volunteerwork2020 ago

There's a mission where you rescue a child from a pedophile gun shop owner in RDR2. This is just disgusting.


volunteerwork2020 ago

The Bonsai Children thing sounds a lot like this "creepypasta." I think this one is actually real.


privacypolicy10 ago

GTA 5. Mount Chilliad "Mystery". GTA 5 = LA. Freemasonic symbolism EVERY-WHERE.

KillerKap ago

I bought all their games (in game industry as a dev) but I simply cant force myself to play GTAV or RDR2. It is so evil and focused it literally makes me sick.

ShaneE11183386 ago

I just started playing gta 5 again

And just look around youll see pedo shit everywhere

volunteerwork2020 ago

A female character calls the one junkie character, Trevor a pedophile during one mission.

Also on one mission there is a pedo van with a clown on it that is a clear reference to serial killer John Wayne Gacy.


volunteerwork2020 ago

The Cherry Popper ice cream appears throughout the series. Ice cream is used as pedo slang.


YogSoggoth ago

Not as bad as that, I guess, and certainly not a video game yet, A Lying Witch and a Warden ๐Ÿฆ‰| Full Episode | The Owl House | Disney Channel

Disney Channel I had to watch till the end just to figure out that the main character is a Female? Sick bastards are targeting children more than ever.


A few things to keep in mind:

**The Video Game Industry has eclipsed Hollywood Film and television on time and money spent.

All major Developers (companies) games seem to contain symbolism, predictive programming and amoral actions- in line with The Agenda.

NeuroTherapy uses similar 'video games' to map the human brain, and create new pathways.

MK Ultra and Mind Control techniques utilize NeuroLinguistic Programming, repetition, roleplay, stimulation, violence, fear, tone, color, flicker rate, subconscious triggers etc to illicit the desired slave state.

AI learning algorithms evolve via massive input and biofeedback from interacting with natural intelligence/ populations.**

KillerKap ago

You are dead on accurate. Vidya is the current "hollywood" and the kikes know it.

21yearsofdigging ago

So glad to see this! Yes yes and yes, alphabet agencies, with secret back doors , are all over video games , some in particular. Deus Ex Human Revolution, the first one was not but then it was bought out and turned into a operation where every player's actions are monitored and that they use the responses as recruiting tools. I was an insider on that game. Believe me, as evil as you can imagine and most have no idea.

KillerKap ago

Telltale games, Quantic Dreams and Bioware. Well before DX HR. But you are on the right track.

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purelive ago

You forgot mission Panty Raid in Bully. I think.

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gamepwn ago

Someone just left this comment on my ORV post of this thread saying they can't go into details, but one of Rockstars executives is connected to a powerful elite family.


kjkjnkjnkjn ago

I have reason to believe that the Timothy Ballard ("former" CIA) started org "Operation Underground Railroad" is actually an organ harvesting ring. Their team has many Israeli Military, likely of Mossad origin, and they have a Jewish prayer before starting "rescues". It's known that Jewish groups are often found running organ trade rings. Their documented 'rescues' seem overly canned, scripted & rehearsed. There seemed to be a dark vibe. The theory is that they are robbing third-world human traffickers, or "stealing slaves", to reap massive profits by not having to purchase children before vivisecting them for organs. It seems to keep things looking clean, they do relocate many child "rescues" to orphanges, but likely a large percentage never are accounted for. The profits would be in the billions. Their team is mostly "former" CIA. I do believe this is a real rabbit hole, and has a real danger of going into. But anyone wanting to put a headlamp on and go crawling, this seems like a formidable entrance down below.


Have you played GTA4 and it's 2 DLC packs "The Lost and Damned" and "The Ballad if Gay Tony?"

I was involved in a crowd sourced investigation into human trafficking in early 2017 into the Clinton involvement in Haiti that was run thru youtube and facebook by a guy called George Sweigert who called himself Gary Webb. The investigation mushroomed and unearthed a global network of drug, child and weapon trafficking being run by CIA dirty work front company Dyncorp.

As the investigation unfolded I kept seeing things that reminded me of GTA4 but it never clicked until near the end when George mentioned that the Awan brothers could be called the Dubai Awans because that's where they recieved a lot of funding. At that point I came to the conclusion that GTA4 and Rockstar Games are a public relations department for Dyncorp involved in predictive programming psychological warfare on their behalf. Here's how it all connects to Dyncorp.

In the main release you play Niko a Serbian people smuggler coming to America who ends up worging for a secret agency called U.L. PAPER. This plotline is based on the "Yellow House" activities of the Kosovan war and the kidnapping of Kosovans and the trafficking of their organs through Albania which George made several videos on.

