23338117? ago

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23337567? ago

Dude I honestly can’t say anything specific here...

But you’re looking in the right direction. A specific executive of this company is personal friends with a very powerful family that people mention often on this site.

The same executive is connected to AI researchers and other academics as well.

Sorry but I can’t say any more than that you’re on the right path w this one. Keep digging.

23337747? ago

Is it one of their CEO's if you can answer that? It narrows down the research.

23338333? ago

Anon.... understand?

23338368? ago

Trying to, doing the research into it now. Asked others for help.

23337887? ago

NYU, AI, games (think scary).

23337777? ago

I can’t say any more. But that wouldn’t be a bad place to look, would it?

23337742? ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @gamepwn.

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23335423? ago

There was a game trailer posted about a year ago or so about SWAT or some agency finding really fucked up stuff. Stuff with kids tied to chairs, pedo/satanist etc. I asked about it being available on PS4. Game looked dark.

23334210? ago

Keep bringing the truth out and God Bless you and all Patriots.

23333793? ago

Does that mean they are warning us, or are they rubbing our faces in it?

23332349? ago


Thank you, OP. Very well done. You heard the call, you listened and you intelligently articulated to us what you found. This is what the fight is all about. If you don't blog, maybe you should consider it. You could add on to this information for years to come as the "awakening" occurs.

23331420? ago

Meme Magic is for real. [They] knew it for hundreds of years now, We on the other hand, are just "waking up" to it.

Stop playing dark games. Please? Dark "entertainment" is like a giant meme helping to make the awful reality [they] want to come true. By living inside these games that show the reality [they] want, your helping it become "real". If you can't or won't stop playing, then at least try modding, or picking games that show a bright future for Humanity, or games that have a positive or cooperative message. IMHO "Classic WOW" was so popular recently because it was bringing back good memories of brighter days gone by. (It did for me!)





PEPE knows the real deal. It's not actual "magic" its just such complicated Quantum fractal mathematics that to the "average" person it sounds and looks and behaves the way We think 'magic' works.

I Am a gamer since before it was even possible for most folks. I started early with frikkin' pong (console that only had pong on it, early days). They didn't used to be so damn dark, or at least [they] hid it better, and it used to be almost totally "open source" it used to be an honor to have your game shared and played by others.

Everything [THEY] touch turns to absolute shite! We can fix that shit, but we have to see its a problem 1st.

WWG1WGA (Hopefully into a brighter future!) "The best is yet to come."

23330758? ago

In he latest max Payne there is a organ harvesting operation run by the Brazilian police and they snatch kids from the favelas

23330647? ago

"I wanna be a Rockstar Rockstar Rockstar" = more programming.

23330324? ago

It seems like we were being prepared for this for a while now. I think it’s actually worse than it seems and people were put into place to groom us for what’s coming.

23331088? ago

Let's ask the gamers themselves ... ok guys @Wahaha @Anson @TestForScience @killer7 @Tallest_Skil are there Marxists in the game industry, even criminals or human trafficking pedos connected to Xbox or Playstation? I know some games for example Japan they sell pretty werid nasty taboo shit that would freak the shit out of people in America, but is it just perverted 'art' or is there other shit going on behind the scenes?

23400110? ago

I don't really follow the gaming industry now or ever before. I only know of a few people and they're from old games. From general knowledge though, if Jews from Hollywood (whom we know are pedos and pedo-affiliated) get into gaming, especially story telling, then we know the producers are actually involved.

Personally, I'm not sexually attracted to children nor have I had imaginary thoughts in the name of art about sexualizing children so my guess is that people who do this for stuff, especially childless people, have no reason to think of these things unless it were sexual. Parents who are artists might get these ideas from raising their children, but that is all I can think of

23331305? ago

Post on the board four times and I’m pegged as a gamer, huh? Gee… Well, it’s not untrue. Used to love the idea of them. Used to play a lot more. Things change.

are there marxists in the game industry

A better question would be how many non-marxists are left...

even criminals

Entire executive staff of EA. And several other companies.

or human trafficking pedos

I imagine that a handful of the more prominent financiers can be easily traced to preexisting groups suspicious of serial child rape. The more prominent and important manner of control of the video game industry is the propagandizing done through story and characterization. Games now literally, to a one, all follow the same jewish narratives as all other media. Communism good, feminism good, egalitarianism good, hideousness good, faggots good. No beauty, no race, no history, no individuality, no traditionalism. Not a single fucking one.

