23338550? ago

I've been subscribed to this guy's podcast since the beginning, but it's hard to listen to him. I'll give this one a try.

23338778? ago

He takes to long to get to the meat but once he does it is usually worth it. In this one he is exhausted and rambles more than usual.

23338849? ago

That's what I can't take is the retarded rambling. I just can't listen to it.

23338151? ago

No, just... no.

Viruses are visible under a microscope.

23338029? ago

Or its the virus they were working on at Fort Detrick as many have suggested, carried to Wuhan by soldiers. It leaked out some time ago and most people have probably already been exposed to it before all this craziness.

23337307? ago

There IS a virus, it's called the FLU and it makes an appearance every year. The only difference is, they renamed it, gave it a made-up, controversial genesis and had the media sensationalize it. When people realize what it has cost us ALL they will be quite upset I'm sure. They'll be embarrassed that they were "had" and that will make them more pissed off. And when they find out WHO & WHY, there will be world wide revolt!

23337820? ago

Seems like China Virus is a symptom of something much larger.

23336259? ago

It’s almost like this guy is a moron who doesn’t follow Q.

Q isn’t saying the virus is fake ffs. He’s implying it’s a bioweapon. Part of that includes msm causing more panic than is justified but the virus is fucking real.

23346730? ago


23335997? ago

What a waste of fucking time. 3 hrs of playback with no way to speed it the fuck up. In a nutshell - some "FBI" guys gave truepundit some unredacted docs on the head of the CDC, fauci, birx etc. that proves they're all liars. Tell us something that we didn't already know or suspect. Good thing it's a shitty day outside.

23337840? ago

I thought it was a good conversation.

23335970? ago

Almost 3 hours of audio and not a goddamned sliver of info given. Thanks guys.

23337707? ago

He's subtle if you have the ears to listen. He dropped a bunch of crumbs. Were you listening undistracted or were you playing on phone and internet while you were listening? I thought as much anyways...

23336103? ago

I know, right? Un-friggin'believable waste of time. See 23335997.

23335897? ago

Anon, look at these two comments under OP's post:



This whole virus hoax will be the shot heard around the world.

23335401? ago

POTUS not even calling it Corona virus anymore. Look at Orange man good video/tweet in the thread.

23334885? ago

This guy is an idiot. It’s a real fucking bio weapon ffs

23334444? ago

There's definitely a virus, it's just being overblown.

I know several nurses and they've all been dealing with a ton of covid patients.

23338132? ago

Every illness is Covid now.

23334226? ago

Calling it now. Fauci, Brix, et.al are the first arrests. Public, shocking to the world that they've been lying about the most private of all things: a person's health and a disease that could kill them.

23338702? ago

Personally I'm mostly convinced it's going to be Gates. There aren't many people who don't know who he is. Would be perfect.

23340633? ago

That would also do it, and trigger the anti- billionaire crowd HARD.

23333995? ago

THIS is going to AWAKEN the World

23333909? ago

what the eff, who is this guy, account with his pic links to his tweet that links to his previous tweet. Circle jerk or what? Smells like the other guys who set themselves up as a personality then flame out in a public tantrum. Sorry dont know anything about this guy, but these are my 1st takeaways and i learned to trust it now

23333907? ago

Thomas Paine broadcast


23333544? ago

The podcast host keeps mentioning his super secret sources. Then tells us NOTHING.

23337732? ago

Just like you're contribution to this discussion.

23333290? ago

I have a feeling the reason POTUS has pushed HCQ so hard isn't just about WuFlu. There has been a lot of focus on this drug. If COVID doesn't really exist what will we learn about all the different diseases that HCQ will cure, Cancers, AIDS?

Q #556 - - The 'CURE' will spread WW

I'd love to see the cancer stats on people who have been prescribed HCQ for 10, 20 years or more.

23334891? ago

I know people with covid you fucking idiot

23337725? ago

I know someone who died of pneumonia oops I mean corona

23337144? ago

Show me were on this doll were the covid hurt you.

23337178? ago

Lol. I’m not the one who has it.

In NYC and honestly it’s all around me. But most people do not get seriously ill.

23337255? ago

Are you 100 the ' illness ' is covid or s it something else? 5g is big there.

23337367? ago

Honestly you sound like someone who will only ever believe first hand experience. You’re gonna believe whatever you want to believe.

Keep on ignoring the literally hundreds of thousands of reports about this disease.

You need to accept that the deep state released a bioweapon. A real virus.

But that doesn’t mean the media isn’t inflating the risk and overall societal threat.

As far as 5G honestly I don’t think that’s what’s happening here. You’d have to ignore everything. Yeah there were pics of them rolling out 5G equipment on trucks but so what. That was after all of this started.

