23400708? ago

It just bugs me that this woman was "in country" and wasn't even issued a speeding ticket. I felt similarly when I reAd of Epstein's partner in crime was just enjoying an in-n-out burger in public just days after Jeff's aliya trip to Haifa.

23393141? ago

It’s over DS. We see. We don’t approve. Enjoy your reward—eternity in Hell.🔥

23391949? ago

Performance artist Marina Abramović breaks new ground—in mixed reality



23391622? ago

600 idiots

23387377? ago

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23387341? ago

I think the Kabul was trying to get an idea about where the public is with the pizza gate info....this was some one putting there finger in the air to see witch way the wind is blowing with in mainstream culture.

23387268? ago

For reference.

Marina Abramovic Stars in New Microsoft HoloLens 2 Commercial


23386910? ago

23386811? ago

They just needed enough public views to get their desired energetic result.

These are the "ignore to destroy" types of vampires. All ego.

23386479? ago

Just seems like some crappy art installation. Why was it controversial or taken down?

23386152? ago

This woman is 73+ yrs old.

This is about Transhumanism, wherein human conciousness is downloaded and merged into a virtual realm of reality - where is can exist beyond the body.

Satan does not want to die. Satan wants eternal life - and this a push towards futuristic demonic posession. Starring Marina as the spokesperson for the future kek

23385808? ago

I watched it briefly this morning and shut it off. What was it about some art shit and yadda yadda yip yip and i coukd nt take it no more.

23385428? ago

Time to start re uploading it

23384974? ago

Good v Evil. It was posted on Easter.

23384889? ago

I saved it offline.... will post again... OVER AND OVER AND OVER..... Game over...

23393794? ago

It needs to be remixed with the spirit cooking footage and images.

That way those that remain ignorant may see it by mistake.

23385865? ago

Never let them live this down, they need destruction.

23384881? ago

Marina Abramovic is considered to be a ‘modern artist’. A conceptual modern artist, at that. Interestingly, the concept of modern art was developed by the CIA in order to combat the propaganda war of the Soviet Union; and backed, of course, by Nelson Rockefeller. While the CIA implemented the move, the type of ‘degenerate art’ was actually a counter-culture attack on Christian European societies by communist Jews before the First and Second World War broke out.

23387901? ago

That about they needed to win the propaganda war against Soviet Union is complete BS because the “art” in Soviet Union was the same.

23385208? ago

The 'old' modern art sucked badly enough. (I had to leave the DC Mall Modern Art museum before my head exploded from excessive blood pressure). This Satanist is even worse. Nobody is buying it. This crap is All about money laundering.

Donate this trash and you get out of paying taxes. Just get a paid off appraiser.

23385450? ago

"Modern art" actually includes many of what we consider classic art. Wonderful stuff.

This is a case of communists once again redefining language to become subversive.

There is nothing modern nor art about the garbage "modern artists" attempt to peddle upon the public as art. But it sounds better than "satanic, subversive, communist, garbage."

23384459? ago

24k people showing up to drag BG out of his 60 million dollar mansion and into a deep dark hole would be 'awakened'.

23384178? ago

Wish she made it to the point where it received wide spread exposure.

Would have made for a much bigger thump when it hit the floor.

23384136? ago

They went back in to the black hole of hell where they belong.

23383950? ago

You know there are screenshots out there of this. Anons, get to work. Meme this one good.

23383891? ago

600 thumbs up are shill votes. They do this to manipulate audiences.

Netflix did away with its ratings because they'd keep trying to push movies that got slammed with 1 star user reviews. Nothing shatters the illusion like a critically acclaimed 1 star movie.

Shills can't compete. How many people can you pay to do your bidding?

Within the span of a few hours of something trending here, it trends on social media. Even if it doesn't make the trending list, it makes it to everyone.

We've connected together hundreds of thousands of like minded people in a loose collective. When we swing, the hammer hits hard.

When they aren't firing at us with all their MSM controlled drones, they aren't even in the fight anymore.

23384990? ago

Shills can't compete. How many people can you pay to do your bidding?

You know, I had the same thoughts when I learned about open source back in the 90s: "There's no way Microsoft can put enough programmers on their payroll to compete with 'all the world's programmers'" -- the thing is, 'all the world's programmers' also need to feed themselves and their families, and other bills etc. So they need to "do something for money" whereas the Microsoft programmers already are "doing something for money".

Then I worked for Microsoft, and also contributed to open source projects. That was kinda neat.

Anyway, you are spot on about where things trend from. Which is also kinda neat, as I never though of myself as a trend follower; merely, a truth follower. :)

23385389? ago

Is your coding as circular as your writing? Holy hell, I'm still not sure what you're actually saying here...

23392010? ago

Think "Austin" "Powers"

23385834? ago

He forgot to debug his brain and has an infinite loop.

23388579? ago

That's what happens when you "work: for micro$oft.

23384691? ago

What countries are known to foster a populace of people making $10 per 10 hour workday?

