24376918? ago

The religion of a terroristic camel jacker pedo? https://voat.co/v/islam/3884749

24376932? ago

So /u/guru35 @guru35 is a turkish paki sand nigger

24332454? ago

The Moon god and Baphomet? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3879726/24331996

24312352? ago

Mosque Busters? ? Al Lah was a moon god? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3877363/24311570

23257004? ago

Reptile Lizard Queen will speak? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3748131/23256865

23254793? ago

23253024? ago

It's totes normal for a country to have a satanic baphomet symbol for their Intelligence Agency....nothing to see here.

23247962? ago

the UN never were designed to be your friends

23246911? ago

Let's ban them here, too. I mean, while we're at it.

23246101? ago

Uhhh... because they entirely condone it. UN is the protectionist umbrella for the cabal.

23245298? ago

Not being labeled a bigot is more important to these people than principle.

They're selfish, coward, shits. There is slight danger to them in righteously condemning crime, and being falsely labeled a bigot. It's too much to ask of them, apparently, to bear that burden as their position calls (pays) for, when it's only the rest of humanity that has to contend with these crimes.

Until you all realize that people who willfully pursue a career in politics, instead of being begged by others to sacrifice a given period of their life to serve, are the lowest form of human being. They told pimps to hold their beer, committed genocide (and are still attempting to), enslaved humanity, and destroyed the world.

But maybe if we get the right inhuman professional lying parasite..

24347452? ago

The groups Anti-American, Anti-Christian https://voat.co/v/whatever/3881050/24344107

23245249? ago

The UN and their very own WHO, I say follow the money.

23254737? ago

babylon symbols? http://archive.fo/nkrkR

23244842? ago

Emblem of the Pakistani ISI.

Nice usage. +1 upgoat

23244711? ago

Too much revenue lost if that happened....

23244451? ago

That's not really their logo, is it??

23248037? ago

The Emissaries Of Jahbulon ! https://files.catbox.moe/fmf6jc.jpg the Podesta emails dropped. then Rabbitholes were everywhere. Matrix shows you living in a clown world, shine light on all this evil and revealing it all to those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

That is baphomet, no doubt about it. Shriners and Jesters why was the NZ shooter in Pakistan??

23244839? ago

It absolutely is

23244352? ago

Fucking children legally makes me consider converting to this backwards moon god religion.

23244215? ago

Read the book Political Ponerology. There is no reasoning with them. Normal people are a threat to them in their minds and they count on us to not believe it

23265313? ago

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23243779? ago

Because they engage in the practice.

23254285? ago

There was a conspiracy Vegas, Qatar, Saudi the art sales, gun running and shooting https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3736915/23159267

23242765? ago

Because Satan likes it when children are harmed.

23245870? ago

He also likes to fuck goats for some reason... Hence all the goats.......

For real tho, why the goat?

23247999? ago

They don't kick as hard as mules.

23246970? ago

apparently goats are very docile and friendly creatures, of course the sodomites want to ruin em

23243629? ago

Don’t blame Satan for your bullshit. He’s a prosecutor not a crime boss.

23244843? ago

Satan... the great accuser. ^^^

23242762? ago

We are owned by the Jews at this point. Jews feed off and love to violate children.

23242752? ago

If you think about Stories of families in the 1800 and further back most children stayed with their parents helping the family make ends meet and learning a trade well into their 30s before they would typically strike out on their own. Many Bible stories confirm this as well. My thoughts are that the cabal has purposely maneuvered this to a younger and younger age over the years. We are still children much longer than we’ve been lead to believe.

23243370? ago

This is true...of Imperial Age European society...

But medieval Europe and pre-moderen Asia were defined by constant wars, plagues, and famines that routinely swept through and decimated, sometimes worse, the population. In such places and times they married off women the moment they started having periods to utterly maximize birthrates to the populations as a whole could just simply out-breed death itself.

Now Europeans, being logic-based reasonable, intelligent people abandoned these customs as they adapted to the changing times.

But the dullards of Central Asia life and die by "tradition" and are too stubborn and superstitious to the extreme. They even experienced Hellenistic Dialectics via the Alexandrian conquests and rejected it then, even as they reject modern reason.

They also worship a fucking rock. If you follow Islam you will know a "fallen star" over which the Archangel Gabriel who commanded the tenants of Islam to Mohammad. That common asteroid is the most holy object of Islam, and its mounted in the Kabbalah. Its the rock that every Muslim is commanded to pilgrimage to pray to, and receive its holy "magic" by visiting and touching in the Haj.

So these people worship a rock, like its a holy object of power. So naturally they cannot wrap their minds around the fact they don't need to fuck 12 year old girls.

Fuck Islam.

23252104? ago

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23243638? ago

Now Europeans, being logic-based reasonable, intelligent people abandoned these customs as they adapted to the changing times.

Look up the Hajnal Line you pseudo-intellectual Qtard FAGGOT.

Why the fuck WOULD you wait to marry off a girl more than a few years? From what you said abt virgins, presumably so she can suck cocks at college and get a "career."

Muslims aren't as bad as fucking bluepilled boomer pieces of shit like you

23246523? ago

So whaddya think...better to get them when they're 6 or wait until they're 9 so you can get your full kink on? Sicko...

23245128? ago

unnecessary roughness

stop yelling in the mirror, you're fogging it up

23244266? ago

Whatever nazi boy I was talking to colonial area Europeans no longer marrying off 12 year olds to 50 year old men.

Not...whatever the fuck you cal this today. Rampant satanic hedonism: the culture.

23242524? ago

Not anti-islamic, this is anti-human

23242485? ago

Because the first phase is DARK to LIGHT show people and make them aware that the sugar coating on the dogshit that's being served is actually not appetizing. They've been eating shit....all their lives.

23242389? ago

Most have already realized. The UN and human rights are mutually exclusive.

Laughable that the UN is for human rights - exactly the opposite - one world government (for the elite they select) - the rest of us slaves.

23430048? ago

23243430? ago

I mean the USA in the Bush-years sat on the Human Rights council even as Bush pushed his many crimes.

Trump is the first modern US president to reject the "infinite war" doctrine.

23250101? ago

Those two readons alone are why i support him and make excuses for his other excesses

23242300? ago

China just got a seat on the human rights council Saudi has one. How long before Pakistan gets one.

23259152? ago

Buy some brain force https://voat.co/v/QRV/3748361

23242071? ago

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23242038? ago

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