And if they were using 5G why would the curve be flattening? They could make whatever curve they wanted to.

23337691? ago

What did you see the the 5g standing idle by as it watched the telephone virus kill people.

23337562? ago

I read somewhere that the Trump Covfefe tweet was about neutralizing the harmful ions that rip up oxygen in the 5G wavelengths/bandwidth. Co - Cobalt, V - Vandium, Fe - Iron used as a ion filter to make the technology safe. Don't know if it's true, got no sauce just thought it was interesting. Tesla said: "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” I do know Huawei is a big 5G player, Huawei is a Chinese company, and China is asshoe.

23337233? ago

Shiet this world is nasty as fuck with all the nasty fucks roaming.

23337253? ago

This was almost a legible thought.

23335785? ago

Yeah I have a friend who has an uncle whose friend's sister-in-laws mother has it.

23336021? ago

How are they doing?

23336826? ago


23335536? ago

Maybe they should try quinine water and zinc.

23336042? ago

Most have had mild symptoms. Some have had respiratory symptoms that feel like having a metal plate on your chest but not bad enough to go to the hospital.

23335462? ago

That's what they have been told it is because the establishment is calling it that. What could it be in "reality"? We don't know that. Your finger should be pointing backwards to yourself for naivete.

23335954? ago

Or maybe you’re a fucking idiot who thinks everything is fake even though Q basically told you this is a deep state bioweapon.

That implies it’s not a fake virus you idiot.

The media is doing everything to cause panic but this doesn’t equate into the virus being fake. That’s legit retard logic.

23338499? ago

If the virus was entirely fake all potus would have had to do is NOT shut anything down and nothing bad would have happened

There are at least three countries that did that, and their "curve" was the same as ours, which means the shutdown did nothing but ruin the economy.

23338774? ago

So you’re saying potus is lying then?

F off.

23338834? ago

No, you're saying POTUS is lying. Fuck you.

23338856? ago

POTUS is getting up everyday and saying mitigation efforts have helped to flatten the curve.

You’re a fucking stupid boomer who needs to learn how to read for fucks sake.

23338900? ago

Stop calling POTUS a liar you idiot fuck!

23336032? ago

Anytime you resort to name calling as you have done twice here just now, we know you are a shill. Buckle up, your future ride will not be smooth.

23336085? ago

Way to ignore literally everything I said in my reply. And you’re a hypocrite, since shill IS name calling, dumbass.

This is why I call you an idiot. Because you reason like a 6 year old and cannot even defend your point of view.

Why don’t you try reading my reply and addressing my argument. Or is this too hard for your stupid boomer ass?

Can’t keep an argument straight? Can’t defend your position?


23337022? ago

Trump never shut anything down. The governors did. He said we have a constitution which is in conflict with ordering a shut down. Secondly this whole thing is not about a human virus, it is about a cabal trying to shut the entire world down. You are the pathetic one and don't understand anything. You are the idiot. Goodbye shill asshat.

23337045? ago

Yes he did. He literally shut down air traffic with China, Europe, the UK, etc.

Do you live under a rock?

And don’t be a stupid boomer and call everyone who makes you upset a shill. Fucking dumb man.

23338522? ago

He literally shut down air traffic with China

Air traffic from China isn't = the economy.

23338570? ago

so the economy isn’t mostly shut down?

You must be living under a rock.

23338735? ago

he put the governors in a position where they HAD NO CHOICE

Wrong. At least four governors didn't do a state wide shutdown.

23338787? ago

4 governors is NOTHING considering most of the nation is on shut down.

Trump knew they would do it anyways and wanted to avoid looking like a dictator.

23338865? ago

Trump knew they would do it anyways and wanted to avoid looking like a dictator (which was smart).

Which was my entire point.

23338882? ago

Dude I don’t think you even understand what I’m saying. Because if you agree with that then you should agree with my larger point.

23338943? ago

So he gave a press conference and declared a national emergency. He didn't shut the country down.

23339144? ago

Dude that’s why everyone shut down... are you serious right now?


Yeah he didn’t shut the country down. He only declared a national emergency, shut down air traffic to China (then EU, UK, etc.), held national press conferences talking about the necessity of social distancing and following lockdown orders. He and his staff talked about how lockdowns were essential.

Then you have governors following suit and shutting down...

Like I’m not sure what criteria of personal responsibility you’re using here... but if you tip over a domino and it topples over 100 more, it’s like saying that you’re only responsible for tipping the first domino.

Yeah trump didn’t give a national shutdown order because he knew he wouldn’t need to. But your way of looking at it here is incredibly shallow and 2D.

