23301618? ago

I used to think that too. Then I re-watched this and with all the info we are now getting, gotta say, HMMMMMMM could be true. This guy sure has a lot of data, locations, photos -- https://invidio.us/watch?v=F0NEd9gEHFs

Trying to archive this on CoreysDigs, but Archive.li not loading...

23236981? ago

All paid by your friendly ignorant USA taxpayers...

23230441? ago

Article talks about sink-holes. It occured to me that over the past 10-20 years sinkholes have been happening. I am just a boomer in his late 30's. Any old(er) fart that can clear up if these were occuring before i got to walk this planet?

23230224? ago

This is not new to humanity - have any of you ever seen this ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derinkuyu_underground_city Guy was remodeling part of his house and knocked out a wall. The opening behind the wall led down into a huge underground city. This is apparently in our DNA memories somewhere. I'm sure our esteemed military and others decided to copy this idea

23230061? ago

I used to think underground tunnels were bogus. I still do but I used to too.

23230049? ago

First , you need to redefine "conspiracy". Conspiracy does not mean "fake shit from the internet". Conspiracy means "people working together for some nefarious purpose."

Labeling this a conspiracy theory is completely accurate. We don't know all the details, so it's at least a theory in part, and it's about people working together...

You've been brainwashed to think it has a meaning of "nonsense". It doesn't. Of course ANY theory can be nonsense, but theories aren't nonsense in and of themselves just because they're theories. We wouldn't have any scientific advancement if this was true.

23228937? ago

The worldwide alert map has been showing lots of earthquakes lately, many of them relatively shallow in places that there just shouldn't be earthquakes/ no fault lines. Like Quebec, very Northeast Canada and Northern New England. Strange days.

23228895? ago

In my state they did deep tunnel boring under the guise of "wastewater disposal". Taxpayer funded even, through bonds. I'd imagine it was done in every state. We're one of the states that has had the loud unexplained booms.....

23228387? ago

Wow I’ve lived in Lubbock most of my life. Midland Odessa I expected. Dallas/Ft Worth I expected!

23227866? ago

That's a nydus canal.

23227543? ago

I remember several years ago seeing news articles about a rumbling beneath the earth under some or multiple towns. No explanation. Obviously had to be a tunneling operation.

23227331? ago

As above, So below

As below, So above

23227319? ago

Fuck me. I remember like 3 years ago seeing a video of some dude recording semi trucks entering a tunnel system, and he asks a driver where they are going... it was in relation to the theory that Washington DC is connected by tunnels hundreds of miles away, and all trucks go into this underground highway to deliver unknown cargo far away... I searched again recently and checked my watch history and cant find it... there are highways where trucks can drive underground to move cargo... anyone remember this???

23230444? ago

In my hometown of Springfield MO, there's a tunnel system that goes throughout the entire city, and probably even farther than the city. I've been in it several times. The military has storage down there, Kraft keeps their cheese in storage down there, Pepsi stores their beverages down there etc.. truckers drive in and out to load and unload all day, everyday. I suspect most states have the same sort of system. Even my high school had tunnels underneath it, our cheerleaders used to sell tickets and give tours, there was even a giant trophy room that held the sports trophies from the past 100 years of the school down there. You can type, Springfield Underground, into YT and watch videos that truckers make of them driving down in there. It's pretty cool, I love it down there.

23237052? ago

My hometown too, they do tours of it...... Underground tunnels below Old Sacramento California. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=sacramento+underground+tour&&view=detail&mid=EBB7DF81FD9DD6446248EBB7DF81FD9DD6446248&&FORM=VDRVRV

There are underground tours in Seattle, Portland, OR, as well.

23230026? ago

Jesse Ventura did an episode on underground tunnels/highways, but he was either a gatekeeper or at least very limited in the info revealed.

23301708? ago

spook friend once told me [they] control the range of info. There's a spectrum we are allowed to see/hear that goes not from A-Z, but more like from E to M. All the stuff on the extremes is "debunked" or ridiculed or tagged with conspiracy theory. Sounds about right.

23227416? ago

I do. It was at night time and a trucker was about to enter the tunnel, but he stopped to give an interview to the guy.

23228188? ago

Exactly! I was shocked, and now cannot find that video.

23228378? ago

I saw it also. It was a you tube video but I don't remember which one.

23230792? ago

Not the one you want but search YouTube for "Multi Billion Dollar Secret Tunnel" video from 2017 by Linda Moulton Howe.

23227200? ago

I shit on you guys sometimes, but then I see things like this and nod my head in approval.

