that stuff, it’s just a Trump election campaign

25159831? ago

Cool story rabbi

25156859? ago

That's just the tip of the iceberg.

25162449? ago


25160667? ago

But it’s all a LARP guise!!!!!!! Stop believing in Q guise!!!! Don’t form your own opinions based on TRUTH guise!!!!!

25159373? ago

Q’s job was to keep his followers mollified, foo. Wake up! Damn!

25162562? ago

Here's the thing though... Q's followers WERE already mollified before Q arrived on the scene. Many more are awake now thanks to Q.

25166298? ago

Well, being “followers“ they would tend to lap up whatever Q or anyone else might feed them. Q could make a formidable army if he were real. But since Q is fake he really has no special access, and thus now he really can’t go any further than reposting tweets and articles. It was easier when things were more ambiguous and he could take us in bizarre directions.

25161601? ago

Yet you were busy sucking rabbi dick, and nothing else, prior to Q.

25159439? ago

Yet you were busy sucking rabbi dick, and nothing else, prior to Q.

25159185? ago

A reminder that Q's sole job, as visible to us, is information dissemination.

Q say's, "look at this and do with it that you will." The more vague stuff is simply validation of previous Q comments.

Only people with a low IQ or shills have any issue with what Q is doing or the Qanon movement.

Additionally, it's impossible for Qanon to be a conspiracy theory. Conspiracy is two or more people coordinating for criminal endeavors. Nothing about Q or Qanon is criminal. By definition, it can not be conspiracy. Plus, so many things Q has raised awareness is proven true. By definition, it's not a theory.

Any and all claiming Q or Qanon is conspiracy, conspiracy theory, or a cult, have revealed themselves to be low iq, ignorant, a shill, or a useful idiot.

One of the things Q has done, which is not part of the list, is broadly brought attention to the JQ. Something shills claimed wasn't so. As they endlessly stated Q is a jewish plot. Repeatedly proven lie. Saving isreal for last.

25161333? ago

Here I thought that it was about arrests, military tribunals, and rescuing child trafficking victims. I guess that was all just disinfo, huh?

25161595? ago

Dishonest rabbi is dishonest. No one is surprised.

25159881? ago

Thing about Q that no one can deny: He/it exists. When people say "it's fake," that is inherently an impossible statement.

They also say "He hasn't made any accurate predictions." He's not a sage, that isn't his point. He leads people to water so they can drink.

"Q is a psyop." Perhaps it is. It cannon be discredited that whatever "it" is, has assisted in awakening lots of people. The drops seem to be legit. High powered people are supporters.

One of two things is true: 1) Q is legit and 100% up front and will lead us to prosperity. 2) Q is legit, 100% up front and is finding out each and every person who would be even a smidge of a threat, and will lead us to slaughter. The ones who are left will have a faggy tranny "utopia" of filth and degeneracy.

25166178? ago

Except Q is fake, foo.🤨

25211638? ago

Man too mad you don’t have the brain capacity to understand

25160371? ago

Simply dropping leaflets that food and medical care is available across the border, is a psyop. All advertising is literally a psyop.

Just because a psyop exists doesn't make it untrue.

25161262? ago

or bad ..especially considering most were asleep 4 years ago...

25159720? ago


25166200? ago

Actually people choose many ways to express love to children.

25166461? ago

This one right here, officer.

25161600? ago

Interesting, albeit dishonest, reinterpretation rabbi.

25160066? ago

Interesting, albeit dishonest, reinterpretation rabbi.

25159892? ago

These type comments make you look so stupid.

25159318? ago

Bingo.. well said.

25157675? ago

Yes, the ice berg

25159416? ago

Just the (((tip)))

25161100? ago

They remove the tip...... and suck the wang.

25157494? ago

No shit..."the massive pedophile operation"

This isnt just about sex trafficking you boomers. Jewish Ritual Murder.

Please hurry and wake the fuck up.

25159760? ago

*Canaanite ritual murder.

Jews are the cover and the face.

25159835? ago

Jews are canaanites. Nice try.

25160233? ago

descendants of them. but not them. two different things. same way an american with english heritage is still american

25157813? ago

divide and conquer shill

25157881? ago

25157978? ago

Satanists hiding behind the jewish faith.

25158369? ago

Agreed, and it is definitely a convenient/smart faith to hide behind with the persecution back in ww2.

25158963? ago

The holocaust was a hoax.

25164121? ago

Agreed to a point friend - I am op you responded to and I didn’t want to be so blatant but I appreciate how this thread developed. Persecution should have been I quotes honestly.

25159117? ago

Germans killed no jews?

25159174? ago

Many hundreds of thousands of jews died in WW2, a war which resulted in the deaths of tens of millions. I'm sure at least a few of them were killed by Germans. However, the German government under Hitler did not systemically kill them.

