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23226162? ago

if you consider that reality itself is a kind of simulation of sorts - a matrix, then on some level of abstraction, the Earth may indeed be, so-to-speak, flat - as in what would one call the real existence of a simulation relative to being immersed in the experience of it? Flat might be as good a metaphor as any

just saying that even the most bone headed conspiracy theory could have some tiny morsel of validity to it on some level

23227261? ago

I agree simulation theory is definately a possibility... if we can have a simulation so believable in the next 30 years, who's to say we arent in one now...

Though flat earth I've flirted with, but always come to it being a dumb thing, as wen you fly in a plane, you can see the curve yourself, and can see the curve on the ocean horizon and ships sailing away...

Though this world is NOT What the history books tell us... I think ancient civilizations were way more advanced than they let on.. and there definately is shit in Antarctica... hopefully we can be told some of what this earth is about once the satanic phaggots are eliminated...

23227755? ago

it's not flat in the simulation, but what is the underlying reality?

the physical apparatus that sustains a computer simulation has no relationship to the experience within the context of the simulation

so the underlying reality of this "reality" we're in may be likewise as much removed if not more so