Then the videos moved on to Canadian Hells Angels trafficking women down to be abused by cops in New York on Long Island. He linked this to the movie Coyote Ugly, but it also mirrors the first DLC pack Lost and Damned which was about biker gangs with a drug addict prostitute character called Ashley. They weren't Canadian, but this was rectified in GTA5 when playable Canadian character Trevor kills the playable character Johnny Klebitz from TLAD.

George Webb's videos then did a lot of work on the Awan brothers and their association with MS-13 gang members. Again this was mirrored in The Ballad of Gay Tony. You play a Hispanic character who works for a rich man from Dubai called Yusuf Amir.

What really does it for me with the connection to Dyncorp is that in the UK there's a company called Dyno-Rod which specialises in unblocking drains. What do drains get blocked with? Used Lavatory paper = U.L.PAPER!

Here's a link to Georges channel https://www.youtube.com/user/georgwebb

The videos where the world seems to mirror GTA were uploaded in early 2017. They are too numerous to single some out. Perhaps searching for the Awan brothers, Kosovo and Hells Angels in them would narrow them down some, but it really is clear to me that Rockstar works for Dyncorp.

21yearsofdigging ago

wow good and don't forget ex congresswoman Chythia McKinney who spoke out about Dyncorp and their child trafficking

Fateswebb ago

I think they're trying to expose these crimes not celebrate them....

21yearsofdigging ago

That would be a nice thought and I not have been treated so badly by a video game production I might have wanted to believe this

Fateswebb ago

What? How can a video game treat you badly?

21yearsofdigging ago

The game was a about transhumanism and I was very vocal about that along with other subjects such as child trafficking.Long long story but blacklisted as a result

Fateswebb ago

You do or you don't believe in transhumanism? I mean it seems to me like it's just natural and obvious that it's possible...

21yearsofdigging ago

No,I don't believe there is anything natural about it. Period.

Fateswebb ago

So do you believe in evolution ?

Angelis_Solaris ago

Many scientists dissent from evolution, as there is not much evidence for its occurrence in nature, except for very limited adaptation and convergence of close species (opposite of evolution).




Fateswebb ago

Oh bullshit. Evolution is widely accepted and proven. Only religious nutbags think otherwise.

Angelis_Solaris ago

You're assigning a religious motive instead of giving a real argument in defense of evolution. Lazy.

The theory of evolution when defined as "creation of new body plans over time" has never been experimentally demonstrated or observed to happen. You'll never find it no matter how hard you look. There are some mutations that make weird nonfunctional body parts (which nature would never select for) by turning off genes or turning on the wrong genes in the wrong areas. The genetic information was already there.

Many scientists dissent from the theory of evolution as being a viable explanation for the complexity of life and have publicly signed a letter saying so.


As Michael Egnor succinctly explained:

"We know intuitively that Darwinism can accomplish some things, but not others. The question is what is that boundary? Does the information content in living things exceed that boundary? Darwinists have never faced those questions. They've never asked scientifically, can random mutation and natural selection generate the information content in living things."

(Dr. Michael Egnor is a professor of neurosurgery and pediatrics at State University of New York, Stony Brook)

It's a common materialist argument that the only people who don't conform to materialist dogma are religious nutbags as you've so carelessly demonstrated in your comment. You're just as religious I'm afraid. It takes a lot of faith to believe evolution without knowing exactly how mutations can possibly produce a functionally integrated system by a step-by-step process.

There are three main lines of evidence against evolution defined as natural selection acting on random mutations:

1. Complex Specified Information (sequentially specific and completely arbitrary information content in bio-molecular systems such as the DNA code, which can't arise from natural processes)

2. Irreducibly Complex Bio-molecular Machines (Nanomachines such as the Flagellum which cannot function in any conceivable way if any single piece is missing, leaving functionless garbage which Nature would never select for---thus, evolution cannot produce those features)

3. The fossil record (and specifically, the Cambrian Explosion -- MANY new body plans appearing in Cambrian strata with no evidence of precursor species, and all within a geologically short time period--too short for evolution to produce even one completely new body plan let alone thousands)

Friend, re-evaluate your stance and feel free to check the sources I've given you. Read them thoroughly if you want to learn what the scientists are currently debating.

Fateswebb ago

Your bullshit response starts with a lie

Yes evolution has been observedband has occurred during our lifetime.... Nylonase.

Also it's proven by the fossil record you guys like to claim it's incomplete but we do have complete transitions.. your argument is based on lies and incomplete information.

