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23212598? ago

What is this about Ingersoll Lockwood books that have been "inserted" into our past? You lost me at the first sentence. Can you elaborate on that?

23212836? ago

Yes. The first two books featured the character as well as in the title, "Little Baron Trump."

The existence of these books was not publicized until our President Trump's son Barron (different spelling, but same pronunciation) was ten years old.

One would think that, since he was so popular with the top-rated TV show and being a billionaire carpenter, that someone would have noticed the link between his son's name and that book, long before Q started posting.

Well, it wasn't noticed until after Q started posting! I can't explain that. Also I have memories of "Berenstein Bears" and asking how to pronounce it ("steen" or "stine"); whereas "Berenstain" is not ambiguous at the end. And, the books are now "Berenstain" as are many other minor changes.

Apparently the timelines needed these "minor changes" in order to win -- which the Infinity War movie hinted at, with Dr. Strange looking at millions of timelines and only one where we won.

The third book is 1900, or The Last President, which it sounds like we're currently living through apart from the year -- we might have a systemic reset, and President Trump hands the reigns over to someone new. Maybe a new "President" but under a new system.

What a time to be alive!

23214025? ago

Right there with you anon, I could never spell Berenstein (kek I don't even care if I get it wrong in this time line!). Also thank God the Sinbad genie movie no longer exists! I actually had to watch it with my family. (Don't worry I'm ok now, I survived. kek.)

I like your take on Mandela Effect. Another theory is its from the damage that was done from trying to change it by the black-hats, but the timeline is self repairing, and that's what causes the anomalies. Who knows, but I've had way more than some weird logos or missing movies. I had parts of my town laid out differently, long story.

Best Time line EVER!

23220596? ago

Wow, hadn't heard about the Sinbad movie disappearing. I do of course remember it existing!

23223931? ago

I know right? It's one of those things you MIGHT not remember correctly, but the more I think about it the more memories I dig up about when and how I watched it. I saw it on a rented video (local video-tape rental place) after it came out of the "new release" section so it was cheaper! (Terrible movie, total train wreck kek!) We saw it in the previews of other videos we'd rented for watching on Sundays with the family, and couldn't find anything better. I was still a kid, so I was kind of forced to watch. (Child abuse! kek J/K but it was boring after seeing the Shaq higher budget one.)

One thing I've noticed is that in the years since figuring this all out, I have not had any more "end of the world" dreams like I used to I think that was from coming to THIS time line where the Earth isn't destroyed, so no more end-times nightmares? The Project looking Glass interviews I've seen all talk about the 2 main timelines, one is destruction ("Timeline 2"), one is where we all wake up and its great. ("Timeline 1")

I get a deep feeling this is the good timeline!

23231196? ago

I do as well, patriot!

I only saw the one interview with the lady interviewer, and the guy (Corey something I think?) where he says "however comma" several times. Really liked how he was very specific about everyone calling the other timeline, "timeline 2", even the black hats! That's ... like, somewhat a self-fulfilling prophecy kind of effect!

If you have any links to other interviews, like Ross Perot said in the 1992 debates, I'm all ears! :)

Neat about your dreams. For me -- after the year 2000, I had this weird feeling that I was "on borrowed time." I had seen The Matrix in a theater the year prior when it was released, and was in the software industry so the "Y2K bug" was heavy on our minds. Nanotechnology and cryogenics were the new fads, and somewhat had the thought to "ride it out" in a freezer and wake up when the nanotech had been perfected. Likely the ex-wife's cheating had something to do with that idea...

Really glad I didn't do that! Because I would have more likely woken up at a set of gates which I was then not allowed to pass through, it having been my idea to enter the freezer even if it was someone else's hand that "pulled the trigger". Such a weird thing to think; like being at an arcade, and "game over" you take your hands off the controls and you're way up there, being judged. Weird to think that we can somewhat "see the future" in this manner. By reading this instruction book that many scorn and mock, and which, like The Greatest American Hero, I had misplaced for several decades. Just wild.

I agree, this is the good timeline. Although prepare yourself for what we're about to witness; the images have started coming out. I've seen only a very tiny portion of a face, and also a deformed leg. Another image (the last one) is so heart-wrenching, it shows cots.

