22989338? ago

try my free eBook PizzaGate for Dummies: https://archive.org/details/Pizzagate4Dummies/mode/2up

22989078? ago


Got this from the sideboard of the pizzagate sub. There is also a primer and other links.

22988614? ago

I'm afraid this is what some thick heads need to get through to them. it's not my choice but what the hell do we do with these numbskuls at some point it has to be done.

22988033? ago

Another good one here:


22988103? ago

Thank you... I prefer to read over the videos

22987689? ago

Just check out Weekend Warrior on Youtube

22987475? ago


This is the missing Part 5 of "The End of the Cabal." It's a 10-part documentary you can find on YouTube, but YT censored this episode. This is the one about Pizzagate. Not for the faint of heart. NSFW! Be careful showing to your wife or other loved ones who might be upset easily. It is very disturbing.

22987536? ago

You guys are all my heroes. I love this place

22987605? ago

We're not 8Kun, but like Avis, we try harder.

22987445? ago

I hope he stop's eating Pizza.

22987508? ago


22987555? ago

This is what I was looking for if I remember correctly! Used to get it off of reddit

22987583? ago


Sucks donkey dick.

22987585? ago

The worst

22987394? ago

Thank you

22987426? ago

22987355? ago

Dead link

22987338? ago

Much appreciated