Bern666 ago

Child abuse~is a tool~for control.

Bad thoughts well YOU WILL be bound....for life.

And in control of US....only 1% sickos to lead you for life...of your ignorance and their desires.

Well who needs weapons?

ClownWorldIsReal ago

Remove the time stamp from video 1 please.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Can we get a different source for the video? When I try to download using an app, it tells me the video is restricted.

seanspeaks ago

If you can recommend a different decentralised platform I will upload the videos there? You can try youtube converter to download the video? Just copy the link here

seanspeaks ago

Can anyone recommend a media file sharing platform where I can upload my PDF downloads? Maybe 1-3 different places I can upload them to? Ive been informed that when you click the pdf links in this description it takes you to a page that says "oops something went wrong". But when I log into my media fire account all the files are still on my account? Ive removed them and re-uploaded and now it lets you download them but the file shows as damaged on your laptop. At a first glance you would think the file wouldn't open but when you double click it actually opens actually opens the full pdf document in its entirety? Its very strange. Anways here are the re-uploaded PDF download links but if anyone can tell me more places to upload these files it would be greatly appreciated :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Can anyone recommend a media file sharing platform where I can upload my PDF downloads?

Hi @seanspeaks, I think the best people to ask around here are, @heygeorge and @MadWorld. They are both very helpful to v/pizzagate posters. They might be able to answer your other questions as well.

@Vindicator might know of some good platforms, too.

seanspeaks ago

Hi @Vindicator and @MadWorld. Can you recommend another platform where I can upload my pdf files? Thanks.

Vindicator ago

Was also going to suggest catbox. :-)

MadWorld ago

The easiest way to do it, optionally through proxies, upload files to and then mirror/re-upload to You can create burner accounts on and upload files in bulk. It is all free, I have not hit any storage limit yet. The has a 200 MB size limit.

Vindicator ago

@seanspeaks, I believe allows pdf uploads.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you.

PrincessCinderella ago

I've been on board since the Podesta emails. And I admit that all this is circumstantial evidence. But there is so much of it!!!

Also, all the people I know have normal art in their homes. In my house, I have landscape pictures, pictures with flowers, and horse racing pictures (husband loves horse racing). Art in a home reflects what the person likes and is into. Another example - my son in his early 20s has framed movie posters hanging up. My neighbor loves birds. Most of her artwork in her home is of birds.

If I went over somebody's house and saw all that creepy art with children tied up, I would leave immediately and never go back! I would stop being friends with that person too!

What kind of person has that kind of creepy stuff hanging in their home? And what kind of person actually paints that kind of stuff?

Angelis_Solaris ago

Thank you for this submission. I would also suggest everyone print a physical copy of the Executive Summary of Pizzagate Evidence

epiphanot3 ago

excellent! ty!

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#98561) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@seanspeaks: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

XYY ago

Recently went through this again and it hit me like a ton of bricks! A lot of stuff i missed first time around, especially related to JA's Instagram circle.

The only iffy parts that felt unsubstantiated were the conversation that O'Neil had with JA & the rather on the nose 'menu' found on the Comet servers, as well as the illicit images.

We all know a bunch of disinfo must have been thrown at researchers and to me these points seemed the shakiest. Just on the basis that it's so easy to fake a phone convo & i never saw any hard evidence the CPP servers really had dirt on them. What does everyone else think?

Heisenberg123 ago

Conversation of Ryan with James is 100% legit, you can tell by the old Facebook profile picture of James included in messenger conversation and number included in phone conversation which has the same beginning and end numbers as real number of James Alefantis from Pegasus Musem postcard building permit - the same number. Also by phone conversation via text messages that supposedly happened after phone call ( which was done after messenger conversation ) you can tell that Ryan/James were very strongly suggesting by their text messages and style of them that something very bad happened in the phone call.

Ser_Snow ago

Commenting to view later.

