23894630? ago

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23229319? ago

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23225501? ago

Very interesting but the Mandela effect seems more and more to be nothing but a psyop. Miles Mathis has a great article about it.

23230794? ago

You can have that opinion until it happens to you.

23231212? ago

Wtf does that even mean?

23246402? ago

It means until you experience a very real glitch you can go on believing it is a psyop because honestly, it sounds ridiculous. And yes, we all have things that we half remember and get wrong. But there are other things that are crystal clear experiences that are suddenly removed from history and then it becomes something else. Who knows what the cause is, but it's freaky.

23252517? ago

You mean like the Sinbad movie? Or half a dozen other “glitches”. Find that paper by Miles Mathis.

23278560? ago

I've already read it, along with all his other articles.

23231281? ago

Wow awesome Digits man! It means: you might have always been in the current timeline, thus nothing has changed. I myself have witnessed several changes. Others that have commented in this post have had their town's configuration change! That's new to me, the changes I know about are all "simple" ones like product names, or words in Scripture (which is somewhat freaky -- the what will lie down with the lamb?).

Actually I'm going to answer that, because it used to be "lion" and now it's "wolf" and just now I'm thinking, "timberwolf" and tonight's the night, it's going down. There's a storm outside, as I was typing the previous sentence the wind kicked up and made its presence known. So weird to be participating in this movie. Anyway, God bless and stay safe while this storm passes over.

23252617? ago

It’s a known effect that books get edited by the alphabets constantly. If you have an old enough copy of the Bible you should be able to confirm what’s what.

In the miles Mathis article i noted, he went on a hunt for the jaws film. There was a glitch about how one of the minor characters had braces in the movie and then didn’t. After not being able to find any original boxed vhs tapes he bought a used one from the ONE person on eBay peddling old vhs tapes. Well zooming in on the box you can clearly see the braces were photoshopped out.

Lots and lots of tiny things like this lead me to believe that it’s all a psyop. People saying their towns were rearranged are unprovable so go try to validate something you can. Google miles Mathis and find papers. He has a few sites and I can’t remember the url. He’s a weirdo painter with genius brains and lots of great papers.

23222300? ago

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23221084? ago

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23216620? ago

I am intrigued by these books. They are very Time Travely/Project Looking Glass-esk. Wouldn't be surprised if our POTUS was a time traveler. Tesla was working on Time Travel Theories and was friends with John Trump (Potus' uncle). John Trump was said to have possessed Tesla's materials at one time. Can't find sauce on that, but it is probably common knowledge here. No matter how anyone says that Project Looking Glass got started, it was more than likely an offshoot of something theorized up by Tesla and "taken" by the Deep State to use against humanity to stay in control for a while. Q brought PLG up so it is important.

23222162? ago

John Trump didn't know Tesla AFAIK. John Trump was hired by the government to review Tesla's papers after Tesla died, because Trump was one of the rare people who had the background to understand them.

23216412? ago

The 3rd Book of the Series blew me away:

"The Last President"

The story begins with a scene from a panicked New York City in early November, describing a “state of uproar” after the election of an enormously opposed outsider candidate.

“The entire East Side is in a state of uproar,” police officers shouted through the streets, warning city folk to stay indoors for the night. “Mobs of vast size are organizing under the lead of anarchists and socialists, and threaten to plunder and despoil the houses of the rich who have wronged and oppressed them for so many years.”

“The Fifth Avenue Hotel will be the first to feel the fury of the mob,” the novel continues, citing an address in New York City where Trump Tower now stands. “Would the troops be in time to save it?”

23216384? ago


SNOPES has to verify that they Ingersoll collection is LEGIT.......bet the Soros Machine hated not being able to debunk them.

23216215? ago

I SO wish Barron would get a dog and name it BULGER. Master Class Trolling.

23215611? ago

The people that need brain ventilators are the ones who can answer, "What's your brain for, boy, breathing?" :)

23215290? ago

Here is one to burst your bubble.... Are the words changing in real time? How would one know if they were?

23215180? ago

I've had this thought for awhile.

If time travel is real then Q might be dropping hints on things that have already happened from the future.

