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24908480? ago


  1. Trump does nothing
  2. Q does nothing

Both are huge lying complicit pieces of shit.

24908537? ago

The concernfag is posting at record levels today. New orders given.

24908653? ago

Doesn't a communist takeover of your country concern you? If not, why not?

24908756? ago

You claimed Trump dies nothing. This is not true. You've provided no evidence.

You claimed Q does nothing. You've provided no evidence.

The American people are going to destroy the democratic party at every level, national and local, come November. There is no evidence that suggests anything other. Why are you concernfagging if you are keeping at the very least informed? It's either because of ignorance or because of intent.

24908775? ago

No arrests of high level Democrats = doing nothing

24908862? ago

Does POTUS control the courts yet? Does POTUS control Democrat areas yet? Does POTUS executive branch have constitutional authority to conduct operations at State levels? Does POTUS control 100% of the military? Is POTUS working to try to prevent a civil war and strengthen America or should he take actions that will destroy the country and allow the UN and China to take action?

24909335? ago

POTUS' power is plenary under the current emergency authorization.

24912340? ago

Ah, I see now. You want a civil war. You want death and destruction. You want the Feds to use live ammo. You want POTUS to ignore State sovereignty and the rule of law. You believe that the Democrats voters who voted the Democrats in should have their votes and rights ignored, that they aren't Americans. You want POTUS to do exactly what the MSM and communists want him to do, three months before the election. You want America divided and at war with itself while China and their allies expand across the world. You don't believe what is written to your right. You don't believe in the "plan," because you don't think Qanon or Q is real. Am I right? I notice you didn't answer a single one of my questions, I wonder if it is because it exposes you for what you are?

24924575? ago

Ah, I see now. You want a civil war. You want death and destruction. You want the Feds to use live ammo. You want POTUS to ignore State sovereignty and the rule of law. You believe that the Democrats voters who voted the Democrats in should have their votes and rights ignored, that they aren't Americans. You want POTUS to do exactly what the MSM and communists want him to do, three months before the election. You want America divided and at war with itself while China and their allies expand across the world.

You are a fucking nut job projector - these are the things that you RolCon LARPers want.

All because you're triggered that someone pointed out that POTUS' power is absolute right now. That's literally all that was said before you started beating on that strawman from the safety of your troll kibbutz.

24924634? ago

Ah look at the brigading going on. Multiple responses from multiple traitors on at the same time on a day old thread. Not very well trained are you?

24924640? ago

Says the kike paid to get the last word on any thread. You must not understand how Voat works.

24924663? ago

Fuck off traitor. You are everything Qanon is not.

24924683? ago

^^ Think Mirror

24924701? ago

Still crying you don't get to kill children.

24924725? ago

^^ pedovore projecting from his troll kibbutz. Just watch, he can't get paid unless he gets the last word in every thread. Just watch, he can't leave it, proving us right.

24924771? ago

Switching the narrative again. What's this "us" nazifag ... you admit to brigading .... lol ... you cunts are stupid.

24924803? ago

You seriously don't understand how voat works. Top Kek!!

24924848? ago

I don't give a fuck how voat works. I've exposed two SBBH nazifag traitors trying to paint Qanon as violent. I don't have to do anything else now you've been exposed.

24924864? ago

No one's calling for violence. All OP did was point out that POTUS' power is plenary and you full on chimped out like the kike you are.

24924910? ago

Arguing that POTUS can and should escalate is calling for war. You aren't smart enough to realize that and obviously support it.

24924923? ago

No one argued for that, just responded to you saying he CAN'T - which is patently untrue.

24924939? ago

Three responses to every one I type. You must be communicating on discord.

24924945? ago

Thanks for continuing to show us YOUR tactics, and proving you have zero idea how voat works. LOL.

24922284? ago

Why so triggered by the truth? POTUS' power IS plenary under the current emergency authorization. Everything else you posted was just beating on some non-existent strawman so there's no need for me to interfere when you're doing such a good job larping as a Q-supporter - the most insidious kind of troll fakes conservativism, almost like you were programmed by AI. Are you? Programmed by AI.

24922414? ago

What "truth?" ... you haven't provided a damn thing other than whining that POTUS hasn't ordered the Feds to escalate violence. I stated facts related to such an escalation but you are probably the same low IQ cunt from a few days ago that claimed "strawman" when you don't even understand the fallacy.

