22900128? ago

It's likely far more complicated than we can process. Q has said they are in control. What if all of this (nba, NCAA, hollyweird, etc etc) are all controlled opposition now? White hats are forcing then to make these ideotic decisions to prep for the sweeping acceptance that the deep state is evil.

22898443? ago

Does anyone recall "Jade Helm"???

Who instituted it, What did it do and where was it run?

Practice run?

The spike of infections are coming, the writer from Italy is correct.

Stay home, work from home, play at home, study at home.

Cook at home.

Pray for those that are targeted by this.

Generations lost is an awful way to go thru history.

Their "can do know how" are critical to stopping the ME-llennial mindset.

Close all unnecessary things until after Easter.

Once "He is Risen" we may again be FREE to rejoin the broader world.

Prayer, reflection and care for those that cannot care for themselves.

God Bless us all.

22896807? ago

Whoa these people really are sick. 🤯

22894493? ago

I;ll throw AIM's theory into the mix with a link to their video saying its the Britts who planted virus in WuChun. American Intelligence Media - who I go in and out with, but their info on the Crown, Privy Council, Pilgram Society is detailed. And it is the crown behind most everything.

https://aim4truthblog.files.wordpress.com/2020/03/q-is-running-a-global-false-flag-.mp3 (q = queen)


If you have not seen this video on origin of the Masonic Cabal System, Uk Post Master, Constitution, BOR, 1871 and how the US almost went bankrupt in 1999 only to be bailed out by UK making us peasants in the cast system - must watch. It connects all the dots. Sgts. of Army Ops presentation for 2-3 minutes - you'll want to see the rest.


22894371? ago


I was researching adrenochrome and found this article written back in August, 2019. First time I ever heard of these shipments being confiscated by authorities. Very interesting to add to this discussion.

22894251? ago

Stop it! I'm too old to be getting a woody like this.

22894027? ago

the four hidden dynasties (Bible). Politics, Finance, Education, Religion. ALL are fervently coordinating some kind of strategic initiative that WAS NOT foretold to the masses. That much is CLEAR. Look at all of the OUT OF NOWHERE revelations we've been getting over the past few years. Morons and parasites recruited as social "injustice" warriors (education). Borders dissolving, (cultures as well) one world... (politics), Prosperity god, one verse, editorialize on it for an hour churches (religion), Oil, globalism, 2008 (finance)

22893604? ago

Add on to your Theory B from the show with the biggest military ties: https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Poisoning_the_Well

A bunch of humans being fed on by alien vampires take a poison that doesn't kill humans but kills the vampires. The aliens then punish the human population of the planet.

Makes one wonder about the real reason behind the Space Force.

22893019? ago

When I saw the tweet below the spoofed Barron Trump tweet, it brought me back to your post... here's what this guy said:

David Videcette



Mar 13

Can anyone explain how a virus (identified in Wuhan in Dec 2019) spread to the Canadian prime minsters wife, one of Hollywood’s top actors & his wife, a Premier League football manager, and a British member of parliament - within 16 weeks - while bypassing the majority of us?

Add that to the Hanx discussion yesterday where people on reddit and here dissected his recent awards speech that was filled with coded messages, and I'd say they thought - THOUGHT - they were being clever in doing something to derail POTUS, and Q+ and Q boomeranged it on them... OR... the Feb 14th explosion was the Wuhan Adrenochrome factory...

22893015? ago

White hats intentionally infecting their adrenochrome supply with COVID-19 doesn't make sense. Their goal isn't to take out 20% of the world's population. They could have used other viruses or poisons that don't spread as rapidly if that was their idea.

Most likely, through looking glass tech, they knew the DS would get desperate and release a bioweapon to crash the economy and elections. They are leveraging it against them by using it to aid in the period of arrests.

22892971? ago

I'd say that cutting funding for the CDC is what triggered this seeing that Israel was already working on a vaccine for this exact virus! So, they fufilled a self inflicted prophecy.

22892790? ago

Positive aspect: Borders down, /Drug/Trafficking Down.

March 11, 2020

Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Criminal Division and Drug Enforcement Administration Acting Administrator Uttam Dhillon announce the results of Project Python, a multilateral interagency operation targeting the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, also known as CJNG.


ITALY / Drugs / arrests Ndrangheta: operation "Scott-Rinascita" <<< ask searchengine


22892732? ago

Ok, think about it. Wuhan was a manufacturer of adrenochrome.. The bodies had to be processesd somewhere, people who attribute to the manufacture of adrrenochrome suddenly 'dying' . getting rid of evil at the source and workin through the other evil.through tainted adrenochrome

Perfect plan.

22892705? ago

What awesome theories and explanations!!!!

22892335? ago

What happened to theory D. The Chinese created it and were testing it on animals. Some greedy Chinese sold one of the animals as food instead of properly disposing of the test animal.

22892194? ago

From a friend

I am writing to you from Bergamo, Italy, at the heart of the coronavirus crisis. The news media in the US has not captured the severity of what is happening here. I am writing this post because each of you, today, not the government, not the school district, not the mayor, each individual citizen has the chance, today to take actions that will deter the Italian situation from becoming your own country’s reality. The only way to stop this virus is to limit contagion. And the only way to limit contagion is for millions of people to change their behavior today.

If you are in Europe or the US you are weeks away from where we are today in Italy.

