24730155? ago

I got pretty choked up when I learned what the panda references relate to. It takes a really sick person to joke or take pleasure in that level of pain. The fact that this detail is one of their inside jokes fills me with so much anger amd sadness.

24729805? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=C1Ai8xJfY7U :

James Alefantis is passionate about Ping Pong - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=C0DofyJB4jk :

People's Ping Pong Party 2013 - YouTube

https://files.catbox.moe/et5ia7.png :

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=oicUO0sz08c :

Apes - The Neutered Noel - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=3JZAsfjOloo :

#PizzaGate "Heavy Breathing" im Comet Pizza - YouTube

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24730083? ago

Good work, OP. A lot of time and effort.

24729789? ago

Are you going to do anything about it or just shitpost?

24730106? ago

He does all this research and that’s all you have? Just shut the fuck up if you are that worthless.

24730510? ago

Imagine thinking kids are being raped, murdered and eaten and the only action you take is posting it on right wing message boards. OP needs to kill themselves, a piece of shit of a human, you too. You think childeren are being raped all over the country, you think you know who's doing it, you say you have evidence but yet you do nothing.

You'll be posting on another thread about how important 2A is, but what the fuck is the point in it if all you do is shitpost? How many more years are you going to talk about child rape and stand by doing nothing? You're as bad as the rapists.

24733861? ago

You are posting on the same boards. How many pedos have you killed?

24737719? ago

I think the whole thing is bullshit. But if I knew this was going on and thought I knew who was involved, I'd do something about it.

24738245? ago

What do you think is bullshit? Pizzagate or mass human trafficking?

24738351? ago

Pizzagate. Human trafficking is happening, but I don't know by who or where. But if you think you know the exact buildings it's happening in, the exact people doing it, tunnels where crowds of children are held and you can't get 10-20 like minded people to do something about it, you're as complicit as the baby eaters.

24740520? ago

Sex offenders are registered and their address is out there. Many of those diddlers will be repeat offenders. How many of them have you killed?

24743621? ago

I don't believe in punishing people for crimes they may commit in the future. However, you think it's fine to let people torturing babies go free. For the last 10 years they're doing it and you still have not taken action. Kill yourself faggot, because you shouldn't be able to live with yourself if you're human

24730857? ago

I don't think they do that anymore, they would be too stupid to do that when they were exposed. It's up to the police to find proof on such people against all odds and arrest them, because elite people implicated in this are destroying evidence and fighting with all distractions they can. But hey, I agree with your view that we should do something and not wait for saviors.

24729823? ago

Feel free to help in research. It's hard topic. Hard to prove anything, but there's definitely something fishy going on and this is just one connection among hundreds if not thousands.