23253120? ago

In additional to the illum's there are a multitude of Communist groups; just a few are below and in many cases lists members.

Communist Party of America

Democratic Socialists of America ( communists)

Women's Communist Party of America

23262518? ago

In additional to the illum's there...

The illum's what? And who/what is the illum?

23263112? ago


23252928? ago

President Trump Participates in a Signing Ceremony for H.R. 748, the CARES Act


@ 19.01 mins, Trump (20.13 mins) and Larry Kudlow (19.31 mins) call the enemy (MASONS) out in a coded phrase, when they both said it was "The Bug", implying of course 'The Love BUG' or VW Beetle.(Scarab Beetle > Egyptian funerary rites symbolism) >

What does this mean? >

VW which = 322: The Skull and Bones (he also mentions Kerry in the meeting).

A VW has two overlapping Vs forming a third smaller V in the middle top of the logo > VVV > (VW)

V is the 22nd letter.

Thus 322 >

A Bug is a pest to be exterminated.

322 = 3 X 22 = 66 = 6 X 6 = 36 = 3 6s = 666 >

The Bug = 322 in Jewish Gematria: >

The Bug = 63 in simple gematria (36 mirrored and 36 is 666 remember).


Notable: >

Masks 221 378 63

Masonic Is 322 612 102

Degrees 196 378 63

Covidai 776 378 63

Coronis 322 558 93

Spread 240 378 63

Demonic 141 378 63

Reaper 231 378 63

The Game Of Pain 322 720 120

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha 63 378 63

A Medicine 106 378 63

Desert Eagle 322 606 101

Very clear message that our "Invisible Enemy" are the secret societies and Freemasons.

23253090? ago

322 numerologically reduces to 7 3+2+2 = 7

7 is the number of the pope

23253254? ago

7 colors.

7 is made up of 3 and 4 which have a difference of 1. Thus 3.14 (Pi) is also ciphered in the 7 esoterically.

MNO = 131415 which is of course Pi > 3.1415 >

Reduces to 3.2 (32, the number of digits expressed in the Fibonacci sequence before Pi is expressed).

23252832? ago


23252712? ago

GLOBAL arrests of drug-traffickers is occurring (not a MSM story) Resignations GLOBALLY at 12,500 (not a MSM story)

23251555? ago

been waiting 3 years ..hope it's soon

23251493? ago

What I want to know is, "what is coming"? Killing them with fire? Heads on pikes? Meat grinders for the guilty? just askin'

23253882? ago

JAIL FOR A VERY LONG TIME or suicide weekend

23254530? ago

Based on what we know of the crimes, I would say the vast majority will be in jail for life. Harvey W. is a perfect example, and he's a choirboy compared to some of these sick fucks.

23251898? ago

Sounds good to me. We really need to start bringing back creative thinking......It's been gone for much too long.

23252680? ago

death coasters, soap making machines, lampshade machines, death showers, everything jews said we did.

We've been "Guilty" of a crime we haven't committed for 75 years. I'd rather commit the crime I'm guilty of than be told I'm innocent after 75 years of paying for it.

23250769? ago

This is what gets me when people call Q a "LARP" or call us "qtards"....

Why would Q let us on to the Freemason connection to all of this fakery if he was trying to lead us in a wrong direction? The secret societies run every single town, church, club, business, police staff, unions, etc.


How in the world am I supposed to believe Q is bad news when he's pointed out the secret order behind what we see on the tel-lie-vision?

Doesn't make sense.

Where's the anti-Freemason and anti-Talmud/Kaballah political party?

23254054? ago

Helena Blavatsky HATED the Jesuits. Hmmmm...

23255368? ago

Read Max Heindels’ essay on Freemasons and Catholicism.

23253859? ago

No mention of the Atonists who sit above the vatican??

23252094? ago

Freemasons are hurting for members right now, average age is over 60. Their lodge bank accounts are sometimes under $100.

"Oh but those are the low level master masons what about the 32 degree masons"

The 32 degree is scottish rite, and they are hurting for members. You can be made a 32 degree scottish rite mason in two weekends. Just watch some plays. You want to undermine masonry from within? Go pay $200-$400 to a local lodge, learn their ritual, then apply to the scottish rite, pay $250 more, get a big ring and post back all the scary things you find. Should take 3-4 months tops.

23254066? ago

None of this is a refutation of anything I laid out.

23252463? ago

One of their rituals involves simulating dying and going to hell only to be reborn by the strength of your new brotherhood. Low levels think t's a simulation, higher levels know this is selling your soul and literally casting it to hell to become possessed. I think.

23251430? ago

In a global field boasting stiff competition, you are out in front as the leading moron, or shill. I doubt you've ever met a Freemason.

23254089? ago

Is this how you responded to Q when he asked about Freemasons?

Nothing you said refutes or answers anything I said. Typical shill.

23250155? ago

You name secret societies, without calling out the big one, Freemasonry, and then use THEIR slogans, Dark to Light??? You dumb motherfuckers.

23253923? ago

Q has certainly called out the Freemasons.

23252097? ago

Does Masonry attach itself to other faiths? One person asked did British and Empires bring the goat to Pakistan, or did the Mystery Babylon religion come before Britian did it exist in the old times of Arabia, Egypt and India. Who are the Shriners and why are they wearing the Fez?? and Aisha was a 6 yr old the texts say https://voat.co/v/QRV/3746405/23243370

23264343? ago

It seems that, in general, a mystery religion or “mystery school cult” is a belief system of the ancient world which is characterized by having secret memberships and closed gatherings, and possessing a structure typified by a scale of graded levels of initiation. Also present is the use of symbols, the meanings of which are not explained.

There are many cases we know about from ancient times and cultures. Mithraism is another example of a belief system, opaque to the uninitiated and relying on the use of symbolism. Essentially it is a covert belief system, followed by only a few elite who were tapped to join and allowed to rise through the ranks. The cult of Pythagoras is also believed by some to be connected.

This pattern of historical fact is why many of us identify Mystery Babylon from Revelation as a representation of this type of religion, which evidently existed over great deaths of time and which still exists today in the form of modern Masonic style fraternal orders.

23249912? ago

Nothing does not have to stop something that is not coming. Nothing can't stop anything because it is nothing. The only thing I see coming is... well no I can't see nothing either because it is .... nothing.

23249844? ago

Behind are backs! LOL

We are forced to stay home, I wouldn't called that behind are backs...

23262501? ago

I wouldn't called that behind are backs...

I wouldn't [have] called that behind are [our] backs...

23252647? ago

our, our

Nice apostrophe though

23252717? ago


23249746? ago

((( Secret Societies )))

23252948? ago

See above comment on 322.

23252623? ago


23269145? ago

to the 4 who downvoted, I hope it was because I capitalized it. Otherwise, fuck off you faggots. If you are truly not shills, quit being such retards and open your eyes.

23262701? ago