I can hear you now. “It’s just a flu. It only affects old people with preconditions”

There are 2 reasons why Coronavirus has brought Italy to it’s knees. First it is a flu is devastating when people get really sick they need weeks of ICU – and, second, because of how fast and effectively it spreads. There is 2 week incubation period and many who have it never show symptoms.

When Prime Minister Conte announced last night that the entire country, 60 million people, would go on lock down, the line that struck me most was “there is no more time.” Because to be clear, this national lock down, is a hail mary. What he means is that if the numbers of contagion do not start to go down, the system, Italy, will collapse.

Why? Today the ICUs in Lombardy are at capacity – more than capacity. They have begun to put ICU units in the hallways. If the numbers do not go down, the growth rate of contagion tells us that there will be thousands of people who in a matter of a week? two weeks? who will need care. What will happen when there are 100, or a 1000 people who need the hospital and only a few ICU places left?

On Monday a doctor wrote in the paper that they have begun to have to decide who lives and who dies when the patients show up in the emergency room, like what is done in war. This will only get worse.

There are a finite number of drs, nurses, medical staff and they are getting the virus. They have also been working non-stop, non-stop for days and days. What happens when the drs, nurses and medical staff are simply not able to care for the patients, when they are not there?

And finally for those who say that this is just something that happens to old people, starting yesterday the hospitals are reporting that younger and younger patients – 40, 45, 18, are coming in for treatment.

You have a chance to make a difference and stop the spread in your country. Push for the entire office to work at home today, cancel birthday parties, and other gatherings, stay home as much as you can. If you have a fever, any fever, stay home. Push for school closures, now. Anything you can do to stop the spread, because it is spreading in your communities – there is a two week incubation period – and if you do these things now you can buy your medical system time.

And for those who say it is not possible to close the schools, and do all these other things, locking down Italy was beyond anyone’s imagination a week ago.

Soon you will not have a choice, so do what you can now.

Please share.

22892882? ago

If you have a fever, any fever, stay home.

I'm in one of the farthest leftist cities in the US, in both senses... If you get my drift.

But the level of stupidity in the general population is pretty astounding. Even for people who aren't in this cult.

22891971? ago

Or we are just getting our little treasuries around the world robbed again...billions r handed out to fight the virus, and to support the Economic Fallout from the virus....Well i guess money makes the world go round ... Silly Times indeed :D...take care All of you wonderful Souls.

22891946? ago

Anything is possible in the Qniverse...

22892891? ago

Agreed. Nothing is too crazy to be rejected by Qultists.

22892159? ago


we're officially in the twilight zone!

22891823? ago

I like A + B as theories and are what I have been gleaning from information as well.

22891652? ago

Binary Bioweapon that catalyses with an ingredient(s) of flu shots(old people and old folks homes love their flu shots) and adrenochrome in the system of adrenochrome addicts to create severe effects.

80% of those who contract the Wuhan Flu have had mild symptoms but all situations are tabulated together to arrive at higher lethality, and lower recoverabilty.

Social Distancing and Cancellations pointless. Scare tactics aimed at Trump Economy..

22891404? ago

Theory F

Cabal has been developing these Corona virus's for years, to be used as bio weapons. Q team shut down several of them, Corona 16, Corona 8, Corona 4 and Corona 1. As seen in Q posts #2013- #2016. At the time those posts were interpreted as satellites, but maybe, just maybe, they have another meaning?. They are the only references of Corona Q has ever made. The Cabal knows the jig is up and decides to pull out the "ultimate solution"..... A plague that would panic and eliminate a large portion of the populace and shake the world to its core,so they can regain control. BUT... Q team changed their virus to the common cold, a nasty one, but the Cabal still thinks it is the real deal. The Cabal feeds their 4 AM talking points on the fake news, causes normies to panic stay indoors and out of harms way. Meanwhile POTUS calls state of emergency, shuts down travel while our military conducts the final clean up op.





22897313? ago

makes perfect sense. i had a nasty flu-like thing in january 2019 which brought up different symptoms every day. i sensed that its actually 2 viruses or a mix of two. felt man-made. very heavy on the breathing. took me three weeks to fight the thing and three weeks recovery.

22895374? ago

OK - THIS is what I come here for. I missed that he called them "Corona" -- Thanks, anon! I think you just nailed it. Our guys have been on this for years. GREAT catch.

Also, in re: other comments here about catching this last year, now that you mention it, I remember several people telling me they had a Bronchial thing that was just nasty and kept them out of work for weeks. I wonder if there's any way to back test them for antibodies to this. It's very possible this has been in the US for awhile.

I'm going to send my friends who had something like this the symptom list and see if that's what they were dealing with.

22896078? ago

Your welcome! My household had the crud a month or so ago as well. No sore throat but started with the sinus thing and sneezing. A few days later it settled in the lungs and hung on for a couple of weeks, more so than the standard head cold. I can see that if it was this new virus how it could knock the crap out of elderly or those with existing problems. I honestly think it has been here for awhile myself.

22898299? ago

My dad had something in November, then my Mom caught it in December. Huh! Might have been that. Think the wife had it as well, but I don't recall being sick myself (concussions hamper memory).

22891977? ago

thank you for one of the best explanations for 2013-2016.

would make no sense for Q to post CORONA 7 times, and NOT have it mean something...

22892498? ago

I love how crazy you people are. Have you ever heard of computer systems? You probably have no idea, right? Of course, you can't search for it now that the virus has the same name.