25159512? ago

A "hoax" is not something our enemy uses. They may inflate an event, or use a false flag attack to place blame, but so far, every event I can attribute to our enemy has a basis in reality. I'd bet jews died systemically, just not 6 million of them. Either way, this is not something that belongs in our fledgling truth movement. Wwg1wga does not exclude people based on race or religion.

25161130? ago

Basis in reality...... a bit like movies with an unhealthy dose of artistic lisence....

25159599? ago

So the truth about a foundational myth for our modern world doesn't belong in "our" truth movement? There is no credible evidence that the holocaust occurred. The Red Cross inspected the German camps and found no evidence of genocide. I don't care about your truth movement, in my truth movement, all truth is important.

25159705? ago

There are a lot of lies embedded in history. Why choose the lies that divide?

I don't know about you, but I am here for one reason: to save the children. Help or GTFO. Muhjoos are annoying as fuck, and I for one will not give a fuck what joohaters have to say until we've defeated the satanist pedovores ruling our world.

25161229? ago

I wholeheartedly agree with that assessment, to rid the world of pedovores.....

Many of whom just so happen to be members of meh..jooh club.

And with that antisemitism is a roadblock that needs to be removed.

And with that communist thinking needs to be removed

And with that skewed views of race needs to be removed, that includes blaming white people.

So, in that sense, it also needs a reevaluation of the past, to reconnect with the values that allow us to defeat demoralisation

25159732? ago

Muhjoos are annoying as fuck, and I for one will not give a fuck what joohaters have to say until we've defeated the satanist pedovores ruling our world.

LOL this is hilarious. Literally anything to avoid naming them.

25159229? ago

This is correct. The final solution was the export of Jews to Madagascar.

Having said that, some members of leadership did target Jews for persecution and horrid experimentation. Though if you know the history of Germany, most would argue it was jewish historic behavior coming home to roost.

25159255? ago

some members of leadership did target Jews for persecution and horrid experimentation.

I have yet to see any evidence of this. I have heard similar rumors about Dr. Joseph Mengele that were proven false.

25159610? ago

Like it or not, the germans did shitty things. People do a disservice by hiding the truth to others when trying to understand the revised history.

Fact is, all germans had good and valid reasons to hate Jews. That, however, doesn't excuse many of the crimes committed against them. Which is not to say ther holocaust happened. It simply did bot.

That said, in general, the germans treated their prisoners and especially POWs better than America treated most of the german and Japanese. Well, so long as they had supplies to do so. At which it became criminal to not release them.

25159717? ago

You're making some pretty big claims about the German leadership, do you have any evidence of those claims?

25160036? ago

This is all well documented stuff. Many times by their own hand.

You'll find many of the natsos here don't know jack shit about anything. They only know the talking points they've been programmed to know.

For example hitler supported political correctness and identity politics; while liars claim he wasn't socialist. It's in the fucking name. Had his own pc/ip programs. Including snitching on people who rejected it. Which frequently initiated bloodline investigations.

Hitler is terribly misunderstood. As far as European leadership at the time goes, he wasn't even in the top ten worst. Even Churchill agrees. But that doesn't mean he was perfect. Nor does it mean bad things never happened.

Hell, the only reason people talk about him is because, to be the ultimate victim there has to be an ultimate villain. And so the lies grew. Partly because Jews are literally paid to claim victim status. They steal one billion per year from germany for victim compensation. To this day. That's a serious, wtf.

Is it really surprising the truth is in the middle? Especially since Jews themselves frequently are neo-Nazi leadership. Look at that Tony guy in the UK. Literally Jewish. Literally former neo-Nazi leadership. He's a planted gatekeeper.

25160086? ago

This is all well documented stuff.

Can I see the documentation?

25161562? ago

Impossible you haven't encountered it if you've done any research at all.

25161574? ago

So no documentation then?

25158007? ago

Nice try kike

25159155? ago

Anons: wwg1wga

Shills: blah blah jews, blah blah niggers

STFU. It's THE war of good vs evil. You fucking idiots making your shitty 50 cents per post are helping evil win. Nice job idiot.

25159999? ago

Jews are evil, they killed christ and have been pursuing the white races extinction since before christ was born.

North africa and the Levant used to be ruled by whites and most of their population were white, they repeatedly opened the gates to the enemies of their white neighbors untill they were consumed by islamic revolution, jews actually fought in wars alongside the muslims against Christians.

Jews have turned the USA into Brazil in roughly 50 years. They turned your kids anti white or gay and 8f not your kids your grand kids if your kids ever reproduce, 60% of white women under 25 are expected to never have biological children because of jewish brainwashing and hormonal poisoning.

Jews must be removed with intense prejudice because this will never end as long as one remains.

25161800? ago
