23413298? ago

Find it. Watch it. Spead the word. This is a must watch documentary. Be sure to archive offline.

23393678? ago

Susan Wojcicki is a fat retard cunt.

23393394? ago

4.8million now.

23391275? ago

There have been well over 4 million views on YouTube as of 12:45 AM - 4/14/20

23390317? ago

Some youtube vids wont display unless you're logged in. Could've been flagged for something.

23390309? ago

I find it without having to do that.

23389454? ago

Showed it to 3 people I know well. I've been reading about this stuff for 30 years and talking about it with little to no interest shown by others. They had to see it presented to them on a screen to believe it, with current topics, demonstrating ingrained nature the of the mass mind control of HOW people get their information. let alone what it is.

23389289? ago

One of the best things I’ve watched in a long time

23387849? ago

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

23387736? ago

At around 26:00 through the video they start talking bs about how the Nazis ran experiments on jewish men and women, which raised the red flag for me as a propaganda video trying to victimize the jews and how the CIA is running Hollywood instead of them.

23385771? ago

I find The Fall Of The Cabal to be much better than Out Of The Shadows. None the less they should both be spread far and wide. Interesting side note, The Fall Of The Cabal is also on YT, it's broken-up into 10 parts. Guess which part is missing/censored, removed by YT...

23384693? ago

I just finished watching it. Most of the stuff I already knew or explored, but I sent it to 11 others to watch. Spread it as wide as you can. This is a good starter video.

23384028? ago

I did a search for "Out of the shadows" and it came right up. It's showing right now 3.5 million views (4/13/2020 1:50 pm Central time)

23390293? ago

Confirmed works. Using youtube app and logged in. The outofshadows website doesn't display correctly on my 2nd gen ipad though.

23383925? ago

Does anyone have a bittorrent link?

23383886? ago

Susan Wojo is a cunt

23383782? ago

Why do you dumb mother fuckers think YouTube is going to do anything BUT censor that and every other truth telling video?

So much fucking winning I can't take it anymore. Gee thanks Q for some fucking links to a bunch of Q tards on twitter and a link to a YouTube video.


23385565? ago

Scream louder

23383338? ago

@ 3,487.824 as of 1.58 p. m. est. and getting higher as the minutes pass.

23383055? ago

Shows up fine on my end, you fucking Qews.

23390510? ago

sauce? Show my you have typed "Out of Shadows" in the search bar and it shows up... screen cap

23391237? ago

i apologize lmfao some bootleg upload shows up

fuck these niggerfaggots at youtube fuckin jews

23382821? ago

"bUt Q iS jUsT a LaRp"

Riiiiight. YouTube goes out of their way to hide a video exposing the truth.

Fucking shills are retarded, or, worse, knowingly trying to silence the truth.

I simply CANNOT wait to see 2 things:

1-Snowflake meltdowns for Trumps 2020 Election win.

2-Libs/Dems/Progressives faces when they realize the majority of their Democrat heroes rape, torture, and consume the blood of babies.

23382770? ago

Save offline. It will be gone soon!

23382478? ago

You can just go to outofshadows.org and press play

23382669? ago

but will that redpill the NORMIES who view youtube as the truth? WE all KNOW this shit is real... I want OTHER to wake up. They believe YOUTUBE. They believe snopes... they think Disney is the epitome of family friendly.... THESE are the people I want to find this film on youtube.com...

23385692? ago

Oh I see what you mean yeah well in that respect you are right - its a struggle - I really think though that its a combination because I think there a lot of people out there that are so called truth seekers or at least question mainstream narratives and yet still don't like Trump. But as Trump mentions people trafficking like he does It may become more newsworthy and at some point be impossible to ignore. The abject stubborn hatred of Trump though is a tough one to crack, I think those people will never admit he's a good guy. They would rather die than admit that because they have deep psychological problems. I think the best we might get from them is that they just don't show up to vote out of depression

23386760? ago

Isn't Trump a known sexual aggressor though? You might say, that's a minor crime against all the good he is (theoretically?) doing, and of course you're not wrong. Grabbing a boob without permission, while being reprehensible, is not on the same scale as Bush's war for lies, Clinton's destruction of Lybia and Obama's humanitarian disasters too many to mention.

