25074960? ago

this is a satanic, Freemason Illuminati worldwide operation, there is no race, creed or color limitation or requirement to abuse children these are not ppl with a soul, they have sold their souls to satan. quit blaming the jews for everything. each man is responsible for his our her actions. Bill, Killary and Obummers are not jewish.

25074346? ago

And for the thousandth time, the Payseurs and others at the top of the Satanist Cabal are not even Jewish. Lots of people of Jewish ancestry involved, and lots of people WITHOUT Jewish ancestry involved.

25075850? ago

Beware of the non-jew jew.

25074529? ago


(((They))) rub their hands with glee as some among us chase after their golem making golem.

25074344? ago

The Old Testament tells the same stories as the Sumerian cuneiform tablets, more or less. Note that Israel is a combination of Isis, Ra and El. But the Sumerian gods were aliens from the planet Nibiru. Both religions sacrificed children to the "gods" (Elohim is plural). The cabal also sacrifices children to their "gods". Is the Old Testament imported into Christianity and Islam to keep us in contract with the aliens? I know this will raise a hue and cry, but bronze age tools could not have built many of the ancient megaliths, and the Paracas skulls are not human. They've been here. Could there be a hidden hand on the scale?

25075903? ago

Negative blood people are alien hybrids...

25074522? ago

I want to believe.

Q, sir, weigh in? It’s not like this tiny peek under the curtain will stop what is coming, right?

25073904? ago

soooo, those CLEARLY are not Jews...those would be Synongague of Satan members MASQUERADING as Jews.

you know, just like the "Catholic" priests who spend 60-70 years of their lives molding and grooming hundreds of young boys for sodomy.

why refer to them as Jews? shouldn't accuracy be one of your goals when defining reality/truth?

25074271? ago


25073756? ago

Those who call themselves Jews, but really are the synagogue of satan.

25073677? ago

It seems to go back further than the Bible has recorded all the way to the origins of Yahweh. Channeled works like Ra/Law of One explain it in great detail.

25073445? ago

I don't know about all that but they're dirty weirdos that's for sure

25073131? ago

judaism is about blood sacrifice. that's why they sacrifice chickens.

also remember when yahweh told the abraham to sacrifice his own son...yeah that includes human sacrifice.

jews are just evil period, also read the talmud where they say murdering gentiles is ok

25074550? ago

Sorry, read the Talmud?

25074655? ago

what does this mean???

25079209? ago

It’s oral

25082634? ago

there are written versions of the talmud dummy

25082802? ago

Then they’re not talmuds.

The whole point of talmudism is to bend any written law to one’s arbitrary will. Writing their pilpul down defeats the point.

25083162? ago


actually it has written and oral components. nice try though jew XD

25084906? ago

Anon. The talmud is an oral reinterpretation of written torah laws. The whole point is that no written form has absolute primacy.

25085120? ago

the talmud is the actual teachings of judaism...and there are both oral and written versions.

nice try though jew. you jews are losing

25087839? ago

The talmud is a living tree that eternally permits its believers to do as they will. Any written form is an inherent contradiction.

Talmudism is neither a jewish invention nor is it unique to jews. For instance, rosicrucians are talmudic christians, because when the fuck did Jesus say any of that shit, amirite?

25088013? ago

talmudism as commonly used refers jewish religious law...and obviously.

and there are written versions of it. so you are wrong

25091559? ago

Translation: I only read Wikipedia.

Lurk moar, faggot.

25098129? ago

i haven't read that only on wikipedia.

you are the jew shill saying there is no written version based on zero evidence. "jews don't really exist, ignore my huge nose by the way."

thanks jew

25074341? ago

It’s also why they sharpen their fingernails and saw off infant foreskins while proceeding to suck the blood baby penis with their rotten germ infested mouths

25074553? ago

Need an excuse for having given someone an itchy crotch?

25072961? ago

saying this is just playing into the kikery. They fuck with the meanings and implications of words so much that any mistakes are interpreted against them. Any kike who isn't actively fucking screaming from a mountain top about how retarded everyone else is to not understand their role on this earth throughout history gets the rope as they all, in the end, side with their own species (As they should).

Speaking of semantics. Kinda ... Kinda very similar to semitic.

25074558? ago


25074588? ago

JLP stays https://files.catbox.moe/aa6yc9.mp4

I'll keep Brother Nathaniel as he's old, no more kids, we can keep an eye on him, but for the most part he's spot on.

25072907? ago

We don't care what they are practicing in their own heads, we just want the first real holocaust which coincidentally will be the last

25074560? ago


25074581? ago

yes. the world sans jews could still be violent, but the average white person would be so much better off you couldn't imagine. Not only that, think of the fact that 99% of media comes from the very fake and gay "White people" who want you and your family dead. Now imagine if that werent a thing

25072352? ago

Exodus 12:

The Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread

12 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, 2 “This month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year. 3 Tell the whole community of Israel that on the tenth day of this month each man is to take a lamb[a] for his family, one for each household. 4 If any household is too small for a whole lamb, they must share one with their nearest neighbor, having taken into account the number of people there are. You are to determine the amount of lamb needed in accordance with what each person will eat. 5 The animals you choose must be year-old males without defect, and you may take them from the sheep or the goats. 6 Take care of them until the fourteenth day of the month, when all the members of the community of Israel must slaughter them at twilight. 7 Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs. 8 That same night they are to eat the meat roasted over the fire, along with bitter herbs, and bread made without yeast. 9 Do not eat the meat raw or boiled in water, but roast it over a fire—with the head, legs and internal organs. 10 Do not leave any of it till morning; if some is left till morning, you must burn it. 11 This is how you are to eat it: with your cloak tucked into your belt, your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand. Eat it in haste; it is the Lord’s Passover.

12 “On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn of both people and animals, and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord. 13 The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.

14 “This is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the Lord—a lasting ordinance. 15 For seven days you are to eat bread made without yeast. On the first day remove the yeast from your houses, for whoever eats anything with yeast in it from the first day through the seventh must be cut off from Israel. 16 On the first day hold a sacred assembly, and another one on the seventh day. Do no work at all on these days, except to prepare food for everyone to eat; that is all you may do.

17 “Celebrate the Festival of Unleavened Bread, because it was on this very day that I brought your divisions out of Egypt. Celebrate this day as a lasting ordinance for the generations to come. 18 In the first month you are to eat bread made without yeast, from the evening of the fourteenth day until the evening of the twenty-first day. 19 For seven days no yeast is to be found in your houses. And anyone, whether foreigner or native-born, who eats anything with yeast in it must be cut off from the community of Israel. 20 Eat nothing made with yeast. Wherever you live, you must eat unleavened bread.”

21 Then Moses summoned all the elders of Israel and said to them, “Go at once and select the animals for your families and slaughter the Passover lamb. 22 Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it into the blood in the basin and put some of the blood on the top and on both sides of the doorframe. None of you shall go out of the door of your house until morning. 23 When the Lord goes through the land to strike down the Egyptians, he will see the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe and will pass over that doorway, and he will not permit the destroyer to enter your houses and strike you down.

24 “Obey these instructions as a lasting ordinance for you and your descendants.

Read verse 24 again... SACRIFICE OF ANIMALS = LASTING ORDINANCE.. as in.. still to this day.

NONJEWS ARE ANIMALS IN HUMAN FORM TO SERVE THE JEW. We are as much in the table to be sacrificed. Jesus paid the sacrifice price.

If you don't accept him? You must pay that price with your own. Hence the Hollywood/ famous always have a death close to them. Price of admission.

25072546? ago

Keep studying bro.

25072696? ago

I promise I've forgotten more than you'll know. Delve into the Noahide Laws, Talmud, Zohar, and Keys of Solomon, that's the hell we're in right now.

25074184? ago

How does Keys of Solomon tie into Talmud and Zohar and what you're saying? I'm new to a lot of this stuff. I know what Noahide Laws are, though.

25075407? ago

Demonology all has its roots in Kabbala. Moses and King Solomon were sorcerers using occult magic. That's why Satanists like Alleister Crowley and Michael Acquino bought into their stuff.

