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24908480? ago


  1. Trump does nothing
  2. Q does nothing

Both are huge lying complicit pieces of shit.

24908537? ago

The concernfag is posting at record levels today. New orders given.

24908653? ago

Doesn't a communist takeover of your country concern you? If not, why not?

24908756? ago

You claimed Trump dies nothing. This is not true. You've provided no evidence.

You claimed Q does nothing. You've provided no evidence.

The American people are going to destroy the democratic party at every level, national and local, come November. There is no evidence that suggests anything other. Why are you concernfagging if you are keeping at the very least informed? It's either because of ignorance or because of intent.

24908775? ago

No arrests of high level Democrats = doing nothing

24908862? ago

Does POTUS control the courts yet? Does POTUS control Democrat areas yet? Does POTUS executive branch have constitutional authority to conduct operations at State levels? Does POTUS control 100% of the military? Is POTUS working to try to prevent a civil war and strengthen America or should he take actions that will destroy the country and allow the UN and China to take action?

24909335? ago

POTUS' power is plenary under the current emergency authorization.

24912340? ago

Ah, I see now. You want a civil war. You want death and destruction. You want the Feds to use live ammo. You want POTUS to ignore State sovereignty and the rule of law. You believe that the Democrats voters who voted the Democrats in should have their votes and rights ignored, that they aren't Americans. You want POTUS to do exactly what the MSM and communists want him to do, three months before the election. You want America divided and at war with itself while China and their allies expand across the world. You don't believe what is written to your right. You don't believe in the "plan," because you don't think Qanon or Q is real. Am I right? I notice you didn't answer a single one of my questions, I wonder if it is because it exposes you for what you are?

24924575? ago

Ah, I see now. You want a civil war. You want death and destruction. You want the Feds to use live ammo. You want POTUS to ignore State sovereignty and the rule of law. You believe that the Democrats voters who voted the Democrats in should have their votes and rights ignored, that they aren't Americans. You want POTUS to do exactly what the MSM and communists want him to do, three months before the election. You want America divided and at war with itself while China and their allies expand across the world.

You are a fucking nut job projector - these are the things that you RolCon LARPers want.

All because you're triggered that someone pointed out that POTUS' power is absolute right now. That's literally all that was said before you started beating on that strawman from the safety of your troll kibbutz.

24924634? ago

Ah look at the brigading going on. Multiple responses from multiple traitors on at the same time on a day old thread. Not very well trained are you?

24924640? ago

Says the kike paid to get the last word on any thread. You must not understand how Voat works.

24924663? ago

Fuck off traitor. You are everything Qanon is not.

24924683? ago

^^ Think Mirror

24924701? ago

Still crying you don't get to kill children.

24924725? ago

^^ pedovore projecting from his troll kibbutz. Just watch, he can't get paid unless he gets the last word in every thread. Just watch, he can't leave it, proving us right.

24924771? ago

Switching the narrative again. What's this "us" nazifag ... you admit to brigading .... lol ... you cunts are stupid.

24924803? ago

You seriously don't understand how voat works. Top Kek!!

24924848? ago

I don't give a fuck how voat works. I've exposed two SBBH nazifag traitors trying to paint Qanon as violent. I don't have to do anything else now you've been exposed.

24924864? ago

No one's calling for violence. All OP did was point out that POTUS' power is plenary and you full on chimped out like the kike you are.

24924910? ago

Arguing that POTUS can and should escalate is calling for war. You aren't smart enough to realize that and obviously support it.

24924923? ago

No one argued for that, just responded to you saying he CAN'T - which is patently untrue.

24924939? ago

Three responses to every one I type. You must be communicating on discord.

24924945? ago

Thanks for continuing to show us YOUR tactics, and proving you have zero idea how voat works. LOL.