22895398? ago



Sorry you're not having fun. Go get a new assignment from ShareBlue

22895687? ago

Go get a new assignment from ShareBlue

You work as a shelf-stocker at a family-owned corner market in a small eastern Texas town.

The wild, unhinged claims and beliefs of the Qultists usually reflect their actual beliefs. If I cared more, I'd make a collection and publish them in a book.

22892553? ago

oh I'm sure there is another meaning to this, but you have to be able to read between the lines with the help of the Holy Spirit.

get back to us when you have HIS number...

22893568? ago

you have to be able to read between the lines

Which is different from making stuff up from thin air. But I have no real desire to rescue anyone from their cult. Anyone who's susceptible is pretty much a goner, so they might as well entertain us as society collapses into even more of a slave society than it already is. None of you want to be a Neo, and wake up to actual reality. Best enjoy that delicious steak that doesn't exist.

22894257? ago

Ok rabbi, WHAT is the 'actual' reality?

22894613? ago

Let's just leave it at 'not as rosy' as you believe. From my experience, only a tiny fraction of you on voat, or at least those who comment, are close enough to the edge of the gravitational field to retain independent rational thought. So it's rarely worth it to bother. Plus, who doesn't like watching a good dumpster fire?

But... For anyone who is "questioning", some research on cults, their practices, and their techniques might be instructive. There has also been loads of documentation on Trumps life and behaviors posted online. I imagine most will avoid the topic, because there is a 'danger' in looking too closely. That's fine. It's not like there's a good alternative to any of this. Life is even probably more enjoyable when you've selected a master to serve and follow.

22895429? ago

You Again.

Give it up, shill.

No one buys into YOUR PANIC and no one cares what your self-inflated ego thinks about this.

We are having a discussion.

Have studied Cults for nearly 50 years, sweetie. THERE ARE NO CULTS THAT TELL YOU TO THINK FOR YOURSELF.

So - just give it a rest and get a new assignment.

we don't give a rat's ass about your opinions.

22895747? ago

Think for yourself, or WAGA!WAGA!? It's funny how all of you have been taught to say "this cult tells you to think for yourself."

Man, you people are going to crash harder than the Breatharians when Wiley Brooks was caught coming out of that McDonalds.

22915321? ago

You sound jaded little buddy.. Is everything ok?

You do seem out of your element here- these ain't no waters for amateurs. 😉

22916581? ago

Well, no. After that comment, I got a call that my mom is dying. So, not exactly okay.

That doesn't change my experience with cults and their techniques, but it certainly makes things less 'okay' for me personally.

22894853? ago

wow, I've already talked to you.

rambling on about Trump's golden statues etc., and you STILL can't figure out that it's ALL and ACT.

grow up and find God before it's too late,

and YOU'RE the one trapped in the 'gravitational field'...

22895353? ago

wow, I've already talked to you.

rambling on about Trump's golden statues etc.,

Nope, someone else put up with your nonsense.

22895086? ago

But I have no real desire to rescue anyone from their cult.

In that case why are you here? Fuck off, concernfag.

22895663? ago

you can't even keep track of who you're talking to😆

22895397? ago

no more about the golden statues! grow up and get right.

22892022? ago

TY! I completely agree. Those posts are probably ones that have double meanings. Both satellites and virus.

22891578? ago

Makes sense. I hope we do get to find out which theory is true at the curtain call.

22891738? ago

It could be a combo of all of em too. Whatever is going on is fabricated for sure. They have instituted things that would be done under wartime. This is a huge event whatever it is.

22891893? ago

I completely agree. It seems we do our best to wait it out and take care of ourselves during this confusing process.

22891367? ago

3 year Q fan here: I say BOTH: a LOT of people jumped ship because "things weren't happening" No Shit - Running up to Darth Vader with a toy hammer is probably a good way to die a quick and painful death. This is moves and countermoves and if you are too stupid to understand that BANKSTERS have some serious computing power at a bare minimum, then you really don't understand the gravity of the situation AT ALL (Hence Q posted something to the effect of "If you are impatient you don't belong here...")

22898251? ago

BANKSTERS have some serious computing power at a bare minimum

Neat! Similar to how Amazon needed to purchase a ton of computers to handle the holiday load; and then they sat there unused for 11 months out of the year -- and AWS was born!

Similarly, banksters have all this computing power for high-speed trading -- which happens for less than 1/3 of the day. So, they found "something" to do with their computing power, the other 2/3 of the day!

Hmm, I wonder... Hours market is open: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. That's 6.5 hours, close to 2/3. But not. Anyway, [[[they]]] love their numerology! Was wondering whether the market was open for exactly 1/3 of the day -- but, it's closer to 1/4! Meaning, their computing power sat idle for 3/4 of the day. Well, not necessarily idle, as it could have been going over simulations while the market was closed, so it's not an exact analogy to AWS.

Anyway thanks for the thought experiment. God bless!

22901342? ago

WoW: Thank you... I was actually thinking more along the lines of Quantum and Supercomputing, but your are spot on and more pragmatic with your analysis...

22892541? ago

Of course "Q" would make membership-retention posts... It's like you've never watched cult operations before. You people are both fascinating to watch, and appalling examples of how far humanity has fallen.

22893572? ago

I've been watching yer shit my whole life, asshole

22893699? ago

Did that turn you into a Breatharian?

