23229503? ago

The black hat satanic psychopaths all need to be placed in a zoo, on full display to be taunted daily. Free all the animals in the zoo, who don't belong there in the first place. Paint ball guns would be nice for the public to fire at will. Heard that they will be given a choice like no name, to be executed without his crimes being known: THAT WOULD BE UNACCEPTABLE. All their crimes must be known, so that no other ass hat will ever do this again.

23225633? ago

Remember when Q posted that huge pallet of phones being delivered on a tarmac or shipment area somewhere? It was right before the royal wedding of Harry and Meghan and I thought it was odd that so many strange celebs they didn't know were invited and wondered if that was maybe a distribution scene or something...Clooney, Oprah, etc... But yeah, those phones..... what were they?

23225806? ago

Definitely. It wouldn't be conspicuous at all for them to give out phones as part of gift baskets. Nice gift baskets like that are pretty common for any event with big celebrities.

They do specifically wear colors as a form of communication/protest out in the open (such as the women wearing white for the state of the union). It's not inconceivable that they do so in other instances.

23226028? ago

The purple stood out like a beacon after the election. Now for some reason, the deep green has stood out. I will notice Nancy on TV or online in my case wearing it, then see a member of the royal family wearing it. Then always something about a trip to Ireland from one or both. Like the queen wearing the equivalent of the EU flag for her "Brexit" speech. Royal blue dress, queen Victoria's sapphire brooch with the exact shape/ number of surrounding diamonds as the EU flag. These women are definitely signalling with their outfits. Interesting that for one of the past BAFTA awards, all the women in attendance wore black in support of the #MeToo movement, except Middleton, who wore....that deep green again. They are showing allegiances and sending messages. Also thinking of Nancy wearing the evergreen with her bullet bracelet, impeachment I believe. Forget what that was for. But I have a somewhat synesthesiac memory. I see letters and numbers in specific colors which makes them easy to recall for me, so for some reason I notice colors in outfits as well....They jump out at me and stay in my memory.

23226096? ago

Might also make sense for the "watch the wives" thing Q was talking about. Men are always going to wear a suit and the only major color is going to be a tie. But the wives can wear any variety of colors. Also might indicate why Melania wore that dress that looked like it had a Q on it.

23226145? ago

Wow, you're right! Hadn't thought of that. Nice work!

23222606? ago

"White" rabbit. "[Y]". Pronounced "why"; add a "t" sound after, "[Y]t rabbit" -- just spitballin!

23222151? ago

dcode(dot)fr/cardan-grille is online tool that appears to be used for this type of cryptic msgs and can be added to your mobile apps

23221413? ago

I tweeted this in a thread and it is exploding on twiiter right now. Martin Geddes and Rob Counts have retweeted.

Good work anon, hope you don't mind. If you think I should add anything let me know.


23221530? ago

Thank you for posting, let's see what comes of it

23220530? ago


I am looking at ELS and EWS too.

Equidistant Letter/Word Sequencing.

I will take a look at what you have presented carefully, and respond in due course.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.


23229439? ago

What is ELS?

23229945? ago

Equidistant Letter Sequence.

23231145? ago

What's EWS? Sorry should have asked you that also.

23237798? ago

Thanx. Coincidentally, I was thinking about the bible codes a couple of days ago.

23237882? ago

23236557? ago

Will expand later today. It's 2 AM here and I am burning the midnight oil...

23225857? ago

Have a look at Madonna' and Hanx weird Corona typewriter letters too. That made no sense. And the fact that both Madonna and Biden referred to Charlie Parker Most thought Biden was erroneously referring to Charlie Baker, governor of Massachusetts, but then Madge used his name too, so Bliden isn't as senile as we think, he's being deliberate. CP. ....What does CP stand for? The POTUS recently referred to something in one of his tweets where a CP stood out to me too....

23226203? ago

Yes it's code.

Like Tango Foxtrot is FT. In (((their))) circle they certainly know what CP means when they use it.

Same with PierrE DilectO > PEDO.

23226265? ago

At least I feel comfortable knowing that if I can notice these things, someone much smarter and more useful than I is out there and on it. These people really are stupid.