Telling us what worked and what didn't.

23220756? ago

Wow. Thanks for that idea, neat! God bless.

23215125? ago

has anyone been monitoring the activity of sunglasses ... when the miners in chili were trapped, they were given special sun glasses when they were rescued because they were in darkness for quite a while and the exposure to sunlight could have hurt their eyes.

23220671? ago

Concise! Thank you and God bless.

23221618? ago

How can you begin to even broach such information with those that slumber?

23231258? ago

Very difficult question. Wait for them to ask, which is so painful to have patience for I agree!!! :)

But when I push, I end up being mocked. Took my sister and I a bit to talk again. So, I stopped pushing. But it's looking like tonight's the night, it's going down. Pray for those two Kennedy's! Hopefully they were being whisked somewhere safe, with a cover story. These images of preparation are so sad: https://twitter.com/TXMilitary/status/1245721645223821314 especially the last with the cots. ;(

I suppose my ending above is a decent answer -- we don't need to begin to broach it; those that slumber will end up seeing it on their TV, or phone or other devices, since the EBS/EAS will reach them all. It hurts my heart just to think about it, but I know I need to be there for my family as it starts to unfold. God bless.

23214843? ago

Interesting interpretation. It makes more sense now. Combined with the claim of how smart he is with codes. I had a tough time reading it initially, I took a Jules Vern approach.

23214754? ago

I’d really like to read those books too. Pretty fascinating that they exist. The possibility of the damage done to these kids is so upsetting. I really hope we do have much more advanced ways of healing hearts, bodies and minds than we have been shown. A side note — think of all the milk toast liberals who require safe space and certain words to not be said because it triggers them. All of that bs handholding will go away because their entitled drama will pale in comparison to these poor children.

23215132? ago


23213919? ago

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23213907? ago

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23213768? ago

Great post (OP)!

Here's all the Ingersol Lockwood books copied from the congressional library 1st editions...

ALL three for free...




23222208? ago

All of these places to download the book require an account.

23223987? ago

I didn't need an account to get the links I provided, not that I know of, I've NEVER signed up for "archive . org". Did you try my links? Let me know if my links need a sign in please.

23225292? ago

I tried, and I couldn't get it unless I had an account. I think it was a free account, but I don't like giving them any information.

23226718? ago

I KNOW, I never had to sign up for anything (I avoid it like the plague, where possible). However I do use several adblockers so I don't get bothered with a lot of things. I also just tried the link in a new window under "Private mode" so my cookies don't count, and it still works there no sign-up.

I used to use just one adblocker app in my firefox browser, but now I'm up to 3 different ones to catch all the ads (bastards keep secretly white-listing ad sights because $$$) I don't see ads on YT or even most "watch for free with ads" streaming sights, so its probably that if I had to guess.

I don't want to dox the particular blockers I use so the clowns here won't attack them or put out patches to defeat them (it habbens). But Try a few different ones (I've tried many) until you no longer get commercials on YouTube. The popular ones work on most web sites but not YT, so it's a good test for me. I go for layers, seems to work best.

Hope this helps, I didn't hear this from others. One other thing I can think of is my EX once put a parental internet filter on my PC while I was away, and it wanted a sign in for any less-then-kid-freindly sites so I wouldn't look at porn. (KEK that's why she's my EX!)

Hope this helps, these links are awesome! Well worth the effort!

P.S. I never downloaded these books from this link, I just read them live in the browser, maybe that is what the sign in is for, just to DL/save it??? If so you could always screen-shot each page as a JPG or flipping through it as a video and pause each page if you have screen capture (streaming) ability? The books are high-rez scans of an original 1st edition antique book, librarian stamps and penciled in catalog numbers and all. Way cool, hope you can get it going.

23226766? ago

P.S. I never downloaded these books from this link, I just read them live in the browser, maybe that is what the sign in is for, just to DL/save it???

Yes!!! That's what I'm talking about, saving it to my computer for off line use.