22891301? ago

We're on Revelation Chapter 9.

Revelation 11 on June 2020.

Things will go quickly for a few months, then it should hopefully slow down again.

There's really no going back.

Hold on.

22891244? ago

Adrenocrome is an unsavory substance purportedly derived from aborted fetuses and other unwillimg human subjects

Adrenochrome can be synethesized and you can buy it on the Internet.

22892170? ago

just like you can buy Synthroid, but desiccated thyroid is still better,


22892233? ago

just like you can buy Synthroid, but desiccated thyroid is still better,

More unproven theory.

22892916? ago

Meh, let them go completely insane. It will be a good warning for people in their life.

22891199? ago

Adrenochrome is sold online for scientific purposes. You don't have to harvest it from terrified children.

22892187? ago

it's not the same, wake up.

22892926? ago

"Wake up" says the cult member. Do you have any bizarre theories to share?

22890406? ago

Theory E. Donald Trump is a time travelling assasin, appearing out of nowhere with a coach gun, stalking and killing these celebrities one by one. By the end of April there will be no more evil left in the world.

22892947? ago

Lol, this is good. Expand on your theories and infect the Qultists with it. They're avid bug-hunters.

22893225? ago

Shutup nigger. Qanons are ruining you spooks and you cant stand it.

22893624? ago

I laugh at your retardation. You're a cult member. 😁 😂 🤣

22893813? ago

What is it with kikes and smiley faces. Youre only indicating

22894387? ago

I supply them to people who will either like them, or be extremely irritated by them. How are you enjoying the cult so far?

22894431? ago

The extreme irritation part is imaginary though. I already expect you iews to be here posting this stuff, so it comes as no surprise. I just look at it and get reminded at how superior white people are tbh

The fact that you even think using smileys is some kind of victory is incredibly alien to me. I cant imagine being such a faggot.

This place is like an observatory into the jewish mind. You people are fucking stupid.

22894787? ago

This place is like an observatory into the jewish mind. You people are fucking stupid.

Nice use of stock phrases. Do you select those from a list they issue?

But "think mirror". This place is like an observation point into the minds of cult members, and their programmed robotic behaviors. WAGA!WAGA!

22892328? ago

Best theory in the thread

22890036? ago

POTUS would not tweet "The storm is upon us"...that would create more panic then there is now. However, Q may post it.

22897550? ago

POTUS actually did post a storm, in the collage of pictures of the CDC.


22890621? ago

Nope. Q said POTUS would tweet it. It wouldn’t cause max panic because most people would have no idea what it meant and would think that he was just talking about the coronavirus. Anons would be excited beyond belief.

22892472? ago

Anons are already tripping at the DMT level. Have seen a 257% increase in bizarre 'theories' in the past couple weeks alone.

22891954? ago

yep, the sheeple wouldn't have a clue what it meant, just Q followers and the black hats.

22889940? ago

Theory D: Cabal satanists began ingesting tainted andrechrome starting 2.5 yrs. What they have is not contagious, but is lethal. .. The corona virus now spreading in the general population is the cover story and is nothing more than the flu.

22890034? ago

The Corona virus activates the lethal substance that the Adrenochrome was spiked with. GAME OVER. The DS believes that by quarantining the world its players will somehow manage to avoid Corona virus exposure until they maybe find an antidote to what lethal compound the Adrenochrome was spiked with.

22897563? ago

interesting theory.

22891531? ago

Now this makes sense to me. The same symptoms erupted in clinton and merkle. Biden and pelosi are a bit different but oddly weird like dementia. It's the perfect justice in any case. What did Q say about not all will be clean? That really bothered me, now I see. Suicide weekend could be when they realize how badly they were played?

22896000? ago

"These people are sick"

22889939? ago

Do you think there will be a nationalization of the banking system?

22889924? ago

I don't know if either of these theories are correct. In fact BOTH could be correct or neither.


22889904? ago

I would vote for your theories working in conjunction with each other.

22889864? ago

Theory D

WuFlu is a D/S mechanism to screw with the markets and try to tarnish DJT's record on the economy before the election. None of the former contestants are vocal on it because it gives them the universal health thing they all want so badly. Cabal wants the population lower, and hoping the number reduces to the Georgia guide stones number. They never thought POTUS would close the borders like he has, effectively saving us and buying time for a medical solution. China has spent a lot of time in the pharma business building it up. Release some WuFlu, cut the meds off from USA and let them die. Isolate people, no crowds, no debates, just push Biden into the race and cover for his dementia.

Anyway, my thoughts. Trump has interrupted their game.

22891266? ago

It sure smells like a Trump Economy Boycott - so quick on the trigger to shut things down, such indefinite finality.

22892746? ago

More like stopping their people, their brain trusts and capital, from choosing the US side by voting with feet.

22890378? ago

'They never thought POTUS would close the borders like he has, effectively saving us'

buuuuut china clossed its borders, Russia closed its borders, italy, spain.... but they never thought Trump would save everyone by closing borders?

22903410? ago

True. Bernie and Joe would never have shut borders, and we would be worse. I'd bet the state borders are next. Think of it- harder to travel if named in a sealed indictment. Time for popcorn.

22889730? ago

Both are wishful thinking...

This is just another false flag like 911.... that will again change the world forever!

Again a few thousand will die (this time claiming millions will die), and they will take away more of our liberties forever.