23348899? ago

What you're ignoring is that he has talked the whole time of how important it is to reopen everything. We wanted that as soon as Easter. He has to go along with the deep staters to some degree for political reasons, but if he could do it he would reopen everything tomorrow.

23349410? ago

Why would you assume I’ve ignored this?

I haven’t ignored this at all. I think you need to read and consider my argument more carefully because you’re asserting positions I haven’t made.

Trump took actions that encouraged the shutdowns were seeing today. That doesn’t mean that he WANTS them to last as long as possible.

That’s the reason he took such strong measures in the first place, to reduce how long all of this would take and prevent it from lingering to November.

23335417? ago

You mean the common cold?

23334275? ago

I've been reading alot of HCQ and Zinc which lead me to Tonic Water I learned that tonic water has quinine in it, and was originally used as a prophylactic against malaria. The soda gun at a bar is labeled Q for quinine. Chlorine, which is in chloroquine has a scientific number of 17. Interesting stuff. I also came across a doctor video on twitter, can't find it now, that recommended tonic water and zinc.

23337700? ago

Boss work!

23337238? ago

I have that video on my phone and started yesterday drinking tonic water and taking zinc . Two days ago I could not breath not sure if it was allergies but I am improving after one full day of these two items

23337488? ago

Awesome. Please share and God Bless for a speedy recovery.

23335654? ago

Do you realize what you just said? Quinine labelled "Q" and scientific number 17! Could this be what Q is all about in the first place? Q and 17 will save the world from a disease that was intended to wipe us all off the face of the earth....90% depopulation was the goal.

Are you a real anon, or maybe one of Q team to give us the hints that we have so far missed?

23335931? ago

Feel free to. We all share in this. God Bless.

23336832? ago

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23335730? ago

Far from it. Just a Regular Joe who likes to read shit.

23333289? ago

Then why did Trump gp along with it then? The only way America survives is for each state to form a people's militia and enforce the constitution.

23333176? ago

COVID-19 is not a virus. This PANDEMIC is the rollout of 5G.

Listen to David Icke explain and break it down to Brian on London Real (a must watch by everyone)

Briefly stated (listen to entire interview to completely understand the plan):

  1. COVID 19 (Corona Virus) is not a viral pandemic, rather 5G technology.
  2. Corona Virus test is using RT-PCR (reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction).
  3. RT-PCR is testing genetic material of exosomes/liposomes, not a Virus!
  4. Exosomes/liposomes is part of our immune response to disease/illness/stress/etc and elevated during all disease.
  5. Corona Virus is being diagnosed by symptoms and overall death rate across all categories remaining constant.
  6. 5G is being rolled out across the planet and at 60 GHz prevent oxygenation which is what we are seeing in the lungs.
  7. During lockdown Elon Musk is launching thousands of 5G satellites and installing millions of ground antenna in our communities, schools and hospitals when nobody is around. (5G towers being burned down around the world).
  8. Bill Gates who owns the WHO is funding multiple Vaccines which contain nano technology with RFID chips.
  9. Nano technology RFID chips integrate with human biology and control humanity from within us using AI (artificial intelligence).
  10. Will not be able to re-enter society if you are not chipped (vaccinated).
  11. Proof of vaccination will be used with a quantum electronic tattoo easily read wirelessly.
  12. Cash will be eliminated and our ability to purchase can be turned on and off if not vaccinated.
  13. Cars becoming electric and will become driverless controlling where we can/can not go.
  14. Hunger Games Society
  15. Don't think this is the plan? Ickes video was taken down from YouTube no sooner than it was uploaded


23342124? ago

David Icke is a good place to visit but a shit place to stay. He’s been a disinfo shill casting doubt on truth for over 30 years now.

23338082? ago

Do you really think most American are going to let Bill Gates chip them for permission to participate in the Hunger Games? I can tell you right here and now, you try to stick a needle in my arm and tell me I can't get a twelver and a bucket of chicken we got fucking problems.

23337746? ago

How does it help us to stay inside then? I have 5G in my neighborhood, no sickness

23335799? ago

David Icke Hates Trump so not interested in Trump haters.

23335495? ago

It's not 5G FFS. STFU already.

23333893? ago

I don't normally recommend David Icke, but this was probably his best interview.

23333126? ago

This is to protect soft targets while emancipating thousands of slaves. Yet the real number of caged slaves that died just in Wuhan are staggering. All the while most humans are still suffering dissociation and dissociative disorders at a biblical scale.

99% of the population will fail to rationalize the truth without self harm or poor life choices. The suicides will be part of the healing process.

Buckle up folks, it will be a sonic boom that will be heard and felt for generations to come.

23335837? ago

The shot heard around the world.

23335898? ago

Not yet. Too many sleepers have been activated. This is not a bloody movie, but suicide murder has only been "blunted" so far. Watch the water.

