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kestrel9 ago

Funny you should mention it just as I was adding it as an aside in one of my comments here excerpt:

"Also Pandemic high gloss in 2017:

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helped fund Smithsonian's THE Next Pandemic magazine November 2017 issue and Wellcome was also a contributor. Dr. Sophie Adjalley is wearing a red smock that reminds me of Satanist Marina Abramovich red dress she wore for her virtual version of herself in Microsoft's Easter Special promo The Life.

plancktonne ago

Why anyone assumes Gates is an expert in bio-science and vaccines is a mystery. He wasn't even an "expert" in computers. Rather he was a robber barron and a very good one in business matters.

Does no one remember the 15 or so versions of Windows that he manufactured, each with more flaws than the preceding one and needing endless patching? Or the number of good software companies that he put out of business or bought outright and buried their product?

He is tightly tied to numerous Clinton Foundations, and was a frequent visitor to Jeffrey Epstein, which should tell everyone all they need to know. Don't be a beta tester for Gates Chinese Flu Vaccine #

kestrel9 ago

I wasn't assuming Bill Gates to be an expert, thanks for the info, I agree there is a much bigger picture in regards to Gates.

plancktonne ago

Sorry, I didn't mean you in particular, just that almost everyone assumes Gates and others involved in techy stuff are techy geniuses when more often they are excellent robber barons. Zuckerberg comes to mind and even to some extent Edison and Westinghouse.

The Marina Abramovich & Microsoft Team Up to Present "The Life" subject has appeared over on CDAN and attracted a huge number of shills and trolls railing against conspiracy theories and PizzaGate which they incorrectly attribute to Breitbart. 90 comments as of a few minutes ago.

CDAN Blind Item #12 - They Tried

kestrel9 ago

I was working on this comment yesterday, and kept adding to it. If I were to distill it to a timeline, then one notices Priscilla Chan and her husband, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and WHO, World Bank Group, Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) and others chart the course to Covid19 as effectively as a marketing strategy for releasing an up coming block buster movie.

A key event that needed to happen (imho) to turn the grand arc of their Pandemic 'awareness' and research into an actual world wide outbreak was told to us in The Next Pandemic Smithsonian 2017 article regarding this

Dec 2017 The National Institutes of Health has lifted a three-year moratorium on controversial experiments that carry the risk of triggering a viral pandemic, but may also prepare the United States for a deadly outbreak.

As Nell Greenfieldboyce reports for NPR, the Department of Health and Human Services revealed a new framework on Tuesday for guiding federal funding of research that involves genetically altering dangerous viruses like influenza, SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome).

“Gain-of-function” research, as this contentious field of study is called, sees virologists create mutations in the lab that can help them predict how a given virus will evolve—and whether it will become more powerful or transmissible in the future. But should an enhanced virus escape the lab, critics warn, the results could be disastrous. The NIH has spent the past three years weighing arguments about gain-of-function experiments—during which time they banned funding this work—and has ultimately decided that they are worth the risk.

Moving on to list a few noteable milestones in the Zuckerberg/Gates common interests:

IDSeq, Chan Zuckerberg Biohub

An over reaching goal of this entire push for Pandemic Awareness funded by Zuckerberg and Gates (and others):

Universal Health Coverage

Recall that (Fauci was a big supporter of Hilllary and Obama's Global Health Initiative). His email to Cheryl Mills was also sent to Lois Quam. Background info I'll tag on otherwise I'll be sidetracked from my original intent to recap my comment that I linked.

Given that GPMB told us about the timing of 'the' pandemic outbreak a couple-few months before it happened and was reported, it's even more notable that:

The GPMB Secretariat is funded by the Government of Germany, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, and Resolve to Save Lives which is funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and housed in New York City. link

The further one digs, the greater the stench.