23330115? ago

Meh. A lot of them do. That would not have been a disqualifier.

23329858? ago

What are the odds!

23327174? ago

The DC jury selection process needs to be criminally investigated.

23326692? ago

...of fucking course she does.

Clown world never lets us down.

Lord Almighty, please -- we beg of you.

23326430? ago

How the hell did our justice system function in this manner for as long as it did? Oh yeah, the MSM sucks and they are the enemy of America. Also Fuck Bill Gates.

23326406? ago

Gates gotta go. It's time to expose him to the public. Mac lovers won't have any problem understanding his ignorance. The rest of us need only think of the blue screen of death and think of his dumb fucking face.

23331309? ago

He should be killed just for the retarded issues that Outlook still has in 2020.

23327207? ago

This is a situation where we need to “delete” “alternate” “control” instead of cutler-alt-del.

23326387? ago

You know the bitch has a microchip in her cunt, and is well vaccinated.

23325701? ago

A plant. Who wanted her there?

23325360? ago

Justice continues to be satanic inversion.

23325843? ago

from: doglegwarrior

you would really like owen benjamin

23331321? ago

Why are you so concerned that everybody knows who you are?

23332208? ago

from: doglegwarrior

in all honesty im not and its kinda annoying writting my name like that. i should have shortened it to DLW when i first started so i dont have to type it out.

short story as to why. I posted stuff on Q boards and I always said i hope Q is right but pointed out problems. Im not a fully converted born again Qtard. well some anons and Qfolk got mad and told me to kill myself... multiple times different peopple. Then some anon said when Q wins and the great awaking happens they will track down people like me and hang me.

so I basicaly went full fuck you mode and use my name all the time because they anons hate that. and i want to make sure they know who I am and even doxed my self because one glorious day hopefully an anon or Q fuck who is brainwashed will show up at my house and step foot on my property hopefully at night. we will see how good texas castle laws are and stand your ground laws are. cant be a pussy these days.

23325136? ago

Can't make this shit up. They're all shape shifters!

23324644? ago

Jury are being stacked.

The Jewdicial system is a joke.

23325205? ago

Stacked with DS (Deep Sheboons)

23326722? ago


23325138? ago

and we let it happen.

23325261? ago

Now Q is going around sacking his more patriotic followers like Joe M and Qoomers are piling on like a self cannibalizing authoritarian borgmob

23331287? ago

Is Jack Dorsey Q?

23331543? ago

Seems that the supposed Q followers saying JoeM should be gone in unison must think so!

23325179? ago

We are sitting around while q does his plan and Trump does his next 4 years.

Jews made this system they subterfuge and subverting all pillars of power. They beat some responsibility every since they have had a monopoly on the media and robbed elections.

Our only fault is not doing the final solution. Stupid desire for peace getting in the way. It won't last forever though.

23333753? ago

how fucking lame is that. deep state keeps taking rights away and all we do is wait.

23324577? ago

Pizzagate researchers debunked the cannibal club website years ago. No matter what you people try to do the truth will ALWAYS come out.


23327240? ago

The best way to hide the truth is behind parody.

23325143? ago


23323953? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/enmFs :

l E T 17 on Twitter: "The controversial foreperson in the Roger Stone trial, Tomeka Hart, works for the Bill Gates Foundation.


This has been an automated message.

23323769? ago

No way. Cray cray.