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23383421? ago

You do have to ask, what were they thinking? Just how stupid do they think we are? Are they gauging just how stupid we are? Are they showing us they can act with impunity and rub out noses in shit? Did white hats force them to show their true colors? Big question, many possibilities.

23385291? ago

This is part of a coordinated attempt to create a fake boogeyman: ThE SaTaNiStS!!!!666!!!

They're not stupid. They knew exactly what the reaction to this would be, and that was the point. Taking it offline makes it seem more "legit" too. You're all getting played hard.

23388210? ago

I'll have whatever this guy is smoking.

23386041? ago

Huh? That was a lot of money to spend to see if a bunch of boomer qtards would thumbs down a lame software commercial starring a woman who is really only a household name to those who know about pizzagate. The woman is not famous or known of by "normies" - so what would be the point?

23386124? ago

A lot of money? It's fucking peanuts to these people.

And this is just one part in a clearly coordinated effort. Expect to see more "satanists" you can conveniently point your fingers at and blame for everything that's wrong in this clown world. The biggest trick the jew likes to play is convince everyone that he's not to blame, and is just a victim. You're seeing this in action.

23385322? ago

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