Stfudvs ago

This is not yet a happening anon

wokeasfook ago


You mean like the time you slaughtered millions of white Europeans on behalf of the Jew. Is the what he means by saving Europe again?

Only America could empower Jews to all but exterminate the white man and then claim the heroic high road status.

fundie ago

Damn! Everyone I know thinks this coronavirus thing is a little overblown. Now we know why - its cover for some shit going down. I like it, it makes sense.

How stupid are the normies going to feel when they realize that the man whom they have been spewing vitriol at and whom they have hated with every ounce of their beings just saved their assets? Do you think they will even feel any shame? I have some lifelong friends who are drunk with hatred for Trump, they absolutely obsess over him and they hate everything about him.

KaputtmacherNL ago

I'm sure most Europeans have no idea what is going on. I'm Dutch and I had no idea this operation was going to take place.

rickki6 ago

U are prob right

WillGreeley ago

Will world ever see a country or group of countries that are 'grateful' to America and voice that 'thanks'?

Hopefully, the year 2020 will be a first and Europe will stand in awe of America!!

Double_D ago

It doesn't necessarily mean anything, either way, but they ended up reducing the number of participants for Defender 2020. No idea by how much.

Patranon1 ago

Nice how there's 12 black dots on the map indicating where the national gaurd is.

redlickcreeper ago

In the 1970s it was called Return of Forces to Germany or REFORGER. This is nothing more than a deployment exercise.

rickki6 ago


redlickcreeper ago

I was in German for Brigade 76. They deployed 4th Inf Div brigade. These are normal operations.

rickki6 ago

Ty for posting that

joeneesima ago

Exercise DEFENDER-Europe 20 is the deployment of a division-size combat-credible force from the United States to Europe, the drawing of equipment and the movement of personnel and equipment across the theater to various training areas.

U.S.-based equipment will leave from ports in four states and arrive in six European countries. This will require the support of tens of thousands of service members and civilians in multiple nations.

U.S. service members will then spread out across the region to establish intermediate staging bases with multinational forces and participate in various annual exercises.

Lots of pictures of Poland (President, soldiers) participating...thought Poland was on LOCKDOWN...


rickki6 ago


hang_em_high ago

Who gives a fuck about Europe? How about dealing with our own damn issues?

the_Green_Chain ago

Received this via another channel: *Good morning:

I am still in FB jail, but I wanted to respond to a post you put up saying "Fear is used to control you". I agree with you. I was told by 2 different people who live in different states and they do not know each other, that for the next 6 weeks, we are to be on high alert because President Trump's team is going to swoop in on Hillary, Obama, and other severe offenders. During this time, we are to "be prepared". Not to freak out, but to be prepared for if the internet goes down, to have cash on hand, gas in vehicles, food for 2 months, and to pray fervently for President Trump and his administration because they are going to be dealing with the deep state cabal head on. All of this info I am sharing with you is NOT common knowledge. It is being passed on between patriots. Just use common sense. This virus was man made biological warfare intentionally released upon the populace for several reasons; to ruin Trump's record on the economy, to kill off the elderly and the weak to fall in line with their population control agenda. This also is proving to be biblical, in that it is leading up to the tribulation. Facebook silenced me, and they're trying to silence everyone who goes against their nefarious agenda. Look to Jesus in all things. Much love and prayers sent your way. In Christian love*

DarkKnightPatriot ago

Unfortunately, three major joint military exercises have been reduced or canceled due to COVID-19 concerns.

Exercise Cold Response 20- Nordic Nations/US- canceled/ Troops being moved to other exercises

Exercise Defender-Europe 20- European Nations/ US- being monitored- possibly reduced in scale

Exercise African Lion- Canceled/ Troops being moved to other exercises

Operation Defender is a HUGE movement of Troops that I have been told, carries with it a few REAL exercises against the DS. There are components within the 'exercise' that are real strike forces being moved against the Cabal, Globalists, and bad actors.

Semlow ago

Exercise Defender-Europe 20- European Nations/ US- being monitored- possibly reduced in scale

That's the most important one. And even if it's officially announced to be "reduced", that may be disinfo.

Troops being moved to other exercises

The only other exercise left in the list that is not reduced would be "Defender-Europe 20"...

blueskywins ago

Will they also kick the muzzy animals out of Europe at the same time?

GritD2 ago

Every so often, the crusades need to happen.

blueskywins ago


Gitmo-or-Bust ago

Dude, seriously - the amount of time and energy on the graphics alone of this ‘theory’ is pretty amazing. Hope your efforts are not in vain and that you are a member of the Q team. I think there are a number of these people who attempt to ‘decode’ things that are too complex or that the anons have missed, but they feel are important to be decoded.

This is kinda like SB2......that dude is either a genius on the team or is 🦇 💩 crazy..!

rickki6 ago

thats all it is, someones theory who took the time to put this thread together as info to share. period the end.

Gitmo_money ago

Sb2 and i had many private conversations on reddit before the q subs were banned.