25077533? ago

That's what I suspected. Do you think the god that Moses spoke to and spoke of was not the same God that Jesus Christ spoke of? They seem to me to be different entities because of the sorcery that Moses and Solomon used.

25078109? ago

I have two opinions theories.

  1. I agree with you 100%

  2. Mohammad of Islam: A JEW! [Semite people infiltration achieved]

    Ignatius Loyola, Spanish founder of the Jesuits: Jew [Catholic infiltration Achieved]

    Hitler, Bolshevik/Communist plant Rothschild [German Power infiltration Achieved... kill whites on ALL sides.. set up Israel for Jew return]

    Bolsheviks: Jews [Russian infiltration achieved, kill native Russians]

    Federal Reserve: World currency dominating achieved

Notice a trend? How could you take over a massive swath of "whitey"? Infiltrate using your King to play a role of attacking your own people to win over hearts and minds.

2 is just a tinfoil hat conspiracy....

25072733? ago

Im apt on all that my fren. I know what you mean, I used to be able to name all the kings of Israel and Judah from memory.

25072752? ago

No. You're not.

Define GOYIM.

25072990? ago

Goyim is the word the Bible translates as nations. All non-hebrews. They use it to describe us as cattle. Non humans.

25075401? ago

Their direct translation from a Rabbi: ANIMAL IN HUMAN FORM TO BETTER SERVE THE JEW.

Jews have a should from God. Non-Jews have a soul from one of the three spheres of Satan. Therefore to use us as a passover sacrifice, to cull us, to use us in any way, is the same a using a tool.

25071639? ago

The Torah you mean.

25072289? ago

Torah and Talmud aren't the same thing.

25071573? ago

God bless you. Thank you for this

25071529? ago

Not anything to do with the OT. Do some research. The modern day Jews are not and have never been related to Israel.... ever

25071346? ago

Beware the leaven of the Pharisees.

25071298? ago

Why would you look at a large group of people who are sacrificing children and only focus on a subset of that group?

Are you here defending the group of child sacrifices who don't happen to be Jewish? Or are you so naive to believe they don't exist?

25070970? ago

all jews are evil demon scum and foreign enemy combatants.

25070918? ago

Jews were fine until the Babylonian captivity where a segment of them were corrupted by the whore of Babylon and her cup of filth, that being Mystery Babylon. Ezekiel is a book of the bible that is largely a rant about this corruption that had entered the religion during the Babylonian captivity.

25070846? ago

They're not Jews. Just like Islam teaches with taqiya these fraud religions allow them to lie to avoid their fully justified persecution. Islam and Judaism are the same religion, and neither of them are what they claim to be.

Truth matters.

25070626? ago

The real Jews are the Aryan peoples remember we are Gods chosen people

25070628? ago


25070684? ago

I'm sorry you watched a YouTube video and know all. I haven't spent any time investigating this subject. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Rabbi

25070589? ago

The Jews will always reject God. They always have and always will. They don’t believe he came back....they won’t until it’s too late. In the meantime they make life hell as long as they’re out of Israel. Only when there is NO place else for them to go will we have a temporary peace.

25070482? ago


25070474? ago

They call themselves Jews, but are liars. They are a Synagogue of Satan. They use the star of Remphan as their symbol. Retards on voat understand none of this, and just repeat phrases like Christcucks, KikeOnAStick, etc.

25070271? ago

Thank you, OP. Your post title really says it all. Jews are the synagogue of Satan.

25069965? ago

They almost always have.

25069645? ago

Same with the economy. The jews had this banking concept of lenders and borrowers and issuing debt when they were living their own way of life (apart from the gentiles.) However, there was supposed to be a Jubilee year in which all debts were completely FORGIVEN!!!

Now look at the bankers today. Not compatible with the gentile nations. They still lend and creating debts, but they never forgive the debts with a jubilee. Instead they spark a war, a pandemic, or simply crash the economy to reset their debt system every few decades.

It's a perversion of God's intentions.

25069262? ago

And why did God destory the Canaanites?

They were killing babies.

25069456? ago

Same with Israel. It's a big part of the OT.

25069210? ago

Babylonian Talmud

25072253? ago

The worst thing ever and has the same creative writers as all the Holohoax claims. Lampshades.

25069147? ago

For once, OP is not a faggot. Thank you, based OP.

25078163? ago

lol. Also, people need to calm down with the joo hate. It's satanism. The satanic infiltration needs to be purged from all institutions secular and sacred. Guess what? There are satanic infiltrated Christians of all stripes. Protestantism, Islam, LDS are all satanic deceptions.

25079001? ago

Ok rabbi

25073025? ago

Hes got a lot to learn...still has a lot of judeo-christian misunderstandings...can see him pushing universalism above. OP is partially based but hasn't realized the racial nature of the bible yet.

He believes in the myth of the good jew. Something the bible repeatedly warns you about.

25069101? ago

jews aren't really human


25069097? ago



basketcasing an entire group of people worldwide meanwhile "THE JEWS" doing this are rich Khazarian Fake Jews whom have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BIBLE.

True Jews ignore and shame the man-made Talmud and follow ONLY the TORAH (old testament).


25069466? ago

When the Jews start calling out the bad Jews maybe. But that's yet to happen.

25069435? ago

The only basketcase here is (((you))).

25069040? ago

Judaism isn't a monolithic thing. It's a mess. And the Talmud allows things like fucking 3 year olds so call me skeptical. The core belief of Judaism is Jewish supremacy.

25068876? ago

Thx. I recently bought a new study Bible, and want to dig in to all this stuff, but don’t know where to start.

25069398? ago

25069350? ago

Open it

25072361? ago

Thx so much!

25068803? ago

So Hilary and Huma are Jews?

25069473? ago

Genetically, yes. And that's all that matters.

25068842? ago

I think they follow the same satanic religion.

25068720? ago

Thankfully, for Christians this isn't problematical since we don't follow the Pentateuch laws, we follow Jesus Christ. Nor were the Pentateuch laws given to apply to non-Jews. Even the modern Jews have been considerably Christianized and don't much follow the Old Testament laws, as indeed it would be quite illegal for them to do so. For more on this, see Sec. 7.4.2: "God’s Relation to the Old Testament", pp. 46-47 of my following article:

  • James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Sept. 10, 2012 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2011), 186 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708, archive.org/download/ThePhysicsOfGodAndTheQuantumGravityTheoryOfEverything/Redford-Physics-of-God.pdf , purl.org/redford/physics-of-god , webcitation.org/74HMsJGbP .

My foregoing article concerns physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (TOE), which is a proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) of God's existence per the known laws of physics (viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). Tipler's Omega Point cosmology has been extensively peer-reviewed and published in a number of the world's leading physics and science journals. However, it also analyzes the societal implications of said, particularly the implications of the exponential advancement of technology and hence also the coming radical life-extension technologies in light of a world dominated by a callous oligarchy.

25070155? ago

Jesus came to fulfill the law, which we are still supposed to observe. You can come up with all kinds of rationalizations as to why it's actually ok to eat pork, for instance, but the Bible doesn't say that the OT isn't to be observed. God seems to think he's commandments, laws, and decrees are all still valid.

25070773? ago

Again, the Old Testament law never applied to non-Jews, anyway. Jesus did come to fulfill the actual Law, which He said is the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12; Luke 6:31). But even Jews are dead to the Pentateuch law (Romans 7:4; cf. Romans 13:8-10; Galatians 5:13,14; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13).

And you certainly don't believe your own words, otherwise you would be in prison for the rest of your life at bare minimum, and most likely you would be executed under the current laws. Not even the Jews believe in much of the Torah.

For the details on all that, see my following article:

  • James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), Sept. 10, 2012 (orig. pub. Dec. 19, 2011), 186 pp., doi:10.2139/ssrn.1974708, archive.org/download/ThePhysicsOfGodAndTheQuantumGravityTheoryOfEverything/Redford-Physics-of-God.pdf , purl.org/redford/physics-of-god , webcitation.org/74HMsJGbP .

