23212989? ago

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23212978? ago

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22329285? ago

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22325134? ago

Anon is a common word from the olde days.

22328997? ago

Which appeared 17 times in a book whose title references President Trump. You are right, it is common, but the fact that it appeared "Q" times in this particular work of fiction (?) is significant. Keep trying though! I saw your 14 attempt earlier.

22329040? ago

You saw nothing from me earlier. However, you will see another from me anon. This is really a stupid thread, and you know it.

You're stretching the 17, and are asshurt, because you're being called on it.

22329089? ago

You know nothing of, and never will, my nether regions, demon.

I'm not being called out on it. Look at the responses, and the votes. You're being called out on your childish behavior, and I don't really care what body part hurts in what fashion. You are being shown a light, and you can accept it or reject it.

It is, after all, your choice. Good luck and God bless!

22329145? ago

You're being stupid, and shallow. No one cares about votes, or "17", or your the condition of your ass. No one sees anything by the repetitious; "I found 17 peanuts on the floor at the bar!!!", "I found 17 references to my name in this book, about a character who has the same name as I do."

This adds zero to the Awakening; nothing, nada.

22329228? ago

God bless.

22329234? ago

You don't know what the phrase means.

22329272? ago

God bless!

22329077? ago

I saw it from "you", the opposing force to the Great Awakening.

22329104? ago

Anyone that disagrees with you is an opposing force to the Great Awakening. I was awake before you were born.

I told you you'd be seeing something from me anon; and you are. Do you even know what the word means? Stop with the frivolity of "17", and do some real digging.

22321923? ago

Take your meds

22320103? ago

Book 1: results = 17

Book 2: results = 7

Book 3: results = 1

Order 1, 3, 2

22320119? ago

Nicely summarized!

22319716? ago

I’ll still go for Atlas Shrugged.

22319224? ago

I just ordered the series...should arrive tomorrow!

22318804? ago

Settle down anon.

Look at other literature from the past


22319068? ago

Only 14 there. Settle your self...

22321390? ago

Good job counting numberfag

22321453? ago

Nope, I'm Digits, who bought NMBRFG a laptop. You can still settle for the truth!!!

22322391? ago

Confirmed want to be with lowercase name

22318021? ago

While Little Baron was exploring those underground tunnels, did he notice any human trafficking going on?

22317586? ago

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22317533? ago

Baron needs a dog, and that dude isn't little

22317293? ago

Imagine this, in infinite timelines and parallel universes, we're in the best one!

22317448? ago

kek, awesome thought!

22317274? ago

Ahhhhhhh! I see 17's everywhere. Seriously. WWG1WGA

22323678? ago

17 is my favorite number.

seems very elegant to me, and it was my favorite age, along with 27.

22318157? ago

Me too, strange amazing times, we're living.

22317461? ago

Yeah, I have been as well! WWG1WGA for sure! God bless.

22317190? ago

Not OP here. I read OP's observation/assertion, and then, incredulously, went on a quest -- downloading these Baron Trump books from gutenberg.org (free), sending them to a Kindle device, opening Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger, and searching (for my damn self) the appearance of the word anon in the book.

I'll be damned -- there are 17 occurrences in the book. Interdasting.

"anon" appearances in Travels and Adventures:

(Manually entered; emphasis added)

Ch. 5

• With their skeleton fingers ever and anon they grasped a fold of skin...

• ...pausing ever and anon to sniff the morning air...

• ...the air quivered with deep and rumbling sounds, while ever and anon the broke out into the wildest lamentations...

• Bulger walked proudly by my side, pausing ever and anon to look me in the face, meaning to ask: 'How goes it...

Ch. 6

• Ever and anon I glanced at the compass. She was headed dead south.

• The sea glittered like liquid fire. Anon, a porpoise leaped into the air...

• ...some Roman hero or statesman; and ever and anon, came the figure of a maiden, wondrously fair...

• ...with marble shut in by a leafy roof, through which ever and anon the sunlight burst to light up the masterpiece...