23226961? ago

Ahhh I see now. Sorry I didn't know it was sign in for DL. Ya if it was me I'd screen cap, or record a video. Are you trying Ctrl+S ("Save page offline")? I tried that for a couple pages I wanted to archive, but it makes a mess of folders for me. Worth it if you need to read offline though. I do really like the site these are on, I looked into a few other books there too, might be worth it on this one. Top notch site for an old researcher like me. I stopped saving things a while ago, it was making a mess on my PC kek.

23234824? ago

I don't know why I obsess about saving stuff, except I see it, but don't have time to read right now, so I decide to save it until I get around to it. Then I usually don't get around to reading it. No big deal. If I really want it I can pay Amazon a buck to get it on my kindle app.

23214745? ago

Nice. Thanks for the links.

23213746? ago

A beautiful timeline

23213715? ago

Well done Anon, gave me chills.

23213651? ago

Well ill be damn thats mighty strange

23213073? ago

Don't forget... THE LAST PRESIDENT as well.

23213115? ago

Yes!!! I read it first, "by accident" (then I looked up the order they were written). I will re-read it after I finish this one, because I'm pretty sure there are some great parallels in it!

23213043? ago

The earth is hollow... THere is a sun inside (which is why Q asked "how close is the nearest star... What do you think" The answer was 11k miles straight down. There is another book called The Great Smoky God.

23213352? ago

Do you have any concept what the SUN is...its a STAR...do you know how big a star is? A MILLION Earths can fit in our sun. But you're saying there is a star in the center of our planet...what in the actual fuck?

23222281? ago

What about the same dynamic process happening on a much smaller scale. You DO know that the core of the earth is extremely hot, don't you? They teach that shit in high school, if not earlier.

23223886? ago



23218051? ago

We mock what we don't understand.

23223953? ago

Sorry, HollowEarthStrawman.

23223944? ago

Didn't mock you at all. FlatEarthStrawman.

23213403? ago

Dude... It's a joke/high conspiracy. Also commonly known as fan fiction. Don't blow a gasket.

23213733? ago

No gasket blown, just pointing out you're batshit crazy and have no concept of physics.

23216402? ago

Well I didn't say it was my idea just that is THE idea. I'm not creative enough to come up with alll that shit. Ever see the pictures of the poles of other planets?

23223899? ago

Yeah, Mars has ice poles too.

23224447? ago

Saturn? Has the hexagonal pole clouds with the hole in the center? I think it was saturn.

23225788? ago

Yes, Saturn has an extremely mysterious pole situation going on. How does that equate to a star in the center of a planet. Side note, the inner planets are rocky, and tiny compared to their gas giant brethren in the outer solar system. I referenced our closest neighbor, Mars, that has polar ice caps, just like Earth.


23213497? ago

As the shell grows larger our physical size and lifespan shrinks also. There were giants in the earth in those days = less gravity.

23222254? ago

Wrong. The giants were the offspring of ETs called "nephilim," after they mated with earth women.

23224016? ago

I already know all that.

23213248? ago

The answer was 11k miles straight down.

Whose answer is this?

23212976? ago

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23212936? ago

“that when thou returnest to thy people thou wilt make known to them what I have written for thee to-day, for it is never too late to correct a fault, and the longer that fault has lasted the greater the credit for correcting it.”

23212783? ago

Gonna read it asap. Thanks for bringing it back up, op!

23212867? ago

You're welcome, enjoy! I really enjoyed the first as well. This one's not as "fast" of a journey, i.e., he's spending more time in one location; but in terms of reading it, just as enjoyable as the first was.

23212778? ago

hg wells 'the time machine'


23212852? ago

Yes, neat! Have read it but decades ago, should put it on the (ever-growing! :) ) list!

23212926? ago

really wanna warp your mind?

'Godel, Escher & Bach'

some kikery, but a great philosophical work for thinking outside the box

23220571? ago

Glad to see this book mentioned! I asked a teacher of mine in H.S. for a book recommendation, he said he had to think about it, and this is what he came up with the next day. I was not disappointed. An amazing read.

23213306? ago

I'll never forget the part.. ok I mostly forget the whole part..

But he describes a puzzle. Where you combine these lines.. and it was super confusing and your trying to figure out the puzzle then all of a sudden its like, just simple math.