Xbox or PlayStation

Why leave Nintendo off the list? Why leave any PC-centric group off the list?

but is it just perverted ‘art’

Japan is what happens when you want a Protestant work ethic without any of the Protestant family or social ethics. It’s dehumanizing, which is why it’s only possible in bugpeople societies (since they’re a different species than whites).


23331267? ago

Microsoft (XBox) and Sony (Playstation) are both massive companies in massive conglomerates with Branch HQ's in most countries, not to mention the Publishers/Labels, Contractual hires, and temporary studios they create for specific projects.

Microsoft Corporation (notice this is just one corp of their conglomerate) alone has one hundred and forty-four thousand (144,000), employees.

Is there people in these corporations that operate and assist in human trafficking? Almost a guarantee.

How many and which branches/offices/sectors are apart of it? Impossible, in the truest sense, to know.

23331104? ago

old Japanese men jerk off to animated school girls, if you are in Japan you can see salarymen reading hentai on the subway, they have vending machines selling food, berre in public but also selling used school girl panties ... their 'Hentai' industry

23330205? ago

In RDR2 your character dies from TB and you sacrifice yourself for the couple with a kid as your charismatic leader leads the gang on a path of self destruction.

23330967? ago

Greatest game ever. Don’t fuck with RDR2.

23330160? ago

Offtopic but Max Payne was developed by Remedy Entertainmenti and published by Rockstar. Theory still stands tho

23338598? ago

The name might be a code masonic satanic luciferian symbols @kjkjnkjnkjn @Mark_Cuckerberg @IIJOSEPHXII @gamepwn ? There was also another 'RockStar' name Brain Smith Owner of Rockstar Burgers. they fucked dogs or raped animals? human trafficking rumors, death threats, assult on women, Multiple Felony Charges 'Rockstar Burgers'... https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3757237/23332823

23330141? ago

Fuck, I played this trash when I was a kid.

23329973? ago

These people are sick and so is their 'entertainment'.

23331026? ago


The Binding of Isaac AfterBirth + ,yet another satanic video game with disturbing level titles and imagery to corrupt youth

.. Porn websites are showing CP using video game characters in a program called SFM. Using child models from video games like The Last of Us and The Walking Dead


Did you know the voice actor of David Sarif in the video game Deus Ex Human Revolution is a Pizzagate researcher? They blacklisted and destroyed his career and stole his children.


Co-creator of hit video game Counter Strike, 36, is arrested for sexual exploitation of a child


'The co-creator of the popular video game Counter Strike, Jess Cliffe, has been arrested for the sexual exploitation of a child. '

'Cliffe created Counter-Strike, one of the most popular video games of all time, alongside designer Minh Le in 1999. '

'It can be played on computers and video game consoles. '

'Counter-Strike is a first-person shooter video game that was released in 2000. '

'Counter-Strike was a modification of the original Half-Life game. '


Bad Actors Using Video Game Platforms for Communications


Video game "Lust for Darkness" about occult/satanic sex magic, Eyes Wide Shut style depravity, rape and murder, pedophilia/necrophilia, and has Freemason logo in game.


Baphomet is a demonic deity and a honorable servant of Lucifer himself. Chapter 1 boss of Agony ...Microsoft Madmind Studio Dutkiewicz & Kostowski...Young going Occult while Masonics are old?


Hell on Arma | Baphomet reddit topic

23329965? ago

not surprised... God is the creator, satan is the thief... he cannot create; creativity only comes from the spirit of God. so of course these entertainment megalords steal their ideas from reality. because they have no creativity.

23329882? ago

Rockstar , Jay Z

23329820? ago

Games industry is controlled like everything else(Porn/Tv/Hollywood/Sports/Music)

23333752? ago

I told you people. I tolllld you. Ooooh but you knew it all didnt yew!!! Oooh its just a harmless little video game isnt it!!!!


23330672? ago

Some of you are so obsessed you are become fanatical and wacked out of all common sense and reality ... or you’re just fundamentalists maybe.