BitChuteArchive ago - ( The Truth About Pizzagate (Killing Children?) P... ) - ( The Truth About Pizzagate (Killing Children?) P... ) - ( The Truth About Pizzagate (Killing Children?) P... ) - ( The Truth About Pizzagate (Killing Children?) P... ) - ( The Truth About Pizzagate (Killing Children?) -... )


Great clear and concise presentation. Hopefully it'll be still up tomorrow so I can sit people down in front of it and make them watch.

spudsuds ago

Careful of .PDF files.

derram ago :

The Truth About Pizzagate (Killing Children?) Part 1 - ARCHIVE AND SHARE BEFORE THEY DELETE - YouTube :

The Truth About Pizzagate (Killing Children?) Part 2 - ARCHIVE AND SHARE BEFORE THEY DELETE - YouTube :

The Truth About Pizzagate (Killing Children?) Part 3 - ARCHIVE AND SHARE BEFORE THEY DELETE - YouTube :

The Truth About Pizzagate (Killing Children?) - Part 4 ARCHIVE AND SHARE BEFORE THEY DELETE - YouTube :

The Truth About Pizzagate (Killing Children?) Part 5 ARCHIVE AND SHARE BEFORE THEY DELETE - YouTube :

The Truth About Pizzagate (Killing Children?) Part 6 ARCHIVE AND SHARE BEFORE THEY DELETE - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

CHaRLie_MaNSoNs_EyEs ago

Thank you for this! Easier for people to swallow this Red Pill

Centerist415 ago

I find when I tell my friends about these creeps, they always argue that they would never make it so obvious. I always refer back to this guy who was arrested in sf and his art was a block from my house in San Francisco.

1. He created murals all over sf

2. He taught kids art after school program

3. He included child porn photos in his art

4. His art was usually outside elementary schools

5. After his arrest, you could see where the porn images were removed.

6. He had original film plastered in his murals, like he was the one abusing the kids.

It works well to wake up those who can’t believe that these fuckers are so sick, so arrogant and so obvious.

Just thought it might help someone else with a stubborn friend.

PrincessCinderella ago

That is what they evil people use as an alibi. They say, "Why would I be so obvious? This is all circumstantial evidence. Blah Blah Blah."

Drstrangebeard ago

yes. they enjoy deceit. I was surprised to learn of the expression "dupers delight". to think someone would be so okay with deception as to derive a form of joy from it? am I alone in thinking that's really not normal?

21yearsofdigging ago

Is is NOT normal! My ex wife, loved to lie she said. She a victim of Beta and Delta programming but she also bragged that people would believe her and I could see it in her face,this evil joy that came with it.She def. wasn't enjoying it much when I exposed an orphanage she was involved with in Cambodia that was a front for trafficking.The website for that orphanage is now taken down (within 1 week of me doing a radio interview talking about it) but when it was still up they had a bio for her which was so outrageous, such a pile of lies that I could sense the thrill she had knowing I would see it. She would say the opposite of the truth about ANYTHING! She also loves that her and her goon squad cause such pain and sorrow to others, including animals.

Drstrangebeard ago

why on earth would you marry such a creature? was she a lucefarian?

21yearsofdigging ago

I got tricked as well.Plus, she came for a visit (from Europe).She complained no one to pick her up, so I did, thinking it was fora night or 2. But she never left. Then she became pregnant., bla bla bla. I should have exercised better judgement

Drstrangebeard ago

Ooof. That's why I stayed within my culture after my first big relationship with a Vietnamese. Different cultures are too different.

21yearsofdigging ago

It was bizarre.She admitted to being a prostitute and my young children told me of men hitting mommy. I went tothe authorities and I ended up getting targeted,lost everything including my children. She was an advisor for the Shane Black script Long Kiss Goodnight.She had many alters and honestly,we believe she was a Beta and Delta mind control slave.Many many things such as catching her drowning a kitten in front of my children. I maybe wouldn't have believed people like this existed if I had not seen it firsthand and her connections, unreal. Also had an Orphanage in Cambodia that was a child trafficking front. Yeah, like I said, unreal. VERY protected. Also she had a hit on my life that I slipped out of.