But your looking at the concept of math before math was math. Like shit you know and understand by the time your 5 but like the hardest thing you've ever imagined cause it doesn't exist.

If that didn't make any sense just read the friggen book, you'll see what I mean.

23216220? ago

I tried to read a few years back, I got lost pretty quickly!

23213849? ago

Thank you, looking forward to it!

23213015? ago

Wow. Just wow. Got this as a HS graduation present from math and science teachers! And, also, I never read it, and it's in inaccessible storage at the moment. :(

Definitely plan to read it, thanks!!!

23213036? ago


23212758? ago

Well done op, respect where respect is due.

Thanks for enlightening us, IE the ones which have heard about the books but have never read......

23231215? ago

Thank you! I am surprised that I am getting so many insights from the books! I also noticed "Q anons" are in the first one -- there are 17 instances of "anon" in it. I mention it in another comment here, I'm on the upstairs device so don't have all links/features handy but if you can't find it respond and I'll get it tomorrow.

23212643? ago

You can buy the kindle version for 99 cents on amazon.

23212843? ago

Yes, I did. Others noted that a PDF is available online, and another comment here also points to Project Gutenberg.

23212598? ago

What is this about Ingersoll Lockwood books that have been "inserted" into our past? You lost me at the first sentence. Can you elaborate on that?

23212919? ago

He made three books written from 1890-1900 that coincide with many details of our current reality. One of the books described a "master deal maker" who was a major outsider who became president, and who lived in a golden castle on 5th avenue in New York (Trump international hotel, colored gold, located on 5th avenue)

23212836? ago

Yes. The first two books featured the character as well as in the title, "Little Baron Trump."

The existence of these books was not publicized until our President Trump's son Barron (different spelling, but same pronunciation) was ten years old.

One would think that, since he was so popular with the top-rated TV show and being a billionaire carpenter, that someone would have noticed the link between his son's name and that book, long before Q started posting.

Well, it wasn't noticed until after Q started posting! I can't explain that. Also I have memories of "Berenstein Bears" and asking how to pronounce it ("steen" or "stine"); whereas "Berenstain" is not ambiguous at the end. And, the books are now "Berenstain" as are many other minor changes.

Apparently the timelines needed these "minor changes" in order to win -- which the Infinity War movie hinted at, with Dr. Strange looking at millions of timelines and only one where we won.

The third book is 1900, or The Last President, which it sounds like we're currently living through apart from the year -- we might have a systemic reset, and President Trump hands the reigns over to someone new. Maybe a new "President" but under a new system.

What a time to be alive!

23214025? ago

Right there with you anon, I could never spell Berenstein (kek I don't even care if I get it wrong in this time line!). Also thank God the Sinbad genie movie no longer exists! I actually had to watch it with my family. (Don't worry I'm ok now, I survived. kek.)

I like your take on Mandela Effect. Another theory is its from the damage that was done from trying to change it by the black-hats, but the timeline is self repairing, and that's what causes the anomalies. Who knows, but I've had way more than some weird logos or missing movies. I had parts of my town laid out differently, long story.

Best Time line EVER!

23222107? ago

You can't get away so easy. Please say more about your town.

23223570? ago

Hey Fren, might have been you, but I explained further in the post above this one. Sorry I had to crash for the night not long after I wrote my 1st response. I LOVE to hear other people that even know what I'm talking about, but its SOOO cool to know others had similar things habben. We're not alone, not crazy, it habbened.

23231204? ago

Wow and thanks for the details! Mind blowing. My mom found the old books and they still had the cracks in the bindings, but the stein is now stain. Freaked us out! My wife had previously said it was just "Internet fuckery" -- they can change images and web sites, etc. But did they break into my parents' house and swap the books out, with the same cracks and everything? That was "whoa, but I still don't know Kung Fu" moment... :)

23232376? ago

AND what's REALLY cool is the way the words changed. They found an old rental movie from a mom-'n-pop's rental store where the label had been hand typed on one of those laser-label makers (brand new back then) and the box had the factory picture and title from the tape's manufacturer, they needed the label on the side of the tape instead of blank the way it came for their filing system. However the hand-typed label STILL was spelled "berenstein", but the box's factory printed label said "berenstain"! It seems anywhere the name was hand-written or typed in by a person the name didn't change. How could the store employee not copy it off the front of the box correctly? I could see a miss spelling like "i" before "e" but not this.