23226162? ago

if you consider that reality itself is a kind of simulation of sorts - a matrix, then on some level of abstraction, the Earth may indeed be, so-to-speak, flat - as in what would one call the real existence of a simulation relative to being immersed in the experience of it? Flat might be as good a metaphor as any

just saying that even the most bone headed conspiracy theory could have some tiny morsel of validity to it on some level

23227261? ago

I agree simulation theory is definately a possibility... if we can have a simulation so believable in the next 30 years, who's to say we arent in one now...

Though flat earth I've flirted with, but always come to it being a dumb thing, as wen you fly in a plane, you can see the curve yourself, and can see the curve on the ocean horizon and ships sailing away...

Though this world is NOT What the history books tell us... I think ancient civilizations were way more advanced than they let on.. and there definately is shit in Antarctica... hopefully we can be told some of what this earth is about once the satanic phaggots are eliminated...

23231392? ago

I agree simulation theory is definately a possibility.

as wen you fly

there definately is shit

But your opinion loses credibility when you can't even spell "definitely". How many times have you seen it printed in your lifetime? And you still can't copy it accurately.

= zero attention to small details. (Or dyslexia. I'll let you off if its that.)

The earth is only "flat" when viewed from the fourth dimension.

23231430? ago

I was drunk and typing on my shitty phone. But yes, you got me, bro! Wrecked! Owned!

23227755? ago

it's not flat in the simulation, but what is the underlying reality?

the physical apparatus that sustains a computer simulation has no relationship to the experience within the context of the simulation

so the underlying reality of this "reality" we're in may be likewise as much removed if not more so

23225985? ago

That's all it takes for you to believe? Now you know why the internet is full of trolls.

23227628? ago

  1. Where's all the spoil for this extracted volume of subterranean matter?

  2. Where are all the cooling outlets which would be required to cool all spaces below ground?

23301796? ago

Watch this - https://invidio.us/watch?v=F0NEd9gEHFs

Tunneling can also mean hard packing the tailings and excess materials against side walls to firm them up. Also, there are thousands of "mining operations" in flyover country that could easily handle mountains of material without anyone batting an eye. People in large cities forget how vast and empty the land is in some other parts of the country. Had a friend here from Florida who wanted to drive to Antelope Canyon and into Utah. As we drove through Northern AZ he kept saying, "Wow. I've never seen such huge open spaces! There's nothing here!" 60 year old guy who lived in America's penis his whole life and didn't travel much. Thought the world was a swampy crowded place on the ocean, I guess... kek

23225920? ago

years ago one of my friends in Montana discovered an abandoned missle silo in a national forest. the place had been built but never used for its intended purpose. he got partially into the facility but was stopped by metal locked doors. after being there for half a day he gave up and left. this was 1988 and his story has always had me wondering what other construction has been abandoned by the military forgotten and repourposed.

23231207? ago

missle silo


23227274? ago

I remember reading a story like this where they returned a few days later and the entrance was completely rocked off or gone or something like that...

23225909? ago

When a secret tunnel is being created, what is done with all the tailings?

23301836? ago

Ask these guys -- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51304861

Tunnel found between US and Mexico

23227440? ago

It gets melted into marble, which lines the walls of the tunnel.

23227279? ago

No one questions all those dump trucks hauling

...whatever... on the roads.. who knows. Remember the cold war russian drilling prototype that used nuclear power to melt the rock and penetrate the earth? Maybe they perfected that, or some other way of turning it to gas or some other form that's easy to dispose of...

23226005? ago

They compress it into tiny cubes.

23230814? ago

Like a giant wombat.

23225886? ago




+ ++ +++



23231186? ago

Aha! So, if we use the same interpretation as with Ten days. Darkness.

= 10 days OF darkness, we get:

Bunker of forest of blue ++++++ April showers!

23225821? ago

National Parks! This is where there is a very large number of people that just disappear every year. Some explainable but many others are not and the circumstances are just baffling to all. David Paulides Missing 411 is all about these cases!

23231010? ago

Easter, Famed music festival, 2 separate compounds. Expensive to rent off season, nerve center of Bohemian Grove. There is a tunnel...a good half mile apart, fully lit, runs between locations ... Commiefornia there's Beach Arts and Music fests, Hoodoo and Voodoo, LesboGay art events, Coachella on Easter Sunday for the diseases and HIVs .... Griffin Merv, Marc/Seacrest, are Weinstein or Kevin Spacey types the "regular". They say faggots from the CIA, Saudi, Jews and Freemasons are involved? Merv Griffin's former desert retreat renting for $6,000 a night, it includes an ugly Shriner Jihad style site, includes a 6,000-square-foot Moroccan-style house, movement of money, he sold his anus to an Arab for a foreign race horse, "Jeopardy" and "Wheel of Fortune."


