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25157343? ago

You can expose every single crime in the world and still lose, if you don't do anything.

Arrest or GTFO

25157394? ago

There's been plenty of arrests, but you keep moving those goalposts so you can keep saying it. You just sound like total morons at this point. But when you get the arrest that you want, just remember that you did absolutely nothing in the great awakening except attempt to kill the morale of the truth movement and were a useful idiot for pedophiles.

25159043? ago

No, you keep moving the goalposts. You promised military tribunals, charges of treason, and executions for high ranking government officials including Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama. None of that has come to pass. Caliming that a cop arresting a methed out nigger proves Q is lying.

Arrests of GTFO.

25159118? ago

Keep sucking that pedophile dick. Be sure to tell your grandchildren that instead of contributing to the truth movement you had a mouth full of pedophile dick and doing nothing else but complaining like do-nothing fucking coward bitch.

25159163? ago

Anyone ever joined a cult that told it's followers to think for themselves?

25159405? ago

Every cult tells their followers to do that but none of them actually allows. Qult is no exception.

25161495? ago

Lol. Spoken like a true rabbi.

25160491? ago

Lol. Spoken like a true rabbi.