My foregoing article concerns physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (TOE), which is a proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) of God's existence per the known laws of physics (viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). Tipler's Omega Point cosmology has been extensively peer-reviewed and published in a number of the world's leading physics and science journals. However, it also analyzes the societal implications of said, particularly the implications of the exponential advancement of technology and hence also the coming radical life-extension technologies in light of a world dominated by a callous oligarchy.

25070949? ago

We were divorced from God, and Jesus paid our debt. Forgiveness was the gift. Deliverance was the pattern.

You say Christianized weird. Turn sideways, I want to see your nose...

25071024? ago

25070949? wrote:


We were divorced from God, and Jesus paid our debt. Forgiveness was the gift. Deliverance was the pattern.

You say Christianized weird. Turn sideways, I want to see your nose...


Sure. Here you go:

  • Jamie Michelle, "Biographical Multimedia: Pictures, Videos and Miscellanea", Internet Archive, Feb. 22, 2020, archive.org/download/Jamie-Michelle/Biographical-Multimedia.html , megalodon.jp/2020-0717-0916-05/archive.org/download/Jamie-Michelle/Biographical-Multimedia.html , archive.is/UHTFy .

On the fringe
The [...] grins

25071059? ago

Got lost, shitty kikebot

25068652? ago

In the grand scheme of things even the so called good jews are, and will remain, pariahs.

25068626? ago

Judeans were white

"Jews" or jewISH do not appear until the book of kings when we are fighting them.

They reversed the meaning and shapeshifted to confuse later generations (sound familiar?)

Hence the revelation passage about fake jews. They call themselves jews, when in reality ALL modern day jews (100%) descend from the canaanites. The bloodline of cain. Satans children. The enemy of all mankind.

Satan is the Adversary AKA the entire body of jews currently alive on earth at any given point in time.

Pizzagate is just the modern term for jewish ritual murder.

See why the giant saturn is depicted eating his own child. Giants in the bible are typically depicted as massive cannibal abominations.

Basically, modern jews are not human.

At all.

25074436? ago

Any person of any race can be saved by believing Christ died on the cross for their sins.

25077142? ago


25078238? ago

You forgot to cite the bible.

25072242? ago

Sounds like Attack on Titan.

25069773? ago

So was Judas a Canaanite?

25069244? ago

Holy fuck.

You're right about the ISH.

25069229? ago

you are a good fantasy writer

25069716? ago

Yeah, Happy Hanukkah to you too

25068623? ago

They're not the true Jews, they just call themselves that so anyone who comes against them, they can scream antisemite.

25068598? ago

Like 80% of Jews in the world are Ashkenazi, who are Central Asian Khazar tribes who migrated into eastern Europe from the Caucasus region in the 1100s, then adopted the practices of the Jewish religion as a means of expressing their rejection of and hostility towards the dominant Christian culture of Europe.

They are not children of the Old Testament, because Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament as the incarnation of the new Covenant. The heart-hardened children of Satan who rejected him ditched the Old Testament for the Talmud a few centuries later.

There's nothing more deceptively Jewish than Jews convincing the world that they have a direct lineage to the ancient Hebrews. They do not practice the Hebrew religion, at all. They adopt some of the symbols and practices, like baby dick cutting, but always manage to pervert and distort them, i.e. baby dick blood sucking. They are much closer to the Canaanite pagans in practice than the actual Hebrews.

25076417? ago

That tortured baby blood must be wild.

25070534? ago

Don't believe that lie they are the bloodline are the Canaanites why don't you look up Acts 7 Stevens testimony to the Sanhedrin he calls them out right there verse 41

25068856? ago

"baby dick cutting" is also repulsive. enough said about the religion, oral or written.

25069053? ago

And sucking the baby dick as part of the ritual.

25068763? ago

In short, modern Jews do not equal the House of Israel.

25068992? ago

White people do.

25073599? ago

German(ic) here. The fuck we do.

25077163? ago


25069461? ago

Mmm, no thanks, I'm good

25068567? ago

If you think one ancient sandnigger religion is less ridiculous than another ancient sandnigger religion, you're retarded.

Yeshua ben Yosef is not your God. He says so himself. Stop being a cuck for a dead Rabbi that doesn't even think you're human.

25070574? ago

Your link is incredibly informational, especially for uninformed new Christians.

25069381? ago

You jews are hilarious, larping as White and quoting the Talmud to divide Whites. GTFO with your genetic simping.

25069800? ago

The New Testament is the Talmud?

25071398? ago

oy vey

25068483? ago

It's the Godless Millenials that hate a jew that isn't even a legit jew.

Much like the atheist that hate a god that doesn't exist.

Religious jews are not what the falsely claim.

They are of the synagogue of satan and will do the works of their father satan.

The author of all lies, no truth is in him that battles a war he has already lost to The King of Kings!

Submit, Repent, or Perish.

25068551? ago

Burn in hell, kike

25068734? ago

Kikes dont follow Yeshua Christ

Poor butthurt child of the defeated satan.

Good luck saving your own soul

25068308? ago

Judaism with the distinct exception of most Ethiopian and Kararite Jews, follow the Babylonian Talmud which is the Oral Law of Lies of the Pharisees written down, They follow their own books that they themselves wrote, they also follow the evil Zohar and Kabalah which are Satanic Jewish Mysticism.

25072837? ago

All jews are born evil. The further we get into this, the less of you there will be who emotionally deny it..

25071220? ago

I'm Messianic Jewish. Kabbalah and Talmud are both bad. Kabbalah is literally Satanic mysticism while Talmud is man's opinion presented as tradition. Most rabbis consider it above the scriptures.

25074536? ago

So do you believe Jesus is our Lord and savior or do you believe we are still waiting for our savior to appear?

25084101? ago

Well yes. It's all over in the Torah. See, the problem with Jewish people is that they are lied to by the rabbis and the stupid Talmud. I say to my Jewish friends: "If not Yehoshuah, then who? If not then, then when?" So far, they can't answer. BTW, the Hebrew name of the Savior is amazing. It means, "I Am Salvation". The four letter name of God: Yod Hey Vav Hey as a word would be, I am. Yahuah. But, the letters singular lined up mean, "Behold the hand, Behold the nail". You put Yahuah, the name of God, I am, together with Shuah, Salvation and you get Yehoshuah, I Am Salvation. Amazing.

25074112? ago

What is Messianic Jewish and its core tenants?

25539118? ago

Please straighten this guy out, please. He seems to think the RCC is the one true church.


25084059? ago

Basically, no Kabbalah since that's Satanic tomfoolery. The Talmud is just man's opinion and is against the prophets, sets itself above the law and God and puts the traditions of man as having greater authority.

The Laws of Moses are mostly valid and should be followed as far as a person's training and ability. The handwritten curses which were against us are done away with and with the new covenant we now can have the right spirit which enables us to truly care for each other and have the spirit of the Messiah.

We are all equal in the eyes of God and no one can claim to be over us but the Messiah who bought and paid for us with his blood sacrifice. The Torah is relevant today and from it we get our inspiration and faith. We make peace with Christians and accept them even when we disagree with them on many points. Beyond that, there's not much of what the churches would consider core beliefs. LIke, if I smoke, no one can judge me. If I drink and it's not to excess, no one is my judge. If I use colorful language, no one is to judge me but I should be accurate in my language and respect other people's feelings and sensibilities. We don't have a pastor as such but some people consider themselves sort of Rabbi and I'm cool with that. It's not like a "rabbi" is the only one who can make aliyah (go forward and speak). I've been asked to but as I was only in study on one topic I begged off until I was ready. My topic was the Law and Love. I have another topic on the family of Yehoshuah and I'm about ready on that also. I've been asked to go forward and give the blessing for the children as they spoke neither Hebrew or Russian so they miss out on stuff and need English.