But Trump is doing war crimes against Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and others. A GOOD GUY doesn't deny whole nations medical supplies. Ergo, Trump is DEFINITELY NOT a GOOD guy. What remains to be known is how much better than Obama, Clinton or Bush he is.

Not that I think it matters, I think he has to obey his bosses, the exact same as every other illegitimate POTUS since they stopped having real ones with the JFK coup.

23382158? ago

Someone should claim the "Knowledge Panel" in Google and change from the horror movie to the Youtube Doc.

23382066? ago

Share non you tube versions. Many people are hosting it now.

23382014? ago

Over target and dropping bombs is like free advertising at this point. Word of mouth is why folks are down loading it, because the Sleeper Has Awoken. And boy, are they pissed!

This is "the" war for Hearts and Minds. Let's not give it back to the National Security puppet masters.

23382004? ago


23382910? ago

Google manipulating the view hits is just as fake as the OP by your problem solving abilities.

23382252? ago


Yesterday I typed "out of shadows" and it was the top choice... I went to send a a friend this morning and could not find the orginal (3.2 million views) Had to go through my HISTORY to find it. Only comes up if you type "out of shadows OFFICAL." Prove me wrong... please.

23381970? ago

Must not be "ad friendly"

23381961? ago

Working for me. You should double check.

23381850? ago

I typed: out of Shadows on a Google Search and it was the second result. They're not doing anything to hide it

23382264? ago

I am speaking about youtube.com

23381846? ago

I would also suspect the view counts are much higher than shown.

23382693? ago

Download an share it locally. This is how censorship is fucked. Eye to eye contact is missing.

23382038? ago

Yes, they are being suppressed

23381821? ago

The people who saw this are the new 1%

23382844? ago

Psst. Think about the "other" side...

The 20% way too far left are waking up to the lie. Not all, but enough to break there strangle hold over virtue signaling insanity. That walk away thing is not just Blacks and Hispanics.

By a long shot truth be told. Shit, even Chinese "former" slaves are very fucking angry!

You are counting the wrong numbers...

23381684? ago

Or just go to their website that they set up because of this.


23382441? ago

I agree... however the NORMIES view youtube.com as the holy grail (kinda like their love of snopes.) WE ALL know what is on this video, but its a very well presented RED PILL to the NORMIES... It has "clout" that it can be found and watched on youtube.com with HIGH views... I am only thinking about the NORMIES... of course WE can find it easily... but I want my 50 year old Biden loving neighbor to also be able to easily find it. They probably would not go to www.outofshadows.org... but they WOULD go to youtube.com and that would give it legitimacy if you get my drift.

23384184? ago

I just shared the direct link with everyone. No searching. Making it super simple to find, unless of course commieTube decides to change the link.

23381665? ago

I also found that the count is being suppressed. I refreshed many times over an hour and the count barely moved after getting 100K+ an hour previously.

Fking Youtube, pieces of shit

23390910? ago

At this point (Monday evening), the count was up to 4.3 million!

23384876? ago

This is a normal TY algorithm response for videos that rapidly rise in an out-of-character fashion.

23382639? ago

I'm surprised YouTube didn't suppress when it was rising fast the first 24 hours it was released. Fuckers indeed. I've red-pilled several people within my circle by giving them a link to this documentary.

DS is in Deep Shit. Backfire. They are pushing this Pandemic and people have little to do but watch vids and interact with their families. Steps is as stupid does.

23384544? ago

We are witnessing a battle of higher intelligence. The dark force ruled us with impunity for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Now, every brilliant attack by the dark force is turned back upon itself, making the dark force look incompetent and exposed. We laugh at the DS now, but they had us under complete control. Keep in mind, we still do not know where to bring our pitchforks. Who rules...or ruled us? Where do they live?

23384407? ago

I'm surprised they didn't just delete it days ago.

