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24908480? ago


  1. Trump does nothing
  2. Q does nothing

Both are huge lying complicit pieces of shit.

24908537? ago

The concernfag is posting at record levels today. New orders given.

24908653? ago

Doesn't a communist takeover of your country concern you? If not, why not?

24908756? ago

You claimed Trump dies nothing. This is not true. You've provided no evidence.

You claimed Q does nothing. You've provided no evidence.

The American people are going to destroy the democratic party at every level, national and local, come November. There is no evidence that suggests anything other. Why are you concernfagging if you are keeping at the very least informed? It's either because of ignorance or because of intent.

24908775? ago

No arrests of high level Democrats = doing nothing

24908862? ago

Does POTUS control the courts yet? Does POTUS control Democrat areas yet? Does POTUS executive branch have constitutional authority to conduct operations at State levels? Does POTUS control 100% of the military? Is POTUS working to try to prevent a civil war and strengthen America or should he take actions that will destroy the country and allow the UN and China to take action?

24909335? ago

POTUS' power is plenary under the current emergency authorization.

24912340? ago

Ah, I see now. You want a civil war. You want death and destruction. You want the Feds to use live ammo. You want POTUS to ignore State sovereignty and the rule of law. You believe that the Democrats voters who voted the Democrats in should have their votes and rights ignored, that they aren't Americans. You want POTUS to do exactly what the MSM and communists want him to do, three months before the election. You want America divided and at war with itself while China and their allies expand across the world. You don't believe what is written to your right. You don't believe in the "plan," because you don't think Qanon or Q is real. Am I right? I notice you didn't answer a single one of my questions, I wonder if it is because it exposes you for what you are?

24922284? ago

Why so triggered by the truth? POTUS' power IS plenary under the current emergency authorization. Everything else you posted was just beating on some non-existent strawman so there's no need for me to interfere when you're doing such a good job larping as a Q-supporter - the most insidious kind of troll fakes conservativism, almost like you were programmed by AI. Are you? Programmed by AI.

24922414? ago

What "truth?" ... you haven't provided a damn thing other than whining that POTUS hasn't ordered the Feds to escalate violence. I stated facts related to such an escalation but you are probably the same low IQ cunt from a few days ago that claimed "strawman" when you don't even understand the fallacy.

I'm the larper when you stand for everything Qanon and Q is against ... lol ... fucking retard glownigger.

Am I AI? .... you are just another low IQ cunt trying to change the narrative. You haven't addressed a single point I made ... so why don't you fuck off back to whatever hole you climbed out of and speak to your other retarded friends about inciting civil war ... you are not welcome here.

24922592? ago

I'm a different poster than the straw man you're beating on. All I said is that POTUS' power is plenary. Because it is you ignorant motherfucker.

Is your AI malfunctioning or something?

24924265? ago

I responded to that cunt. You didn't. Strange your followed with the same low IQ AI comment.

24924519? ago

In other words "oops you got it wrong" and now are spinning and spinning. I'm the same AI comment person you flipped out on, but this is my first post in the thread, after which you full on chimped out on a strawman. POTUS' power IS PLENARY under the current emergency authorization.

24924567? ago

I'm sorry you are a retard who would like to see thousands die and America ripped apart and blame POTUS for not presiding over the destruction of the nation.

Amazing you warmongering cunts are all appearing in Qanon verses now that the media has the public's eyes on us.

Nowhere, you fucking low IQ mongoloid have I said POTUS does not have the power. I said he hasn't used it and won't use it despite all you pretend patriots demanding he does. Now fuck off child and let the adults have a discussion.

24924597? ago

I'm sorry you are a retard who would like to see thousands die and America ripped apart and blame POTUS for not presiding over the destruction of the nation.

Amazing you warmongering cunts are all appearing in Qanon verses now that the media has the public's eyes on us.

Nowhere, you fucking low IQ mongoloid have I said POTUS does not have the power. I said he hasn't used it and won't use it despite all you pretend patriots demanding he does. Now fuck off child and let the adults have a discussion.

Another fake chosen REEEEEEEEing that he's been caught out, now projecting that it's the OTHER people who want what he's fomenting as he trolls our boards as a RolCon LARPer.