Curiously, the synagogue where I went didn't find me and convert me. I already had the same beliefs on my own and one day talking to my accountant discovered that we were of the same mind. What a surprise right? We can all study separately but come together and find we have no differences. Why? Because we had no coach or mentor and let the scriptures lead us. Churches have for centuries maintained a grip on the human mind as authority over scripture. That's totally wrong. The scriptures are their own authority and no man has a right to "interpret" things privately and then tell others what it means. Christians will pray and pray and then tell us God told them what it means. Oh? But he neglected to tell me also? How unfair is that?

Of course, there are things we can all agree on. The Ten Commandments for instance. At least until we get to the Sabbath I guess. But, cheating on your wife, stealing from others, lying, murder, these are common sense stuff we should all understand.

25164804? ago

I've had family in town and couldn't reply. Some questions I've been meaning to ask you:

accept them even when we disagree with them on many points.

What points do you disagree upon?

Do Messianic jews accept that he rose on the third day from the dead?

How large of a percentage of jews does Messianic jews comprise of the populace?

let the scriptures lead us.

This is interesting as it would call for individual study of the scriptures. Something I know not many Christians do, so they rely on the pastor/priest/preacher. I'm curious how many Messianic jews undertake this? How does one ensure correct ideology/tenants/doctrine/whatever you wish to call it is passed on over the ages?

My topic was the Law and Love.

Tell me more, if you can about this. What law? How does it relate to love?

The Ten Commandments for instance. At least until we get to the Sabbath I guess. But, cheating on your wife, stealing from others, lying, murder, these are common sense stuff we should all understand.

It is common sense to some. Not so much for others, especially the cheating, lying, stealing. People will always find ways to rationalize. Animal instinct often wins over a call to adherence to virtue.

25166634? ago

What points do you disagree upon?

Well, first of all, The Talmud is the work of man. It should have no authority at all. Rabbinic Judaism holds an opposing view which places the Talmud opinions and traditions of man above scriptures. Obviously, this is wrong. The Messiah rebuked the Pharisees directly on this point. There's no nuance at all there.

Then, there is a subset of Jewish people who follow the Kabballah. This is even worse as it's Satanic mysticism. I've read some of the Talmud and believe me, the cherry picked stuff may be incendiary but most of it is just boring nitpicking navel gazing foolishness. Some of it is degrading.

But the Kabbalah , I don't know, I have no interest in that. Like playing with a seance. Dangerous fooling with the forces of evil.

How large of a percentage of jews are comprised of Messianic jews?

I would say, vanishingly small here in the USA. Scattered synagogues here and there which mainstream Judaism is mostly unaware. Russian Jews who've accepted Christ were most of the synagogue I was involved with in Sacramento. Very nice people. We did have some visitors from South America. In Israel there is a much larger following which frightens mainstream Judaism and the Israeli government.

How do Messianic jews view zionism?

The rebirth of Israel as a nation is prophesied. It's all happening according to prophesy. I've done hours of study on this and came to my own understanding before I ever met a Messianic Jewish person or even knew the religion existed. When I first discovered the synagogue I was surprised to find people that believed just like I did. LOL. I thought my beliefs from my studies were mine alone. I came to my beliefs solely from my own study which was painful. I had to acknowledge that everything I had been taught was perverted doctrines. My family was unhappy and eventually just refused to talk to me about it which left us in a spot where there was tension, silence and I just walked away from them.

Anyway, back to your question. If you examine the scriptures carefully, it's prophesied that not only would the Nation of Israel be reconstituted from the diaspora and regather in their homeland, but they would return full of unbelief in the Messiah but it wasn't for their sakes they would be regathered but to honor the promise given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God keeps his promises. But, it's also prophesied that all the nations around Israel would gather to attack and nearly wipe out Israel. The remnant would escape to Petra, at least from what I gather but Israel will launch a nuclear attack that will destroy parts of Greece, Damascus and most of the invading armies. Israel will be be victorious and the survivors will be several years gathering up the bodies of the invaders. The bodies will be toxic somehow and teams will be sent out to gather the corpses. Travelers will be provided with flags to put near the bodies to alert the disposal teams. I even looked up the location where the bodies are prophesied to be disposed of. It's an actual place. Scary. But, the final prophesy says that God will begin first in the house of Jacob to remove those who do evil. I find this interesting because this is the exact opposite of Q. "We are saving Israel for last". Interesting.

Zionism? Right or wrong? I don't make such judgement calls on a simple word. People have liked to load the word with emotionalism. It's just a word. In simple terms it just means an effort for Jewish people to have their own homeland. There are 57 Islamic nations and only one Jewish nation. The world can't tolerate one Jewish nation?

let the scriptures lead us.

This is interesting as it would call for individual study of the scriptures.

Absolutely. If you are not doing your own study and learning how to understand scripture, you've accomplished no understanding of the topic and are not worthy to discuss it. This is what I find fault with main stream Christianity on. They are largely ignorant of scripture, context, Hebrew culture, refuse to understand that in translation some concepts are lost and other concepts are misunderstood. It's not easy but it's worth it for the individual to be more open minded and study, not to create a personal dogma but to gain better understanding.

Something I know not many Christians do, so they rely on the pastor/priest/preacher.

Exactly. Followers who lack understanding and the scriptures in New Testament address this problem. We are counseled to be like the Bereans who when they were told something, went to scriptures to see if it was so.

I'm curious how many Messianic jews undertake this?

I don't personally know anyone who doesn't at least do some study but I can't account for others. The people I spoke to seemed to understand references I made and were in agreement on my views. I don't recall any disagreement. Hmmm. Odd, I guess.

How does one ensure correct ideology/tenants/doctrine/whatever-you-wish-to-call-it is passed on over the ages?

That's not a problem. The scripture is there and open for all to read. No one gets to make a private interpretation as Christians do. If something is found, it's shared. Beliefs and or doctrines are not set in stone but rather explained in scriptures. There's no mental gymnastics to twist things to fit a view. Anyone doing this wouldn't find much support. The faith is too simple to make such things an issue. If I smoke, that's my business, my vice. If I drink to excess, so long as I'm not hurting others, it's my problem. No one gets to judge me or hassle me. This makes it much easier for a person to stop doing things that are personally damaging.

Tell me more, if you can about this. What law? How does it relate to love?

I just did a basic search for the number of times the law was linked to love. God really showed Israel with love so he gave them the law. The law to provide a framework for a society, protections from abuse and ways to resolve issues. People think of the Law as the Ten Commandments. There's like six hundred and some odd laws. Some are related to temple activities and many are related to societal norms. How to care for a lost animal and return to the owner. Property transfers, dietary laws. Christians like to ignore all these laws out of ignorance. However, many laws are the underpinnings of Common Law that are still used today. Shocker, right? If fruit from a tree overhangs a wall into public space, the owner of the tree is required to NOT harvest that fruit but to leave it to the public. Similar principles apply still today. If you find a lost cow, you would be required to care for it in a field next to a main road where the owner might recognize it and claim it. Then you can charge only a small amount for upkeep and must return the animal. There were laws related to marriage and inheritance as well as laws requiring sold land to be returned to original family after 50 years. Slaves or servants had to be freed after seven years, however, if a slave was abused and injured, he had to be freed with damages paid. If however a slave was happy with his master he could request to NOT be freed, receive a gold ring in his ear and make his servitude for life. Why would he choose to stay? Because he felt well cared for and secure. But it was the servants choice and had to be witnessed. So on and so forth. But, at the end of many lists of laws was the injunction to obey because God cares and loves the children of Israel.

I know you will get to this question so I answer it before you get there. Why did God choose Israel out of all nations? Why did he choose them for his own possession? His people? Because they were the best? Nope. Because they were so many and so strong? Nope. God repeatedly denied these were valid reasons and scolded his people repeatedly for their failures and misdeeds. So, why? Because of his promise to Abraham but it was a two pronged thing. They would get double blessings but double punishments if they erred. Notice, there were TWO diasporas and both were cruel and devastating and the reasons for those diasporas were explained. But, in spite of the punishments, God always held out hope that those who would listen, return to the blessings and relationship. Why? Because God proposed to give to the world the gift of salvation through Israel. It's in the scriptures. Jesus told the Israelite Pharisees that they search through scriptures for eternal life but always find reference to him, the Messiah. For this the pharisees hated Jesus and plotted to kill him. There's actually a parable Jesus told to dramatize this relationship.