This isn't the only Mandela Effect this happens with either, the same thing was found for a help-wanted ad in a news paper from the 70's (I think, maybe 80's) for JCpenny's. If you look it up, its actually "always" been spelled "J.C.penney's" as in 'J-C-pen-"A". I remember "JCpenny's" very clearly because it was a huge exciting thing we got to do for back-to-school as kids in the next town over. That extra "E" was never in there.

In the help-wanted ad they had a store logo, and it was a stock black and white from corporate so it was spelled "correctly" (the funky way), but the hand-typed message in the ad was spelled the way I remember.

Seems like there is a consciousness component to the Mandela effect. Where all the words some Human focused on spelling correctly are still how we remember them, but logos and words printed by a machine without much human interaction all got changed.

I'd bet that if you wrote a book report on your "Berenstain" bears book, the the book report would be spelled the way we remember! So strange how it seems to work! It IS also very creepy knowing your childhood keepsakes got magically re-printed in a box in the basement or attic! (..But not anything you wrote or typed by hand).... Ohhh that has implications for QRV and 8kun and "archive offline" too! We "hand-type" 99% of the text on here, so our posts should be free of Mandela Effect in the future if this is correct. Interdasting.

Sorry I wrote a novel, kek. So much to talk about on the topic, can't wait 'till more people find out the cool stuff like this is not fake, we may not know what exactly happened, but it sure isn't just make-believe!

23329116? ago

Apologies for not getting back to you sooner. Loved the novel, write more kek!!!

Also, if you didn't leave this "somewhat sibling comment" https://voat.co/v/QRV/3742846/23232929 then please take a look, I had heard of The Man in the High Castle but hadn't gotten around to investigating, seems worth checking out!

23330050? ago

5:5 Fren! Much Love. So many cool connections to explore!

23220596? ago

Wow, hadn't heard about the Sinbad movie disappearing. I do of course remember it existing!

23223931? ago

I know right? It's one of those things you MIGHT not remember correctly, but the more I think about it the more memories I dig up about when and how I watched it. I saw it on a rented video (local video-tape rental place) after it came out of the "new release" section so it was cheaper! (Terrible movie, total train wreck kek!) We saw it in the previews of other videos we'd rented for watching on Sundays with the family, and couldn't find anything better. I was still a kid, so I was kind of forced to watch. (Child abuse! kek J/K but it was boring after seeing the Shaq higher budget one.)

One thing I've noticed is that in the years since figuring this all out, I have not had any more "end of the world" dreams like I used to I think that was from coming to THIS time line where the Earth isn't destroyed, so no more end-times nightmares? The Project looking Glass interviews I've seen all talk about the 2 main timelines, one is destruction ("Timeline 2"), one is where we all wake up and its great. ("Timeline 1")

I get a deep feeling this is the good timeline!

23231196? ago

I do as well, patriot!

I only saw the one interview with the lady interviewer, and the guy (Corey something I think?) where he says "however comma" several times. Really liked how he was very specific about everyone calling the other timeline, "timeline 2", even the black hats! That's ... like, somewhat a self-fulfilling prophecy kind of effect!

If you have any links to other interviews, like Ross Perot said in the 1992 debates, I'm all ears! :)

Neat about your dreams. For me -- after the year 2000, I had this weird feeling that I was "on borrowed time." I had seen The Matrix in a theater the year prior when it was released, and was in the software industry so the "Y2K bug" was heavy on our minds. Nanotechnology and cryogenics were the new fads, and somewhat had the thought to "ride it out" in a freezer and wake up when the nanotech had been perfected. Likely the ex-wife's cheating had something to do with that idea...

