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23215206? ago

  1. You can be sure that their phone calls are being monitored through FISA warrants.
  2. Any code involving their tweets has been cracked a long time ago.
  3. Good guys are using this info to track and thwart future ops.
  4. All this info will be used to present an irrefutable case for treason and crimes against children.
  5. They will all be hung publicly.

23217667? ago

Q Team has their whole playbook...the question I have is....why aren't (((they))) deviating from it? Are they locked in by something or someone? They keep trying and they keep failing.

23219999? ago

Controlling people are rarely dynamic & will not take advice from the subordinates they employ to fill their void of creativity less they might have to give them credit for it, believing it undermines them. Therefore you get arrogant stubbornness, until it unseats them.

Let's face it we've all worked for such characters.

23220061? ago

110% agree.