Ch. 7

• Ever and anon he called out to me: 'Guard the well, my son...

• ...it whistled like a flute, unskillfully stopped, and ever and anon broke out into a funny squeak.

• ...the banks of the stream, keeping opposite me, and ever and anon sending me a good bye in a soft and plaintive voice.

Ch. 8

• Ever and anon a quiver shot thro' the entire length of his body.

• Bulger, running by my side, ever and anon sent out a mournful whine...

• ...I turned a deaf ear, following our mistress, who ever and anon, turned her soft, black, mischievous eyes encouragingly...

• ...of the Roundbodies are suberranean. Why? This you shall know anon.

• ...but a playful trick, to wit, her pinching my little toe ever and anon, had, as I was casually informed by one of the learned...

• King Bô-gôô-gôô ever and anon turned an anxious eye toward the horizon.

22323642? ago

wow, that is just insane.

22321067? ago

Verified. Exactly 17.

gutenberg org/files/58566/58566-h/58566-h.htm

22317247? ago

Thank you for the confirmation!

It is important to double-check our work. I am considering a way to help NMBRFG better write his output, to help make verification easier. I am Digits. God bless.

22317011? ago


22316690? ago


there truly are NO COINCIDENCES

22316671? ago

Amazing! Great find anon! I think about how many times Trump and Q had to go to the looking glass and insert things to get the outcome they wanted. Since Trump would have to be the one using it to see the future for like thousands of times until they got it right and I thought...how long has he been doing this like 20 years? Crazy! I would love to see the thousands of end games he watched before they got it right.

You know he saw endings like the Hillary and Obama 16 yr plan ending and so may others! Im a scifi freak but also a realist whose got a strong background in math and computer science and science and I still have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that this is actually real...its breath taking! I mean..WOW!

22317001? ago


I was very into scifi. Now it's difficult to pick up a book; what I'm reading here is so compelling! I'm reading Ingersoll's books because they fit into here which is just so wild!

I am now convinced that Earth is not a globe. Don't know the real shape for certain, but the Bedford Level experiment proves the astronomers wrong, and the other experiments in Dr. Rowbotham's book which also refute the astronomers, are "just gravy" although they're also very helpful supporting arguments. https://www.sacred-texts.com/earth/za/za00.htm

Also strong background in math and coding, here.

When I saw the fourth instance yesterday, I had the thought "I'm going to keep count, and see how many there are." When I saw the fifth one this morning, I decided to do a search -- both because I wanted to know, now; and also, because I might have missed one and I think I did, I think the count was actually three yesterday and four this morning but when I searched I saw that I was on the page that the fifth one was on. So, I'm glad I didn't just remember the count, as I would have ended up being wrong and not finding this link.

It's mind-blowing. The Mandela Effect certainly was! I remember when I first learned of it; the wife and I were at a bar with friends, and discussing it while seated at the bar. Someone else at the bar was on their phone as I was talking -- turned out, he was looking up what I was describing, and he was really freaked out by it!!!

That's not exactly the same as red-pilling, but it really felt great to have an unrelated observer confirm my statements. Made the impact on my friends that much bigger, as well.

Pray for President Trump and the Q team; the show is about to kick off! God bless.

22317153? ago

Thank you for your due diligence deep diver! With patriots like you keeping us all updated...alot of us would be lost if we didnt have Qworkers like you so again thank you Patriotanon!

I flipped out for a while on the Mandela trip bcuz of Star Wars and Captain Crunch(not Cap'nCrunch) and wondered...is this from someone changing our timelines? So now I wonder if these "Mandela effects" are from Q and Trump making the fundamental changes needed to get their favored outcome?

Absolutely Wild!!!

Im addicted to Q and Trump and the whole Great Awakening and have been following it since it started...my first Q drop experience was November 1st 2017 an Army buddy of mine told me about it.

I really hope POTUS signs the NESARA and GESARA acts...I just cant imagine what our world would be like when or if it does happen.