This documentary is too dangerous to leave up on YouTube to redpill normies and get over 3 million views (even with suppression).

23384458? ago

Exactly. I've had 2 persons thank me for the link. Disturbing as it is. One friend was a George carlin fan. He got it right away. Especially primed since Ricky Gervais went after those Hollywood creeps during the Oscars. I told all those who viewed it to send it to friends and family. It's a giant red pill.

This Scamdemic lock down experiment is totally backfiring on the cabal scum bags.

23384612? ago

Yeah Mike Smith, the producer / director and his liberal editor did a great job weaving in current events and famous people calling out the evil cabal, so normies can connect the dots themselves and swallow the redpill easier.

23382135? ago

Yeah, I watched it on my desktop and it showed just over 1 million views. Then I went to it with my phone and it showed 1.9 million views.

23382074? ago

It is the most downloaded Red Pill to date. This is a beautiful thing!

23382339? ago

Yes, that's why I've been watching the views......they freeze them. Such fuckery.

23381650? ago

Knew this would happen. It will be completely removed in the next few days I would think. They hide them first while they review the video to decide whether or not to remove it.

23381827? ago

I'm surprised it's been up this long. outofshadows.org will direct you to the proper platform I'm sure.

23382134? ago

I think they’re still pointed at YT for now because they need the revenue from views. But you’re right I think if YT pulls it then they’ll host it somewhere else and update the site.

23384764? ago

Someone needs to make a high quality version of Bitchute.

The world is demanding a true alternative to YouTube for years.

Nobody can figure out how to make an uncensored alternative to YouTube that's actually sustainable and profitable.

23381596? ago

Or use youtube-dl to download a copy, then spread it like wildfire. FYI, change the length of only by a few seconds, meta-data, name, and youtube can't find it for shit. you can re-post it faster than they can find it and delete it.


23382282? ago

I understand... but the NORMIES use youtube... it's important that the youtube version is getting views... unfortunately many people judge by that.

23385945? ago

aw, very true.

23381561? ago

That's crazy. I searched it last night and it was the first thing to pop up. This morning...it's as OP posted.

23381512? ago

Idk if this is true or not but I upvoted because fuck google.

23383502? ago


23381476? ago

I watched it just three hours ago

23381399? ago

it works for me

23382292? ago

on youtube.com? sauce?

23381824? ago

Nope, doesn't work for me. It doesn't show the official video. Only if I search for 'out of shadows official'.

23381903? ago

Don't know what ya'll are doing, if I type "out of sha" it automatically drops down with the correct title. If I type "out of shadows" it shows up at the 2nd one in the list correctly

23382151? ago

Your own bloody cache on pc and "provider" side is an efficient code monkey. Or are you new to the world of networking?

23382886? ago

Just typed it in on my ph where I NEVER searched for it before. It popped up 1st in list this time. Sorry you peeps are having troubles but Im just saying I dont see a problem.

23382970? ago

Liar, liar, pant's on fire.

Willful ignorance is one thing, but you are upping the denial Kool-Aid to Jim Jones level.

23381521? ago

Just checked, not for me. Need to type in full name.

23381394? ago

To download ANY youtube video, type 'pp' after the word 'youtube' in the address bar. It takes you to a page to download the video in whatever quality you choose!

23397293? ago

There is also youtube-dl, which is a command line tool to directly download the video to your computer without passing through a website.

23390123? ago



4,287,144 views 10 Apr 2020 https://archive.is/wip/m6hA0

23385856? ago

Anything you want to save, you need to grab it quick. The M$ Abramovic video is gone from you tube, but many have downloaded it as soon as it appeared.

23384695? ago

They won't let you download it at the original 1080p quality, only up to 720p.

All sites that converts YouTube videos into a downloadable file have stopped letting people download in 1080p, 1440p, and 4K. They can only let you download in high quality if they strip the sound file out.