I'm the larper when you stand for everything Qanon and Q is against ... lol ... fucking retard glownigger.

Am I AI? .... you are just another low IQ cunt trying to change the narrative. You haven't addressed a single point I made ... so why don't you fuck off back to whatever hole you climbed out of and speak to your other retarded friends about inciting civil war ... you are not welcome here.

24922940? ago

^^ the most insidious form of troll, poses as a conservative to garner trust and support and then chimps out to make them look foolish.

24924234? ago

Look at this traitor cunt trying to deflect. Not a patriot and not a Qanon.

24924535? ago

Aw, look at the LARPer resorting to ugliness and name calling because he can't defend his argument. Now get even uglier, we know this is just scratching the surface of how ugly you can get.

24924605? ago

You haven't responded cunt. You want war. I've seen war. A cunt like you is a fucking soi-boi and you have the fucking peanut balls to call me a Larper. Fuck you. You deflect like an antifa cunt. You argue like a antifa cunt. You lack the IQ to respond to argument. You even complain about "bad words" like the leftist cunt you've just exposed yourself as. Well done, traitor.

24924672? ago

You know how we know you're a kike posting from a troll kibbutz? YOUR OWN WORDS:

You haven't responded cunt. You want war. I've seen war. A cunt like you is a fucking soi-boi and you have the fucking peanut balls to call me a Larper. Fuck you. You deflect like an antifa cunt. You argue like a antifa cunt. You lack the IQ to respond to argument. You even complain about "bad words" like the leftist cunt you've just exposed yourself as. Well done, traitor.

Albeit, you did forget retard this time. All your words do not a valid argument make. You've been had Yaniv. Responding only proves the guy who knows you're posting from a troll kibbutz right. LOL!!

24924690? ago

Traitor is still crying because he wants America to burn and POTUS won't give him what he wants.

24924709? ago

Kike is still beating on his strawman, proving yet again he doesn't get paid unless he gets the last word in the thread.

24924749? ago

Well, we've already exposed you are a leftist traitor. Still using the "strawman" argument without knowing what it actually means. Now switching the narrative and making some bullshit up about the last word while larping as a nazifag. Was wondering how soon it would be before you started screaming "muh joo" ... took you longer than most, traitor.

24924779? ago

^^ found the traitor. Think Mirror. Here to turn everyone's day into a time sinkhole. You can have the last word so you can keep eating, Yaniv.

24924831? ago

Anyone calling for violence and war is the traitor. Ask your nazifag friend.

24924875? ago

Where did anyone call for violence and war?

YOU are the one calling to allow violence and war with no response. FUCK OFF you evil mentally ill KIKE.

24924893? ago

I think you should go back and reread everything, this conversation has obviously been too long for your little mind.

24924913? ago

No one but you called for violence, and now you are trying to backtrack when you could easily post a link to the calls for violence, except there are none that you didn't post.

24924956? ago

Go fuck yourself. Demanding POTUS exercise his powers via executive orders regardless of the consequences is supporting violence ... but sure, play word games, traitor.

24924984? ago

You go fuck yourself Rabbi. No one but YOU called for violence. You said POTUS can't respond to the violence - which is patently untrue. Since then you're scrambing to paint Qanons as supportive of violence when nothing could be further from the truth.

I'd call you a traitor, but your loyalty to Israel is unquestioned.

24925046? ago

Fantastic coordination with your buddy again.

24922592? ago

I'm a different poster than the straw man you're beating on. All I said is that POTUS' power is plenary. Because it is you ignorant motherfucker.

Is your AI malfunctioning or something?

24924265? ago

I responded to that cunt. You didn't. Strange your followed with the same low IQ AI comment.

24924519? ago

In other words "oops you got it wrong" and now are spinning and spinning. I'm the same AI comment person you flipped out on, but this is my first post in the thread, after which you full on chimped out on a strawman. POTUS' power IS PLENARY under the current emergency authorization.

24924567? ago

I'm sorry you are a retard who would like to see thousands die and America ripped apart and blame POTUS for not presiding over the destruction of the nation.

Amazing you warmongering cunts are all appearing in Qanon verses now that the media has the public's eyes on us.