It is common sense to some. Not so much for others, especially the cheating, lying, stealing. People will always find ways to rationalize. Animal instinct often wins over a call to adherence to virtue.

This is the fruit of a lying spirit. A haughty mind, (narcissism). The natural human mind is dishonest and seeks it's own benefit at all time. The law was given to us for a teacher, a primer to lead us to a greater understanding. It is written that God's intention is to write his law on our hearts so that rather than just following the law technically, we can follow the law in spirit.

25168936? ago

From what you have shared, there is a great deal you and I have in common with what I’m studying independently as a non-denominational Christian and your beliefs as a Messianic Jew.

God really showed Israel with love so he gave them the law.

Ah, I see. You’re referring to the Deuteronomy laws? You are correct in that Christians tend to gloss over this. When you referred to "Law and Love", I was curious if there was a book (jn your tradition) that I hadn’t read.

I believe Christians don’t spend much time in Deuteronomy because it’s seen as religious history that is not necessarily tied to our particular genealogy, as we come from many different nations. But I can see how being born jewish, there may be a rooted connection to the laws.

The more I delve into studying scripture, however, the more I find myself looking at history to understand the context of what was happening politically. There is much to learn if you want to delve and gain a deeper spiritual understanding of what has happened and what may happen.

I know you will get to this question so I answer it before you get there.

Actually, no, I wasn't about to ask it. It's very clear in scripture that God keeps His promises. It is the Israelites who turned away from Him repeatedly only to return to Him when they were subjugated by foreign rule. The book of Judges details this pattern.

I was curious if Messianic jews differed from Torah jews WRT to how they view zionism. I had a very lengthy discussion with a Torah jew a while ago who deeply opposes the state of Israel. It was an interesting take. I was under the impression that all jews support the nation of Israel. But, like Christianity, there are many sects of Judaism AFA beliefs go.

My family was unhappy and eventually just refused to talk to me about it which left us in a spot where there was tension, silence and I just walked away from them.

I am sorry to hear this. Sometimes family are the most stiff-necked when it comes to religious beliefs. My stepfather is Roman Catholic (and I was raised in Catholic school). But my study of scripture has led me to reject much of the doctrine and theology that is taught. And yes, you are correct that a lot of pagan (what I refer to as Babylon) is hidden in it. Until one undertakes studying of the symbols of Babylonian and Canaanite deities, one can't know and discern how it subverts what scripture tells us. Like the Talmud, there is a lot of manmade doctrine that displaces an individual relationship with God with an intermediary (priests and nuns).

But as a Christian accepting Jesus as the Messiah, we acknowledge that there will be a death to our former selves. What you call vice, we call sin. They are one and the same. We believe that we are made anew (hence the term “reborn” or “born again”) and saved by his sacrifice of blood upon accepting his as our savior. In my own life, I have seen and felt both subtle as well as dramatic shifts when I have spent time in the word of God. It really is a beautiful spiritual shift and transformation that takes place.

It is written that God's intention is to write his law on our hearts so that rather than just following the law technically, we can follow the law in spirit.

Indeed. He wishes that we love and follow Him out of a sincere desire for relationship, rather than out of obligation.

Good stuff. Thanks again for your response and shedding insight.

25539051? ago

Help me out with this retard please? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4013972/25534389

25539025? ago


25169838? ago

From what you have shared, there is a great deal you and I have in common with what I’m studying independently as a non-denominational Christian and your beliefs as a Messianic Jew.

Absolutely. Christian pastors on one side and Rabbis on the other have divided good people with two false religions. The modern Judaism today which most Jews follow is based on the very "Traditions of man" (Talmud) which places itself above the Commandments of God and the Prophets warnings and admonitions tells Jews many sinister things and creates a spirit of arrogance and conceit in the Jewish mind.

Then you have many Christian leaders who dumb down Christianity with adopted Pagan ideology handed down for two thousand years. To maintain their hold over the people the pastors and church denominations often resort to guilt shaming control of their doctrines. The Catholics were the instigators of this trend to adopt pagan rites into the church in an effort to gain acceptance of the Roman population which was indeed pagan. So, for two centuries Christians and Jews have been separated by walls of doctrine. When a person carefully reads and understands the "Old Testament" (Torah and Tanakh ) as well as the New Testament, there should be no separation at all.

You may ask yourself, what happened to the Jews who believed in Christ the Messiah? (Yehoshuah ha Mashiach) First persecution by the Pharisees which gained them a social stigma as sort of outcasts. Then, Persecution by the Roman Pagans and of the scattered ones, during the Crusades the Romanized Christians coming out of Europe slaughtered those they found along the way. The Sunday keeping Christians on the instigation of the Roman Catholics slaughtered a great many Sabbath keeping Christians who had handed down their faith over the centuries. They were still in many ways Jewish in faith as well as many ethnically but they all believed in the Messiah. Just as the early believers were ALL Jewish. First the Jews, then the Greeks and so on and so forth until Rome adopted Christianity. It was the church of Rome which paganized Christianity and then spread their version by force of arms. In a way, we can thank Martin Luther for restoring at least some aspects of a less pagan form of Christianity. If the Roman Catholics had their way, we wouldn't even have this discussion today. The common man was not allowed to have scriptures on pain of death.

You’re referring to the Deuteronomy laws?

Mostly. But, remember, Before Moses, there was Abraham:

"Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws."

You have to figure that either Moses had access to writings we know nothing about, or all was delivered to him just as it was to Abraham and Moses wrote down what he was told. This is apart from the commandments on stone, of which, are not completely lost. Not even here on this continent of America.

You are correct in that Christians tend to gloss over this.

This is because either deliberately or out of ignorance the scriptures are wrongly taught. Here is the verse: "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;"

What is being spoken of here are the curses and penalties for disobeying the many ordinances written by Moses. Christ became a curse for us, nailed to the cross in our stead. Then, what is practical by rights, is written on our hearts in principle. Those unbelievers who violate the Ten Commandments do so out of arrogance, once more setting their own values above God because they are not regenerated by faith. They reject salvation. They are dead to the Holy Spirit. Of those, we are to give witness and testimony as is our duty and then be done with them. It's not for us to labor with them and contend with them.

When you referred to "Law and Love", I was curious if there was a book (jn your tradition) that I hadn’t read.

No, I am referring to a word search I did on my own and then paid only attention to those verses that linked the two words. More than you imagine. Law and love are linked over and over.

I believe Christians don’t spend much time in Deuteronomy because it’s seen as religious history that is not necessarily tied to our particular genealogy, as we come from many different nations. But I can see how being born jewish, there may be a rooted connection to the laws.

Try this: Research all the statutes on diet, sex and property and then see how many parallels you can find in modern law. Then, research all the animals forbidden as food and diseases that can cross infect both that animal and humans. Quite shocking. Jews because of legalism, equate Kosher laws with spiritual uncleanliness. Not so at all. The statutes clearly state it was a matter of disease. As for morality, sex with two sisters is forbidden. Not hard to see why that's an issue and the law states it clearly. It causes strife between the sisters. Just basic logic can tell you this and one need look no further than the pain between Rachel and Leah. But God used the transgression to create a way of life for the Children of Israel. First Joseph and then Moses and finally Jesus.

The more I delve into studying scripture, however, the more I find myself looking at history to understand the context of what was happening politically. There is much to learn if you want to delve and gain a deeper spiritual understanding of what has happened and what may happen.


Actually, no, I wasn't about to ask it. It's very clear in scripture that God keeps His promises. It is the Israelites who turned away from Him repeatedly only to return to Him when they were subjugated by foreign rule. The book of Judges details this pattern.

Right again.

I had a very lengthy discussion with a Torah jew a while ago who deeply opposes the state of Israel.