Angelis_Solaris ago

Yes, that is a common materialist argument which is completely unsubstantiated with a few exceptions. There are SOME links that look like "transitions," but in most cases, there are none. The excuse? "Our evidence didn't fossilize."

Also, might I point out that even if evolution did occur, human created transhumanism would still be unnatural as humans are forcing changes nature would have never selected for. There is nothing natural about that.

Fateswebb ago

๐Ÿ™„ you're trying to convince yourself.. I already know the truth, since I don't have a religion that I have to make the true world line up to its much easier to see the actual truth, because I don't have to compromise each to cram them into both working..... ๐Ÿ™„

Ditch the religion mind control dude ..

Angelis_Solaris ago

Well I'm sorry you're so dedicated to atheism that you cannot accept any principled objections to your pet theory.

Fateswebb ago

Lol I'm dedicated to logic and truth, actually I'm not atheist I'm agnostic... Creationism if it was a thing, is long gone and not some dude in the sky that reads our minds. Ya know.... There could have been a creator and still afterwards have been evolution.. it just doesn't jive with the stories told in the Bible, most of which were based on astrology anyway...

Angelis_Solaris ago

Sorry for assuming you're atheist, I thought either atheist or agnostic but went with atheist. I would just point out that the Bible was not based on astrology, but constantly condemns astrology and other pagan practices in its pages, which you'll see if you read it.There very well could still be evolution directed by a creator. But the Intelligent Design argument is an inference from observable evidence and not an inference from a religious text, and I personally find it unlikely that God used evolution to create and develop life although some ID theorists do believe in different types of evolution such as guided evolution, front-loaded evolution, limited evolution/adaptation, and common descent. What all ID arguments have in common is that intelligent input was needed to create the first life and very likely was needed to create many subsequent organisms. Some suggest a constant influx of information to sustain life's systems or to evolve them in a guided fashion.

Fateswebb ago

Dude you can line up every major even in the Bible with astrology.. literally. For instance Easter happens right at the spring solstace, the twelve disciples are actually stars. The three kings are Orion's belt and they follow the brightest star (Sirius) just like the Bible says right up until the son or uhhhhh SUN is born.. (this is when the days stop getting shorter and start getting longer.. hence the SUN IS BORN... Dude there is a lot more but uh.... Yes it is too based on astrology every single bit of it actually. The Virgin Mary.. the baby Jesus. His birthday Easter.. the Passover etc. ALL OF IT CAN BE ECPLAINED BY ASTROLOGY OR THE STARS.......

Angelis_Solaris ago

Anything can be "explained" by astrology or the stars. That's why so many people believe in astrology. It's a theory which can fit any evidence, which makes it worthless as a scientific theory. As a religious belief, it's simply wrong. Also, the wise men did not follow the brightest star; they followed a new star which appeared in the West. Easter is a pagan holiday which has become Christianized thanks to the Catholic Church---it is not the birth of Jesus and Easter is not a holiday of Christian origin---neither is Christmas. The three kings are Orion's belt? Because there are three? That's arbitrary, there are millions of sets of three stars in the sky and millions of events on earth that happen in three. I don't believe son and sun sound the same in Greek or Hebrew, they aren't interchangeable. Jesus Christ never claimed to be associated with the sun or any star. He didn't say salvation comes from Sol or the stars. He condemned astrology. I'm not sure why a book about astrology would condemn astrology?

Fateswebb ago

Oh bullshit Christianity is stolen from other religions.

Dozens of other religions before Christianity had a virgin Mary, 12 disciples, a son that dies and is reborn, three kings that follow the son, etc etc the entire thing is stolen from other religions and is based on the stars. NOT HOROSCOPES LITERALLY THE ACTUAL STARS.

Angelis_Solaris ago

There is no pagan religion past or present which has had a son who gives up his life to save mankind from their sins. All the pagan gods were killed or died involuntarily. 12 is just a number and is not proof of any kind of a link, like I said before and you ignored. There is heavy historical evidence that Jesus Christ was a real person and the accounts of the 4 gospels have been shown to be authentic. "They condemned astrology because they didn't want you to realize that's what they used to fabricate the entire thing." That is a huge stretch, I can't imagine anyone believing in astrology writing a book based on astrology and then condemning astrology in that book.....do you realize how illogical that is? You have not answered my previous objections either but have conceded them. I'll add this also: there were not three wisemen in the Bible. The Catholic Church (a pagan source) invented that tradition. The Bible only speaks about wise men from the east bringing gifts. Please add more compelling evidence or give up. As it stands, you've provided nothing of substance.

Fateswebb ago

You're so full of shit man.