24924698? ago

Aw, now projecting YOUR OWN tactics on to patriots. Next post proves the troll kibbutz theory. You can't get paid if you don't get the last word.

24924721? ago

I believe in the constitution and our President. You don't.

24924738? ago

^^ Proof he's posting from a troll kibbutz and can't get paid unless he gets the last word. Claims to support the Constitution, but doesn't say which country - can't be the USA or he'd honor free speech. He can't.

24924756? ago

Says the bitch with the alt accounts complaining about "bad words"

24924795? ago

Yet More Projection. Who's the we?

Dude, you are pure evil, so full of hatred that if you're not larping then you're mentally ill.

24924873? ago

You and your friend aren't reading each other's threads. Very sloppy, traitors.

24924889? ago

We really need to bring back mental institutions and make sure rooms don't have internet access.

24924975? ago

I agree ... and post-birth abortion for every cunt with an IQ as low as yours. now fuck off back to your nazifag verse like a good little traitor.

24925008? ago

I agree ... and post-birth abortion for every cunt with an IQ as low as yours. now fuck off back to your nazifag verse like a good little traitor.

This is first and foremost a spiritual battle and you are literally calling for children to be sacrificed to Moloch.

The USA is a Christian nation, you are no patriot. All you have brought to this "conversation" is projection, foul language and hatred. The opposite of any patriot. At least to the USA, however if your loyalty is to judeo-bolshevism, you're very loyal indeed.

24925037? ago

Faggot complaining about bad words again. You are the one that wants a war.

24925127? ago

Faggot complaining about bad words tired, worn judeo-bolshevik again. You are I am the one that wants a war.

Fixed it for ya.

24925137? ago

Switching narrative to avoid his hypocrisy.

24925166? ago

You are literally the only one spewing hatred and vile degradation, using foul language, and calling for war.

24925185? ago

Boo hoo ... the traitor complaining about Big Bad Words again.

24925225? ago

^^ pure evil trying to project itself onto the righteous. EVIL!!!!

24925312? ago

And still more projection and lies from the traitor.

24925682? ago

No one but you called for violence and child sacrifice in the name of patriotism. You have demonstrated yourself to be one of two things:

  1. Evil rolcon larper trying to make Q and anons look violent.

  2. An old man who's at the end of his rope and can't discern the good guys from the bad.

If it's the latter, I pray you are able to repent for the evil you're spewing.

24925895? ago

More lies from an evil piece of shit.

24925941? ago

Ok, it's the former. Thanks for clarifying. No more benefit of the doubt. You using a VPN? We'll know by tomorrow ;-P

24926032? ago

Larping again, I see.

24926048? ago

^^ paid to have the last word. NOTHING else makes sense of your tenacity to keep the thread going without once posting anything that comes close to a valid argument.

24926071? ago

Your lies, twisting the truth, brigading and now threats ..... because you are SBBH pedos with access with to the voat back-end ... which wouldn't go down well with the community ... or you are larping traitors .... it's one or the other. You lose either way.

24926079? ago

LOL, no one but you is spewing and supporting evil.

24926092? ago

Sure, switch the narrative again.

24926109? ago

No free lunch Rabbi. Not giving you the last word when you never once did anything but spew vile hatred and then project it all on to us.

Fucking pedovore.

24926115? ago

Can't respond ... I wonder if you are the 420 faggot. You sound just like him.

24926174? ago

LOL. Desperate. Not letting you get paid Yaniv.

24926199? ago

Still no response to whether or not you are a threat making larper pretending you are a patriot or an SBBH faggot threatening to access the voat backend to expose a user?

24926219? ago

I don't respond to nonsense no matter how many times a child sacrificer posts them. Just making sure you don't get paid for all the effort you put into this thread Yaniv.

24926236? ago

You claimed it ... now you don't have the balls to own it .... a coward as well.

24926257? ago

C. Patriot playing whack-a-mole with a judeo-bolshevik spewing evil vile projection as he posts from a troll kibutz.

24926283? ago

Still not answering, traitor. Which are you? A larper or someone willing to abuse their access and destroy voat?

24926287? ago