Then I'm thinking he was basing his beliefs on the Talmud, rather than Torah or Tanakh. Certainly not based on Ezekiel. Yes, I'm aware of these people. Not worth arguing with as they go in circles. Shoddy reasoning based on lack of biblical study. They didn't get this from the bible.

My family is Seventh Day Adventist. I won't bore you with a complete rundown of their doctrines but Ellen G. White and her Husband were as ignorant as Joseph Smith and just as flaky fake. Ellen G. White actually stole material from the founder of Mormons. In fact, her cousin was married to Joseph Smith. LOL. Try telling that to an SDA member. Ellen White was a liar, a drunk, a cheat, an accuser of the brethren, a gossip, a bearer of tales, and claimed God told her things which she actually stole from other writers. Unless you are SDA and then she's a revered saint.

It is written that God's intention is to write his law on our hearts so that rather than just following the law technically, we can follow the law in spirit.


I'm thinking "We are saving Israel for last" has to do with Mossad ties to pedo & trafficking rings and their blackmail of US politicians, CEOs, judges, law enforcement, etc. Epstein was just one in a number of traffickers.

You could very well be spot on with that thinking.

The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska *

I watched the documentary. One of my adopted cousins was there for a time. So glad they didn't send me there. At that age, I was very slim and was quite disturbed when old guys would come up to me while I was traveling and proposition me. What a shock, as I had no idea what they were wanting at first. When I figured things out I got much more wary. Obviously some kids have an innocent look these perverts are after.

25194694? ago

Christian pastors on one side and Rabbis on the other have divided good people with two false religions.

Very true. Doctrine is there to guide us towards living an earthly life that doesn’t blemish the spiritual life. People easily get caught up in doctrine and live with their minds but not with their hearts. This is a sin of pride. Believers are called to embody both mind and heart in order to capture the spirit and live with humility.

It’s sad. I see stuff about Joel Osteen marching with BLM or Kenneth Copeland trying to exorcise COVID19 and I SMH. False teachers and prophets. Then of course there are rabbis who teach that goyim are cattle for jews.

Extremists of any kind will gain attention so non-believers can use them as reasons to tarnish those who live quietly in their faith. It’s a tactic that I see used politically by those who want to keep people divided.

My family is Seventh Day Adventist.

That’s interesting that you are from SDA. I know a little about it but wasn’t aware of the origin story on it. I recall skimming over SDA beliefs a while ago and thinking to myself how similar it was to Mormon doctrine. When I was researching churches to attend when I moved, the first thing I would look up was their belief statement.

I’m curious, why did you choose to follow Messianic Judaism and not say, Protestantism? It's always interesting to me to learn about a person's spiritual path and see how they arrive at the conclusions they did.

When a person carefully reads and understands the "Old Testament" (Torah and Tanakh ) as well as the New Testament, there should be no separation at all.

Absolutely. A quote from a Christian author whose books I enjoy:

“Unity is necessary to the outpouring of the Spirit of God. If you have 120 volts of electricity coming into your house but you have broken wiring, you may turn on the switch, but nothing works – no lights come on, the stove doesn’t warm, the radio doesn’t turn on. Why? Because you have broken wiring. The power is ready to do its work…, but where there is broken wiring, there is no power. Unity is necessary among the children of God if we are going to know the flow of power…to see God do His wonders.” ~ AW Tozer

25200294? ago

Doctrine is there to guide us towards living an earthly life that doesn’t blemish the spiritual life

Not to be dismissive, because you have a point, but to me, it's based on partial understanding.

The problem I have with "doctrine" is that once some person decides on an established doctrine, and begins to from an organization around it, you end up with a hierarchy where one man or group of men decide they can tell others what is and what isn't. Mind control, thought control. Second part, the purpose of what you state should be the highest goal of doctrine is what is only a side effect.

From what I read, the purpose of the scriptures was to not only chronicle history of the Israelites, but to reveal to the world the plan of salvation for a doomed people, starting with the fall of Adam and Eve who lost their immortality and how the plan was to unfold, how it was executed and then to spread the concept to the entire world. "Your sins have separated you from me". So, yes, Tozer is right. The plan was to restore unity between God and man.

What most people fail to understand, is what exactly is the nature of sin. In a legalistic way, it's disobeying the commandments of God. But, when I read what Jesus had to say to the "rich young ruler", he condensed the commandments down to just two: Love God and love each other, "As I have loved you". So, what's love? There's a whole chapter on that. I read it through many times and pondered over it and basically, from what I can read, it's underlying principle is selfless devotion to caring for others as much as you would care for yourself and God. The first commandment deals with a love for God and the second in legalese deals with violations of that love for fellow man.

Here's what gets to me on the Sabbath question. It's right in the middle of those two principles. The Catholic church was the one that changed this day from the seventh to the first day of the week and then all the off shoots of the Catholics got behind them in lockstep to develop sophistry and doctrine defending the Catholic's doctrines on Sabbath. The simplest thing to do then is discover the original reason Catholics decided to make a change. It's not hard to discover the truth. Pagan Rome worshiped on Sunday. The Sun God. The government of Rome wished to Christianize the Romans to develop a unified government. This was a practical decision, entirely pragmatic. One religion, one government. The top priests can excommunicate anyone and damn them to hell if earthly rulers don't fall in line. Basically, the Catholic church was wedded to the Pagan Roman Empire because it was the Roman Empire that created the church. Not the other way around. To seduce the population, all Pagan Roman religious ideas, symbols, traditions and statues were Christianized. Sun Day worship was Christianized as well and the former Christians who worshiped on Saturday were vilified. See, when Rome was converted by the government, the feeding of believers to the coliseums for entertainment, never actually ended just because all Rome was now Christian. The original believers either went along with the new upgraded Christianity or were executed as heretics. And, this is why I'm a bit put off by church "doctrines" and more important I suppose, is a wedding of Church to State. It never seems to go well for those who don't agree. This is also why Islam is so dangerous. Islam has from it's conception been a religion wedded to government and always will be so. Uncouple Islam from government and you end up with a toothless tiger. If you've read the Koran you know exactly what I am talking about.

It's my thinking that the statutes, precepts, and Ten Commandments don't actually wed the ancient government of Israel that firmly to the the religion. Moses gave his handwritten law to the people with blessings and curses attached. What I've read in the New Testament is that the curses were done away with. The laws concerning temple sacrifice were also done away with. The Temple was to no longer be central to Israel but rather a decentralized faith. If you don't have a temple, you don't have a high priest. With that structure of organization broken, then the tithe goes with it. The faith must rely only on free will offerings. Watch closely how pastors now ask for tithe. Then research how tithe was structured for Israel. The SDA church completely reverses how tithe was supposed to be organized. Tithe in Ancient Israel was bottom up. First to the local synagogues and then ten percent of that to the Temple in Jerusalem. SDA church takes ALL the tithe from the people directly and then doles it out to the pastors and churches. Fall afoul of doctrine and get fired. Only they make it seem really bad by calling it, "defrock". Seriously, how far from the Catholics are they?

People easily get caught up in doctrine and live with their minds but not with their hearts.

Exactly. And this is how you can have people within a church who outwardly live very careful Christian lives but if you deal with them, they can destroy your reputation and cause damaged relationships with others in a church. It's only later after they've gained your trust that the backstabbing begins in earnest.

Joel Osteen marching with BLM

Wow. I didn't know about that. I remember on project supervisor I worked for (Really nice guy) got sucked into that and wanted me to go to that church with him. It was in Houston. You know, the one that flooded. Well, I listened to the guy online and listened to my supervisor and discovered huge holes in his "doctrine". My supervisor would whine about how his wife just didn't love him anymore after he cheated on her. She even started to cheat on him. Oh, but he thought God should fix all that for him and Osteen had him convinced God is gonna make it all better. Nope. I tried to tell him, if you've damaged your relationship, it's great neither one of you are cheating anymore but that doesn't mean the relationship is just supposed to come back overnight. You now have negative history. Anyway, Osteen convinced him there's no consequence for wrong doing and it's all gonna be fine. The man went back to cheating on his wife again. Thanks Joel, for nothing.