22891995? ago

seriously? you think MILLIONS of Patriots would let that happen?

you do realize (((who))) we're fighting, right?

22896109? ago

I hope Im wrong but.... lets wait and see. I just get tired of the 'Its habbening' every time something slightly out of the ordinary happens.

I see this 'Flu' being used as a way to speed up 'their' Agenda21/Agenda2030. ... and everyone falling for it as usual... fookin fighting over toilet paper! Its a joke.

So... quarantines are currently being enforced 'WORLDWIDE' and the millions of patriots you mention are doing what? Happily going along with it.

22897693? ago

quarantines are currently being enforced 'WORLDWIDE' and the millions of patriots you mention are doing what? Happily going along with it.

getting out of the way, thats what we do. all this seems to serve to keep people safe at home so the DS cannot ignite riots or FFs on masses. we are not leverage, we are the cure. meanwhile, round up some international cabal. 20,000 american soldiers in europe for defender europe 20, what do you think they may be up to there?

22891726? ago

Not this time. DS game will finally be over. Bye bye

22890115? ago

^ I vote for this theory.

It is another false flag with Donald Trump playing his role just like George W Bush played his role during 911.

It's all one big Dog and Pony show meant to take down the global economy. When the dust clears, they will cement the centralization of the New World Order with a global currency and tighter controls over all aspects of our lives.

Q is playing his role too - as a placation pysops meant to neutralize patriots forces into non-action. It's the perfect plan. As Lenin once said - "The easiest way to beat the opposition is to BE the opposition"

You Have Been Played.

22892813? ago

Agreed. But, it's a well-played psyop that's clearly very effective on the target demographic. If I remember correctly, it's near 100% of people IN a cult who believe THEIR 'movement' is a cult. Essentially, they would have to leave the cult if they recognized that.

Oh well, they're too big and well-organized, and the population is too cattle-like. We're all along for the ride no matter what. It's not like the Breatharians or Sannyasins anymore.

22891976? ago

Stupid. They HAD it with Hillary.

Tell us how their agenda was advanced by Hillary's loss.

How did changing the trade deals and stopping the Mexican border invasion advance their cause?

How did awakening so many to the evil practices of the cabal and the corruption in our government help the DS establish its kingdom?

This is "muh Jooo", "nigger-faggot" troll-level analysis.

22892701? ago

Don't be so hard on yourself. You clearly have no idea how big this is.

22892503? ago

...because the Elite Cabal want to blame the coming economic collapse and chaos on CONSERVATIVES AND NATIONALISTS!

That's why.

Hillary would not have been the right figurehead.

But flim-flam man, Donald Trump (a democrat all his life) WOULD be the perfect figurehead as he could pose as an anti-globalist, ultra-nationalist and the people would eat it up (as they did).

Trump is playing a role. Just like the Clintons played their roles and just like the Bushes played their roles.

The puppet masters are globalist-zionist Jews and their European royalty lackeys. THEY have been pulling all the strings for the past 200+ years and continue to do so in the home stretch towards the New World Order.

22894658? ago


LOSING was the cabal's masterstroke!

Not wasting too much more time here, but YOU are playing a role. Trump? He's always been fairly Conservative; real estate developers in NYC don't advertize that at all, if they want to get projects off the ground there....ALL of this was vetted/settled 4 years ago. A stupid ytired argument from yesteryear.

When the Left runs out of arguments about how bad an opponent is, and are still losing, the final is always the same: "uh well yeah, we're pieces of shit, but Donald Trump is ONE of us! Its true! We're the same". You're circling the toilet bowl, now. Bye.

22891691? ago

Not this time around. POTUS and all of us win this time. WWG1WGA to the win!

22891480? ago

Wow, what a drag to think this way. It would make sense to say such things to demoralize people, but if that's truly how you feel, what makes you not want to kill yourself?

22892737? ago

Tis foolish to be wise, eh? Stay in the cult and drink heartily of the Flavor-aid!

22891815? ago

I'm not trying to demoralize anyone, just posting my conclusion based on everything I have seen to date.

Don't want to kill myself because then the enemy wins.

Also, I see the entire universe as God's play.

We're here for fun and games. So I don't take anything too seriously.

Plus, it is always darkest before the dawn

22891316? ago

I'm not going to talk shit, I want to have a real discussion. You are convinced Trump is part of the cabal, but give some actual evidence.

Because all I see so far is him doing what he said he would do. I'm 40 years old and it's the first time I've seen a president keep his word.

Now regarding this Q stuff, what happens at "the end" remains to be seen, no argument there.

I just don't understand how you claim he's with the cabal when he is building a wall, fixing trade deals, crushed unemployment, killed ISIS... I could go on and on.

22892658? ago

She's not in jail. /thread

But you've averted your eyes from all the evidence that's been posted, repeatedly. As a kid, and a member of this cult, you're probably unfamiliar with other popular cults like the Breatharians, the Sannyasins, and etc. This has all happened before, and the only difference is they're using the internet now. They tell you to your face you're watching a show, and you still don't get it. Well, who am I to separate a cult member from his cult? Go ahead and have the full cult experience. It's an interesting phenomenon to watch, as usual.

22900431? ago

Cool story bro. Not once did you dispute a single fact I pointed out. Tells me all I need to know, shill.

22900985? ago

Nice try, Qult kid.

