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23930395? ago

its been going on a while

23930408? ago

Going on sometime now the prince, maxwell, jim-will-fix-it on the BBC, jack the ripper .... is it some babylon cult they follow?? @BentAxel ? @Count_Monte_Cristo @Deflo56 @whitemouse @Drstrangebeard

23932266? ago

well, in the story of the tower of babel the place was a melting pot of peoples from all over the world. they all spoke a common language. it sounds like a globalist trade civilization. they got too big for their britches and God took them down a peg. that revolutionary spirit does live on in these people. I do believe these new people know and appreciate the old story of Babylon. they just think they can pull it off this time.

they have no rules. no behavioral standards. their moral compass points due south. there is no negotiating with them. they want all of we peasants dead. the zombie apocalypse has arrived. and it is us. that's their idea anyway.
