23515144? ago

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23334997? ago

As viruses are produced by cells to detox the body (you can't "catch" a virus) it seems one might look at how this particular virus is caused to be triggered and produced by the cell. The virus appears real, but what is that mechanism.

Thinking out loud....

23335874? ago

I think there is a bad cold/flu going around that, in some, transitions into pneumonia. But I don’t think there is a “corona virus”. In old texts “corona” is the name given to the common cold virus.

As viruses are produced by cells to detox the body...

Never heard of this. Where did you learn of it?

If we can’t “catch” the virus, makes all the mask-wearing even more ridiculous, yes?

There may be some merit to activation by specific electromagnetic frequencies.

23341153? ago

Can't find the video that explains the virus phenomena. Got scrubbed from youtube. Imagine that. I'll keep looking and get back if I find a link.

Yes, wearing masks is useless given this.

Activation by frequencies highly likely.....

23341206? ago

Imagine that. Tks Anon.

23349559? ago

Here's the Australian AP "fact checking" and discrediting the video:

Haven't yet found a link.


23349939? ago

I have been suspicious of “germ theory” of disease for quite awhile now. I think the chemicals used to kill germs are far more deadly. But it goes against the narrative so researchers can’t publish. I followed some of the links in this link. Found the scrubbed vid, but only found vids that were political.

Well I will look for this idea. Am very interested. Thanks for pointing it out. Post here if you do run across something.

23354120? ago

23366693? ago

Many thanks. This makes a lot of sense. And points back to toxic chemicals as a major contributor to disease. Which I have long suspected. Thanks for bringing this to my attention and taking the time to dig for it. I see the shills jumped on that post and it didn’t get much traction.

23366810? ago

You're welcome.

New paradigm to consider strongly.

We've been pretty much lied to about everything.

Great Awakening.

23375889? ago

I looked this guy up. AAJONUS VONDERPLANITZ

They killed him. 2013.

23375986? ago

Fell off of a balcony.


23332391? ago

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23304697? ago

It's not a trap it's our generation's World War II we all have to stand together and not go to work and lose our jobs

23304055? ago

Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci are frantically signaling. Brix is doing some serious blinking. An Anon decoded this, if it is Morse Code, as: “Drums in the deep...drums...They’re coming.” (8kun notable post #8710130.). In one, Fauci was doing weird things with his hands. Another Anon thought these were Masonic hand signals: the pyramid, identifying himself, hand to throat=extreme distress etc. (posted on voat).

I am trying to find this post on 8Khun, but I can't find it. Does it really exist? Can somebody please provide a link to it?

This would be very important to show Normies if Brix is really sending Morse code with eye blinks... That pretty much would back my Normie friends into the corner.

23305406? ago

I saw the decode on Birx bliinking on the notables: https://wearethene.ws/notable/95487#p8710130

Can’t find the hand signal post. Was in QRV

23303842? ago

Thanks for sharing, OP ;)

23303237? ago

Edit: tried posting this on 8kun but wasn’t acceptable because too long

Then post it in chunks in the same thread. Kinda obvious.

23305937? ago

Done. Thanks. How would you decode?

23302445? ago

So is CV just more contagious seasonal flu tier type thing or it doesn't even exist at all? What about those deaths in Italy, that seemed somewhat more legit than all the other bullshit? What about, say, Boris Johnson, is that some white hat false flag?

How do you explain this whole thing being fake to a complete normie without going too far, what's the bad guys' motive?

23303032? ago

I don’t think CV exists at all. What some few of us have been experiencing is just cold/flu. They were clever in inventing something with symptoms of common cold/flu.

Italy is a notorious den of DS. Vatican, priests and Italian noble families (some BIG DS players) for starters. Were they executed? Don’t know.

I’m guessing Johnson is DS. Or maybe has some other problem?

Don’t know how to explain to a normie. Having hard enough time with anons!

23304028? ago

I think it exists. A friend of mine was treated with CQ and is improving. This is a weird bug. His wife sailed through it (she had it too), but the husband was put on a ventilator yesterday morning. By this morning his oxygen levels went up by 50%, the ventilator level was decreased, and they're expecting him to make a rapid recovery now.

Without hydroxychloroquine he probably would have died.

Healthy man, late 60's, no pre-existing conditions.

23303396? ago

Italy is a notorious den of DS

Sure, but if even smaller DS players were dying who are generally still more known, rich and influential, it would be apparent and there would be more talk about it?

Why would the bad guys want the lockdown? I really need a normie friendly answer to this.

23308686? ago

Also, how do tests for the virus work, can they even conclusively show it, how are they manipulated then? How do doctors diagnose it if it doesn't exist?

Two types of test. One is antibodies. But the antibody test only says yes/no, you do or don’t have an infection. But the infection is non-specific; cold, flu, pneumonia etc will all be a positive.

Second test (more expensive) is pcr which copies the rna of the virus, replicates and compared to known virus. Very specific but there are a million bits of dna, cannot check all. So they pick two (sometimes three) bits that they think are not mutating and only check those. Can be many false positives.

Last is dr. diagnoses. Do symptoms match published symptoms? Yes? Check. But notice the symptoms are same as cold/flu.

23302346? ago

POTUS said something like, “Use a scarf. Try it. I encourage anyone who may be exposed to CV to try it!” (Suicide, haha)

Hysterically brilliant - this made my day!