She's not in jail. /thread

22891821? ago


Jews in the Trump Administration

American Presidents & Israel|Donald Trump Administration|US-Israel Relations

Avrahm (“Avi”) Berkowitz

Special Assistant to the President and assistant to Senior Advisor Jared Kushner

Jared Kushner

Senior Advisor

David Friedman

Ambassador to Israel

Jason Greenblatt

Special Representative for International Negotiations, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict [Resigned September 2019]

Steve Mnuchin

Secretary of the Treasury

Stephen Miller

Senior Advisor, Policy

Anne Neuberger

Deputy National Manager, National Security Agency

Gary CohnDirector, White House National Economic Council [Resigned March 2018]

Reed Cordish

Assistant to the President, Intragovernmental and Technology Initiatives

Avrahm Berkowitz

Deputy Advisor to the President and his Senior Advisor Jared Kushner

Rod Rosenstein

Deputy Attorney General

Elan Carr

Special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism [Nominated]

Jeffrey A. Rosen

Deputy Secretary of

Alexander Vindman

Ukraine Advisor

My own addition

The jew responsible for "compassionate releases, ICE detainment director Natalie AsherPNGAn expanded list of Jews surrounding Trump, from someone claiming and seeming to be the real amalek!

"I see the shills are strong here now that the site has been locked down. Trump is a Jew puppet. We all knew this. The proof is abundant. Voat used to know this before it was locked down and purged.

Trump's daughter Ivanka is Jewish. Trump has five children and four of them are married to Jews. All except Baron who's obviously too young to marry.

All of Trump's grandchildren are Jewish. Within one generation the Trump family will be completely Jewish.

Trump's top advisor is Ivanka's husband Jew Jared Kushner who's brothers are Goldman Sachs and his dad is a shady Democrat Jew named Charles Kushner.

Charles Kushner was charged back in 2004 for making illegal campaign contributions to the Democrats. He also paid prostitutes to sleep with politicians and seceretly filmed the encounter.

Charles Kushner leads the Kushner clan and Jared is Trump's top advisor.

The Kushners were Trump's rivals in the NYC real estate market and now they'll imherihit most of Trump's fortune through Ivanka.

Trump has also appointed numerous ex Goldman Sachs Jews including the ex President of Goldman Sachs himself.

Who controls Trump

There are many more links to Trump and Zionist Jews however I fell as if this is enough to make my point. Trump is owned by Jews. Maybe he works with them willingly or maybe they have some dirt on him ( Epstein style), or maybe it's a little of both, either way, Trump is part of their group and so you can't be surpised if he furthers their causes.

Here are the Jews of the Trump cabal, in order of appearance. Some are very familiar, like his daughter and son-in-law. Others are billionaires who supported Trump’s campaign, and others yet are not so famous:

Michael Abboud (Sephardic Jew) – Communications Coordinator, Donald J. Trump for President

Paul Achleitner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank (Donald Trump’s largest lender)

Sheldon Adelson (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Elliott Broidy (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Michael Cohen (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Special Counsel, The Trump Organization

Gil Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – President, Trump Dezer Development

Michael Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Founder, Trump Dezer Development

Lewis Eisenberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Boris Epshteyn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Stephen Feinberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Alan Fishman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Ladder Capital (Donald Trump’s second largest lender)

David Friedman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

Samuel Fox (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Alan Garten (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and General Counsel, The Trump Organization

Bruce Gelb (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Michael Glassner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Deputy Campaign Manager and Former National Political Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Lawrence Glick (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Strategic Development, The Trump Organization

Jason Greenblatt (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, The Trump Organization; Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

Vincent Harris (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Digital Strategy Manager, Donald J. Trump for President

Carl Icahn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Peter Kalikow (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Daniel Kowalski (Ashkenazic Jew) – Deputy Policy Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Charles Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Jared Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Yael Kushner [née Ivanka Trump](Orthodox Jewish convert) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization

Bennett LeBow (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Richard LeFrak (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Corey Lewandowski (Ashkenazic Jew/East European) – Former Campaign Manager, Donald J. Trump for President

Ronald Lieberman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Management & Development, The Trump Organization

Howard Lorber (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

David Malpass (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council

Douglas Manchester (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Great Again PAC

Bernard Marcus (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Rebekah Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Number One PAC

Robert Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Number One PAC

Amanda Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice President of Marketing, The Trump Organization

Eli Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chief Operating Officer, Donald J. Trump for President

Jason Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Communications Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Stephen Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – National Policy Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Mnuchin (Ashkenazic Jew) – National Finance Chairman, Donald J. Trump for President

Samuel Nunberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Policy Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

David Orowitz (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Vice President of Acquisitions and Development, The Trump Organization

Geoffrey Palmer [né Weissinger](Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Rebuilding America Now PAC

John Paulson (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council

Stewart Rahr (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Richard Roberts (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

George Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Senior Counsel, The Trump Organization

Wilbur Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Roth (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Felix Sater (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Senior Adviser, The Trump Organization

Keith Schiller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Director of Security, The Trump Organization

Melvin Sembler (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Lara Trump [née Yunaska](Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Vanessa Trump [née Haydon](Ashkenazic Jew/North European) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Ronald Weiser (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Andrew Weiss (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization

Allen Weisselberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, The Trump Organization

Lawrence Weitzner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Witkoff (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Stephen Wynn [né Weinberg](Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President."

The above should be re-posted at the top of EVERY thread here on QRV - if only to remind patriots to keep their critical thinking skills always on and pointed in ALL directions, including critical analysis of "our side."

