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24643769? ago

Tonic water with quinn. And zinc vitamins

24646466? ago

Which kind of zinc?

also scheppes tonic water has the Q

tastes terrible so I let it fizzle out in frige and add OJ (hope it doesn't affect)

a doc on youtube (dr e, removed his video said vit c and d too)

24647347? ago

I drink it with ginger ale---about 1/2 to 1/3 tonic. If it's ice cold it doesn't taste as bad (it's mostly the after taste that's bitter. Tastes kind of like tire rubber smells if you drink it straight)....

24647294? ago

Zinc Picolinate is supposed to absorb best, and Zinc Citrate according to Swanson's Vitamins online is supposed to absorb well....