22316644? ago

This truly is a fight for the timeline! That's why Hilldog is saying stuff like she's running again because 2016 was such an odd TIME. Also why they impeached, they really think they're going to hijack us to a new timelines. Crazy nuts!

22316635? ago

Pffft!! Another Boomer-Rube

22316568? ago


22316400? ago

Gay as fuck, and also cool :)

22316308? ago

Yeah dawg... They got a time machine. We are going to the 5th dimension. My bong and soul are ready.

22316265? ago

This is starting to get realllllllllllly fucking weird.

Pompeo's tweet/image from the 1998 basketball game re: Kobe? Goes from being a strange coincidence, to an even stranger - while an insane longshot - intentional drop from 20+ years ago if there is any merit to the far fetched possibility that some kind of looking glass is actually being used... but, with the volume of "coincidences" and Q saying things like 'Time travel is fun'...

I mean... WTAF is going on!?

22323529? ago

This^^^ and I think we all need to be asking this, instead of worrying about the impeachment details so much.

22321362? ago

That Poe guy once said that nothing that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.

22317761? ago

Whhhaaaa? I missed the pompeo tweet. Do you have a link? I can't find it

22318420? ago


Look at the scoreboard...

7 to 10 = 17

6:53 on the clock...

Now look at Q Post #653: https://qmap.pub/read/653

22319827? ago

Holy Mother of Mary, theyre just flexing with it at this point, must mean that the megakikes no longer have access to it. Sieg Heil.

22318471? ago

Thank you!!!

22318648? ago

Anytime patriot.

22318536? ago

Thank you anon

22319838? ago

Np, thought I messed up linking the tweet at first

22320181? ago

You did -- you added three tildes. Here's the actual URL: https://twitter.com/mikepompeo/status/1221599220966158336

22316884? ago

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...


22316250? ago

Has anyone ever thought to go back and watch "the apprentice" for clues? I'm going to find out where I can watch old episodes.

22316873? ago

Actually, I have thought that! Haven't done it yet though. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364782/ . There were 15 seasons, so it's a lot to take in!

Pirate Bay has some of them, stopped searching after I found I think three of the seasons, around 6 GB each. One day...

22316211? ago

Is the dog a Jew?

22316762? ago

found the jew^

22316863? ago

I was just imagining the dog as Kushner, making little trips to Qatar and such quietly in the backgorund. ;)

22316036? ago

Nice catch. I just finished the book too...and noticed "anon" peppered throughout. But didn't realize it was 17 times.

22315968? ago

What's the book about, and is it possible to get a hard copy of it?

22316822? ago

It's similar to Gulliver's Travels, and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. So far he's been to the Land of Melodious Sneezers, who communicate by sneezing. And the Wind Eaters, who grow into balloons when they "eat" the particles coming in on the winds. First he had to escape from Port No Man's Port, navigating a whirlpool, channels, and a swinging hammer rock.

It started out a little slowly but is growing on me! Amazon has it for Kindle and hardcopy, and someone else posted a link to a downloadable version for free here, I'll copy it into this comment: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/58566/58566-0.txt

22316772? ago

read the damn thread

22315951? ago

KEK! "Buckle up buttercups"~Q

"Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing."~Q


"The Great Awakening"~Q ...!!!

P.S. I skimmed the Little Baron books, and actually read that phrase "ever and anon".... it never occurred to me. Great thinking, great find ..."anon". KEK!

It's satire like 'Alice in Wonderland' I'm betting that each civilization Baron comes across will represent current peoples, each different cavern he sailed to had very different people in it, weird alien types even. I see it as a future intro to inner Earth people. "Honeycomb Earth" is very likely, and has lots of evidence including a weird 17 second repeating "Earthquake" (a single tone with no other noise) that exposed underground mountains bigger than any on the surface. It also fits well with the established "Expanding Earth" theories, because we know now that the Sun is a particle fountain (think replicator, energy conversion to matter) spraying Earth everyday with new material that accumulates over time. So the caverns are the spaces between the layers of the onion. Minerals found super deep suggest there is FAR more water underground than in all the visible oceans on the surface.