My personal experience with wrong doing and consequences: If you are guilty, the feeling is crushing. I've also been falsely charged for stuff and beating false accusers in court is liberating. Even understanding why people were coming after me to lie, just made me feel strong and bold. It's amazing Christ took our guilt and our punishment to himself. That's what salvation and the bible is really all about. We're born into sin, with a fallen nature from birth. The plan of salvation was to remove that negative birthright and restore the original innocence and more. A knowledge of right and wrong and a restored relationship. Only an animal can be truly innocent of sin because only an animal has no concept of right and wrong. Without that restoration, we can have an understanding of right and wrong, but no inclination to do the right thing beyond our own best short term interests.

rabbis who teach that goyim are cattle for jews.

Right. Talmud teaching. Talmud is interesting for understanding modern mainstream Judaism, but gee, it's loaded with stupid opinions and rationalizations to excuse asinine ideas and bad behavior. At the end of the day, Jews would do well to excise the garbage, keep what makes sense and then still consider it only man's opinion. If they can't do that, then the entire body of work needs to be trashed.

I recall skimming over SDA beliefs a while ago and thinking to myself how similar it was to Mormon doctrine.

Ellen G. White was ruthless in stealing writings of others. "I was shown". scattered all through her writings. She basically stole the writings of others to cobble together her own doctrines kind of like how Scientology was formed.

I’m curious, why did you choose to follow Messianic Judaism

I didn't choose Messianic Judaism, but rather, I just realized from talking with friends at the synogogue that they believed most closely with what I already understood and didn't mind having me share the results of my study with them. I would say, most protestant churches have adopted or adapted doctrines from the Catholic church and this includes the SDA church so I can't accept their teachings beyond in a more general way.

When I would discuss things with leaders from the local synogogue, there really was never conflict. No angry arguments and defense of the faith. Just the facts based on scriptures. I never even saw one pamphlet, church book on doctrines or anything like that at all. Anyone could go to the front of the congregation and share what he had read and what he thought about it. Try that at a Catholic church or JW or SDA. See how quick you get tossed out.

In addition, I find that of Mormons, SDA, and Jehovah's Witnesses all have one thing in common. Their founders were heavily involved with the Masons with the J.W's coming a bit later. Mormons get a bit worked up when I point this out, SDA believers also are a bit uncomfortable with this and will deny it. J.W's also will get upset and run off on you if you bring this up. It's not really their fault and especially not the fault of SDA members because from the start they are taught how bad the Catholic church is and how satanic Masons are.

25085932? ago

Thanks for your taking the time out to reply. Good stuff.

25087012? ago

You're welcome. Think about this, the very first believers were all Jewish. If I remember right, 5000 in a single day believed on the Messiah. Of course, when the movement reached the pagans, it was then that things gradually became corrupted with pagan customs. The worst was when the Romans converted from their pagan religions under order of their government. To pacify these early Christians the Romans sponsored churches, let them keep their statues and just changed the names under the statues. Romans were experts at pacification and propaganda.

25074297? ago

Torah. Written law.

25071074? ago

There are actually two Talmuds. Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds. Different sects of jews follow which ever one. But yeah your right. Everything they teach though and practice today was learned in BC time and passed down. Things have changed and been added/deleted but the main practices remain the same.

25070071? ago

800+ goy slaves for every Jew, they say.

25075130? ago

Yah, they argue over how many they each get on camera. Sick, Sick, people.

25071233? ago

Dang, where's mine?

25069130? ago

All jews are born evil. The further we get into this, the less of you there will be who emotionally deny it.

25069726? ago

Na, there are many Messianic jews who grew up Jewish and accepted Jesus later in life. It's a sick culture but it's like Mormonism, Amish, Jehova's Witnesses, etc. It's possible to wake up and reject it. It's not their DNA that's evil, it's their upbringings, teaching from the Talmud and Kabbalah, and other indoctrinations hidden deep in their beliefs. And when you learn that you're better than "goyim" all yoru life because of your blood, pride and ego takes over.

Like Jesus said, they aren't of their Father God because they are related to Abraham, they are of their father the Devil because of their spiritual mindset and condition.

25071227? ago

And to add to that I as a Christian have a better understanding of what Judaism is than they do.

Most practicing Jews do not read the psalms the most uplifting poetry of God ever written or to be written.

If we do this right many of the Jews are going to come around and think about how crushing that is going to be to those who do not?

We are going through the beginning of the end, Jesus was and is the Son of God, this World is going away and his kingdom is coming. 10,000 year reign Im thinking.

Time and space are slowing down, we are entering ground hog day until we awake to the power of Jesus Christ.
He comes back to get something good this is not it.

25071224? ago

Messianic Jewish here. Thanks for making the distinction.

25070635? ago

I agree. I've def known some decent ones. It's the leaven of the Pharisee that you have to watch out for, it's their doctrine and teachings.

25070300? ago

They all get the gas

25069979? ago

It’s 100% in their dna, the fact that you negate this is proof you are either a like in hiding or a shill.

25070055? ago

You sound like Tallest Skill or HeyGeorge. One of those polarity-thinking people here on Voat that have zero capability of analyzing the grey area. Always pushing your strict doctrines.

25069812? ago

Many are also under trauma based mind control due to being taught lies about the holocaust. When you learn from an early age that your family would have been a lot larger, but Uncle Bernie and Aunt Miralda were turned into lampshades after being put in a masturbation machine and roller coaster of death, it causes some fucked up trauma in kids.

25069679? ago

We are all born into sin. Jesus redeemed those who accept and obey Him.

25071027? ago

newage judeo-christian nonsense OP

in the book of Joshua, God commanded isrealites (white people) to kill every single canannite MAN WOMAN AND CHILD. The bible is not some willy nilly book for pussies who let people walk over them. We are warriors. The fact that our ancestors disobeyed the order and showed mercy via enslaving some of the canaanites is exactly what has led to our predicament in 2020.

You have much to learn.

Uncomfortable truths.

25070762? ago

Fake and gay.

Original Sin... Your god sucks! Find one that actually loves his people!

25070568? ago

You are so, so wrong....

25069817? ago

Yes, John 3:16

25069303? ago

And just think; when all the Jews are gone you will still have the Rothchilds and $040$'s and the rest of the "elite" still ruling the planet and you and yours will be totally eliminated. Praise the Lord!

25069384? ago

Rothschilds are jewish...how fucking worthless you adl/jidf people have become. Absolutely pathetic attempt.

25069705? ago

You just can't keep good shills these days.

Rothschild = Jew is Awakening 101 for Christ's sake.

(See what I did there?)

25069265? ago

Ezra Levant is a better man than most. You can tell by everything he does and says to fight tyranny while being squashed by it.

There are jewnicorns.

25069416? ago

Right. Gas him.

25069515? ago

Gas every shitskin first - you are up!

25069577? ago

Good one!

25069208? ago

and you are evil by choice?

25069402? ago

When it comes to dealing with jews, yes.

Actually a pretty nice guy outside of that. Now run along before I get a can of raid and gas you.

25069128? ago

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25068500? ago

Is there a relationship between Canaanite religion amd Babylon?

25071001? ago

The spirit of their religion that drove them was the same and it was never part of God,

10 In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother. 11 For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another, 12 not as Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his works were evil and his brother’s righteous.

13 Do not marvel, my brethren, if the world hates you. 14 We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren. He who does not love his brother abides in death. 15 Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.

25075336? ago

Jesus wasn't a jew. He was described by the Romans the same way that achilles was described, as a golden boy(blond hair, blue eyes). In fact, multiple times it is mentioned that he was a pure Hebrew, and not that he was Jewish. Jesus Christ hated jews, he believed them to be the spawn of satan. This is further confirmed through John. Jesus being Jewish is a Jewish made revision to the holy texts.

25073550? ago

The lights are on upstairs in this anon’s head. Not a word I don’t disagree with.