Nowhere, you fucking low IQ mongoloid have I said POTUS does not have the power. I said he hasn't used it and won't use it despite all you pretend patriots demanding he does. Now fuck off child and let the adults have a discussion.

24924597? ago

I'm sorry you are a retard who would like to see thousands die and America ripped apart and blame POTUS for not presiding over the destruction of the nation.

Amazing you warmongering cunts are all appearing in Qanon verses now that the media has the public's eyes on us.

Nowhere, you fucking low IQ mongoloid have I said POTUS does not have the power. I said he hasn't used it and won't use it despite all you pretend patriots demanding he does. Now fuck off child and let the adults have a discussion.

Another fake chosen REEEEEEEEing that he's been caught out, now projecting that it's the OTHER people who want what he's fomenting as he trolls our boards as a RolCon LARPer.

24924698? ago

Aw, now projecting YOUR OWN tactics on to patriots. Next post proves the troll kibbutz theory. You can't get paid if you don't get the last word.

24924721? ago

I believe in the constitution and our President. You don't.

24924738? ago

^^ Proof he's posting from a troll kibbutz and can't get paid unless he gets the last word. Claims to support the Constitution, but doesn't say which country - can't be the USA or he'd honor free speech. He can't.

24924756? ago

Says the bitch with the alt accounts complaining about "bad words"

24924795? ago

Yet More Projection. Who's the we?

Dude, you are pure evil, so full of hatred that if you're not larping then you're mentally ill.

24924873? ago

You and your friend aren't reading each other's threads. Very sloppy, traitors.

24924889? ago

We really need to bring back mental institutions and make sure rooms don't have internet access.

24924975? ago

I agree ... and post-birth abortion for every cunt with an IQ as low as yours. now fuck off back to your nazifag verse like a good little traitor.

24925008? ago

I agree ... and post-birth abortion for every cunt with an IQ as low as yours. now fuck off back to your nazifag verse like a good little traitor.

This is first and foremost a spiritual battle and you are literally calling for children to be sacrificed to Moloch.

The USA is a Christian nation, you are no patriot. All you have brought to this "conversation" is projection, foul language and hatred. The opposite of any patriot. At least to the USA, however if your loyalty is to judeo-bolshevism, you're very loyal indeed.

24925109? ago

The lies of a traitor ... what is a post-birth abortion? Your low IQ betrays as you twist it into something I did not say.

24925154? ago

what is a post-birth abortion?

Child sacrifice. You are no Christian and deserve no quarter in the West. We're so well coordinated that we've got your IP and will be coming for ya.

24925173? ago

You are a child then?

24925209? ago

^^ pure evil. Meet yourself everywhere. E. V. E. R. Y. W. H. E. R. E.

24925297? ago

More projection from the anti-Qanon spammer.

24925664? ago

Dude, the thread speaks for itself. If you're not a rolcon larper the you should check yourself old man, be careful not to BECOME that which you claim to stand against.

24925908? ago

Switching the narrative again.

24925953? ago

Your projection is showing again. We're going to starve you Rabbi.

24926022? ago

Keep twisting the narrative, traitor.

24926054? ago

No one needs to twist anything, we have screenshots of the entire thread. Next up: you'd better hope you have a VPN. See you soon!

24926082? ago

So you admit you are a larping patriot or an SBBH cunt.

24926097? ago

Now you're turning OUR narrative back on us, rolcon larper? LOL! So desperate to do anything BUT provide a valid argument. You have none. You are the only one spewing evil, calling for violence and projecting on to a straw man. Not giving you the last word because we want to make sure it's a big waste of time that you don't get paid for.

24926129? ago

What's the matter ... no response to your threats and larping? Just need to switch the conversation away from the fact you've been exposed as a traitor?

24926170? ago

Show me where we were the ones who were exposed? You can't.

24926212? ago

See your other thread, traitor.

24926231? ago

Onus is on you - you CAN'T so you try to project it on to us. Nope. Onus belongs firmly with YOU.

24926267? ago

Like I said, you are a coward making legitimate threats meaning you are an SBBH cunt, or you are nothing more than a pre-pubescent child playing at being a hard man behind a keyboard as a larping patriot. Threaten me again, traitor, back up your threats or GTFO.

24926282? ago

Threats? LOL, pathetic old man.

24926292? ago

You've made threats. Back them up. Stop avoiding and trying to change the subject.

