JesusisCool2 ago

Satanists want the masses to be confined to their homes, plugged into VR headsets for majority of their lives. That's the Life!

rickman2 ago

Jay-Z, John of God, Alefantis, Podesta, NXIUM, now Bill Gates.

Is her publicity intentional? They all love her

kestrel9 ago

Funny you should mention it just as I was adding it as an aside in one of my comments here excerpt:

"Also Pandemic high gloss in 2017:

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helped fund Smithsonian's THE Next Pandemic magazine November 2017 issue and Wellcome was also a contributor. Dr. Sophie Adjalley is wearing a red smock that reminds me of Satanist Marina Abramovich red dress she wore for her virtual version of herself in Microsoft's Easter Special promo The Life.

plancktonne ago

Why anyone assumes Gates is an expert in bio-science and vaccines is a mystery. He wasn't even an "expert" in computers. Rather he was a robber barron and a very good one in business matters.

Does no one remember the 15 or so versions of Windows that he manufactured, each with more flaws than the preceding one and needing endless patching? Or the number of good software companies that he put out of business or bought outright and buried their product?

He is tightly tied to numerous Clinton Foundations, and was a frequent visitor to Jeffrey Epstein, which should tell everyone all they need to know. Don't be a beta tester for Gates Chinese Flu Vaccine #

kestrel9 ago

I wasn't assuming Bill Gates to be an expert, thanks for the info, I agree there is a much bigger picture in regards to Gates.

plancktonne ago

Sorry, I didn't mean you in particular, just that almost everyone assumes Gates and others involved in techy stuff are techy geniuses when more often they are excellent robber barons. Zuckerberg comes to mind and even to some extent Edison and Westinghouse.

The Marina Abramovich & Microsoft Team Up to Present "The Life" subject has appeared over on CDAN and attracted a huge number of shills and trolls railing against conspiracy theories and PizzaGate which they incorrectly attribute to Breitbart. 90 comments as of a few minutes ago.

CDAN Blind Item #12 - They Tried

kestrel9 ago

I was working on this comment yesterday, and kept adding to it. If I were to distill it to a timeline, then one notices Priscilla Chan and her husband, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and WHO, World Bank Group, Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) and others chart the course to Covid19 as effectively as a marketing strategy for releasing an up coming block buster movie.

A key event that needed to happen (imho) to turn the grand arc of their Pandemic 'awareness' and research into an actual world wide outbreak was told to us in The Next Pandemic Smithsonian 2017 article regarding this

Dec 2017 The National Institutes of Health has lifted a three-year moratorium on controversial experiments that carry the risk of triggering a viral pandemic, but may also prepare the United States for a deadly outbreak.

As Nell Greenfieldboyce reports for NPR, the Department of Health and Human Services revealed a new framework on Tuesday for guiding federal funding of research that involves genetically altering dangerous viruses like influenza, SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome).

“Gain-of-function” research, as this contentious field of study is called, sees virologists create mutations in the lab that can help them predict how a given virus will evolve—and whether it will become more powerful or transmissible in the future. But should an enhanced virus escape the lab, critics warn, the results could be disastrous. The NIH has spent the past three years weighing arguments about gain-of-function experiments—during which time they banned funding this work—and has ultimately decided that they are worth the risk.

Moving on to list a few noteable milestones in the Zuckerberg/Gates common interests:

IDSeq, Chan Zuckerberg Biohub

An over reaching goal of this entire push for Pandemic Awareness funded by Zuckerberg and Gates (and others):

Universal Health Coverage

Recall that (Fauci was a big supporter of Hilllary and Obama's Global Health Initiative). His email to Cheryl Mills was also sent to Lois Quam. Background info I'll tag on otherwise I'll be sidetracked from my original intent to recap my comment that I linked.

Given that GPMB told us about the timing of 'the' pandemic outbreak a couple-few months before it happened and was reported, it's even more notable that:

The GPMB Secretariat is funded by the Government of Germany, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, and Resolve to Save Lives which is funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and housed in New York City. link

The further one digs, the greater the stench.

millennial_vulcan ago

A (now-deleted) photo of MA and none other than Lord Rothschild standing behind a portrait of artist Thomas Lawrence’s Satan Summoning His Legions. Location: Royal Academy of Art, London.