23384005? ago

Most people that see that video didn't see her sitting on a pile of bones, painting grotesque things out of breast milk/semen/menstrual blood. They heard "she is an artist." I hope anons posted plenty of red pills in the thread.

23385801? ago

Comments were disabled, cowards.

23386081? ago


23383881? ago

Good to see 24k downvotes in one day. That should give the an indication that thy are being scrutinized greatly now.

23383808? ago

would be nice to know what degenerate creeps UP voted it - maybe to have a word with them at a later date as to their thinking

23384840? ago

It's just art people who thinks she's edgy.

23383640? ago

Good. Fuck that old JEWISH hag

23383601? ago

The production company is named Tin Drum. Probably a reference to the paedo movie.


23393501? ago

What the fuck did I just read?

23384820? ago

What in the fuck kind of plot is that?!

23384374? ago

Tin Drum is a term for a female body part.

23385474? ago

never heard of that

23383421? ago

You do have to ask, what were they thinking? Just how stupid do they think we are? Are they gauging just how stupid we are? Are they showing us they can act with impunity and rub out noses in shit? Did white hats force them to show their true colors? Big question, many possibilities.

23397295? ago

It used to work for them. It no longer does.

23392041? ago

Archive video & pages at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3763692/23391949/

23390593? ago

I think you’re probably right as I think about it. Why, at this time, would they do such a commercial? The best explanation is that they are trying to gauge the public response. I think they are in a very desperate place and are more trying to establish the level of support they can still garner. This was a serious slap upside their dense noggins however.

23390558? ago

Seems like it could be them showing us who they are... right to our faces.

Insulting us in the typical satanic fashion

23390281? ago

This stuff has been machinated since the movie contagion and world war z came out. Meaning that they don’t communicate with each other and have no other orders. So the simply have to keep going forward with their plan. That’s why the video is released. It was gonna happen either way it’s just we are awake to backlash it

23394406? ago

That concept seems to be true, and apply across the whole world. Everything is compartmentalized, so as you stated, they just keep blindly marching forward until met with resistance.

23388030? ago

I actually think they may also be gauging the great awakening to see just how screwed they are.

23388167? ago

That is possible, and they just found out too. lol

23386524? ago

I don't know so much about gauging how stupid we are but I wouldn't put it past them to gauge their popularity at the moment to plan their next moves.

23388174? ago

Looks to me like they got a big old middle finger from the public.

23385291? ago

This is part of a coordinated attempt to create a fake boogeyman: ThE SaTaNiStS!!!!666!!!

They're not stupid. They knew exactly what the reaction to this would be, and that was the point. Taking it offline makes it seem more "legit" too. You're all getting played hard.

23388210? ago

I'll have whatever this guy is smoking.

23386041? ago

Huh? That was a lot of money to spend to see if a bunch of boomer qtards would thumbs down a lame software commercial starring a woman who is really only a household name to those who know about pizzagate. The woman is not famous or known of by "normies" - so what would be the point?

23386124? ago

A lot of money? It's fucking peanuts to these people.

And this is just one part in a clearly coordinated effort. Expect to see more "satanists" you can conveniently point your fingers at and blame for everything that's wrong in this clown world. The biggest trick the jew likes to play is convince everyone that he's not to blame, and is just a victim. You're seeing this in action.

23385322? ago

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23384787? ago

Satanists have to reveal or they fear blowback. That's their belief in how magic works.

23384444? ago

They were trying to normalize her after the Out of Shadows video.

23391929? ago

Just like with James Alefantis (restauranteur) and in the top 50 most powerful people in Washington [GQ magazine] got a CNN interview because his instagram posts with babies covered in money with the #carisjames hashtag were just evidence of the family friendly guy he was, and not at all related to his extracurricular activities and friendship with Tony Podesta.

23388251? ago

They didn't just slap together this Marina video. It would have taken time to produce, that video probably took months to make, so I can't believe it has any connection to the 'Out of Shadows" video.

23388063? ago

I wonder if the patriots planned the release of Out of the Shadows to precede the MA Microsoft video. If so checkmate

23392614? ago

The timing is suspicious. Out of the Shadows was released a few days before Q linked to it (It was posted here a day or two before Q posted it).

Pretty sure Q posted it the day before the Microsoft / Marina video came out (pls correct if Im wrong).

The Microsoft video likely took weeks/months to create. And now all their social media is people talking about spirit cooking.

23387795? ago

That's EXACTLY what I told my spouse Anon last night. After I saw Out of Shadows, I said "they're trying to make her seem misunderstood because of art". What a bunch of fucking losers.

23387321? ago

Trying to present her as a misunderstood, artistic, visionary. As such, all the negative stuff is just conspiracy theory. They did the same thing with the lady gaga pr shit.

They know they are spiralling. They are grasping.

23384383? ago


23388260? ago

Symbolism..yes. Misjudging public opinion...also yes.

23384198? ago

The fuck is a white hat?

