24774537? ago

23945308? ago

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23936609? ago

WTF do the masons have to do the police in Khan's London-stan in the Democratic People's Republic of England?

23945294? ago

Masons are pulling the strings and setting the agenda. Ask yourself who set the policy to let the muzzies into the country in the first place.

The muzzies just do, what they do.

If you go above the Masons you will find Zionists, and above them you will find Satanists.

Welcome to your world. Its not pretty.

24533859? ago

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23945903? ago

see I was under the impression the US based masons were a mostly broke, nearly extinct relic from a bygone era. Sure in the 1930's they were a big deal, but seem largely irrelevant today.

Seems far more important to be jewish, half black, or muslim in 2020.

23952113? ago

Oh no, when I took my prep courses for the Bar exam it was at a lodge. They are the elite and extremely wealthy. If I had joined I would have been groomed for power. They keep a low profile, but don't underestimate them. One of the main purposes of the DaVinci Code book was to revitalize interest in youth seeking the inside track to power. Real power prefers to keep its hand hidden. What you see are the pawns being moved on the board. Who actually believes Obama was acting within his own agency. He was a puppet. Everytime the teleprompter went down, he turned into an idiot (his true self).

23962297? ago

Its pretty well documented that Obama was controlled by George Soros and the Saudis.

Now the USA WAS founded by Masons and in the 19th century they were the organization you had to be in to have power. But the Jews and the Globalist bankers have long since thrown the masons out of power in the USA.

23970986? ago

I think we largely agree. The one thing I would change about your statement is that the Freemasons were infiltrated after the founding of the country. Washington wrote about it in one of his letters, about the infection of the Illuminati taking over the European lodges and how they had yet to penetrate the American ones. And I think we both clearly understand that it is the Synagogue of Satan driving it all. The fact that people like you are out there, who understand this, gives me hope for out future..

23933562? ago

Fuck all masons.

24533569? ago

Kikes and Cyrpto muzzies dont want you to focus on the Koranimal but instead blame Tommy? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3902671/24533167

24533918? ago

very few names joined, maybe a few dozen most went to ruqqus, 4chan or saidit ...even poal was too scary for them https://voat.co/v/whatever/3902816/24533738

24533947? ago

reddit is gay now @HappyMealBullshit only ones left are bots and deformed trannies

24533726? ago

Why the fuck is he defending jihad rapists. Is that moronic shithead @AlaskaMountain /u/AlaskaMountain even from Alaska?

24533599? ago

So then Kikes and Cyrpto muzzies dont want you to focus on the Koranimal but instead blame Tommy? ...

24533625? ago

So is @AlaskaMountain a jihadi apologist

24533651? ago

Not sure but /u/IAMTODAY777 @IAMTODAY777 seems dumb as a bag of rocks, making excuses for invader sand niggers

24533687? ago

Why do threads like these attract so many Pakis, Somali, Arabs, jihad Kenyans and islamist Turks acting as if they are White Americans? @fanabba

23945310? ago

23931735? ago

She was arrested for previous offences, the police are still investigating her rape case.

23998622? ago

jihad, invasion, Sharia Law coming? https://voat.co/v/news/3841070

24533967? ago

Jesuit, Mohammedan, Mason or Jew? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3902827/24533692

24581954? ago

what is the agenda.... nasty actors wearing masks and now trying to play both sides? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3907891/24581657

24535495? ago

I would bet on a combination of the three.

23931513? ago

You will need an executioner when this is done!

I will offer you a bulk discount on the fucking lot of them!!!

24533844? ago

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23931028? ago

Ok so this involves someone from my town. She has been hit with a D notice after posting details on facebook and private snapchat. Her sister is now posting about the gagging notice and has posted screen shots of messages from the men. Locals have found outwho they are and their restaurant has been targeted. The locals are pissed and lawless so this could really kick off. Another girl and now come forward to. Apparrently over 50 girls from 8 yrs old. Seems like police knew all along.

23936637? ago

Good, she and her entire should continue and FORCE the police to arrest them all and stand there before their community defending the "rights" of gang raping pedophiles.

All the better if it boils over and burns the town down. A town like that deserves to burn.

23931287? ago

Police and judges. Otherwise, there would be no D order. That judge and those police will pay.

23943888? ago

What is the capital D about in this context?

24547324? ago

That D order, more Britbong instantity? https://voat.co/v/politics/3904245/24546864

23931152? ago

Yes, they take part. It’s part of their way to silence the kids, they find out it’s the police chief raping them. Luciferian pedophiles have infiltrated every organization I can think of and have perverted and sabotaged them. I believe that’s part of so many ceos being replaced, they are trying to create a world that uses corporate governance too. Shadow governments like the council of 300, club of Rome, Masons, etc. are all part of a massive conspiracy and they all happen to be faggots, tranny lovers, or pedophiles with sex addictions and fragmented sociopathic personalities.

23930932? ago

Animals are paying for rape. Corrupt cops

23930859? ago

The first person in the picture is a Sikh - one of the groups victimised by the muslim gangs.

23933525? ago

Why would a real Sikh join the Jesters or Shriners, are they criminals or pedophiles?

24533713? ago

The Sikh are not always innocent some of them are pedos, rapists, criminals and terrorist scum.

24569403? ago

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23930792? ago

Link to story?

23933520? ago

https://tweetsave.com/somefellow6/status/1263568104883453952 :Fellow Fellow on Twitter: "Well look at that, just the British police arresting the victim, yet again… "

23930395? ago

its been going on a while

23930408? ago

Going on sometime now the prince, maxwell, jim-will-fix-it on the BBC, jack the ripper .... is it some babylon cult they follow?? @BentAxel ? @Count_Monte_Cristo @Deflo56 @whitemouse @Drstrangebeard

23932266? ago

well, in the story of the tower of babel the place was a melting pot of peoples from all over the world. they all spoke a common language. it sounds like a globalist trade civilization. they got too big for their britches and God took them down a peg. that revolutionary spirit does live on in these people. I do believe these new people know and appreciate the old story of Babylon. they just think they can pull it off this time.

they have no rules. no behavioral standards. their moral compass points due south. there is no negotiating with them. they want all of we peasants dead. the zombie apocalypse has arrived. and it is us. that's their idea anyway.