25072495? ago

I've always suspected that the devil targeted this group because it included Christ and so many of the prophets. Its obvious that his tentacles wrapped around aspects of Judaism, the Talmud for example.

25070679? ago

This is a nice presentation which touches on the topic: https://youtu.be/Lbdro2KNoZc

25070506? ago

Caananite religion basically was heavily influenced by the religions of southern Iraq.

25073562? ago

It originally hails from Tibet, anon.

The only place outside of Noah’s ark to remain dry.

25070584? ago

Think there is some relation to ancient Egyptian priesthood or pharao's as well

25074308? ago

To the antediluvian, worldwide, pyramid building, sun worshipping, human sacrificing culture, a small part of which we call Egypt, yes.

25076165? ago

Not so sure the worldwide pyramids were built by the cult, since they try and infiltrate and pervert everything, several obvious reasons are mocking human spirit, creativity and God... we still see it everyday.

An example is the planned parenthood building modeled after a Mayan pyramid, maybe it's true, although personally i haven't researched the topic enough, on the other hand we do know for sure that [they] pervert and censor history, to hide history, truth and righteousness...

25078391? ago

Not so sure all the worldwide pyramids were built by the cult, since they try and infiltrate and pervert everything, several obvious reasons are mocking human spirit, creativity and God... we still see it everyday.

Follow the nazi “archaeologists”. They found aryans all over the world. They might also call present day North Korea a very “aryan” nation.

The “cult” you refer to came to our world through ancient Babylon and the Babylonian Captivity. Many call this cult the Babylonian Mystery Schools, after the way they presented as “schools” of “pondering the ancient mysteries” in the ancient world. The Babylonians learned it from the Sumerians, and that is where the trail starts to go cool.

However, a review of ancient and antediluvian Tibet is, uh, illuminating. The Himalayas were long recognized as the highest on earth. The Lamas had a widely known and fearful reputation for brutal human sacrifice. The original religion of Buddhism (the tale of Buddha, btw, is also the tale of Jesus) was written and strictly interpreted. The Lamas introduced Buddhist Talmudism to Buddhism! What was tantra? How was it practiced in Tibet? What were charnel fields? Could anyone practice tantra? Or only the most illuminated? Could it be called sex magick? What did Alistair Crowley and “Madame Blavatsky” write about Tibet? What is a shatkona?

25078535? ago

Great comment thx, did a quick check to see of i could find a good video on antedluvian Tibet but at first sight most vids are generic, got any good video link?

25070866? ago


25069027? ago

So basically what you’re saying is it’s fine to be Jewish, the canaanites are the real baddies?

Good to see someone knows what’s up.

25069692? ago

Setting aside all the innovations and corruptions since the 1st century, being "Jewish" in the pure sense of claiming to follow only the Torah of Moses, the Prophets and Wisdom in what the rest of us call the Old Testament -- is at best tragically incomplete. At worst it's being stubbornly ignorant because that Old Testament to now stand on its own is an empty shell for anyone to try and faithfully live by.

The Prophets and the sacred writings literally have no value if (a) Messiah has not already come, and (b) if the temple and system of priestly sacrifice were swept away into history, they have no conclusion to what the prophets were pointing them to, and no means to commune with YHWH that is lawfully acceptable.

25070585? ago

Jews holy books are the talmud, Zohar and such. They laugh at the OT.

25070056? ago

It's "Yahweh". You can say his name. You don't have to be a jew about it.

25070601? ago

I doubt his name was "Yahweh"

25070669? ago

Yet the kikes are still afraid of the name

25070927? ago

Well Jesus real name was Yeshua and the tribe is named Yehuda.

25071128? ago

Yeshua is the english pronunciation of the hebrew name. Its incorrect as we do not have the correct hebrew spoken language. They have the written but they don't speak it correctly. So any pronunciation aside from Jesus unless is Jesus is another known language is incorrect. The NT was written in Greek and Aramaic.

25071278? ago

I know I can't pronounce it like they did. Just saying if the tribe is named yahuda and he's name yahshua then chances are His name isn't Yahweh. Pretty sure the karaites and the closest English spelling would be Yahua or Yahooa.

25070971? ago


25070490? ago

Let people do what they want. Mini hitler over here lol

25070605? ago

Now I, I say I resemble that remark.

25071306? ago

Ok foghorn leghorn.

25069375? ago

Jews went against god and fucked the cananites and Edomites and bread the Jews out of existence, you are all imposters and cursed

25069457? ago

Bro, you need Jesus.

25069163? ago

Nope. The jews descendants are the Canaanites, put simply. They are one and the same. Jews are acting like their descendants because DNA determines behavior.

25070522? ago

The Bible was written in a dialect of caananite.

25069241? ago

But the whole point of this post is they aren’t the same

You retards need to make up your minds.

25069958? ago

Found the jew.

25074385? ago

Shut the fuck up, tard

25088084? ago

Found another.

25070477? ago

Yeah but you just proved him right.

25069334? ago

Genetically, there is no such thing as a Jew... as they are just Cannanites.

However, the Khazarians chose Judaism as their official religion so they wouldn't have to pay tribute to either the Sultan or the Pope. They have zero genetic relationship to Canaanites.

The Khazarian Jews are fake jews, but control the Jewish apparatus via the Zionist movement. In fact, they are using Israel to exterminate the real genetic Jews, the Palestinians.

However, the center of power is the secret society that has nested itself in the leadership of the Zionists, the Wahabbists and the Jesuits. These are the occultists. "Occult" literally meaning "hidden." They are into hiding everything and using hidden knowledge. They use occult practices of many traditions and are always looking to amplify their "occult" powers. They derive their power specifically from their ability to hide and operate with hidden means.

25074376? ago

covers one eye

This ^ anon knows what he is talking about.

25070275? ago

Cannanites (Hamites) arent jews they are niggers.

25069468? ago

There’s no such thing?


25074140? ago

Not the person you were responding to, but here's a lengthy and worthwhile read on some history of 3 types of jews.

25075540? ago

Thanks for the info.

25077501? ago

You're welcome. Hope you find the info useful the way I did.

25078322? ago

I probably will...I just wanna know why people want to kill all of us because of the satanic ones. There are bad people in every religion but here people only act like its Jews. Pretty sure high level Catholics and muslims do fucked up shit too.

25070270? ago

Genetically speaking, of course.

Plenty of people practice a variety of Jewish beliefs. Semitic is not a race, it is a lingual reference.

25069399? ago


25068303? ago

It's not just the Jews. You don't do anything to help by constantly harping on the Jews. In fact, you show you're a shill. If you knew anything about it, you'd know that it's not just Jews who are satanists. They're everywhere. And they are the true enemy. The Jews are still God's chosen and that won't change. Get up to speed or get out of the way.

25069541? ago

God's chosen

Scofield was funded by jews to kickstart that fake narrative in his Bible commentary. Scripture says otherwise. Jews are bastards of creation and thus, enemies of God, through their ancestors the Edomites and Canaanites, and the races before Adam. They are the offspring of the first rebellion, whom valued muh duck and glory for themselves rather than their Creator.

25077556? ago

Wrong. Again.

25068620? ago

Your lies won't play well here.

25068655? ago

Now, that is funny. Project much?

25068700? ago

Like the old umpire said, "I just calls em as I sees em".

25068602? ago

Only two teams and one is Gods

The rest are RELIGIONS OF MAN.

Read the Bible in the context of time.

Not your religious teachings.

People know and believe alot of shit that simply isnt truth.

You believe in jews you believe in the rapture.

Bible soundly defeats both in both testaments.


You buffet christians pick and choose what to accept other than the literal written word IN CONTEXT.

Shame be with you

25068442? ago

You're right, it's not just the Jews. But it is their recorded oral tradition. The bible makes clear many others were following.

They've been openly telling us for a century. https://youtu.be/AvtWDIZtrAE

25068430? ago

No. The Israelites are the chosen. Jews are a small subset that includes a lot of other ethnicities. DNA studies have shown that most people living in Israel are not actually Israelites. Do more research.