23226301? ago

It's all I do Anon! ;)

23226355? ago

Perfect. I'll come to you when I notice this weird shit. You can decipher it. :-)

23226359? ago

Done and done! <3

23222357? ago

Hey, neat to see you in here! Check out the Digits I just got! https://voat.co/v/QRV/3743252/23222292 kek!

Thank you for all you do, you are a valuable resource to the community. God bless!

23219528? ago

Excellent work Anon--I think you are definitely onto something. Thanks for Sharing.

23219380? ago

Very well could be? Is there anyone checking for steganography?

23218984? ago

You are definitely on to something, upvoted!

23218441? ago

Are you saying that you think it is reasonable to assume that someone chose to try and fire a train at a navy hospital ship?

You're forgetting to see if the situation is logical on its own. Disconnect it, re-evaluate. Does it fit a pattern, or are you fitting a pattern to it?

23218348? ago

Maybe they use grids cut from playing cards?

23217812? ago

good work,.. regardless if its 100%.. youve obviously but some time into this.. thank you for your effort

23217701? ago

I wonder if the banner color mystery can be explained by this. Cards could be color coded.

23217654? ago

This sounds crazy to people who've never worked in the intelligence community. This is similar to the 'card of the day' one time pad method of encoding and decoding messages. When I worked for an IC partner we had a code book that was sent as a string of text to leadership. Both ends had the code book and it was a very basic 1, 2, 3 type of system..the simpler the better. The 1 would mean - Routine 2- Priority and so on. Interdasting work here OP well done.

23217642? ago

You are all fucking insane.

23217537? ago

I know this, Revelations chapter 6, the rider of the White Horse is NOT our Lord Jesus Christ. Don't be afraid to pray for wisdow.

23217496? ago

Comey's tweets are definitely weird

After the one about the school bombing that was thwarted, then he deleted it...

I now believe he's communicating messages to other baddies

23217450? ago

Ok, but why the f would the ds communicate using Twitter?

23219729? ago

If the opposition doesn't have the code, this type of code is incredibly safe because the opposition might not even know it is code. And they don't know who you are talking to. If you communicate directly, even if you have a solid code they at least know X talked to Y which is enough information to know if its intel or just noise. But tweets that look like tweets may not raise any suspicion. The only downside is if you are struggling to code your message and are short on time. Then you end up with weird Comey tweets.

23217256? ago

Great post.

23225873? ago

I could murder a bowl of pasta....

23220922? ago


23217483? ago

no adrenochrome for you.

23217194? ago

All ideas are worthy, all theories are good, some of the most ludicrous ideas have been correct. Nice work anon. If its true or not, its still solid work. Disregard the shills, they will call you names and poo poo your work. o7 to you patriot for the hard work.

23217152? ago

Was the tweet not posted AFTER the crash?

23216977? ago

I think this is a great post. Thanks! Whether you are on to something here, I'm not sure; but it is very obvious to me that so many of these black hat tweets are in fact some kind of code. I don't see how anyone could think otherwise.

23216880? ago

Wow, this is amazing anon, thank you! Between this and yesterday's find of the Alice in Wonderland statue clues in Central Park, I feel like we are finally getting close to cracking their codes and maps. It feels like something is really about to give.

23217107? ago

Wha wha? Share the Alice stuff plz.

23225457? ago

Yes, and it's connected to the "follow the white rabbit" stuff. Where his ears and watch are pointing could be a clue to where tunnel entrances are.

23217343? ago


I’ve smoked A LOT of pot on that statue. Never noticed anything out of the ordinary. What’s their beef with it?

23222292? ago

a) Alice goes underground, where the DUMBs are, where the children are being bred for unspeakable things.

b) Little Baron Trump also goes underground https://voat.co/v/QRV/3742846 and an inhabitant mentions "brain ventilators"

23225439? ago

Ok. I’ll chase the baron lead in a moment. But what’s the deal with the statue specifically?

23216634? ago

Very good work anon.

23216532? ago

What an awesome post and great work.

23216433? ago

Ok, a cipher plus a tweet is definitely seeming plausible as a backup method spooks might use, weird numbers included could also be one time pads. Or honestly just tweeting at a specific time could contain the instructions to decipher, it's just getting hold of whatever that cipher is.

Don't be discouraged by others on this one, seems to be some shilling going on.

