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23381275? ago

It doesn't name the jew, so it's useless anyways.

23385032? ago

I just watched about half of it, and that was more than enough. I gotta say though, it's pretty ingenious what they're doing:

  • The cat is out of the bag regarding the media as an instrument of indoctrination and brainwashing. Trust in the "fake news" media is probably at an all time low. So what's the best way to handle this?

  • Looking at this documentary, the intention now seems to be to use this vague distrust in the media that is now part of the "mainstream", and channel it into a certain direction.

  • And the main goal of this is to create a new boogeyman, that is supposedly behind all this: ThE sAtAnIsTs!!!!6666!!

  • Definitely not the jews though. Nope. Don't even think about it, goy! The jews are the victim as always.

  • Only a few minutes in they show ebil nazis experimenting on those poor jewish people. Of course. What else. And then casual mentioning of concentration camps, and more ebil nazis bullshit.

So yeah, put out a documentary that is pretending to expose the propaganda machinery that is the media, while in fact actually being pure propaganda itself, with the goal to create a fake boogeyman, and reinforce the evil nazi narrative. Two birds with one stone!

This shit is pure damage control, and the idiots on here seems to lap it up like the braindead qtards they are.

23385313? ago

And this is clearly a coordinated effort now:

23385296? ago

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