23338569? ago

Not much to add, but that part about doom interests me, is he referring to one of the Doom games? What do the numbers mean?

Just wanted to add a couple of “Easter eggs” in GTA5 up near the bank/Hollywood walk of shame there is a gay club, often times there’s groups of trannys and freaks hanging outside (great for a Molotov) right next to is though is a big warehouse looking thing with something like “fashion slave” or something like that, made me think of some sort of human trafficking building that probably exists in that area. Def worth a look.

The ads, graffiti, random signage in windows billboards etc are a treasure trove of “plain sight” hints. Sometimes I just walk around cities slowly looking for weird stuff, there’s quite a few other highly suspect but sort of not in your face things like this.

Ask the most blatant is the constant trolling of chemtrails. You want contrails you make your game realistic? Fine. But numerous trailers for stuff like the casino, or numerous screenshots, or artwork, more often than not has a chemtrail in it. Or more telling, they go w the full X chemtrails. That’s just screenshots and stuff like that alone, the amount of X chemtrails that appear in the game is very telling. The algorithm isn’t making them appear like that by accident.

I recall someone hear one time dropping a hint sort of like “people say chemtrails can’t be proven because there’s no way to do a proper simulation even if they wanted to perform an op like that.” Then he would say something like “but look into the gta5 engine and the chemtrails within that game and it will show you this can be done” I believe he was onto something and was alluding to maybe rockstar tech being used to simulate and forecasts the flight patterns?