You could not make this shit up. Twitterers are trying to verify if this pic is real or photoshopped, with the consensus that it’s real. MA is wearing the same outfit as when she lectured at the ”Rothschild Foundation Lecture” in November 2019. Image was first posted on the Instagram of London freelance photographer ‘Alastair Fyfe‘ ...and swiftly deleted. Can only imagine the comments.. (scroll quarter-of-way down)

Credit to the always amazing Aangirfan. To read their archives prior to 2014, type in **** (difference is the “g” in the url - they were banned and had to slightly change spelling of new URL)


Microsoft have now removed the MA video from YT.

@vindicator @think- @carmencita @MercurysBall2 @darkknight111

think- ago

Wow. O..O Thanks for the ping. I didn't know there was a Abramovic - Rothschld connection, but I am not surprised.

millennial_vulcan ago

Spread spread :)

millennial_vulcan ago

Thanks K9! Yes they were one of the few sites that posted it. It’s being furiously scrubbed from online so gotta keep reposting it.

Did Gates not see all this was going to happen? They are openly mocking us.

kestrel9 ago

I'm sure Gates enjoyed it all. He's giddy over the thought of getting to track the world's population with his nifty vaccine microchip; nothing is raining on his parade at the moment. They rolled out the red carpet for this pandemic imho

millennial_vulcan ago

Agreed. And everyone’s home, fawning over his ‘Bills Brain’ documentary like good sheeple and not seeing his totally creepy family for what they are. UGHHH

MercurysBall2 ago

The photo is real. I've been trying to get people to understand for years now her relationship with the Rothschilds. I've posted this video several times but never got a comment about it.. people don't seem to understand the network it exposes... Lynn Rothschild is in it:

From the article: Marina Abramovic is obsessed with brains

The EU's Human Brain Project, Marina Abramovic and a paper on hacking the brain - (This post from 1.8 years ago got 2 upvoats and 1 downvoat. Sometimes I really despair .. )

Vindicator ago

Never despair MB2.

Also, we've gotten almost 1000 new subscribers here since early February. That was posted to pizzagateTNT, which never had many eyeballs. You're welcome to post it here, under the guise of Abramovic and possible MK Ultra-style mind control research.

millennial_vulcan ago

Before the Microsoft commercial....

...Sex and the City popularized this botoxed Serbian she-devil. Thanks a bunch, HBO!

@Mammy @Carmencita

millennial_vulcan ago

Your time has come now MB2 :) This pic will be trending by tomorrow. Disgusting witch will be burned at the twitter stake! Can’t wait :)

MercurysBall2 ago

I'll give you an upvoat for that. Lol.

darkknight111 ago

The ad has been pulled.

We did it peeps. We showed those assholes we control the narrative. Not them.

42times5 ago

Can we let loose on Ellen now that Gates has been on her show? We need memes!

Aasb ago

look at the like/dislike ratio on youtube

comments disabled*

DorisDay12 ago

While hashtags such as #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesIsNotOurFriend #BillGatesIsEvil and #BillGatesPublicEnemyNumber1 are trending on Twitter, why in the fuck would he endorse this sick, evil, demonic, dangerous satanic "artist"? To confirm what we suspect or know? He's deep state, wants to kill 15 million and tag us all with ID2020? SMH

siegnagel ago

People are giving Ambramnovic too much credit. She's an older version of Gaga, hangs around anywhere and with anyone, who can get her in the limelight without actually having any talent, other than being good at schmoozing with 'elites'. The fact these rich faggots buy into her absolute bullshit is testament to how absolutely useless they actually are. Take Spirit Cooking for example. It's a shitty OTO/Crowley nonsense ritual, that achieves nothing. If these idiots were to conduct any meaningful rituals they'd start with elemental magick.

millennial_vulcan ago

I said same thing about that dumb “Poppy” girl who emerged on YouTube same time as pgate started. Not occult or cool or even original. Just dull bs for the instahos to hashtag about.