Really glad I didn't do that! Because I would have more likely woken up at a set of gates which I was then not allowed to pass through, it having been my idea to enter the freezer even if it was someone else's hand that "pulled the trigger". Such a weird thing to think; like being at an arcade, and "game over" you take your hands off the controls and you're way up there, being judged. Weird to think that we can somewhat "see the future" in this manner. By reading this instruction book that many scorn and mock, and which, like The Greatest American Hero, I had misplaced for several decades. Just wild.

I agree, this is the good timeline. Although prepare yourself for what we're about to witness; the images have started coming out. I've seen only a very tiny portion of a face, and also a deformed leg. Another image https://twitter.com/TXMilitary/status/1245721645223821314 (the last one) is so heart-wrenching, it shows cots.

I just told my wife, I DON'T WANT TO BE RIGHT!!! I mean, I want to know the truth, and I know that this is the truth, but I would rather Q all be a joke and I am wrong, than to have this much suffering on Earth. We will prevail, but oh it's going to hurt our souls. We asked to be witnesses. It's weird I lost a cousin recently, and a friend just a few weeks ago.

Anyway I'm rambling. Keep praying for the little ones. God bless.

23232929? ago

If you have any links to other interviews

Ah I have an awesome video for you about "Project Looking Glass" and a related article about a series on Amazon that's soft-disclosure of PLG and how it might work, and what might be happening behind the scenes!:

Here is a really good deep dig on PLG from an AWESOME Patriot in NJ. It has several interviews and lectures included as well. I highly recommend his channel too:


Here is the article about "Man In The High Castle" a series on Amazon Prime with 4 seasons. Super high quality, high production value, and it has TONS of PLG references, because its about alternate timelines and crossing into different Universes where events play out differently:


Also an awesome web sight there by Dr.Salla (A P.H.D. in Sociology I think) He used to be a researcher for the U.N. but turned truther when "following the money" led him off planet with the secret space programs. Lots of AWESOME articles there too. I really like the articles about William Tompkins who was a boy genius in WW2 for Naval Intelligence and wound up making our space-ships for our secret space fleets. Before he "died" during the last solar eclipse (suicided) he was cleared to tell what he did. Space Force is already built and its more like Star Trek than NASA. ("Solar Warden")

The amazon series is really sobering in some ways like the possible picture of the poor creature from the tunnels we're all freaking out about right now. The series ends in a good way, but I don't see how we're going to make it OK for those poor souls coming out of the tunnels, hybrids or not. At least we can try and give them a better life for as long as they have left with us. I read a comment by someone saying "if they want to live alone on an island with unicorns and eat ice cream all day, I say we do it!" that made me smile. Hell ya, whatever we can do with in reason, I bet this will bring us together trying to make it better for the poor children of the tunnels.

I'm praying for the best possible outcome for us all anon, I know we ALL are! I know God can make something good come of this, we just can't see it yet. The Best is yet to come, after all.

God Wins! Godspeed Patriot!

23329316? ago

Thanks, that was great! I've seen a lot of it previously, which is weird; it was published 4 months ago, so that makes sense that I might have seen it (concussions cause memory issues), but some of it seemed completely new. Well, as I've told folks at the brain injury support group, "with me, you do get a second chance to make a first impression!" :)

The wife likes the Man in the High Castle idea, so we'll watch that soon.

I'm no longer convinced we can get "off-planet" but that shouldn't divide us! Whether aliens or demons, there are entities sharing advanced knowledge with us.

God wins is right. God bless patriot!

23329949? ago

Thanks Fren. As for aliens or demons, I think those 2 and "Angels" are describing the same things: Advanced beings Humans have encountered through out time, if in the past the being was scary or evil and un-explainable to the witness, it was a demon, if the being was beautiful and or benevolent, it was labeled Angel. I think because of pop-culture these days if we encounter any type of more advanced being we tend to label it alien which can be good or bad. Usually from my research it would seem that we Humans are just not the best at labels, KEK. I think we Humans have been seeing the same kind of things but calling them what was popular at the time. Maybe not, but it makes sense and connects a lot of seemingly different things. Heck maybe everything we've been seeing are actual time travelers, maybe its just Humans from our past or our future and some timelines are scary so those "people" would look and act scary like demons, while some are from good timelines so they appear more Angelic.