I just told my wife, I DON'T WANT TO BE RIGHT!!! I mean, I want to know the truth, and I know that this is the truth, but I would rather Q all be a joke and I am wrong, than to have this much suffering on Earth. We will prevail, but oh it's going to hurt our souls. We asked to be witnesses. It's weird I lost a cousin recently, and a friend just a few weeks ago.

Anyway I'm rambling. Keep praying for the little ones. God bless.

23232929? ago

If you have any links to other interviews

Ah I have an awesome video for you about "Project Looking Glass" and a related article about a series on Amazon that's soft-disclosure of PLG and how it might work, and what might be happening behind the scenes!:

Here is a really good deep dig on PLG from an AWESOME Patriot in NJ. It has several interviews and lectures included as well. I highly recommend his channel too:

Here is the article about "Man In The High Castle" a series on Amazon Prime with 4 seasons. Super high quality, high production value, and it has TONS of PLG references, because its about alternate timelines and crossing into different Universes where events play out differently:

Also an awesome web sight there by Dr.Salla (A P.H.D. in Sociology I think) He used to be a researcher for the U.N. but turned truther when "following the money" led him off planet with the secret space programs. Lots of AWESOME articles there too. I really like the articles about William Tompkins who was a boy genius in WW2 for Naval Intelligence and wound up making our space-ships for our secret space fleets. Before he "died" during the last solar eclipse (suicided) he was cleared to tell what he did. Space Force is already built and its more like Star Trek than NASA. ("Solar Warden")

The amazon series is really sobering in some ways like the possible picture of the poor creature from the tunnels we're all freaking out about right now. The series ends in a good way, but I don't see how we're going to make it OK for those poor souls coming out of the tunnels, hybrids or not. At least we can try and give them a better life for as long as they have left with us. I read a comment by someone saying "if they want to live alone on an island with unicorns and eat ice cream all day, I say we do it!" that made me smile. Hell ya, whatever we can do with in reason, I bet this will bring us together trying to make it better for the poor children of the tunnels.

I'm praying for the best possible outcome for us all anon, I know we ALL are! I know God can make something good come of this, we just can't see it yet. The Best is yet to come, after all.

God Wins! Godspeed Patriot!

23329316? ago

Thanks, that was great! I've seen a lot of it previously, which is weird; it was published 4 months ago, so that makes sense that I might have seen it (concussions cause memory issues), but some of it seemed completely new. Well, as I've told folks at the brain injury support group, "with me, you do get a second chance to make a first impression!" :)

The wife likes the Man in the High Castle idea, so we'll watch that soon.

I'm no longer convinced we can get "off-planet" but that shouldn't divide us! Whether aliens or demons, there are entities sharing advanced knowledge with us.

God wins is right. God bless patriot!

23329949? ago

Thanks Fren. As for aliens or demons, I think those 2 and "Angels" are describing the same things: Advanced beings Humans have encountered through out time, if in the past the being was scary or evil and un-explainable to the witness, it was a demon, if the being was beautiful and or benevolent, it was labeled Angel. I think because of pop-culture these days if we encounter any type of more advanced being we tend to label it alien which can be good or bad. Usually from my research it would seem that we Humans are just not the best at labels, KEK. I think we Humans have been seeing the same kind of things but calling them what was popular at the time. Maybe not, but it makes sense and connects a lot of seemingly different things. Heck maybe everything we've been seeing are actual time travelers, maybe its just Humans from our past or our future and some timelines are scary so those "people" would look and act scary like demons, while some are from good timelines so they appear more Angelic.

While I do suspect SOME recorded encounters we've heard of and thought were aliens were actually time travelers, I DO also think actual extraterrestrials from other stars are here too. Some of MY encounters and many I've heard about don't make sense if its just Humans from the future or a different timeline. Basically I think its been "all of the above" and we Humans tend to lump things together. I think there's also inter-dimensional beings as well that don't really fit any thing above either (like "shadow people", not cool, I know from experience, interesting topic though.)

I agree the labels shouldn't divide us, I think we're all in this together and its silly to argue over labels because its easy (even for an open minded researcher/experiencer like me) to misunderstand or mislabel a strange encounter.

We HAVE talked before, and I've always enjoyed it. Even if you don't remember I hope I've been helpful. I'm always glad to hear from you Fren. I also think "cures" for your condition have been hidden, and it won't be long now until we ALL get healed of many things we thought were forever. "The best is yet to come"~Q Great time to be alive!