23391139? ago

You can download this linux script to do it yourself, I'm pretty sure it's what any of those download sites are using on the back-end: https://ytdl-org.github.io/youtube-dl/index.html

The script is somewhat sophisticated, I guess it is not a trivial problem that they are dealing with. You will have to additionally install ffmpeg if you want a file with the best video AND the best audio, and you have to give specific command line arguments to do that. I had some difficulty getting this to work to produce mp4 or mov files that were Mac compatible.

I suspect youtube may be doing something intentionally to frustrate these sites/tools.

23385045? ago

Well, it's good enough for what it is as a backup

23382071? ago

Follow up this video with content from The Truth Factory. She provides excellent background to some of the this referenced in this video.

23381509? ago

Yep. It points you here - https://www.y2mate.com/

23385204? ago

Pretty cool :) I use https://ytmp3.cc/ but remembering to put pp after youtube is easy as well :)

23381379? ago

Glad I downloaded it

23381290? ago

Susan Wojcicki is a fucking niggerfaggot nipple head cock sucking cock sucker.

23381537? ago

When you have some time, look at yourself. Is this really what you want your life to be? Imagine where you are and where you will be as you get older. Not a pretty picture.

23383515? ago

Who hurt you, sweaty?

23383859? ago

Life is our teacher. Don't blow it.

23383932? ago

Not a good look. And that's a bad thing!

23383101? ago

Hey glow faggot, your chastising condescending shame tactics don't work here. Go be a shillfag pedo fuckface elsewhere.

23383870? ago

It is not chastising or condescending. It is helpful and loving. Works everywhere. Hope you had a Happy Easter. ;-)

23381858? ago


23383887? ago

Careful what you create in life. You get to wake up to it every day and share it with everyone you are in contact with. (Even if you spend most of your time in the basement. Gotta leave sometimes.)

23381275? ago

It doesn't name the jew, so it's useless anyways.

23385032? ago

I just watched about half of it, and that was more than enough. I gotta say though, it's pretty ingenious what they're doing:

  • The cat is out of the bag regarding the media as an instrument of indoctrination and brainwashing. Trust in the "fake news" media is probably at an all time low. So what's the best way to handle this?

  • Looking at this documentary, the intention now seems to be to use this vague distrust in the media that is now part of the "mainstream", and channel it into a certain direction.

  • And the main goal of this is to create a new boogeyman, that is supposedly behind all this: ThE sAtAnIsTs!!!!6666!!

  • Definitely not the jews though. Nope. Don't even think about it, goy! The jews are the victim as always.

  • Only a few minutes in they show ebil nazis experimenting on those poor jewish people. Of course. What else. And then casual mentioning of concentration camps, and more ebil nazis bullshit.

So yeah, put out a documentary that is pretending to expose the propaganda machinery that is the media, while in fact actually being pure propaganda itself, with the goal to create a fake boogeyman, and reinforce the evil nazi narrative. Two birds with one stone!

This shit is pure damage control, and the idiots on here seems to lap it up like the braindead qtards they are.

23385313? ago

And this is clearly a coordinated effort now: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3763692/23385291

23385296? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#104308) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

23383564? ago

Thanks, saved me some time.

23382302? ago

3 mins 10 secs into the video

23382589? ago

Subtle, but its there.

23382741? ago

They mention the Jesuit Occult and Masonic underground.

The "Christian" Jew who has used Jewish religion as a scapegoat since the Vatican Library started selling "books".

23382724? ago

I really want this film to red pill the NORMIES... which is pretty much working... my mother watched it and called me and we spoke for over an hour about this... I think it really got her all the LSD and Iggy Pop/Jim Morrison shit... she would never listen to this type of stuff before, now she completely believes it...

baby steps for the jew thing though... that would cause massive kvetching and take away from the rest of the film... red pill first, once they accept it the jew pill comes next...

but baby steps.

23392311? ago

It's a sad state of affairs when the international satanic child rape and blackmail by the majority of famous and beloved celebries, politicians and "elites"

23381848? ago

Not useless. First NPC's need to be made aware. Then you might be able to slip in the Jooo. If they see that straight off, they're not even going to watch it.