23216343? ago

Rather than use a physical phone for this, most browsers have a developer tool mode, which simulates one of several phone resolutions, as well as custom sizes. Try hitting F12 to open dev mode tools — on Brave browser this also adds a menu bar with mode picker to choose - screen res and portrait vs landscape.

If anyone shares a template here as an image with transparent background for the cut outs, it should be pretty easy to paste it over a formatted tweet.

This could in fact be automated, via script which displays a tweet into correct sized window, then places template over, Even running text parser over the result (with no spell checkin).

23220966? ago


23217123? ago

Can you tell what cutout he’s using from his decodes? You seem smarter than basically everyone else in here.

23216294? ago


23216283? ago

you know ... this sounds so dam crazy it might be true. I would read their tweets and think, WTF are they talking about? That tweet makes no sense, or why are they sending that tweet?

This also may be why Trump does nothing against Twitter and their shadow banning etc. They need twitter up and running so these jackals keep communicating with one another.

23216198? ago

Fyi, I asked Jim Watkins (8kun) on his yt channel (watkins xerxes) a question about something, and he responded with a simple 'its a cliff hanger', seeming to be out of place... until the next day.

Corney posted the cliff hanger tweet.

Take it fwiw..

23223522? ago

what was the question you asked so we can see if its out of place

23226079? ago

Catbox.moe is not working for me to copy. However, the video is 'paganisn in christianity chapter 2 part 1'.. dig in the comments and you'll find it. Look for the yellow smiley face asking the question, that's me

23217137? ago

What tf does watkins know?

What was the tweet meant to mean? I didn’t see it.

23218372? ago

I have no clue but the coincidence is odd

23216190? ago

quality post, good work.

Very interesting.

23216019? ago

Port au Prince (Haiti) perhaps

23215900? ago

I really appreciate your hard work and ingenuity! The white hats might know the comms but we don’t so keep at it!!!

23217130? ago


23216798? ago

I second that! Thank you, OP!

23215851? ago

23217002? ago

I bet they have electronic tools now that can be quickly adjusted for different fonts, sizes, placements, etc. to crack the hidden code.

23216317? ago

Thank you! I've been racking my brain to figure out what its called. I know its a common thing and its a known for being very simple to use and very hard to crack.

23215780? ago

This must be why they all insist on keeping their blackberries!!! Who uses blackberries anymore? Don’t you remember all the news stories about their unsecure personal devices?

23219947? ago

you can host your own BBM server is the reason for blackberry use...

23216330? ago

It would make sense. Since twitter automatically formats based on screen resolution and I think its even different based on OS, you have to have the exact same device or the code will probably be off. I tried it simulating several devices and it was clear I that one device wouldn't paginate the same way the another would.

23218451? ago

They could be doing this with screen overlays, using some kind of app that applies the grid to the screen to see the message. That way the grid would scale to the user's phone. Also no physical evidence of the grid to leave around.

23219745? ago

The problem isn't the scale of the phone directly, but the fact that twitter will case the word wrap in different places depending on the phones screen size and default font size.

23220545? ago

I realized your decodes look like dot dash, dot dash dot. AF in American Morse code and AR in International Morse code. There may be a signifier clue to the letter of morse code to use.

Morse code: https://files.catbox.moe/bofch6.png

23216300? ago

George Webb exposed the BlackBerry purpose. The Awan brothers were putting malware in blackberries and selling them back to congress via ebay so they could be assigned to staffers. Then when a BlackBerry gets close to a certain network, it would push all emails to that network, allowing them to steal email data by just being near the phone. I may have some of the details wrong but it's been laid out by Webb pretty well.

23215760? ago

Ahh, i get it now. Thank you

23215736? ago

Start saving old tweets from the creeps

23215574? ago

Nothing's habbening

23215475? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/hfoej :

James Comey on Twitter: "Climbing is good exercise but only trained people should try these moves.… "

https://archive.ph/Mga4p :

James Comey on Twitter: "Spring still comes (and yes I can use portrait mode)… "

https://archive.ph/wip/zWfh3 :

James Comey on Twitter: "I don’t know whether this game is called “Camel Cup” or “Camel Up,” but either way, I lost.… "

https://archive.ph/byo34 :

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: "Millions of people have lost their employer-tied health care over the last two weeks because of the pandemic.