24926339? ago

You're the one who threatened to "abort" a living human, now you're just becoming insane.

24926368? ago

First of the threats you made

So NOW you understand that I was referring to the death of a traitor after lying and twisting it into support for abortion and child sacrifice and evil. Amazing how you low IQ morons expose yourselves the longer you are allowed to spew your lies.

24926385? ago

Reported you to SS, silly whingey pussy.

24926426? ago

Keep crying and still waiting for you to explain your threat. You've lost the argument as either someone willing to abuse their power or a larping cunt.

24926437? ago

You've lost the argument as either someone willing to abuse their power or a larping cunt.

Circled back around to the beginning again, Bot.

24926450? ago


24926456? ago

You were reported - better hope you have a VPN. Not rocket science.

24926507? ago

You are the one making threats. You've reported yourself. As if the little larping low IQ child was capable of anything.

24926604? ago

Blah blah blah larping cunt other judeo bolshevik nonsense blah blah blah

Looking forward to seeing you.

24926724? ago

And another threat against my person. I love when the children get above their station and think they can frighten and intomidate others ... just like the traitor leftists and larpers do.

24927247? ago

So now using your words = threat? Interdasting.

24927356? ago

The traitor continues to obfuscate while ignoring that he made a threat to my person. Maybe you could assist me, in how many States have you broken the law?

24927381? ago

Weren't you the one who was calling people names laced with expletives above? Something about whinging over some bad words? LOL, you kikes aren't the great chameleons you imagine yourselves to be.

24927394? ago

Calling people cunts isn't illegal, patriot2008. Threatening them is ... especially when you don't have a fucking clue who you are talking to.

24927441? ago

Why are you involving

24927630? ago

Similar vocabulary and sentence structure. Threats are serious business in my neck of the woods.

24927650? ago

LOL, dude makes perfect sense. If you disagree with him then you really are a troll. In that case, we're going to make sure you never get a last word in anywhere. No breakfast for you, Yaniv.

24927698? ago

Oh look ... your buddy is back to defend you and hide the fact you made personal threats and threatened the integrity of Voat.

24927711? ago

How can anyone make personal threats on an anon board? The fact that you don't understand how voat works doesn't make anyone else the problem. You just don't like your own tactics being turned back on you.

24927782? ago

I told you that being a retard is no excuse. I have explained exactly the nature of the threat. Now you are just being a low IQ cunt, interjecting yourself to try and cover for your faggot friend.

24927797? ago

I have explained exactly the nature of the threat.


24927873? ago

Not smart enough to follow along? Either you are larping cunts or you are abusing access to the voat backend. It was a personal threat. I want to know what exactly you meant by threatening me.

24928007? ago

A personal threat against whom? You're crazy, the only threats, expletives and calls for violence have come from you.

24928032? ago

Hiding the truth again. Derailing. Complaining about bad words. lol. Still waiting.

24928054? ago

Still waiting.

Maybe try holding your breath?

24928181? ago

Because there are so many brigading cunts, I'm not sure if you are covering for your faggot friend, or are him.

24928251? ago

You're not sure of anything but the desperate need to have the last word so you get paid for all the B- effort you've put into this thread.

24928408? ago

Again ... avoiding the question like the low IQ faggot and liar we've already established you to be.

24928503? ago

We? LOL. You and your imaginary friends there, schizo?

Or you and your colleagues in the troll kibbutz?

24928590? ago

You have a problem with education? Or your lack of the same? Derailing again. Common tactic for you.

24929109? ago


24927639? ago

You need a mental health check.

24927653? ago

Says the cunt making personal threats. Threatening to dox. Pretending they haven't just broken the law.

24927667? ago

What law? There is no law.

24927674? ago

Pretending to be retarded is no excuse.

24927701? ago

Aw, look how you've circled back to the retard projection too. LOL, so lacking in creativity and originality.

24927727? ago

Waiting for you to explain your threat. Not engaging or circling ... it is you doing that. Are you an SBBH cunt threatening to dox and threaten a user using admin tools, or are you are larper with no balls pretending to be a hard man? You have threatened my person. I want an answer.

24927736? ago

You're not even a person. Get over yourself Bot.