EVERY SINGLE THING that contains references to pesos, China, trafficking, pizza shop, cannibalism, etc are tied back to things going on around the DS/Pizza conspiracy and Q

I’m not saying that the conspiracy itself isn’t real, I’m just saying this is like a syndrome where when you look SOOOOOO HARD for something you begin to see it in everything.

This is how idiots think. It’s why giving advanced literature or information to people who have trouble with basics as is becomes a terrible idea.

Ozzy Osborne is a devil worshipping satan spawn! He even says he sold his soul to rock n roll!!!!! SOLD HIS SOUL!

“DOOM is a satanic game forcing our children to be programmed to kill!!!!”

“Any Hollywood movie depicting little girls in any even speculative sexy or romantic role is trying to push pedophilia on us there is NO WAY this could be artistic or have merit as a story!!!!”

These kind of ultimates as thoughts (look up what an ultimate is you bloody cavemen) are terribly subjective and show a lack of exposure to or ability to at least understand the culture/worlds around you. Fear is what it is, of the unknowns, it’s such a basic bitch level response.

Now, am I saying that there is nothing in media and entertainment that is them rubbing it in our faces and such or trying to control us? No, of course not, but GTA? Really? If you played that game at all your takeaway is that it is pushing pedophilia by literally making fun of pedeophiles and having you kill them?

Is the podesta art stuff sick? Yes. Is anything like that pointing to PUSHING pedophilia? No. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of that podesta art isn’t even pedophile propaganda but rather the only outlet someone who was abused or tortured had. I also wouldn’t be surprised if it was done by a person who was commissioned to do so or was present at such events.

My point being essentially that the ripper gore family values fundamentalist viewpoint is skewed and from a very limited subjective perspective - grow up and be a big boy and put on the “they live” glasses and go outside of your comfort zone, outside of your house even. If everything is satanic and what it then your faith will protect you .... but if you only think with your faith vs feel with it, then you’re gonna become obsessed and lose touch with reality ... and ultimately that character makeup is what makes bridging this gap between left/right and red pill/blue pill so hard because some of you are SOOOOOOO obsessed and extreme with making EVERY SINGLE THING about religion that you no longer have a clue about how to operate and communicate with people who don’t obsess in that way.

TLDR - Q is real, but don’t obsess and confuse that to mean everything in the world is rooted in evil and no creative endeavors can touch certain subjects without being a part of that evil

23333779? ago

Guards, kindly haul this rat kike piece of petrified goblin feces straight to the nearest gas chamber and turn it on full blast.

23332709? ago

How can you not connect everything? Everything serves a purpose, especially something as big as Rockstar Games. In the beginning when it was a grass roots start up, sure maybe not, but once something reaches a massive audience, you know the C_A comps it and uses it to brainwash. I mean for fuck sakes, operation mockingbird is real, so why wouldn't they comp videogames? They comped rap music, so why wouldn't they do it in videogames? They absolutely, 100% use that shit to brainwash kids, teens, and young adults. You're probably just mad because you play videogames still and don't want to admit that you didn't notice it was brainwashing you.

23332653? ago

Holy shit, lay off the fucking amphetamine salts man. Shitttttt.

23332244? ago

Explain the OP. Don't evade it.

23332129? ago

It’s all a testament to the pervasive level of evil perpetrating humanity. Your knee jerk denial is simply a psychological defense mechanism because you can’t bare to face the truth of how saturated we really are with this shit. It’s all apart of the ‘Big Lie’ as Hitler put it. Only this lie encompasses your entire life... yes, it is very hard to reconcile with.

23331018? ago

This post needs to be pinned and carefully read by every single Qanon follower. Sadly you are wasting your time trying to reason with people who are fundamentally irrational, and generally very low in intelligence and comprehension. These people actually believe a "high-ranking military intelligence insider" is posting memes, Fox News stories and YouTube links, lol. They are delusional idiots and their unquestioning obedience to Trump and an anonymous poster on 8chan resembles a cult.

23332260? ago

Ad hominem is not a valid (or rational) form of debate.

23331437? ago

Found the Satanic Pedo

23331334? ago

I can smell you sweating in fear. Won't be long now.

23330930? ago

But it's true, fool

23330852? ago

You are in denial. The Podesta art is absolutely pushing pedophilia. Put on your big boy pants and see the world as it is and not as our delusions want you to see it. Things are very dark out there and you are not going to recognize the light with those midnight shades on.

23329749? ago