It's an easy call: Re-open the health care exchanges.


https://archive.ph/wip/4Ecum :

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: "In the face of crisis, FDR had the New Deal to help suffering Americans. Now, @realdonaldtrump, you and your fellow Republicans are pushing the #SelfDeal. See the difference?"

https://archive.ph/wip/Sztd1 :

James Comey on Twitter: "It is wrong for elected officials to attack federal judges. It doesn’t matter who you are or who the judges are. If you do it you should apologize. We need leaders who are a contrast to Trump, not a mirror."

https://archive.ph/wip/2HmgB :

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: "A month ago, Trump said: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

Yesterday, he said: “I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators.”

What will it take to get @realdonaldtrump to listen to experts instead of his own hunches?"

https://archive.ph/wip/HerdJ :

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: "Looking forward to a great show for a great cause, and seeing all my favorite Broadway stars' homemade soundstages. 🎤… t.co/dY5n3ItJ9a"

This has been an automated message.

23215449? ago

I also forgot to mention there were several of were several tweets by Comey that said something like "Im om" or used "om" in a way that seemed to mean "on the move". I wish I could find it again. Unfortunatley, my actual best attempt at the code was my first one, but i screwed it up. But the first template I had was finding things like "Im in ca was om wh n u call e" or something like that.

23217407? ago

There are no coincidences, so if you are decoding and can find something that makes you feel comfortable you've confirmed it, keep following the trail. These DS players are running out of ways to communicate, so out in the open like that makes sense. Q has confiscated all their "special" devices, broken all their encryption, knows everything. At some point, they have to just go with all they have left and that may be what you are finding here.

23215446? ago

This works!

I used it on Brennan’s latest.

Always Drink Ovaltine

I’m going through all his tweets now.

Will report back.

23217294? ago

Ovaltine = adrenochrome

23222175? ago

there's an oval in the white rabbit; and ears/arms/legs are "tines", wow

23223561? ago

So it would seem Brennan is telling them to keep taking their adrenochrome and STFU. that's just my take.

23223552? ago

So Brennan is telling them to take their adrenochrome and STFU. that's just my take.

23217148? ago

I thought it was "Drink your Ovaltine" lol

23217179? ago

You are prob correct. I was winging it from memory for the lol.

23215622? ago

23216319? ago

Great Movie!!!

23215416? ago

A template is a good idea, but if found by enemy, would compromise all ops. Also, i believe stars are too lazy and pompous to carry around a template. What about an algorithm using numbers that they see as important. Are there any similarities in different messages in terms of where message letters are located?

23217472? ago

maybe an app, a custom app, somewhere out there hidden in the thousands of apps. an app that applies a templet for you?

23215614? ago

The template is using character counts. It's most likely an algorithm so font size wouldn't break it and it would be easy to change or shift on a schedule.

23215313? ago

I think Devin Nunes' cryptic "CORN rEadY for to be cut!" Tweet may have been the white hats' way of calling Comey/Corney out for using the technique you describe, OP.

23219742? ago


CORN rEadY _> C-O-R-N-E-Y which became his nickname soon after.

23217568? ago

I like the mirror decode for CORN - NROC = National Reconnaissance Operations Command

23215340? ago

That is also what made me think this might have some legs. It makes me wonder if there isn't also a way to interpret Q drops in this manner too.

23217333? ago

Q has said many times, "Learn our comms"

23222140? ago

Nice Digits! Trip, "Q", then palindrome.

Demonstrating learned comms was the reason I bought NMBRFG a laptop for Christmas. He has been doing great decodes before, as well as after. God bless!

23217029? ago

Would your sypher work? Try it.

23216209? ago


23215304? ago

Comey tweeted about 5 jobs and that lead to a school being shut down, a Rolling Stone article about how us crazies are affecting the real world, and finally a bust of a house near a school with explosives. Remember that?

23225777? ago

What about Hanx and Madonna's weird letters on their Corona typewriters? Anyone try those yet?