24927854? ago

Supreme court ruling - a "true threat" depends on how an objective person perceives the message. - "true threats" to harm another person are not protected speech under the First Amendment. Elonis v. United States, 13-983

24927866? ago

No one threatened you; if anything you came on here calling names and threatening to "abort" a living adult. You even made the clarification yourself, and OP reported you for it. SS coming for ya.

24927912? ago

Now you are lying again. Telling me he hopes I was using a VPN because he is coming to see me is a threat to my person. You going to equate name calling with threats against a person? I told you were stupid. A threat is however serious I decide it to be.

24927992? ago

You going to equate name calling with threats against a person?

24928059? ago

Congratulations, you found bad words and a suggestion. Still waiting for an explanation of the threat against my person.

24928076? ago

Pretty sure that was given ages ago but you keep posting because you can't get paid if we keep responding. Yawn.

24928159? ago

link ... or you are lying again.

24928494? ago

Exactly - you were reported. If you have no VPN we (as in patriots) will see you soon. LOL, crying out in pain as you strike. You're the one who started the vile evil shit and now you cry like a little pussy.

24928651? ago

OK ... Am I to understand that you are indeed an SBBH faggot with access to the Voat back-end? That you are threatening my person and aren't a juvenile little cunt acting like a hard man trying to frighten me into submission? That after threatening me, you reported me to the Secret Service ... lmoa ... for using bad words? Fucking children think they are playing a game.

24929169? ago

Boo hoo! No breakfast lunch or dinner for you.

24929194? ago

The child thinks they are making a point.

24929223? ago

Reee Ree Rah Rah

no payment for this thread no way no how.

24929444? ago

Still with that retarded theory ... trying to avoid answering for your personal threats?

24929507? ago

bing bam boom

asked and answered, you're looking for payment - gotta have the last word to get paid or you'd give up by now. reeeeee bing bam boom

24929613? ago

Can you provide a single link or source that supports your retarded theory?

24930381? ago

No, you're refusal to let this long dead thread go is proof enough for most.

24930899? ago

ah ok ... just more lies and bullshit from the traitor then.

24942486? ago


24927932? ago

Are you off your meds or still adjusting to the change in manufacturers?

24928021? ago

Another low IQ response because you can't argue my points. Still waiting for an answer on the personal threat. A pussy larping as a hard man, or an Anon willing to abuse their access to Voat's back-end?

24928030? ago

Aw come on man, you're making this too easy.

24927415? ago


24925080? ago

You nailed it Patriot! Good on ya for seeing this through, shocking to see such hatred on the home page. Dude is proud of it which can only mean one thing: kike.

24925107? ago

Thanks man, such an evil dude we're dealing with.

24935255? ago

The most insidious kind of troll, spreading hatred while rolconning.

24925037? ago

Faggot complaining about bad words again. You are the one that wants a war.

24925127? ago

Faggot complaining about bad words tired, worn judeo-bolshevik again. You are I am the one that wants a war.

Fixed it for ya.

24925137? ago

Switching narrative to avoid his hypocrisy.

24925166? ago

You are literally the only one spewing hatred and vile degradation, using foul language, and calling for war.

24925185? ago

Boo hoo ... the traitor complaining about Big Bad Words again.

24925225? ago

^^ pure evil trying to project itself onto the righteous. EVIL!!!!

24925312? ago

And still more projection and lies from the traitor.

24925682? ago

No one but you called for violence and child sacrifice in the name of patriotism. You have demonstrated yourself to be one of two things:

  1. Evil rolcon larper trying to make Q and anons look violent.

  2. An old man who's at the end of his rope and can't discern the good guys from the bad.

If it's the latter, I pray you are able to repent for the evil you're spewing.

24925895? ago

More lies from an evil piece of shit.

24925941? ago

Ok, it's the former. Thanks for clarifying. No more benefit of the doubt. You using a VPN? We'll know by tomorrow ;-P

24926032? ago

Larping again, I see.

24926048? ago

^^ paid to have the last word. NOTHING else makes sense of your tenacity to keep the thread going without once posting anything that comes close to a valid argument.

24926071? ago

Your lies, twisting the truth, brigading and now threats ..... because you are SBBH pedos with access with to the voat back-end ... which wouldn't go down well with the community ... or you are larping traitors .... it's one or the other. You lose either way.

24926079? ago

LOL, no one but you is spewing and supporting evil.