23332915? ago

This is kind of stupid. this is SARS-2, It has been genetically tested and photographed and is a brother to the SARS from 2002.

Sure Birx and Redfield are deep state creatures, libtards, and sure the media is way over hyping this....but there still is a virus, whether from a bat or bio-engineered.

23333003? ago

No such thing as a virus in the first place. Doesn't exist. Exosomes. Research.

23332577? ago

LOL, no virus? ok bro

Because Trump has a historical habit of coddling fake news, especially at this level and impact. Got it.

23332381? ago

Posted two days ago:

The corona virus is a trap to drain the swamp!


23332119? ago

Probably just leaves everybody sterile or something fun like that.

23337751? ago

Imagine waking up from a dream and being confused.

23331989? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/LLk4E :

l E T 17 on Twitter: "Imagine how absolutely pissed the public is going to be if they learn there never was a coromuhvirus...

(These) people won’t be able to walk down the street.....is accurate

I’m honestly shocked right now.

I PRAY this is true.… /vxnpvW81rf"

This has been an automated message.

23331887? ago

We have been conned again by the NWO and their partners, the MSM. Bring some justice already. C'mon Trump - round them up.

23340085? ago

It all relies on Durham. Hope the DS can't buy him off.

23333564? ago


23332135? ago

Don't forget,

Q is also a hoax,

check this out from 2 days ago:


23332430? ago

Hiding in plain sight.

23332250? ago

You need a raise. /s

23331740? ago

This is huge. I'm about an hour into the Thomas Paine podcast. Redfield (CDC Director) and Birx are complete frauds. Busted back in the early 90's when they were researching AIDS vaccine. She was his assistant. They fabricated data and got caught. Military and feds covered it up. This is a long listen, but I am planning to listen to the whole thing.

23340062? ago

POTUS says he has complete confidence in them both.

23341896? ago

It's called deception, keep your enemies close, the Art of War, etc.

23337345? ago

The whole podcast almost 3 hours is well worth the listen. They have a good conversation and make you think.

23331738? ago

Finally...I've been saying this since I realized all the hysteria was based on the "leaked footage" we got out of China...nothing about this feels right if you're thinking of it as a "normal" illness. A virus, btw...is something your body makes when it's getting bad stuff out of your body. It's solvent, literally...it's not living and it can't be spread.

23336270? ago

A virus isn’t living? You’re a fucking idiot if you think you can state this as a fact.

It’s obviously an open question and you’re clearly not an expert in anything you fucking poser.

23338422? ago

To be fair to the other guy (even though I totally disagree with his insane theory) there has been an ongoing scientific debate about whether a virus can be classified as a living organism. I'm sure you can find it with a simple search.

23338453? ago

His insane theory? How is it insane.

23338639? ago

His insane theory? Do you mean his theory that the virus is made in your body, etc? Because that doesn’t even constitute a theory, let alone a logical statement.


23336318? ago

Haha. You're a moron. Many people have been saying that Germ Theory is bogus for decades! Did you think OP was the first? Stupid fuck.

23336355? ago

You sound uneducated, tbh.

You clearly don’t even know about the debate I’m speaking of, which means you likely don’t know ANYTHING about ANY of this.

Tell me, what makes something living...? And why would a virus be considered living or dead. Since you know so much let’s see you recite these arguments... since ANYONE who has studied virology is going to be intimately familiar with this debate and is likely to have chosen a side (no one side had a claim to victory).

But you have no clue what I’m talking about because you’re ignorant af.

23333059? ago

But but but they showed us nonstop coverage of excavators driving around randomly and stories about a hospital built in 10 days!!! The media would never use propaganda on us!

23331913? ago

If a virus is a solvent what is the irritant?

Also, do you have sauce on a virus being produced by the body to rid it of an invader? I’m intrigued.

23341992? ago

Béchamp’s Terrain Theory of disease.

Basically, all disease is a manifestation of the body. Disease-causing viruses (which are inert and not alive) can not be transmitted from one person to another. What we call viruses are manufactured by cells in the body to remove toxins/pollutants ingested from our air, food and water (and, possibly, from electromagnetic radiation too)

23333066? ago

Dr Kaufman

Title Here

23331624? ago

This is why there are physicians talking about trouble in treating this disease-not a normal pneumonia or coronavirus as they were told. It is akin to altitude sickness where the lungs can’t convert oxygen. It’s why Hydroxychloroquine is effective. 5G related.

David Icke's interview banned from Youtube

23339771? ago

what are the names of the insiders being interviewed?

23337730? ago

So what is it? Do they say?

23337653? ago

Black Goo Alien AI nano tech?

23332516? ago

Episode 17. There’s that number again..