23305159? ago

Told you it was hysterical. Our POTUS is brilliant. You need to watch/re-watch the pressers from this POV. Talk about a show!

23303836? ago

That really was one of the most funny things I have heard in ages!

Normies go "good idea, I don't a mask"

Cabal goes "should I kill myself now? Or later?"

Wow! XD

23301394? ago

very well thought about post thank you.

23301272? ago

Sounds like a bit of cabin fever is starting to take over....

23301111? ago

I really like your theory however the part of Trump Team (TT) inventing it, I would question. Following along with your theory, I would add perhaps the TT could have altered the CV with genetic markers before the deep state released it, (I cant based this on anything but a guess).

23301810? ago

By inventing, I mean it doesn’t exist.

23303074? ago

Made it up

23303176? ago


23301037? ago

Great post, but are we sure the ventilators are military not lawyers. That is why he has to shift them around form hot spot hot spot. Keep some centrally located to act fast?

23301877? ago

Not sure. Lawyer was a guess based on Birx saying they are prioritizing and sending them to hot spots where they are most needed. Then POTUS saying, yeah we’re gonna send [forgot number] to NJ. Warning them?

All ideas welcome.

23303926? ago

I like the analogies. Ventilators "air things out", so to speak... To air something means to make it public, make it known. Ventilators are air by FORCE

23308594? ago

Nice one!

23300898? ago

Good post, well thought out. I guess we'll see in the coming days how accurate it is.

23300887? ago

Many thanks OP, very good post - I would differ on one point, I think ventilators is a code for Military personnel (white hats) - no sauce just a hunch, especially with TT saying they have an excess that can be exported world wide to other nations.

23303948? ago

I do like that we can exchange ideas on this - using OP's post as sort of the base of the sauce.

23301898? ago

I thought that too for awhile. Not sure. All ideas welcome.

23303526? ago

Aren't military officers the lawyers at tribunals?

23300744? ago

I only got half way through the linked video.... holy mother of Jesus get me off this planet, I'm in hell.

23307942? ago

I feel the same way. Time for satan's reign to end.

23303990? ago

Look up Praying Medic's videos and writings on "emotional healing" I can vouch for it, it's worked quickly, instantly, and 100% of the times I've applied it.

We're going to need it. Seriously - no one can withstand what's coming without God's help, God's armor, and prayer.

"Seek ye the old paths, and in them you will find rest for your soul".

God's path.

23305196? ago

Thanks for the tip. Like praying medic.

23304447? ago

Q posted about God's armor too, what is it exactly?

23300812? ago

Yeah. It’s bad. We need to brace ourselves. At least some of this is about to come to the surface. Pun intended. I will happily stay home for as long as necessary to save these souls and root out the rot.

23300600? ago

Only problem is, coronavirus has been around and know about for many years. It used to be classified as a cold, but then was reclassified as a SARS like flu. I have a book from 2012 that talks about how to treat coronavirus/SARS (among many other things) with herbs

23300661? ago

Why is that a problem? Of course it’s just a cold. I said so in the post.

23300857? ago

It's not necessarily a problem if you change your cereal little bit. Instead of TT inventing coronavirus perhaps they tainted it.

23301915? ago

Tainted it how?

23302463? ago

There's a theory going around here and Twatter that they somehow tainted it so the people on adrenochrome would get very sick due to iron deficiency.

23303057? ago

Yeah, I’ve seen that.

23300353? ago

Trump didn't release a highly contagious virus in China. That would not be morally acceptable.

He may have been fully aware of the plan by the evil satanists to release and he allowed it to happen. Because it is impossible to prevent them from just trying the next day. Plus our spy assets in China for operation are probably extremely limited.

There is clearly something going on here besides the official story.

This raging battle over Hydroxycholorquinine doesn't make any sense at all. There is no rational reason for anybody to fight against its use.

Hospitals are dividing their staff into teams who do not interact with each other. All information comes from email by three hospital. There is bureaucrats. The reality about Corona patients is completely unknown by my wife the nurse.

Information lockdown in the extreme.

23300416? ago

Trump didn't release a highly contagious virus in China. That would not be morally acceptable.

There IS NO VIRUS! It’s a trap. What part did you not get?

23310399? ago

There IS NO VIRUS! It’s a trap. What part did you not get?

Lol the part were I was immobilized for two days by it.

I'm very sure the virus is real. But it also doesn't hurt healthy people under 50, and there is an excellent treatment for it.

23303887? ago

Our side has known about CQ at least since Q's post about it ages ago. The Cabal's Deep State intended a mass extinction event not realizing we had a cure. That freaked them out BIG TIME. This was supposed to be their moment. The mic drop.

Instead, they failed, they're being shut down, and they know the public is about to know.

23300312? ago

Excellent post! Thanx, OP!

23300431? ago

Thanks. Up most of night with this idea.

23300111? ago

Good post, reasonable explanation. I also noticed that Fauci has said a few times over several pressers, "we need to step on the accelerator". Can't think of how that would pertain to CV so he must be talking about whatever the DS thinks their way out is.

23300005? ago

Trump is the swamp

23300809? ago

Oh rabbi

23302597? ago

Trump is the rabbi, praying at their wall, calling them our greatest ally, giving them 38 billion of your dollars, bombing syria (and soon iran) for them.

23299893? ago

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