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Cheetah1964 ago

Holy shit! They CONTINUE to not even HIDE satanism.

jbo5112 ago

All of the other Microsoft videos allow comments, yet they disabled comments on the Abramovich ad. They don't seem ignorant about her.

therush101 ago

hey if you need to advertise something why not use the worlds highest satanic cannibal that will look good wont it?????????

petevoat ago

It's cringey and awful

VirtuousPatience ago

She’s just seeking immortality, no biggie, nothing evil going on

SpiritExpedition ago

After getting leap frogged by 90s underdog Google for the evil tech company title. Microsoft is coming back swinging going after the cannibalistic child sacrifice demographic. It'll be interesting to see what Google does to reassert itself.

Hispeedtim2876 ago

This video is better

Banky1974 ago

When I first saw this, I thought it had to be fake.

The bastards are rubbing our noses in it now.

fhpxvg ago

How much adrenachrome do you need to like youre in your 30s when youre wrincled cunt is 74!

pizzaequalspedo ago

She is the Red witch from Game of Thrones

VirtuousPatience ago

Yes!! Truth is stranger than fiction.

fhpxvg ago

The high priestess of the Satanic cabal wants me to by this VR thing?

OK!!! Only if it comes with an implantable microchip

Agapechik57 ago

Partners with demons.....evil

DemonNancy ago

Wow right in front of us.

Dp75 ago

Coming out in the open. Sick and evil people. No fear. They think they are untouchable.

imacoffeeaddict ago

Eyes Wide Open

5B3854C ago

So Microsoft is presenting this high witch as an artist? Are you shitting me?

alphazebra ago

Microsoft’s first commercial was a spin off of 1984

spaceb0y2001 ago

You're thinking of Apple.

alphazebra ago

Ohhh. Yeah that’s right. It was Macintosh then right? Missed it by that much

nemestrinus ago

Although 1984 was mentioned by the narrator in that old Macintosh commercial, the scene seemed to also be at least partially inspired by the movie "Metropolis."

derram ago :

Pat McGroin on Twitter: "Brand new commercial for Microsoft....ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME WITH THIS SHIT...what timeline are we even fucking in right now.

#spiritcooking… /5yDnzEOLN3"

This has been an automated message.

amarQ144 ago

pretty twisted...and pretty "in your face"