23377823? ago

It's for Mixed Reality, this uses cameras to place you inside a virtual scene for recording.

Deep Fake anyone?

23377805? ago

Thats an official endorsement.

Thats bad.

These people ARE sick.

23446029? ago

Hollyweird and the Mystery Babylon cult? https://voat.co/v/politics/3770901/23437678

23375407? ago

With the release of Out of Shadows, Marina Abramović being involved in this and microsoft making a big deal of it allows Us to link these ads trailers etc to Push Out of Shadows Fully into the Mainstream. You see the msm trying to paint her positively then RT or share including the link to the full film with plenty of Q related,pizza related tags & references. This is a Singular opportunity to tie them & their Vampire/Pedo culture together in one big bow!

23375915? ago

I think they should make Out of Shadows 2.... ASAP, make it ever better, faster with needed finance.

23374032? ago

Does he still have anything to do with Microsoft? I thought he took the money and ran.

23373049? ago

People need to start pulling money out of Microsoft and friends by selling stocks

23372355? ago

people are awakening

23371762? ago

Downvoat down to hell

23371661? ago

They are laughing at you asshats.

23371556? ago

Say it ain’t so Billy.

23371285? ago

I am physically repulsed by this woman. Her face, her lips, her ears, her hands, her body itself... all seem foul, disjointed and evil. Her voice. MONSTER

23377832? ago

She's super fugly.

23371598? ago

... Who are Jeff Koons and Duchamp ? https://voat.co/v/theredpill/3762280

23373491? ago

Koons has been around for a long time. In another life, I worked in a related field and I read a lot about him. He was married to an Italian porn star for a while, I always thought he reeked of debauchery and foulness. I am not surprised to learn he is hanging with that hag now.

23457972? ago

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23371279? ago

Bill Gates will be lucky if he only gets another pie in the face next time he walks in public.

23390283? ago

Yeah, my take back when I worked in the industry when he was hit in the face with a pie -- "it could easily have been an exploding pie" et nauseum...

23371626? ago

The Pentagrams, the Burning Eye, mystery babylon rituals from Arabia? Why was Gates with Epstein?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3753133

23370789? ago

Honestly asking: why are they being so blatant.. I swear tgey are losing on purpose??

23370930? ago

It seems to be linked to Natural Law where if you obtain consent from your victim even by trickery, by telling them what you are going to do however cryptically, and they do not withhold consent [don't ask me how] the perpetrator avoids negative karma.

I don't fully understand it, but this seems to be what they believe and operate on.

Keep digging.

23370456? ago


Hopefully the awaken masses will provide a boomerang response.

23370433? ago

Rule of the Internet #1984: "The comments have been disabled for this piece of propaganda."

23370408? ago

Probably need to get her cash.

23370189? ago

Remewber to down vote the video, push all buttons and opt-out.

23370171? ago

Wow. The whole thing is just. Wow. They really like the smell of their own farts.

23377844? ago

That seems like a very accurate assessment of their public behavior.

23369755? ago

I'm not sure how much Gates has to do with Microsoft anymore.

23372716? ago

He resigned from their board just a few weeks ago....about 3 hours after Trump said "we know where the coronavirus came from."

23369576? ago

They are laughing in our face, now line up for your shots.

23373169? ago

QTards are pathetic helpless faggots

23369277? ago

The DEMONrats are redefining STUPID on a daily business. UNIFYING the country. Biggest bonus. those behind the curtain are being drug into the spotlight. We are living a miracle.

23368594? ago

No need to watch. Just down vote.

23368382? ago

man, they are just rubbing it in our faces, well, when virginia didnt do shit for 2A they knew they had won

23369442? ago

Good point.

23368241? ago

Satanists hang with other satanists.

23374879? ago

  1. Gates is Dr. WHO.

One of his employees was named by Epstein to be back-up executor of Epstein’s estate.

Microsoft just launched an ad using “spirit cooker” Maria Abramovich.

Gates got government to indemnify him against any lawsuits related to CV treatment & vaccinations.

Microsoft got the contract to store the military’s electronic data.

23379286? ago

Gates is Dr Who: like Out of Shadows says “they” broadcast what they’re doing and don’t mind making a movie about it. Right there, out in the open. There has to be a special place in hell....

23371158? ago

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23368183? ago

maybe the white hats are forcing her to do it?

don't know why else Microsoft would think this was a good idea??

23370865? ago

They’re all in the same death worshipping cult.

23368132? ago

everyone should report this video on youtube for child abuse. these people should not be allowed any freedoms at all NONE anywhere!

23367987? ago

TBH, viewing and sharing is the last thing we need on our blessed day of reverence to Jesus Christ. They are trying to counter the power of, mock, and marginalize Christianity. We are in a spiritual war. Light v dark.

23452325? ago

I seem to remember Jesus whooping all sorts of ass one quiet day at church.

IIRC, he found a bunch of crytpobrokers and gave them sound lashings.

Technically, the place you shouldn't go on the holy days, are marked brightly with the letters A.T.M.

23378323? ago

You all sensationalize Abramovic beyond measure when shes just some dope that is promoted for the purpose of enthralling the hwood set

23370011? ago

trolls feed on negative attention; time sink and energy vampirism. Resist

23369970? ago

Dark to light

I say bring attention to it

Jump in the comments in their other videos and ask what the fuck is up

Spread this video far and wide with spirit cooking photos and ask why microsoft would promote such dark content

23377808? ago

I've often told myself, ya know, I can do bots, I can code automata network posters, I can even dodge the detection and dance around captchas... but only every so often do I find myself caring enough to consider taking those actions (it takes time, footwork, not much, but some) and I often wonder which topic will send me into an all nighter to release my info hounds upon the morning.

brb... gonna try something ;)

23373162? ago

It’s time for jews to report for orderly liquidations

23368062? ago

I took a man in my mouth once

23370813? ago


23369076? ago

Happy Easter faggot

23369003? ago

Your grandmothers must be so proud

23369555? ago

Was it her husband?

23369077? ago

She took one in her puss

23368672? ago

I John 1:9

23367924? ago

Abramovic is a vampire? I thought she was a witch? What's next she's a Werewolf?

23367988? ago

She's an artist Deep into the Occult, some of her art or rituals invole abuse, pain and self harm other stuff she does can be considered cannibalism, the consuming of menstruual period blood, semen or human flesh, this old bitch is weird as fuck, it might not be vampire or witchcraft it could be just 'shock art' and about the corrupt mafia movements of money through art, it is difficult to say what exactly she is because sometimes these freaks operate at many levels, it goes deeper and deeper, some think she connects to a drug world others think she links to ritual abuse and human trafficking, she came to world attention with the pizzagate wikileaks stuff.

23368253? ago

She is Ghislaine Maxwell's sister

23370900? ago

That’s what I think too. Daddy Maxwell didn’t adore her like he did little Ghislaine so she went full on for satan.

23369018? ago