23381897? ago

The issue is painting nazis as the bad guys. I always use satanists instead of jews. If you blame the good guys instead, they will never wake up.

23381611? ago

at some point, everyone will be awake enough, you won't have to name them, critical thinking will do it for them. you and I have come to the same conclusion of "who" is being all evil, others will figure it out eventually. I think its best if they figure it out for themselves, then there is no doubt.

23381694? ago

Most people are too dumb and have to be spoon fed.

23381791? ago

Agreed, so get your spoon out and feed them. If we don't feed them the truth, the media will feed them lies and misinformation. Which would you rather have happen?

We Are The News Now!

23381247? ago

Same thing with the Fall of the Cabal ten-part series. The best way to find it is to use your internet search engine by typing YouTube Fall Cabal part 1, for example.

23381790? ago

The pedogate one, I think was episode 5, was scrubbed. You have to look it up on bitchute

23382654? ago

I just watched that like 3 days ago and chapter 5 was there.

23381616? ago

This online censorship has got to stop. Now that we're all locked in our homes, the internet has become the only public square. How can they be allowed to silence our voices in the only place where we can now speak?

23393431? ago

They will not stop until they are MADE to stop.

How do you make them stop? You remove them.

23382380? ago

Private company, use a different platform.

23403536? ago

I'm not talking about myself but speaking on behalf of others, and ultimately, all of us. Big tech companies are a bunch of monopolies all working in cahoots to turn the online public square into a boot of censorship stamping on everyone's faces.

We've seen it before, one person suddenly deplatformed across multiple platforms because these companies are working together, and they're also utilizing dirty tactics to keep any true competition from rising up to dethrone them.

23404514? ago

Create an email chain, start a text group, use bitchute, use dlive, use the many other platforms.

23386301? ago

Imagine being this fucking retarded.

Even IF the CIA didn't own Google through DARPA.

The power Google has is unfuckingfathomable. Fuck off out of here with your Private Corporation bullshit, I'm a private fucking corporation of ONE, I don't get to fucking do what ever the fuck I want you fucking idiotic fucking Nigger.

23410782? ago

Imagine being so reliant on a company that hates you for your skin color and you demand and beg to be let on their platform. Stop being such a shabbos goy.

23387867? ago

Stop getting triggered he speaks the truth. If people who were willing to break rules to give their version of justice had their way, this country wouldn't exist anymore.

23381589? ago

I tried watching those videos .. they are unwatchable

23385213? ago

How are they unwatchable? It's very simple to 'get'.

23382053? ago

OK Groomer. We are on to you.

23384582? ago

'groomer' hehe, nice

23385107? ago

I'd rather be an asshole Boomer than a cultured Groomer any day.

23381222? ago

because it is called "Out of Shadow"

leave off the last "S" ... I searched for it and it came up first in my results

23382316? ago

ok that did work... but the name of the documentary is Out of ShadowS and yesterday typing "out of shadows" also brought it up as the first choice.

23382446? ago

i think the problem is there is a movie by the same name and YouTube is going to put that first because they can make money from it.

23382481? ago

no doubt... but the "movie" is technically called Out of THE shadows... This one is simply Out of shadows.

23382554? ago

search engines, which YouTube basically is, it's the google algorithm accessing their video library, does not put much weight on the word "THE" therefore it comes to reason that a movie you pay for would come up above something that is free

23384501? ago

This. I don't think the deepstate had enough time to react to this video just yet. Plus the algorithm is already designed to weed stuff like this out.

23385964? ago

Similarly: "Darkest Hour" is a remake of "Red Dawn" but with aliens; "The Darkest Hour" is a WW2 movie.

23381577? ago

Bro it's called Out of Shadows.....although you are right, when I type "Out of Shadow" it's the first thing to pop up...WTF?

23381488? ago

No, it is called "Out of Shadows". I just checked. It doesn't come up. I had to type in "official" after, then it was first.

There were some other language results that came up though.

23381471? ago

nope, out of shadows. look at q's post 3951.

23381560? ago

“Disinformation is necessary.”