And here we have "Little Baron Trump" sailing a ship deep underground finding weird civilizations in vast territories down there... I don't know about you but it makes ME say Hmmmmm...

22323456? ago

interesting post and Q quotes, thanks!

22328921? ago

kek, nice Digits fren! 23456, and a 322!

22316726? ago

Sounds like Antarctica to me.

22316449? ago

Minerals found super deep suggest there is FAR more water underground than in all the visible oceans on the surface.


I still can't fully wrap my head around this concept.

22318409? ago

mind = blown. no idea! quoting:

If all the ringwoodite in the transition zone is as damp as the samples that Jacobsen and his team detected, that layer would hold three times as much water as all of the Earth’s oceans combined, reducing their share from 96.5% of all known water to a relatively paltry 24.8%. In other words, the ringwoodite discovery could quadruple the amount of water found on Earth. A blue planet, indeed.

22317055? ago

Ya its hard to imagine how big Earth really is. The Lagrange points where Earth and Moon balance with the Sun in orbit helps illustrate how much empty space might be down below the surface.


If the Earth was solid like we've been taught, then the Lagrange points are over 1000 miles away from where we expect to find them. In other words the Earth's own orbit around the Sun PROVES there is 1000 miles of empty space BELOW our feet, on average. (Maths)

On a more esoteric metaphysical note, Mother Earth is very much like a living being with a pulse and blood flow and internal organs. From a fractal perspective we (the surface people) are very much like skin bacteria, the flora of Earth. "As above so below" seems to be very true. We Hoomans would die without our bacteria, and when our native bacteria are effected, so are we, just like Earth. The elite call us (We The People) an infection of Earth, we're made of carbon, the thing [they] want to eliminate, but that's just the cognitive dissonance projection of an actual sickness of Earth... "The elite". (Think mirror "elites"!)

Evidence shows there was a time before Earth was sick with elitism, a time long ago when Mankind was far more advanced, then something bad habbened (Atlantis), and Man became primitive. We're just now begging to get back where we were before "The Great Sleepening". (kek)

I think the inner Earth People are the survivors of those times from before we fell, and are to Earth like our gut flora are to us living in the "vast" ( to a bacteria) empty caverns inside of each of us.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I can't wait for everyone to figure it all out. It's going to put us ALL in the proper perspective. Each day I learn how special we each are, and how TINY we really are at the same time! Think about THIS the next time you take "antibiotics" ( anti - biological life) pills, or use hand sanitizer. Seems unrelated, but I think not. I could be wrong though I admit, I'm still learning new stuff everyday, but this seems to outline the known facts as Mankind has access to them. Seems to all line up from the 40,000ft view as Q would say. I can't wait to find out for sure!

("The Great Awakening"~Q) = ("Hive Mind"~Q) + "WWG1WGA".

22317511? ago

Also, in keeping with the antibiotic advice -- get some colloidal silver, or a generator, and take some daily as a preventative while the Kung Flu is spreading!

23221469? ago

"Kung Flu is spreading" - Prohetic words...

22316047? ago

Do you have links for the honeycomb earth, expanding earth, sun particle fountain - these are new to me.

Not sure if corey goode or david wilcock mentioned these. I read so much so and can't remember everything.

22316206? ago

Yes Goode and Wilcock both mention all these ideas, but it wasn't them I read it from.

https://stillnessinthestorm.com/?s=expanding+earth (many articles, my favorite alt-news site)

https://stillnessinthestorm.com/?s=honeycomb+earth (same thing here many articles by many authors)

The term Particle fountain refers to high energy physics and other astronomical events, so that's harder to find. It's well explained in the "Electric Universe theory" though, so here's that:


I know its all the same site, but he posts so many good articles by so many good researchers it's my go to site for research of the unexplained. I scanned the results for each term and they were all ones I'd read and at least the top few seemed to be relevant. Hope this helps!