And it's proven by your first paragraph where you claim I didn't read your previous post and then prove you didn't read mine and made assumptions.

I didn't say anything about pagan Gods not one single time. I have never once used the word pagan. And even more.... I never said one time that anyone died for sins. That something else you interjected upon me. There is no proof of Jesus ever existing that's another rlie you make.

And again you pretend like when someone has written a book that is based on the stars that is telling you how the universe was made by an imaginary man in the sky, somehow that they would want you to know it's all a lie and based on the stars. A completely idiotic notion that even an 8 year old could see through. Somehow you think someone that's lying would want you to know that they are fucking lying... ๐Ÿ™„ Based on that I'm done destroyung you in debate because I have clearly won, and you have had to result to lying and putting words in my mouth and ignoring completely obvious things, and also insisting on total bullshit lies like there's proofJesus was real... when quite the opposite is true.. and also I'm done talking about it because you're just plain fucking stupid. And I hate picking on retarded kids enjoy your mind control ya nitwit.

Angelis_Solaris ago

"I didn't say anything about pagan Gods not one single time. I have never once used the word pagan." Astrology is paganism. The popular claim is that the Bible is based on paganism. You're claiming it's based on astrology, which is an ancient pagan system---the only way you wouldn't know that is because you haven't done your research.

"I never said one time that anyone died for sins." No, I did. I was pointing out one of many fundamental differences between Christianity and pagan systems. Again, you're dodging my point because you can't counter it.

"And again you pretend like when someone has written a book that is based on the stars that is telling you how the universe was made by an imaginary man in the sky, somehow that they would want you to know it's all a lie and based on the stars."

Except you haven't shown that the book is based on Astrology. You've made dubious claims about similarities between common numbers and common events to try to show that it was based on the stars.....such vague similarities, which occur all the time between unrelated events, do not prove one copied from the other and the burden of proof is on YOU to support your claim of plagiarism, which you've failed to do thus far.

.....I've read the Bible and it is most certainly NOT based on the stars or astrology, or on any pagan system, as it is wildly different in its philosophies, messages, and historical veracity. The Bible is based on actual events and histories, not vague notions of foretelling using the stars. Again, why would someone write such a complex account citing historically verifiable figures and events (it's falsifiable, very unlike Astrology) and somehow base that all on star patterns (how? you haven't said), and then tell everyone that such superstitions among others are not of God? The Bible condemns many pagan practices, not just astrology---you would expect the focus to be on astrology alone if that's where the book was based. If the Bible is based on the stars, it should be extremely easy to show, and yet you're having such trouble it tends to make the uninformed reader wonder.

Fateswebb ago

Ahahah you haven't shown anything ya nit wit. All you have proven is you don't do logic at all, you don't research shit, and you have bought into the mind control. So yeah I'm done with ya dumb ass. I have no obligation to continue to make you look like a fool... I have done enough of that.

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NinaSparrow ago

I just warned my brother about this.. his teenage kids love their video games. Also sharing everywhere else I can.

This is truly disgusting guys. Uhhh!!!!

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Fateswebb ago

This game is MA (mature audiences only or 18 and up) and so any young teen that plays it doesn't have parents that actually do their job.. as in parent their child. Just saying..

NinaSparrow ago

Oh I gotcha ๐Ÿ‘ Yeah I dont know anything about video games, but I know they play fortnight, and hooked on it. My brother is an awesome father.. just wanted to make sure he knew about it because it's absolute madness.

But yes.. I agree with you.

But even for 18+.. its beyond sick and shouldnt have been available to the public in the first place.

Fateswebb ago

Nah. I all about freedom.. this is no worse than an r rated movie.... So if you're against this then you're against 75 percent of the movies out there... Just saying..

I don't think we should be told what we can watch, or in this case play... That's what freedom is all about, we can decide for ourselves

Pkuse it's a slippery slope and basically would be a violation of the first amendment. And you ban these, then next thing you know books are being banned and then who decides what is allowed and what is banned? Nancy pelosi? It's just a horrible idea.

Just if you don't like it don't buy it.... And if you are a parent pay attention to what your kids do.. don't just shove them in their room and ignore them...

Angelis_Solaris ago

"Nah. I all about freedom.. this is no worse than an r rated movie.... So if you're against this then you're against 75 percent of the movies out there... Just saying..