Merv the Perv


Major CDAN came out on Tuesday.

Apparently Merv Griffin had a compound in the Palm Desert area. There is a tunnel complex. In that compound is a major nerve center for Bohemian Grove.

Ryan Seacrest is also involved.

23227710? ago

Like that movie Wrong Turn?

23225697? ago

Wonder why previous presidents were so gung ho on grabbing up all that precious protected land?

23225408? ago

All conspiracy is pretty much true. I have found that there is 2 parts to every one. The truth and the lie to discredit anyone who starts to think it's true. For instance: DUMB bases dumb bases are real... But hollow (or Swiss cheese) earth is not. Chemtrails are real and used to turn weather into a weapon. Chemtrails are smart dust that is activated by 5G to turn us into zombies... Or whatever is the cover story.

23227483? ago

All conspiracy is pretty much true

The big ones.

I have found that there is 2 parts to every one

This is how they discredited UFO research so makes sense.

23301423? ago

You are so right - people will believe anything. I still say the Toilet Paper Shortage was a ruse to test how gullible people are. This is not a GI disease. Other than a lot of nose-blowing, there wouldn't be an overly high demand for TP beyond the usual. It was just a "let's fuck with them and see how far this will go" game they played. FUCK THEM. The media and DS need to pay for their fuckery. I'm sick of it.

23227561? ago

Yeah and for every rule there is an exception but generally that is how it goes. I have seen 2 different UFOs and talk to many others who have as well. Once you see shit defying the laws of physics you start to question physics.

23225323? ago

Underground is MASSIVE. They have areas where its like a size of a city!!

Just think mirror, most of everything labelled conspiracy is real, and most of everything real is conspiracy.

Question and research everything, and use logical thinking.

23229302? ago

Ingersoll Lockwood's second book is about a vast city, underground.

Chapter 17 (Q) also includes: "brain ventilators" I shit you not!!! See https://voat.co/v/QRV/3742846

23225245? ago

Got more of this? Would like to know more.

23225849? ago

Just do a search on You Tube and you will find.

23225149? ago

Not one anywhere close to Norfolk or The Hamptons?

23225081? ago

Most entrances in national forests.

Didn't Comey have a pic of himself in a forest?

23224872? ago

Remember when Obama made a point to shut down all National Forests (parks) during one of the spiteful shutdowns? What were they doing?

23230132? ago

You are right! I know people who live inside one of the AZ National parks, there's some houses that they rent. All of them were forced to evacuate, even though there was no real reason to... you may be on to something. Damn. It all just keeps getting weirder and weirder

23226176? ago

Damn....great point!

23224718? ago

Yep, pretty much anything labeled a conspiracy, especially by the MSM, is mostly true.

23224681? ago

there's no way that's a military tunnel. It looks like some cheap cartel drug running tunnel. You really think Military base tunnels are just under the surface like that and not like 50-100-200 ft down?

23226256? ago

and that is how they spread disinformation. the tunnels are real, but then they will run a story like that, where as you said is nothing but an old basement or something. the usual campaign to undermine the truth of DUMBS and real tunnels.

23227312? ago

I'm not saying they're not real, I'm saying that looks nothing what a military tunnel would look like. If they really are vast and elaborate I'm 100% positive you could drive hauling and construction equipment through it. That's a tiny tunnel.

23224120? ago

Dark to light

23223866? ago

I also believe that underneath Denver International airport is an underground city. The train system to the gates always passes another rail route that very few know where it leads.

23228285? ago

WhiteHats #Qanon #Bushfires

URGENT MESSAGE: Fires and D.U.M.Bs (Deep Underground Military Bases). Underground War, Happening Now


23225983? ago

Mount Trashmore.

23229279? ago

ah, a Florida residenta!

23227763? ago

VB Stronk.

23225781? ago

I believe this whole environmental shit is to cover for their power usage.

My power use is down 2/3 over 10 years ago but I pay the same, and the grid is still allegedly at capacity and they struggle to keep up with demand, meanwhile we build solar and wind in the middle of nowhere that never seems to produce power.

Post 9/11 we track radiation, the NSA I heard has muon detectors, so we'd see anomalous radiation sources underground, and burning fossil fuels underground would require too much ventilation.

Just breathing underground can be solved as easily as in space, and very easily with electricity and water for grow houses, which can be used to grow drugs.

23234782? ago

I don't think you would build an underground city that is powered by the city above. Failure of above would result in failure below. Not saying that there isn't a giant pedo-ds facitily under there though....