22316927? ago

thank you pede!!

22316131? ago

Corey Bad and David Failcock are gatekeepers. You haven't heard of hollow earth because the flat earth psyop is so effective.

22318162? ago

anon5951 here:

Perhaps. I get the same vibes at times, regardless if they are or not, they're on the same roller coaster we all are. They are playing a part, like AJ, a vital role that still leads us ALL to "The Great Awakening". "Nothing can stop what is coming" not even the best shills in The Universe. kek

The 'elite' went to great lengths to look legit (The Man behind an elaborate curtain), but no matter how fancy the disguise is, eventually some scruffy little dog from Kansas comes along and pulls it all down, KEK! We'll find out who is who after [they] finally get what's coming to [them]. (Karma is a thing.)

Regardless of the motives of those 2, its very safe to say we aren't in Kansas anymore Toto. ("The end is not for everyone"~Q)

22315900? ago



22315816? ago

Can you provide a screenshot or something? This seems too good to be true.

22316713? ago

I will try.

First attempt failed: using Amazon Cloud Reader, I tried searching and it gave an error I've never seen before: something about the book not being indexed, which is weird as I searched on the Kindle in the bathroom earlier today!

Tried again so I could get the exact text of the error message, and it worked. So I guess it just had to index it on the local device (Mac Mini).

Here ya go!


22316148? ago


That's a screen shot from Snopes (I know, I know) of the original 4chan post.

Snopes concludes it's "Mostly True" that these books were written over a century ago and contain "eerie parallels" to current day (e.g., Little Baron lived in Trump's castle."

Here's the article:


FACT CHECK: Is 'Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey' a Real Book from the 1890s?

5-7 minutes

Forget for a moment the seemingly endless series of revelations about the Trump White House’s staffing woes, the Russia investigation, and the Seth Rich conspiracy. A pressing matter, largely ignored by the mainstream media has come up: Is Donald Trump a time traveler?

The question has been circulating on conspiracy theory web sites for several months and is backed by various pieces of “evidence” (such as Donald Trump’s uncle John Trump’s purported relationship with Nikola Tesla). Now a series of books published over century ago is receiving attention for their seemingly all-too-eerie connections to the Trump family. The books, one of which is titled Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey, have been discussed on both reddit and 4chan:

Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey, and 1900: or, The Last President, are indeed real books by writer Ingersoll Lockwood. (We haven’t been able to uncover any evidence proving that Donald Trump and his family have access to a time machine, however).

Both of the books are archived by the Library of Congress and can be read in full on Archive.org. Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey was published in 1893 and 1900: or, The Last President came out a few years later. According to the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, Lockwood penned at least one other book about the Baron Trump character, The Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulgar, which was published in 1890.

A July 2017 article in Newsweek noted several prescient-seeming connections, such as the novel’s Russian setting, a character named “Don,” and a “Fifth Avenue Hotel” in New York City, where Trump Tower currently stands:

There are some incredible connections to be made to the first family of the United States and Lockwood’s novels from the turn of the 19th century. For starters, the main character’s name is the same as President Donald Trump’s son, albeit spelt differently. Trump’s adventures begin in Russia, and are guided thanks to directions provided by “the master of all masters,” a man named “Don.”

Before leaving for his voyage through the unknown, Trump is told of his family’s motto: “The pathway to glory is strewn with pitfalls and dangers.”


But by Lockwood’s third novel, The Last President, things become even more eerily linked to the present day.

The story begins with a scene from a panicked New York City in early November, describing a “state of uproar” after the election of an enormously opposed outsider candidate.

“The entire East Side is in a state of uproar,” police officers shouted through the streets, warning city folk to stay indoors for the night. “Mobs of vast size are organizing under the lead of anarchists and socialists, and threaten to plunder and despoil the houses of the rich who have wronged and oppressed them for so many years.”

“The Fifth Avenue Hotel will be the first to feel the fury of the mob,” the novel continues, citing an address in New York City where Trump Tower now stands. “Would the troops be in time to save it?”