I don't think we should be told what we can watch, or in this case play... That's what freedom is all about, we can decide for ourselves

Plus it's a slippery slope and basically would be a violation of the first amendment. And you ban these, then next thing you know books are being banned"

The Founding Fathers would disagree. They drafted the Bill of Rights and they were always promoting the idea that we should be told what we can't watch and do. Because that's what the law does. They made pornography illegal even if it was viewed in private (crimes committed in private are still crimes). The freedom you are talking about is lawlessness and freedom to commit crimes. "That's what freedom is all about, we can decide for ourselves" to commit, produce, or watch any heinous act you want? Sorry, you're in the wrong country for that. That's called Anarchy.

Please keep in mind.....

Pornography is not speech. Depictions of crimes are not speech. It protects speech, the written word; not pictures, depictions, or art of any kind. Under the US Declaration of Independence (ignored today but our Founders said it was equally binding) and Constitution with Amendments, there is not a single protection for "Freedom of Expression."

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Fateswebb ago

Bwwwahaha the founding fathers didn't ban pornography ya nit wit. Way to just completely make some shit up that literally nobody has ever claimed before and pretend it's a real thing. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Further even later on they did write laws that defined pornography as an example of protected speech.. so you're not just wrong your a wrong sandwich that uses wrong bread, wrong meat, and wrong condiments.....

Angelis_Solaris ago

Sorry, wrong again. Here's my response to you: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3766740

Fateswebb ago

I ain't reading that bullshit. You have something to say to me than fucking say it... ๐Ÿ™„

And I'll say it again, they didn't ban pornography, actually quite the opposite, they protected it under the first amendment.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Angelis_Solaris is right on this. You don't have to agree with everything the Founding Fathers did (but you should) but at least know what they were about!

Angelis_Solaris ago

I did "fucking say it." It was too long to post here as you might have gathered.

NinaSparrow ago

Right.. just wanted to warn my bro not to let his kids buy this game. That's all there was to it. And I dont watch much tv or movies anymore. I used to. But dont care for Hollywood anymore.

& I'm all about freedom.. WWG1WGA - but just like the 1st amendment.. we all are allowed to our own opinions, & I just think this is utterly vile & disgusting. But it's more about who is behind it than the game itself, regarding the PG/pedogate stuff - not movies, video games & freedom in general ๐Ÿ˜‰ I'm as patriotic as they come.


God bless..

Peace out yo โœŒ

Fateswebb ago

I mean not a bad idea to warn your brother, but unless you have been under a rock for the last decade you probably already know about GTA... just saying..

NinaSparrow ago

True - I gotcha ;) No he knows about it.. just wasnt sure he knew the depth of the depravity regarding the connection to what's going on - what we have all awakened to. I've redpilled him & his wife. They know.. so I just sent him stuff now & then regarding it. That's all it was ;) Just a heads up.

Happy Easter โ™ก

giganigga43 ago

Rockstar has CIA Niggers pushing conspiracy theories into their gameโ€™s stories!

mrnobu ago

Dude ROCK STAR should tell you everything. ROCK STAR is Saturn (Satan). Any game developers who make enough money or receive enough funding to gain notoriety are likely infiltrated and run by dark entities.

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Vindicator ago

I'm toggling NSFW with this one, gamepwn. Pizzagate is the subject of a video "game". Like this could ever be "fun". It boggles the mind.

Wise2TheLies ago

GTA4 - 2008, DLC packs 2009+

GTA5 - 2013


The GTA4 series of which CTW is an episode came out in 2008-9. I just made a post how Rockstar Games works for CIA front company Dyncorp who are involved in some heavy shit.

21yearsofdigging ago

Cynthia McKinney exposed Dyncorp for child trafficking years ago

Mark_Cuckerberg ago

In LA Noire there is a case where you investigate a production company doing some shady shit with their female actresses

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gamepwn ago

yup, the Jessica Hamilton case. I almost forgot about that one!


Bottled_Tears ago

Rockstar used to always be that developer who made fun of the "man" but it is slowly being controlled.

The game is fucking filled with crime what the fuck do you expect in a crime driven game? Be criminal but not too realistically criminal? Eat my ass.

Angelis_Solaris ago

Founding Fathers would have banned the game. Depictions and promotion of crimes are not protected under any Amendment.

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HulkJizz ago

I have also done much research of the GTA series and have come to realize that there is no way a car can fly off an overpass doing 80 mph, land 50ft below and keep driving.

derram ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=0p4sBlldd08&feature=emb_title :

GTA Chinatown Wars DS Email - Bonsai children. - YouTube

https://invidio.us/watch?v=nNcD7ZpVtO0 :

Eddie Low - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=bjPuartQNDkYouTube :

Little Lacey Surprise commercial - YouTube

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EricKaliberhall ago

Share flair is activated.

gamepwn ago

Thank you! I appreciate it.