Drstrangebeard ago

What a horror story! It occurs to me so many people nowadays would defend someone like that. Say you were being judgemental. But no. There's no defense for these people. They are just horribly, hopelessly damaged people. Where was she from? Where do you think the reptile people got their hands on her? What a horrible waste of a human life. I imagine she was beautiful, too. People with that kind of background always are. On the outside anyway. It's apparent by your reportage that you were horrified. You were right to be. I'm sorry you went through that. But there's always a bright side. I'll bet you'll never be tempted by evil knowing the fruit it bears. From a certain perspective she may even have saved your life by making you aware of how bad people can be. Such a shame.

dassaer ago

It's normal in some circles. The old 'dupers delight', have seen good vids in the past showing real interviews/ examples etc of the smirk and joy when some think they deceive at someone's unknowing expense....

"They" would be "them" the participants and indulgers of systematic/ ritualised abuse of minors and all that entails ...

Drstrangebeard ago

that would mean the reality these people have created, the culture theyve not a good one.


It's normal for them!

Drstrangebeard ago

who are "the they"?


You said "they" first. Spill the beans.

Drstrangebeard ago

i got no beans. i sometimes think there is a vast lucefarian conspiracy running the world but then i way. i know the bible said to watch out for the people who say they are jews but are lucefarians.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @Civil_Warrior.

Posted automatically (#98325) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@seanspeaks: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Civil_Warrior)

Civil_Warrior ago

Bitchute exists....

ifuckdolphinseverday ago


Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Every link that bitchutearchive bot posts is 404.

Civil_Warrior ago


Call_Of_Goat ago

It got gotted

Venman ago

This is the information that would put 99% of us in a hospital, but its almost necessary to go through to see what were up against and whats happening in this world. Must watch and/or read to understand what this is all about

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

LOLOLOL you have no fucking clue do you?

Pizzagate is just the start. Underground is where the real horror is.

MysticMa ago

Absofukinglutly... a rabbit hole, so deep underground, of vile, sadistic, some ritualistic, some cannibalistic of whom whether Kabbalist, Satanist and even professed Christians have been a willing party.

PrincessCinderella ago

I've often told people that the people that profess to be a Satanist outwardly are not the ones you need to fear. They are usually doing it for attention and are not real Satanists.

It is the people you would least expect! The ones that are the pillars of society. The ones that use Christianity as a front. The ones that are respected politicians (not to us, of course, because we know the truth). The ones who wear a suit or nice dress, have no tattoos, etc. The ones you least expect.

salumi ago

Seriously. Who do you think they learned it from?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

If it's real, explain why anyone accepted the name "pizzagate".

Thats_not_my_dog ago

The term pizzagate came from the code words pedophiles use to communicate with each other about children and childrape. That's it.

If you don't think there is an underground network of people trafficking children for sex, I would have to think your are naive.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I'm familiar with the justifications, but there is something very amiss with people who take the issue seriously, and are 'okay' with a ridiculous term like pizzagate. Might as well just call it something like "poopyface-mcface". Similar level of credibility.

Look, calling the first iteration "Watergate" made sense, because that was literally the name of the hotel. That is where it should have stopped. I'd be surprised if the term pizzagate wasn't chosen by the the pedophiles themselves, if they exist, because no competent person is going to take that seriously.

But whatever, that name probably appeals to the demographic involved, so my opinion is probably irrelevant.

Angelis_Solaris ago

As if a thing is only true if it has a beautiful name? And that would, of course, be subjective to you. I'm sorry you don't believe evidence if it has the wrong nametag. However, please understand that your conceit is keeping you from accepting something that sounds too simplistic for you to accept without damaging your pride. Swallow your pride.

Judging an event or occurrence by what people call it, rather than on its own merits and weight of evidence, is a logical fallacy and a blatant one at that.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Do you not believe marketing is based on actual evidence? That's your right, but you're ignoring reality.

I'm sorry you don't believe evidence if it has the wrong nametag. Allow me to indicate that you are prideful and cannot consider evidence because the simplicity of the name offends you. This is pathetic.

What's pathetic here is your inability to understand English. I clearly explained my point, and it's like you have zero ability to comprehend...

TwoNiggersandaHonky ago

Thank you, saved.

threesevens ago

Share the redpills while the algos are down.

darkpiecez ago

Saved as well and I recommend to put it on bitchute as well. Youtube will take it off in a heartbeat if it gains traction.

zxcvzxcv ago

Saved offline.