However, some of these connections were slightly exaggerated or outright misstated. For one, the main character is called Baron Trump not because his name is Baron but because he is a baron — in other words, that’s his title. The book begins with a “Biographical Notice of Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian Von Troomp, Commonly Called Little Baron Trump”:

As doubting Thomases seem to take particular pleasure in popping up on all occasions, Jack-in-the-Box-like, it may be well to head them off in this particular instance by proving that Baron Trump was a real baron, and not a mere baron of the mind. 

Newsweek similarly mistakes the Don Fum character’s honorific for his name, calling him “a man named ‘Don.'” In fact, “Don” is a Spanish honorific meaning “Mr.,” and the character (a “learned Spaniard”) was introduced by Lockwood on page 2 of Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey:

It so happened at the time of Bulger’s low spirits that the elder baron had, through the kindness of an old school friend, come into possession of a fifteenth-century manuscript from the pen of a no less celebrated thinker and philosopher than the learned Spaniard, Don Constantino Bartolomeo Strepholofidgeguaneriusfum, commonly known among scholars as Don Fum, entitled “A World within a World.” 

Finally, the book mentions”The Fifth Avenue Hotel,” meaning that it shares a street with Trump Tower. Since Fifth Avenue is, a well-known part of New York that has been the site for several high-end restaurants, shops and hotels since the late 1800s (the Waldorf–Astoria was constructed on Fifth Avenue in 1893), this detail seems to be more a reflection of the time it was written, and less a prescient note of where Trump Tower would eventually be constructed.

Although these books contain some seemingly bizarre coincidences, they are not evidence that Donald Trump has access to a time machine. Time travel conspiracy theories such as this one pick and choose material that supports their conclusions while ignoring everything else. For instance, these books also contain giant turtles, alternate dimensions, a battle with a big white crane, a dog named Bulgar, and a little smiling man frozen in time. Since these aspects have no clear connection to the Trumps, they are omitted from the conspiracy theory.



22318965? ago

GTFO with that fecal matter

22320148? ago

Yeah I had upvoted it but just now saw that it references Snopes. Reversed the voat! Thanks.

22315394? ago

Tesla technology ... they were here. Crazy.

22315381? ago

When you get the book "The Last President" your mind will be blown. I read them a year ago, and my wife always laughs at me when I tell her that Barron in Q and he is time traveling to help humanity.

22315462? ago

Yeah I actually read that one first. I'll read it again once I've read the other two, as it was short. It's so weird to "peek behind the curtain" like this!

22315109? ago

Yep. That’s uncanny and extranormal

22315028? ago

<head spinning> there are no coincidences.

22314994? ago

Haha sick!

22314721? ago

Project Looking Glass, Tesla, John Trump and time travel are all likely related in some way.

22325679? ago

A billionaire named Trump would obviously have never heard of a book about a Trump, and none of his thousands of employees and associates would have told him. And of course that wouldn't have influenced his choice of names for his son. Time Travel is the logical explanation. More realistically, Trump is God himself come to earth. He has the power over time and space, and the impeachment is just his reenactment of the crucifiction. Is there anything too far fetched for a Qultist to believe?

22325924? ago

Trump is not God and yes, that is beyond what any Qtard, myself included, would accept. With that said, I study metaphysics and it's clear, in my opinion, that there is much more to this human existence and the cosmos that we are being told/currently realize. Literally any thing is possible.

22326034? ago

Literally any thing is possible.

Okay, I can't disagree. But... Not any thing is likely. You're very unlikely to be a prehistoric monster from the ocean depths. Trump is very unlikely to be a time traveling... however that meme goes. Most things are exactly as they appear, despite everything being composed of incredibly tiny particles with vast amounts of space between them.

22326740? ago

most things are exactly as they appear

I strongly disagree and would argue that most things are NOT what they appear to be due to the nature of our perception and limited senses.