23384347? ago

Slang: White Hat (good player), Black Hat (bad player)

23389706? ago

Where did that term come from? I thought that was what they were calling the Kurd army?

23393479? ago

Could you be thinking of "white helmets"? The group that sets up the False Flag events in Syria?

23396276? ago

Yeah, I did get it mixed up.

23391976? ago

no that's white helmets

23392100? ago

ah, ty

23384314? ago

Good guys. White hats are good guys, black hats are the bad guys. Roy Rodgers vs. Black Bart, goes waay back.

23383781? ago

They have nothing to fear so of course they would laugh and throw it in everybody's face

23385997? ago

Their spells only work if they show us what they do.

We just showed them what WE would do. Shut that shit down.

23388718? ago

thank you! they are truly powerless.

23384795? ago

Why would they fear anything? They have been getting away with it for literally millenia.

23383988? ago

Agreed, but seems dumb, right? I can't see how it was a smart decision, sophomoric if anything.

23384238? ago

They are advertising their power and are announcing everything is going to plan.

23384285? ago

That makes sense, announcing to others, they are not giving up, proceeding with the plan. Good point.

23384000? ago

Their ego's. Their symbolism.

23384092? ago

Someone said that symbolism will be their downfall, and the Bible states many times how ego can lead to man's downfall too. I guess they are going to get a twofer.

23383777? ago

Someone once said, "THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID."

23385822? ago

What makes a good actor?

Someone not acting, but playing themselves. TOPKEK

23391970? ago

haha! And, awesome Digits! Dub (22), palindrome (858), and dub (33); also, can make a meta-palindrome out of it (dub-palindrome-dub).

Awesome thought, thank you for sharing! God bless.

23392537? ago

God bless you too Anon.

23387146? ago

Wow tip top TOPKEK!!!!

23385527? ago

Brings a whole new meaning if you ask me.

23383972? ago

Close enough

23383736? ago

All of these questions! That's pretty much exactly what went through my head when I saw it/ That and "My God these people are all so full of shit" when they were talking about "art". Also passed through my mind that the particular experience shown was with Marina. However given what we know about what they like to do with/to children......puts the whole context of that "experience" in a different light....

23388223? ago

I wouldn't even watch it, not now, not ever...don't any need help from the audience about the nightmares I'll have tonight. Reading here has me feeling______...well insert word here. Going to have nightmares, might as well keep them familiar...

23384055? ago

I understand they use symbolism to communicate, so they were obviously communicating something. We may not ever know exactly what their message was, and who it was intended for, but we can see it and recognize it. Now we KNOW that Microsoft is evil, no question in the minds of anyone that can recognize their symbolism.

23384708? ago

I just hope it won't be used as a new means of torturing children....."Capturing their essence" and all that. After all, that is what Marina is most associated with...her "Spirit Cooking".

23388232? ago

Just because they all believe it works doesn't mean it works. I would say the "magic" is all bunk, they're just a huge network of corrupt and evil people doing evil things.

23383371? ago

Gone, but never forgotten...


23384397? ago

Found one that seems to work with audio. Sorry about the Reddit, but it came up on search.

Marina Abramović


23383266? ago

The 600 who thumbed it up are probably all the celebrities who are forced to go along with everything. The funny thing is that they would be discarded by the cabal jist like the rest of us once the time came to depopulate the earth.

23383967? ago

Even the cabal themselves will perish. The master of the plan is Satan and he wants all humans dead

23389555? ago

He's fooled them into thinking they have some sort of immortality and that God's hands are tied.

23383819? ago

Or Microsoft employees....

Surprised it didn't have 666 likes, keeping in character.

23383235? ago

Gods says. thou shall not suffer a witch to live. i am praying for her death.

23383171? ago

Did anyone archive it offline? I haven't watched it yet.

23383824? ago

It's creepy. Like she's dematerializing to get into the virtual world and people from Christie's are so proud to say their customers and viewers can then have the experience of having Marina virtually with them while enjoying the art displayed. For some reason (methinks sacrifice to cast a spell), when supposedly in the virtual world, she's wearing that crimson dark blood red dress. And she's so stupidly smug saying something about death but she can then become immortal via the virtual world.

23389113? ago

If they believe about life in virtual world is possible then we don’t have to worry about. All this is be ours they a materialistic and don’t believe in human spirit. This is good to know .

23383734? ago

Thank you!

23383096? ago

Now, let's see what poor bastard gets dredged up out of their quiet spot to answer the triggering.

Deep state, deep pinging.

23384225? ago

good save

23383547? ago

Didn't watch, just down voted and hauled ass. Should I watch it for some reason?

23383933? ago

I did the same, and actually don't see any reason to watch it. Videos can be infused with a frequency and intent that's not in the best interest of the viewer.

23387467? ago

Videos can be infused with a frequency and intent that's not in the best interest of the viewer.

Wtf does that mean

23390715? ago

Ever hear of television programs?

23389195? ago

Subliminal messaging, basically.

23383924? ago
