see I was under the impression the US based masons were a mostly broke, nearly extinct relic from a bygone era. Sure in the 1930's they were a big deal, but seem largely irrelevant today.
Seems far more important to be jewish, half black, or muslim in 2020.
Oh no, when I took my prep courses for the Bar exam it was at a lodge. They are the elite and extremely wealthy. If I had joined I would have been groomed for power. They keep a low profile, but don't underestimate them. One of the main purposes of the DaVinci Code book was to revitalize interest in youth seeking the inside track to power. Real power prefers to keep its hand hidden. What you see are the pawns being moved on the board. Who actually believes Obama was acting within his own agency. He was a puppet. Everytime the teleprompter went down, he turned into an idiot (his true self).
Its pretty well documented that Obama was controlled by George Soros and the Saudis.
Now the USA WAS founded by Masons and in the 19th century they were the organization you had to be in to have power. But the Jews and the Globalist bankers have long since thrown the masons out of power in the USA.
I think we largely agree. The one thing I would change about your statement is that the Freemasons were infiltrated after the founding of the country. Washington wrote about it in one of his letters, about the infection of the Illuminati taking over the European lodges and how they had yet to penetrate the American ones. And I think we both clearly understand that it is the Synagogue of Satan driving it all. The fact that people like you are out there, who understand this, gives me hope for out future..
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23936609? ago
WTF do the masons have to do the police in Khan's London-stan in the Democratic People's Republic of England?
23945294? ago
Masons are pulling the strings and setting the agenda. Ask yourself who set the policy to let the muzzies into the country in the first place.
The muzzies just do, what they do.
If you go above the Masons you will find Zionists, and above them you will find Satanists.
Welcome to your world. Its not pretty.
23945903? ago
see I was under the impression the US based masons were a mostly broke, nearly extinct relic from a bygone era. Sure in the 1930's they were a big deal, but seem largely irrelevant today.
Seems far more important to be jewish, half black, or muslim in 2020.
23952113? ago
Oh no, when I took my prep courses for the Bar exam it was at a lodge. They are the elite and extremely wealthy. If I had joined I would have been groomed for power. They keep a low profile, but don't underestimate them. One of the main purposes of the DaVinci Code book was to revitalize interest in youth seeking the inside track to power. Real power prefers to keep its hand hidden. What you see are the pawns being moved on the board. Who actually believes Obama was acting within his own agency. He was a puppet. Everytime the teleprompter went down, he turned into an idiot (his true self).
23962297? ago
Its pretty well documented that Obama was controlled by George Soros and the Saudis.
Now the USA WAS founded by Masons and in the 19th century they were the organization you had to be in to have power. But the Jews and the Globalist bankers have long since thrown the masons out of power in the USA.
23970986? ago
I think we largely agree. The one thing I would change about your statement is that the Freemasons were infiltrated after the founding of the country. Washington wrote about it in one of his letters, about the infection of the Illuminati taking over the European lodges and how they had yet to penetrate the American ones. And I think we both clearly understand that it is the Synagogue of Satan driving it all. The fact that people like you are out there, who understand this, gives me hope for out future..