22331483? ago

Which I acknowledged is a valid technical argument, but I meant more within the reality we can perceive. The reality where: You're very unlikely to be a prehistoric monster from the ocean depths. Do you disagree with that?

22322829? ago

Not to mention the kid looks just like baron trump.

22320370? ago

Ugh. If the world were mine your death would be slow and painful.

22320516? ago

For what reason?

22317362? ago

My Looking Glass boner has been raging for the last 6 months.

22318589? ago

Sorry for my stupid question but what's Looking Glass? I see it mentioned but I can't find anything from (((googling))) it.

22328908? ago

Wow, excellent thank you!

22318624? ago

Device that allegedly allows one to see into the future/past of other timelines depending on what sources you look at.

22319540? ago

Is there anywhere I can read up on it?

22323398? ago

have you searched Qmap? and YT had a couple of good videos on LG.

22319656? ago


Just on a quick search. Most of the old sources I found seem to have been buried and scrubbed. Try alternative search engines like duck duck go.

22319672? ago


22317488? ago

I wonder if Epstein had access to Looking Glass when he won the Oklahoma lottery...

22318320? ago


(You didn't need a time machine to see THAT one coming!)

P.S. Nice Digits Fren 22317488?

22317686? ago

Epstein also won the lottery in New Mexico. Who wins big in the lottery twice, in two different states?

22316655? ago

When I started following Q, I believed in these theories and people belittled and laughed. Now, you got 20 upvotes and no downvotes.


22317052? ago

Nice. Thanks. Now 4 downvotes, with 104 upvotes, so still a 96% positive rating.

22325174? ago

i’m seeing 50 upvotes 0 down What the hell??

22328596? ago

Weird! 212 up and 5 down, at the moment.

22316100? ago

Tesla...no. Musk has lost his marbles.

22316336? ago

Nikola Tesla not Musk/Tesla the company.

22316167? ago

Dude....try to keep up

22316396? ago

LOL yeah, my bad I was thinking you cant be serious

22316143? ago

Nikola Tesla, holy fuck...

22316388? ago

LMAO I was wonder WTAF

22315880? ago

I think Donny Darko and DragonballZ is also somehow related.

22317026? ago

naaah DJT is supr super sayan mega l\;lw\\ g\

22315843? ago

Ah, you're finally waking up. as you are correct! How do you think DJT is always 17 steps ahead of his enemies?

22314744? ago

Agreed. I read his third book first, somewhat by accident (had wanted to read them in order, but the title intrigued me and I didn't look up their publication dates). It is just mind-blowing that nobody noticed that these books existed, until Baron Trump was 10 years old or so!

22316864? ago

How do you insert evidence???

How do you insert a book in history, that was written in modern times?

22317030? ago

This is such a fun day!

22328644? ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8Vb0JKHf6Y "My 'I don't have to run' day" ≤

22315053? ago

I wonder who found them and dropped the dime on them? a well connected anon? just a serendipitous find? Qanon?

22315353? ago

dropped the dime?

22314603? ago

Is the dog Whitey Bulger?

22315094? ago


22315437? ago

That was the dog's name in Pink Floyd's "The Wall" movie. Actually it was a war movie on a TV screen in his apartment, when the girl was asking if he wanted to take a bath.

22314626? ago

I haven't found that link, yet. Wouldn't be surprised to read that the dog has a white coat, etc. I do think of that name as I'm reading the dog's name though!

22314568? ago

I love this timeline:)

22315279? ago

It is far more interesting then the one I started on, I will tell you that!

22323424? ago

exactly and wtf happened?!?

how did everything change so suddenly, and how come SO many people still can't see it.


22315396? ago

Yeah me too.

I'm still wondering how I got into this one:)

22321990? ago

I talked to God and said I was done with that shitty helbound on I was in.

22328613? ago

Sometimes, it's that simple! God bless, anon!

22316943? ago

Me fucking too. It's never ever over but it sure is fun

22315819? ago

It was actually that time you fell off your bike

22314609? ago