23215384? ago

I don't, but if there are really weird ones that it seems like they have obvious meanings that is a good method for figuring it out. That is what I did. I'd found the train message, then started testing it against other tweets. Then I'd see how that was part of a message in the other tweet too. I'd find the other pieces of that message, then went back to the train one to make sure it didn't screw it up, and usually it didn't. Usually it made it make more sense. So I'd go back and forth finding refining the template. But unfortunately, being on a different device is a huge brick wall. Being a few pixels off makes it so that the template might work on one tweet, and seem a letter off to the right or left in the next one. Unfortunately that makes it to where you can't trust it.

But if you had two or three that you could be fairly certain of at least two or three words in the code, then you'd be on your way. For example, I knew for certain "train" was a definite part of the portrait mode code. And every time I tested it against other portrait pictures the section of that word was a hit. I refined it slightly to "traine" after testing several others, and realizing that while it made it gramatically incorrect the reader would still get the meaning, so from there on that cut out was the one that always delivered an very obvious code word, when used on portrait picture posts.

23217563? ago

Copy and paste the text into a plain text editor and use the character columns and spaces to create your "grid template" and see if that makes correlation easier.

You can't control how twitter is going to render someone's text on any given device but you can normalize all of the raw text so it is all equal (in a plain text editor) and basically do the same thing.

23226122? ago

A common brand of phone would presumably have the same column and row correlation...

23217439? ago

do you think there might be a comm telling the others which device to use? we know hillary carries multiple devices and it would make sense to obscure their comms with an additional layer.

23217058? ago

What’s the actual cutout you’re using?

23217108? ago

I was doing it on the computer with a program called epic pen. It lets you draw on the screen, and I used the highlighter. Not ideal by any means.

I also used the tools in google chrome to emulate various devices and try different potential cut outs there.

It was very hard to get it right, but it almost always close to something that seemed like communication. Just sometimes the cut out would be a few pixels off, or include a letter that didn't contribute to the message. And it always seemed to line up that there were three. One for portrait, one for landscape, one for no pic. Using the wrong one on a post yielded mostly nonsense results, so it helped to relieve my fears that I was just really stretching for anything that made sense.

23217171? ago

How did you get to the cutout pattern? Just manually trying to figure it out?

23217323? ago

I'm trying to work it out backwards. I took the train message and tried to figure out a message that might fit. Then I would back test that cut out prototype against similar posts (that one being a portrait photo, it only worked on other portrait photos). It seemed to be the closest when I was emulating Iphone 6/7/8 , but it wasn't quite right all the time.

23218248? ago

Do you have any screenshots of the template on the emulator.

23217364? ago

You little genie. Well done.

23215752? ago

Decodes only make sense to me to retrospect. Here is the Comey-Grass Valley decode: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D7HdLE0XsAEPFnm.jpg

23217084? ago

Wow. Immense.

23215243? ago

The "template" idea you mentioned is a very old way of secret comms. It was used in the Revolutionary War by George Washington and his spy network, most notably by "Samuel Culper"...whose identity is still unknown to this day.

23232746? ago

In large measure, America won the Revolution because Washington--known for his honesty--was extraordinarily good at deception. He employed a network of whores and slaves gather intel. He had women transmit messages on British troop movements by the order in which they would hang their laundry out to dry. He had a network of double agents as well, some of whom were slaves. They pretended to spy for the British, giving them false info, while they gave true info to Washington. James Armistead is one of the most famous ones because the intel he provided helped us trap Cornwallis at Yorktown and end the war.

23234175? ago

Lemon juice is one of the simplest invisible inks to use. Write with it on the back of an innocuous looking letter and it just disappears until heated over a candle flame.

23216325? ago

I would imagine with the computer power the military has, couple that with the data gathering (NSA), it would be trivial to break or they wouldn't even need to?

23217360? ago

True, but what are these DS players to do? All of their comms have probably been comp'd, but I would venture they are communicating the best they can and hoping that they can act on those comms before the white hats can intervene. They don't seem to have any alternative at this point, but to throw in the towel, and they won't do that.

23218835? ago

Sure. And I bet they can be quite creative with their comms. That said, I'm sure they have moved on from Google Drafts. (ehehehehehheeh These people are stupid.)

23216285? ago

What kind of phones were they using?

23225709? ago

Remember the photo of that pallet of phones Q posted? I do.

23217368? ago


23216068? ago


Abraham Woodhull was Samuel Culper Sr.