24926092? ago

Sure, switch the narrative again.

24926109? ago

No free lunch Rabbi. Not giving you the last word when you never once did anything but spew vile hatred and then project it all on to us.

Fucking pedovore.

24926115? ago

Can't respond ... I wonder if you are the 420 faggot. You sound just like him.

24926174? ago

LOL. Desperate. Not letting you get paid Yaniv.

24926199? ago

Still no response to whether or not you are a threat making larper pretending you are a patriot or an SBBH faggot threatening to access the voat backend to expose a user?

24926219? ago

I don't respond to nonsense no matter how many times a child sacrificer posts them. Just making sure you don't get paid for all the effort you put into this thread Yaniv.

24926236? ago

You claimed it ... now you don't have the balls to own it .... a coward as well.

24926257? ago

C. Patriot playing whack-a-mole with a judeo-bolshevik spewing evil vile projection as he posts from a troll kibutz.

24926283? ago

Still not answering, traitor. Which are you? A larper or someone willing to abuse their access and destroy voat?

24926287? ago

24925258? ago

Amen!!! So much evil from these rolcon larpers, trying to turn people against Q and the anons.

24925068? ago

That faggot called you out for the evil that you ARE. All you have is scapegoating and projection, 20th century tactics that no longer work RolCon larper.

24925079? ago

There we go again with the repeat cut and paste.

24925099? ago

There we go again with the proof that you can only get paid if you have the last word. Someone else already pointed this out. Voat needs some kind of mute function for anon boards so we don't have to watch you make such a fool of yourself as you spew evil vile projection.

24925126? ago

I don't know what this "last word" bullshit is that you inserted, but your time is coming. You have been exposed and all traitors will receive justice.

24935252? ago

Take your meds grandpa.

24924770? ago

No one's complaining about bad words, the complaint is the outrageous projection and use of judeo-bolshevik tactics during your RolCon.

24924824? ago

Comprehension is hard for you then, isn't it, traitor. You and your friend/alt account ... although your responses attempting to bury the thread are coming in too fast to be a single pc, so you have a two systems or are communicating with another traitor, which is more likely, are so fucking transparent, it's a joke.

24924849? ago

Thanks for sharing your tactics with us, Yaniv. Maybe ask your supervisor for instructions re: how Voat works before projecting your tactics again.

You know, for your next time sinkhole adventure with the next poor sucker you spew your vile evil projection at.

24924925? ago

Why don't you fuck off back to whatever verse you came from? Why hang out in a verse where you hate patriots.

24924936? ago

I am a patriot of the highest order. Why don't you fuck off back to your troll kibbutz.

24925009? ago

No Joe, you aren't.

24925018? ago

Says the guy calling to sacrifice children to Moloch. LOL at you and your desperation to spread hatred and evil.

24925053? ago

Look at the traitor twisting and making shit up.

24925112? ago

Look at the kike who can't get paid without posting the last comment but still can't make a valid argument to save his life. We can do this all day.

24925118? ago

Switching the narrative again, aren't you.

24925141? ago

You must be a bot. The dude that called you AI got it right, you've circled all the way back and never once made a valid argument. Garbage in, garbage out. Bad programming.


24925159? ago

More repeat accusations ... let's see ... cunts calling for war ... accuse me of being

communist, jewish, and AI ... rinse and repeat.

24925190? ago

Only because your posts betray your allegiance. You can't claim to be a patriot and call for child sacrifice, spew foul language, call for violence and then expect us to believe you're patriotic to anything but communism.

24925198? ago

But you are a liar, aren't you. We've already established as much.

24925218? ago

This thread speaks for itself you lying satanist.

24925293? ago


24925658? ago

You can't change the narrative now, we see you for who and what you are.

24925702? ago

He might just be an old wypipo man at the end of his rope who's trying desperately to trust the plan while everything burns down around him.

Just in case he really is on our side, say a prayer for him.

24925248? ago

I've got screenshots if you need them. Dude is pure evil.

24912895? ago

Different poster here. You had me cheering for your post till this line

You don't believe what is written to your right. You don't believe in the "plan," because you don't think Qanon or Q is real. Am I right?

Because up until that point, you described almost perfectly what its like to be a qanon.

24919810? ago






















24928138? ago

Ya and antifa claims to be anti fascist