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fusir ago

Because he was also working for the CIA because that's how the CIA keeps control over our politicians. And when those politicians aren't controlled they try to remove them. All the shit the FBI did over the last 5 years was CIA directed by Brennon (CIA). The CIA said, FBI, we suspect Donald Trump as being connected to the Russians in some nefarious way, dig up dirt on him will ya. So the FBI tried, as they were told to do, but there was no dirt. We even keep hearing references to "intelligence services have evidence of something or other." By that they mean Brennon said so and when Brennon was pressed about it he said "I have sources I can't share." But it's entirely bullshit.

Epstein was CIA even if he was also Mossad. Otherwise he wouldn't have been pulled out of a NY prison by Federal officials.

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NoseSubversion ago

We have 21 “dual” open Israeli American congressmen. Imagine how many more aren’t open about it. Yet only 2% of the population

BjornIronside ago

trump is 100% swamp creature.

He's a fucking reality tv star.