The notion that Trump's ENTIRE bloodline will be JEWISH in the next generation should be an EYE-OPENER for all.

Does this mean 100% that Trump is selling us out and that QANON is just a placation psyop to lead us straight into the New World Order?

No. It does not mean that.

But it DOES mean that this possibility can NOT be discounted and, if anything, is looking more probable by the day.

22895496? ago

Getting tired of your copy pasta. You just keep posting the same shit on every single thread. Go away. Why the fuck do YOU care anyway? Go back to your mom's basement. You aren't needed nor wanted here. EVERYTHING YOU POST WILL NEVER CHANGE ANY MINDS. We're working on numerous theories and all you do is vomit the same thing on the page over and over. How does your laptop even work still?


22895853? ago

I get it. The truth hurts.

You are ruled by Jews from every possible angle, no matter who you elect and no matter what happens.

So you would rather not hear the Truth and would prefer to live in the Hopium of your own imagination.

Or maybe you are tribe member yourself and you want this information SHUT DOWN, as censorship is the only weapon in your arsenal.

22890276? ago

I guess we'll find out soon enough. :-) As much as I wish it was the mass arrests going down.... we know its fuckin not!

22889687? ago

Theory C

This strain of the flu has already been prevelant throughout the world in the last 2 years all countries already have it. Just now, they have developed testing kits, and are now quantifying the spread, however, it's been around for 2 years and is not any more dangerous than the regular flu.

Media is being used to weaponize the quanitfication, and government's are using this guise to enact Marshall law to arrest pedos across the world..

22894856? ago

Additional possible theory: make everyone infected or appear to be so... 2 - nuke em to 'control the spread'

result: population below guidestone limits. reset.

22893979? ago

Yeah this is where I’m leaning too.

22890824? ago

Media is being used to weaponize the quanitfication, and government's are using this guise to enact Marshall law to arrest pedos across the world..

22890823? ago

Theory $:

FIAT was about to lose money velocity and collapse, after years of generally everyone in finance admitting Trump's policies improved our economy and stats put us at the best ever in modern history.

Trump was planning to replace FIAT with a gold standard but how do you prevent everyone from visiting a bank and turn in old cash for new? You cause a scare that makes interacting with everyone a risk and lock down the world while you let supply chains and businesses shut down.

Negatively impact the country and delay a reset as long as possible and hope Trump loses November so you can go back to as things were.

22892660? ago

Yes AND the cabal wanted to wait in order to time the financial collapse covered by the engineered black swan closer to election. But the Chinese banks were already failing and the CCP realized THEIR preferred timing was sooner rather than later. So they through a Hail Mary, an offer to work with Trump (with an impossible stipulation) that Trump refused. And they pressed GO on the black swan. Also, since they’re testing for not-antibodies, the CANNOT discover coronavirus-mild is already everywhere. Also that means they could not wait or everyone would already feel better and it’d be more difficult to sell the sky falling.

22901422? ago


22901657? ago


22890209? ago

I think theory A, B and C don't explain why this started in China first and has had such a massive impact there.

Theory D

Deep state plans for China have been on autopilot for 20 years. They intended to start WWIII via limited nuclear exchange w/Iran and false flag biowar against China resulting in counterattack on U.S. This was in accordance with the "China will catch a cold" video from project Camelot.

Hillary's not president though. Cabal says, fuck it, we're doing the plans anyway. Trump does not take the bait on Iran and with Trump droning the deep state operatives in Iran, neither do the Iranians.

Now China gets lured into development of biowarefare stuff which is transferred to them from Canada with the cabal getting the gov to look the other way.

They get some stuff going in the lab and the cabal sends in that Mongolian separatist they caught on cctv to start an outbreak and are now working with their operatives trying to juice the propaganda to start a war with the U.S over it, but the party leadership in China knows this is a trap and isn't taking the bait either.

Meanwhile the white hat military guys decide to use this opportunity to counterattack the deep state in the same way that Hillary was going to use it to go after patriots if she was president which the cabal was expecting because they fully expected a successful Trump removal by early 2020 one way or another. Except there's no Trump removal. This is a problem for the cabal, but forming their plans take years and they disseminate information slowly with face to face meetings and pass down orders in a hierarchical fashion without most people knowing the details of the bigger scheme. Trump and Military Intelligence can quickly counterattack because Trump is protected by the military, has deep intelligence from the patriotic NSA, and is not blackmailed which thwart the cabal's strategies they've always used to make sure their plans don't fail if someone gets in the way.

22895291? ago

And if the CCP went Hillary at home because they had been promised a far more lethal virus to cover their internal house-cleaning, the death-toll will be inordinately high in China and leave Party in a position which requires it to save more than face in trying to explain away clear evidence of purges on the international stage.

22892494? ago

I like this one. It's consistent with a lot of things we already know or strongly suspect so it requires fewer assumptions. Occam's Razor favors it.

22891421? ago

It's a good theory. Makes the most sense. Trump has sidestepped several traps: North Korea, Syria, Iran, now this.

Also interesting to note that Trump issued a National Emergency on Friday the 13th, which has meaning to some of the more twisted among the criminal cabal. Trump gains additional powers on the day they believe is supposed to be theirs.

Now, with the "FISA works both ways" plus the travel restrictions, it becomes a lot tougher for handlers to direct assets. They can't communicate remotely and they can't communicate face-to-face. This will send their side into a tailspin.