23237935? ago

Not necessarily. If I was building like that, I'd have battery banks think Elon Musk building "grid storage" batteries, you're also building underground so you could use water at ground level the same way we use reservoirs as pumped storage for turbine's, and gas generators as a last resort because it's suicidal.

I think we're in store for blackouts BECAUSE it will knock out the cities below.

Obviously with so little evidence this is more thought experiment than anything.

23228906? ago

In our state they did the tunnel boring under the guise of "wastewater disposal". I'm sure it's happened in many states..

23228825? ago


23230358? ago

The amount of cooling necessary makes it difficult. You'd need ready access to a large hot and a large cold aquifer in an environment they're already dealing with excess heat.

23223848? ago

You know those giant tunnel boring machines? The Air Force purchased something like 75 of those decades ago, and have been tunneling ever since. There are thousands of miles of tunnels under the US now, and at least tens of thousands of transport trucks that deliver supplies to them. Those tunnels are big enough for railways, no problem.

They may have enough supplies for several million "survivors" by now.

23227507? ago

I wonder if Musk's "The Boring Company" has any relation? Either as a white hat pretext for the public discovering these tunnels or as a pretext by the deep state for building more of them...

23227715? ago

It makes sense. He has extensive ties to NASA.

23227208? ago

What should I search for to find this info? What decade? What was their reasoning?

23230197? ago

Every once in a while there's a news story in Phoenix where they've discovered an underground tunnel under the border from Mexico complete with a railroad and storage areas alongside. Often it comes up underneath some house out in the boonies and there's an elevator that takes a vehicle up to a garage. So they drive through the tunnel with the contraband, get to the basement of that house, take the car up and it looks like someone leaving their garage. Pretty clever if you ask me. But IMHO the cartels aren't smart enough to have figured that out. To me it's proof that the ClownsInAmerica are involved in the drug and kiddie trafficking

23228760? ago

Here is a link to known corporate/commercial bunker (city) under Kansas City:

https : // youtu.be/3DJ4VjIRM24

23229304? ago

Yeah not that one. I've seen tons of old salt and other mines. This video was not these crappy remade mines... it was literally a highway that starts going underground with a gate and semis hauling shit underground and night...

23227699? ago

Youtube videos of truckers recording their deliveries - they are not supposed to, but they do.

There are dozens of such videos now. It remains secret mostly in the sense that nobody bothers to look. Look and you will find it.

The facilities are vast indeed.

23224734? ago

Makes perfect sense that the Air Force would need tunnels. Guess that tells us everything we need to know about that branch of the military.

23223833? ago

Would help explain why the fed has been taking over more and more public land over the years.

23223739? ago

Doesn't have to be an "entrance" to a tunnel, it could be simply an air vent, for example. It IS obviously man-made, though. And I would doubt that it is TOO old, because it looks like they used concrete (which I think was more unusual for older mining). Of course, this is just speculation.

23223273? ago

There's all kinds of old shit like that in the west. It's not some super secret DS mega tunnel.

More likely someone had an opium den in the 19th century or a hidden still during prohibition.

23223150? ago

Toledo doesnt have a stop?

Nibba please.

23223058? ago

That doesn't look like a tunnel that goes across the USA. You don't make interstate tunnels 6 feet below ground with railroad ties for roof.

What was inside? Is there more information?

23223880? ago

These tunnels are far deeper than 6 feet under ground level.

23228311? ago

yeah, way deeper and dug with a huge bore machine....

23230156? ago

hmmmm and what was that Elon musk company? Boring tunnels? Hmmmmm

Then there was that twitter thread the other day with the "earthquakes are all exactly 6.2 miles down" story. Shucks, lost the link. Will edit and add if I find it.

23223024? ago

Is there a higher res version of this map anywhere?

23222919? ago

My question is where did all the excavated material go?

23226026? ago

The "subterrene" nuclear boring machine supposedly liquefies rock and forces it into fissures created by supetheating. It does not move fast.

23225720? ago

Don’t think about the difficult stuff... that’s for intellectuals, not the Qtarded.

Just keep beating your tiny dick, and trust the plan.

23225424? ago

Ever been outside that airport? There are HUGE sweeping piles of earth. The overpass is over part of it.

23224162? ago

And when they’re blown up and collapsed why doesn’t it change surface at all? Explosion would push earth up before falling in no matter how deep

23224748? ago

Some of them are miles deep.

23224808? ago

at the depths people are talking the temp is 500 degrees, I do think there are several dumbs but realistic ones and no where near the scale I’ve been reading

23223566? ago


23229228? ago

he's not wrong you know, they have nuclear machines that do this, with no visible tailings!