While I do suspect SOME recorded encounters we've heard of and thought were aliens were actually time travelers, I DO also think actual extraterrestrials from other stars are here too. Some of MY encounters and many I've heard about don't make sense if its just Humans from the future or a different timeline. Basically I think its been "all of the above" and we Humans tend to lump things together. I think there's also inter-dimensional beings as well that don't really fit any thing above either (like "shadow people", not cool, I know from experience, interesting topic though.)

I agree the labels shouldn't divide us, I think we're all in this together and its silly to argue over labels because its easy (even for an open minded researcher/experiencer like me) to misunderstand or mislabel a strange encounter.

We HAVE talked before, and I've always enjoyed it. Even if you don't remember I hope I've been helpful. I'm always glad to hear from you Fren. I also think "cures" for your condition have been hidden, and it won't be long now until we ALL get healed of many things we thought were forever. "The best is yet to come"~Q Great time to be alive!


23217910? ago

This is insane! I was going to link the Sinbad movie from imdb.com for you and of course it isn't there.

23223161? ago

That makes you wonder what else is missing, it does me! Better yet, things that ARE here that never were before, then again I guess I learn of the existence of new things all the time, kek.

If you search REALLY hard you will find a recent (couple of years old) April fools day video from buzzfeed I think, with Sinbad making fun of people who think Mandela Effect is real. It's a total spoof clip were kids find a genie bottle in an attic, but of course Sinbad is waaay too old in it from what I remember, and then they do silly things like hold up cereal boxes and they go through a few more popular Mandela Effects, it's kinda funny.

I guess Sinbad is kind of bitter because in his mind this is just a case of racist white people confusing him for Shaq (the star of the genie movie that still exists, the one Sinbad's was a cheap knock-off of), when he was 1st asked about it Sinbad said something like "That was Shaq, but I understand we all look alike!" But I remember thinking how surprised I was that Sinbad had done such a cheap knock-off after Shaq's movie was also a mess. Anyway Neat topic, I got a lot of responses, I had to sleep after I posted about this.

I'm always glad when I find another who remembers like I do, because many remember differently (from another timeline perhaps?) The most varied memories I've come across involve the number of NASA moon landings (all over the place) and which blood type used to be the most/least common of the blood types. (It used to be A or B that was most common, for me, but not anymore) Also some nurses say our collar bones used to be lower before the changes, weird to think our own bodies may have changed from this, but it does make sense given the evidence.

Thank Fren, good to hear I'm not alone!

23215703? ago

Huh! Just WOW!

I didn't make that connection until just now, but some of the layout of my town has been changed also! I just noticed it a few days ago. Wow!

23223505? ago

Ya for me it was a traffic light in the middle of a 2-lane hwy it turned yellow and I was talking so I almost ran the red. Once I stopped I was so shocked that light had never been there just the day before. Looking around trying to figure it out just made it worse. I thought wow that was some fast construction, but they had been installing the new LED traffic lights, but this was the old light bulb type, and there were repaired cracks in the road surface, not a new one. There was also a gas station that wasn't there the night before. SUPER WEIRD, freaked me out for weeks, kek. I get flashbacks when I go through that light now!

Just before that (hours) I had woke up from a nap (visiting Grandma's house with the kid) I had helped my mom take down an ugly addition to her walls months before, but when I woke up I was looking right at the parts I so clearly remember taking down. I think I was still talking about that when I almost ran the new light.

Sorry I've written this in the open so I'm trying to be vague enough not to dox myself, sorry if this is too anon to make sense, kek.

23223912? ago

Wild ain't it. When I was in school I worked for this guy. I would drive by this business, go around a curve and down a small decline to get to the guys place. The other day I was driving by. The building I worked in was gone. That wasn't the difference though. The curve and decline were gone. I mean the road didn't even go back that far anymore! And what's more the building on the next street over was so close that the building I worked in Could Not Even Fit There Now!

The building on the next street was there back then! Just farther over!

The whole building, And the ground under it is gone!

23224027? ago

So wild! It's not "scary", but it sure makes my head spin like it is.