22892776? ago

Friday the 13th was also the day the Knight Templars were arrested all at once. This information is from History.com:

"For the Templars, that end began in the early morning hours of Friday, October 13, 1307. A month earlier, secret documents had been sent by couriers throughout France. The papers included lurid details and whispers of black magic and scandalous sexual rituals. They were sent by King Philip IV of France, an avaricious monarch who in the preceding years had launched attacks on the Lombards (a powerful banking group) and France’s Jews (who he had expelled so he could confiscate their property for his depleted coffers)."

22895616? ago

713 years later, friday the 13th; the cabal that murdered demolay are rounded up for their own trial

22897720? ago

thinking mirror: 317; is 3 days from now; 3 x 17 = QQQ market's going up!

22891381? ago

Ok but I think the Chinese used it on their own population to illuminate the older generation because the Chinese population has aged drastically since the enactment of their two child policy . They proved during the Korean war that the individual means nothing, they sent hoards of unarmed Chinese people up against fully armed U.N. troops to be slaughtered. I would put nothing past the Chinese Government.

22891349? ago

I've been trying to figure out a workable theory, and the element that this was set in motion before 2016, and that it was expected to be handled by Clinton. That has to have been the important bit.

I agree with the potential of the theory that this virus has been altered from its intended state. Something has to be going on for all these wealthy / famous people being impacted.

22890604? ago

I'll take D. Thank you

22929086? ago

One or two?

22929532? ago


22890119? ago

I vote for Theory C.

My husband had this "virus" a year ago, it lasted months and lingered on even longer. He went to 4 different doctors and all of them told him it was a virus going around and infecting many of their patients. He was told to stay home and relax. It psychologically paralyzed him for months. He slept 14 -16 hours a day and napped in between.

Now that there is mass hysteria over the now "NAMED" virus, he is terrified he will get it.

22894866? ago

You think your vote matters.

Thats adorable.

22891844? ago

I wonder if he would have anti-bodies now and be ok? So sorry for his worry and what he went through.

22891913? ago

I believe that he is ok now, but my fear is that he is going to worry himself into an early grave.

22892101? ago

Being here with all of us on QRV and following Q at least gets you past the MSM news and gives a chance for better information. Just stamp out those pesky shill roaches like the rest of us and keep the faith in the better future. I believe there is purpose in the clean up and many good things to look forward to. Can't wait to see what's coming!!!!

22890607? ago

I had the same thing two years ago. My lungs still aren't right.

22891872? ago

Wow, hopefully it's the over-hype theory. Sorry for your lungs.

22890055? ago

Martial not Marshall

22892088? ago


22892467? ago

Does not invalidate your points. Post elsewhere and that slip becomes the sole focus. It's an undermining tactic so precision of language critical.

22894316? ago

I don't think most people are as anal as you may think however i do recognize the opportunity to persuade is diminished with some anal people when a spelling error does occur.

22894928? ago

Jordan Sather just sent out an email that was littered with typos such as "copywrite". I could hardly bring myself to finish reading it. A pity because I like Jordan's research.

22889919? ago

i vote "C"

22889651? ago

Watch showed 3:15, think........

22897645? ago

that's tomorrow - national day of prayer!

22889542? ago

Nice summary anon. I think scenario 1 is right on target. Scenario 2 is a stretch but quite possible if these people are actually getting sick (unconventional Warfare). All these big names catching corona virus seems statistically unlikely given so few average Joes are catching it. Something is going on.

22891385? ago

Speaks to contant reminder that violence is to be avoided.

22892342? ago

yep, it's been amazing to go shopping where I'm at (midwest).

people have been SO helpful and polite, think this is going to turn into one big celebratory 'snow day'🇺🇸

22889398? ago

Right cause old nursing home patients are top tier adrenochrome users

22894933? ago

70k die a year from regular flu...

You just change the cause of death to "corona virus" and boom. It's basically just a regular flu anyways.

Who's to say all the reported deaths arnt just regular flu deaths? We don't normally even hear about regular flu deaths.

Something's fishy for certain. Something is happening. XD

22892332? ago

People go to nursing homes to die. It's what they DO..

22892244? ago

Look guys, found the retard.

22892397? ago

Mirror technology has been around for decades.

22889494? ago

All we know about the Corona virus is what's been reported by the MSM. Do you trust them?

22892379? ago

Maybe you're a MSM watcher. Some of us have been following this since before the MSM started calling it "just the flu, bro".

22892348? ago

All COVID is coronavirus but not all coronavirus is COVID.

22889733? ago

Bingo. It's pretty easy to blame flu related deaths on Corona....or for (them) to sacrifice some easy targets, the elderly, to further their panic narrative...

22889319? ago

I'm gonna lift anon 8 days from now, just so that you know. It's about time we get honest about our intentions is it not?


22892344? ago

and the personell is underpaid.

Stopped skimming and closed the page.

22890986? ago


22890136? ago

Thank you for that! Deserves its own post!!

22892374? ago


22890400? ago

22891401? ago

This theory forgets that the war games are cover for capture of DUMBs. Watch for earthquake activity in Europe. Look at where these games have taken place and the reports of flames erupting from sewer grates.

22901474? ago

The Fight in the DUMBs is real


22901633? ago

Whoa! Thank you!!

22902205? ago

No problem.