But MA was in the Podesta emails so, ya know...

MercurysBall2 ago

Abramovic has an interesting bloodline.

Fetalpig ago

Marina is a baby eating pedo/vore,she will burn like the witch she is..

millennial_vulcan ago

Interesting timing with the Out Of Shadows documentary, both featuring MA and released within hours of each other...Things that make you go hmmmm @carmencita

42times5 ago

Plus Bill Gates just went on Ellen! This might be a good time to let loose Ellen and her role in pizzagate.

Two birds with one stone.

Mammy ago

Yes. I thought that, too. Also says will be auctioned at Christies of London in October 2020. Halloween festivities?

carmencita ago

Hmmmm. As in CDAN.

millennial_vulcan ago

Check out the almost 50,000 comments on Gates Instagram page :)

@mammy @peanusweanus @darkknight111 @KillerKap @Blacksmith21

millennial_vulcan ago

Great post @mammy I saw the news about it and rushed here! We’ve been talking about this devil spawn for 4 years straight.

This is MSM damage control/feeble attempt to ‘normalize’ and ‘integrate’, while everyone’s distracted. And of course, comments are ‘turned off’ underneath the YT commercial on the official Microsoft page BUT NOT under the ‘Ted Talk’ version! Reminds me, must go check out latest on Skippy’s twitter LOL.

@peanusweanus @darkknight111

peanusweanus ago

Dont forget they released it on good friday, a particularly holy day

42times5 ago

New medium for their depravity?

Blacksmith21 ago

Like getting hit with a turd between the eyes.

Mammy ago

IDK the sheep around here are pretty much asleep, but hope springs etrnal.

millennial_vulcan ago

Also the always popular @MichaelCoudrey is all over it on twitter. Check out all the comments too. Nothing on this story yet anywhere in MSM, daily mail online etc. @carmencita @KillerKap @Blacksmith21

millennial_vulcan ago

Far from it! Check out her other vids on YT :)

Blacksmith21 ago

I had just sent my wife the MSFT commercial and she was like WTF? Then we watched Out of Shadows while eating and you could see things click in her head. She said to me - I knew about every single topic in the documentary. She was once a sheep. Still trying to bring her out of the slumber where IRL is more "interesting" and more important than the media programming.

redwing14 ago

wowza. The plan is slowly unfolding. Make everyone numb to it all and almost zombie like response. And then implement whatever thing they want slowly. Nothing to stop them now..

SebuttYopick ago

Long ago I came to voat, i dunno i followed a link to reddit then found reddit sucked and 'pizzagate' i would have mocked you guys but there is something to this conspiracy. Now I believe its possible they are using media to force people to watch to go through a ritual, like all that pentagram shit at the MTV awards, it doesnt matter if you are religious or not or if you believe the point is that some of these freaks that rub elbows with the elite believe it this nasty weird shit.

edkh ago

Youre right, Its in all these vids, look all the masonry references. And i rmember the Olympic Opening Show, with Annie Lennox. Extremely weird to see, Slaves, Sacrifices, Devils and all that. Or remember Pink and her Mason Outfit. Bit too much for a coincidence.

And to all the stuff on sites like vigilantcitizen, which claim to enlighten the people.. They have some point, but by watching these things over and over again, maybe you are initiated to the symbolism this way. So be aware, dont consume too much, they are twisting your mind too.

Im grown and can watch my steps, but it hurts my heart, to see all the underaged "forced" to cosume these weird shit. Like Gagas new Fame. WTF

Vindicator ago

Sounds about right

YogSoggoth ago

I just saw that. As bad as twitter is at censoring people, it spreads too quick for them, especially with so many sitting around not working.

Shillaxe ago

Anyone else seeing a whole lot of military planes and helicopters flying today ?

KillerKap ago

comments off lol. I was gonna unload on them.

millennial_vulcan ago

Not turned off under the ‘Ted Talk’ version. Go enjoy!

Popsicle ago

Totally sickening. She will live forever they said.