Robert Townsend was Samuel Culper Jr

23216090? ago

That might have been the plot on the TV show "Turn" but it's true, NO ONE KNOWS WHO SAMUEL CULPER WAS.

23215609? ago

most notably by "Samuel Culper"...whose identity is still unknown to this day.

I did not know this and am thoroughly inspired.

They'll never know who I was. I like it.

23217040? ago

The NSA already knows. Better hope they're on your side.

23216066? ago

Watch “turn” on netflix.

23220158? ago

Great series!

23216144? ago

I'll definitely watch it (torrents)

Thanks for the info.

23219183? ago

It is a really good show. I really enjoyed it.

23215687? ago

Kewl beenz

23215276? ago

Yes I know. I read it in a book as a kid I think. Unfortunately I just couldn't remember the name of it so I described it as best I could.

23215228? ago

Wow. Great job!! And scary

23215206? ago

  1. You can be sure that their phone calls are being monitored through FISA warrants.
  2. Any code involving their tweets has been cracked a long time ago.
  3. Good guys are using this info to track and thwart future ops.
  4. All this info will be used to present an irrefutable case for treason and crimes against children.
  5. They will all be hung publicly.

23222452? ago

We're also able to read their minds (special Access Program) they can't read Trump's cuz he stays away from wine, GMO's and anything containing Adrenochrome - or God is jamming their ability and deceiving what they think they're hearing. Soylent Green is real, they can get into your head through the human-DNA laced corn products, Wine, Monsanto products, etc. - so don't sweat it much - but, definitely keep trying to figure it out.

23217667? ago

Q Team has their whole playbook...the question I have is....why aren't (((they))) deviating from it? Are they locked in by something or someone? They keep trying and they keep failing.

23220128? ago

I think Q has planned for every possible move they make. So it doesn’t matter if they they change their game plan, Q/Trump is ready. ‘Moves and counter moves’.

23220327? ago

I believe you are right about that. I think we're living in the time described in this Q drop:



13 Jan 2018 - 10:18:18 PM



We are at WAR [@].



Do you TRUST the US Military?

Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command?










23219999? ago

Controlling people are rarely dynamic & will not take advice from the subordinates they employ to fill their void of creativity less they might have to give them credit for it, believing it undermines them. Therefore you get arrogant stubbornness, until it unseats them.

Let's face it we've all worked for such characters.

23220061? ago

110% agree.

23217435? ago

All this info will be used to present an irrefutable case for treason and crimes against children.

Nope. Just like Q's drops, there's more than enough plausible deniability.

23216960? ago

Do nothing goy. Don't even try to decode their comms.

23216802? ago

Are you sure about #2? This guy could be cracking the whole thing and bringing down the system! Then people will sing his praises, girls will talk to him, he will be able to buy cigarettes from the store instead of collecting butts from the ground, etc.

Seriously stop encourageing him with hopium and tell him to get back on his meds.

23217284? ago

Attempting to decode what is happening is not hopium, its call critical thinking, something apparently you have none of.

23215318? ago

5 would be god closure but if everything else happens and they rot in jail im good

23217545? ago

5x5x5 for Comey to never stand up straight again.

Oh yeah, a cage.

23217399? ago

That's all well and good, but a life sentence means we continue to foot the bill for these asshats, and that we CANNOT continue.

23215323? ago

Really would be awesome if they had a camera on the cells for the prisoners that we could just tune in and see how miserable they are too. Just to feel good about them being in jail after all these years of running around causing hell

23218676? ago

Hook up something like those dog cams that throw treats. But instead we can log in and throws rocks at them

23217846? ago

that would be better than hanging, from a viewer aspect

23217646? ago

I would rather watch them swing!

23217247? ago

one of those two way cameras, so citizens can utilized the internet and speak to them, make them listen to their victims, 24/7/365.

23216224? ago

Pay per view. Repay all debt. Lol

23217377? ago

no need. use all seized assets as a debt reset.

23215476? ago

Unless they go to a military prison, they will be living the swank life still all the while in denial of how THEY put THEMSELVES there. They'll probably have brainwashed, staunch supporters to Cater to them in prison.

23215205? ago

Serial brain is back

23217099? ago

Has he been missing? Haven’t looked him up in a while.

23215104? ago

Nice try Hillary.