I guess it's shocking when you find out "set in stone" isn't as permanent as we think it is.

23213605? ago

Hopefully after Trump’s next four years he will hand the reigns over to his son, Donald Trump, Jr.

23212859? ago

I'll have some of what you're smoking. :)

23212994? ago

Nah, RSO and cookies these days. :)

23212398? ago

How would one know if the book was really written when they say it was?

23221993? ago

We don't know when it was written. I may have been written ten years from now. But it was published over a hundred years ago.

23222052? ago

Ok, let me rephrase...

How would one know if the book was really published when they say it was?

23222361? ago

It's in the Library of Congress. They probably check.

23222397? ago

So you rely on "They" to "probably" check.


23222482? ago

So check it yourself if you don't trust random people on the internet, Jeesh.

23222641? ago

Check how?

Do you expect me to time travel?

You really don't understand intelligence agencies and how things can be falsified do you?

23225531? ago

I totally agree with this. We don’t know when or where it’s from. Maybe inserted and distributed to wale us up now.

23223089? ago

The coincidences in these books are so amazing, that of course you wonder if this is a hoax. This story has been widely reported. I'm sure a lot of people have set out to debunk it. So far nobody has, so it's probably legit. I'm willing to change my mind if somebody can prove it's a hoax.

23223257? ago


That's not how it works.

23225208? ago

OK Mr Expert, tell me how it works.

23212279? ago

What is the Mandela Effect Machinery?

23213541? ago

It's actually a Butterfly Effect. Mandela Effect is when many people remember something occurred, but actually never happened. Most people were surprised when Nelson Mandela passed in 2013, because they believed he'd been dead for years. Hence, the name Mandela Effect.

23214418? ago

Except I heard the news bulletin on the radio and tv in the 80's, explain that.

23220895? ago

I understand. It's important for all of us to use correct terminology for those who are newly awakening. Glad to know you're just typo'ing.

23212438? ago

Most likely CERN. Although there might be other "white hat" machinery since we're fairly certain CERN is "black hat" -- or at least, was...

23213108? ago

All just speculation but as long as it keeps you off the streets. You sound very impressionable.

23213661? ago

Do you use tape, or do you just tuck it back?

23212751? ago

Fairly certain. What a bunch of clowns you are.

23212265? ago

Coincidentally I was perusing this book today myself. The DUMB's and underground tunnels reminded me of it.

23212096? ago

I’m speechless. Wow

23215179? ago

How sure are we about the rescue operation?

23212982? ago

FYI, dug up that older post: ""Q" "anon" found in Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger!!! (QRV)" https://voat.co/v/QRV/3633425

23216644? ago

Ingersoll Lockwood has 17 letters

23220543? ago

kek, awesome catch thanks!

23213789? ago

23220552? ago

Thanks for this!

23224171? ago

It's SOOO cool that these links even exist! "Military planning at it's finest." INDEED! ("Future Proves past" right? kek!)

23212465? ago

Thanks! I had read the part about "brain ventilators" last night, and mentioned it to my wife. Today I continued, and the chapter ended and I almost stopped there, but turned the page and noticed the next chapter was XVIII, which my brain quickly converted to 18, and I then knew I had to make a post.

I also made a post a few months ago about there being "Q anons" in the first book -- there are exactly 17 instances of the word, "anon". Thus is really mind-bending stuff here!!!

Also, using "think mirror" there is one instance of "anon" in the third book, and seven in the second book -- making another "17".

Enjoy! And, God bless.

23221670? ago

NMBRFG here. Looking at all this closely, and I will get back to you ASAP.

23231000? ago

Hey, I see you. Looking forward to it!

It is happening. Still a slow roll-out, but did you see the cots with military behind? Heart-breaking. ;(


23236593? ago

Yes and things like that are making me get angry at people, for telling me this kid rescue is a hoax. I'm not buying it.

23216271? ago







files . catbox . moe / g4af8m.PNG

23219249? ago

I can’t post links either, but the url will post if you remove the h t t p s : / / in front of it

23213607? ago

I enjoyed your “inserted into our past” comment.