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23250155? ago

You name secret societies, without calling out the big one, Freemasonry, and then use THEIR slogans, Dark to Light??? You dumb motherfuckers.

23252097? ago

Does Masonry attach itself to other faiths? One person asked did British and Empires bring the goat to Pakistan, or did the Mystery Babylon religion come before Britian did it exist in the old times of Arabia, Egypt and India. Who are the Shriners and why are they wearing the Fez?? and Aisha was a 6 yr old the texts say

23264343? ago

It seems that, in general, a mystery religion or “mystery school cult” is a belief system of the ancient world which is characterized by having secret memberships and closed gatherings, and possessing a structure typified by a scale of graded levels of initiation. Also present is the use of symbols, the meanings of which are not explained.

There are many cases we know about from ancient times and cultures. Mithraism is another example of a belief system, opaque to the uninitiated and relying on the use of symbolism. Essentially it is a covert belief system, followed by only a few elite who were tapped to join and allowed to rise through the ranks. The cult of Pythagoras is also believed by some to be connected.

This pattern of historical fact is why many of us identify Mystery Babylon from Revelation as a representation of this type of religion, which evidently existed over great deaths of time and which still exists today in the form of modern Masonic style fraternal orders.