When the first slew of subs went down, he actually thought he has personally been banned and sent a long diatribe about how they were trying to silence him.

When i explained what happened, sb2 took multiple iterations of how reddit subs work and where people were migrating to before they calmed down and didn't take it personally.

It was a very weak moment for him and he was very vulnerable and emotional.

This cemented my belief that he was just an anon who was VERY mathematically gifted who works with numbers and data analysis for a career.

His convo with me was like he was lost puppy - he never fully understood the platform he was on and how to use it - seemed very boomeresque - he for sure did not grow up on the internet with a computer - there were so many small details he missed on how reddit worked and subs and mods - it was interesting. I think he was a normal anon with some gifts for connecting dots but also forced connections that weren't there sometimes.

From my convos, he had no ego, was thankful for help, and was appreciative of any additions or critiques to his theories.

fringe--dweller ago

Could it be possible that there are some major asset seizures being enforced?

The Vatican is surrounded.

SearchVoatBot ago

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FatLadySings ago

OMG. I will never be the same after watching this video. Thank you for sharing. The biggest lie we were ever/never told about WWII. Makes me really wonder what we are doing over there now. People in power are evil. Eisenhower, Churchhill and those who wrote history as most know it today, were demons. Will we ever learn?

Roughboy ago

Share it

DoubleTap ago

Hey folks, it's the rickki6 schizophrenia post of the day!

Dude, your shit is ALWAYS wrong. Go back to Israel.

rokarljosef ago

Look DoubleTap, if you don't like someone's posts, don't read them. No need to cast disparaging comments on someone because you don't agree with the post.

Personally, I find a lot of the posts to be nothing but wishful thinking, and pure fantasy. For the most part, I just skip over them.

I am also with Dick Tick on his condemning some of these outrageous posts based on "someone" on the internet said "something".

I'll just leave it at that!

DoubleTap ago

I suppose you're right. But places like this are always full of people trying to steer the minds of others, and it can become dangerous in certain situations.

rickki6 ago

get a grip on yourself. seriously lol !

DoubleTap ago

Take your meds.

rickki6 ago

did you even read the post? geez. IITS JUST INFORMATION. you are a funny one !

W45P__ ago

ehhh i’d argue we didn’t really save europe in WW2. we kinda “defeated the wrong enemy” as patron put it

Far2Long2 ago

Noblesse oblige. Great power comes with great responsibility.

Doglegwarrior ago

you fucking idiots. what are we going to do take every darkie invader and ship them back? we dont have the will power to do anything of the sort and nothing ever will happem while jews control america.

Acerphoon ago

Please kill the leftists in europe.

Please kill the leftists. Please.

ALIENS2222 ago

Well... We were the bad guys in World. War 2. We didn't save shit we destroyed generations of white men so that Muslims and niggers can take our ancestral lands and murder our cousins and brothers there. The world would have been better had Hitler won.

dontstopmenow ago

It's so sad , the crap we've eaten over the last century. In so many ways our foundations were built on garbage. Sad, sad, sad. We're all mostly good, but just unfortunately unaware of how we were manipulated.

Christosgnosis ago

Only problem is he wouldn't have left North America to do its own thing.

He would have taken German advanced weapons (long range bombers, advanced missiles, turbo-jet powered aircraft, nuclear bombs, etc) on further to completely leap frog us technologically and then, from a position of strength and complete consolidation of the European continent, would have been able to launch an initiative to bring North America under his absolute dominion.

Yeah, if we had remained isolationist he might have given lip service to pledges to leave us along while he consolidated Europe, but in the end he would have reneged on that like he did to all the others he invaded. And by remaining neutral our own military capabilities would have remained stunted and embedded in 1930s tech, and would have been woefully outmatched by radically superior German military tech.

So it really would have been The Man In The High Castle scenario here in North America.

Negro_Nazi ago

That sounds awesome.

wokeasfook ago

Better than Jew domination

ALIENS2222 ago

You are new here huh?

Lookat DETROIT, ATLANTA, SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND, DC, BALTIMORE.... that is just off the top of my head. Do you think there would be a transvestite dressed up as a demon in a library in Hitler Europe? How about massive abortion industry? How about central banking destroying and enslaving all humans? How about swarms of foreign sewage rushing across the border to murder rape and steal everything. Have you looked into Hitler economic and banking system? Boy I'm sure glad I don't have to speak GERMAN. that would be just awful... /s.

My point is that WW2 was a fucking LIE. Ww1 was a fucking LIE. Korea was a lie, Nam was a lie, the. Middle East was a lie...


Christosgnosis ago

All am saying is that if Third Reich had consolidated all of Europe (and probably Eurasia) then North America would have followed at some point. And under a dominant Third Reich control we would have any self autonomy to even try to adhere to the constitution. And Hitler did transform Christianity into something that was centered on himself as a Messiah figure and the Nazi Party became the interpreter for how anybody could be a Christian in Germany - if they defied that overt top-down control, they got eliminated. There's just no getting around the fact that the Third Reich was very totalitarian - either believe and do as they say in all spheres of life or expect to be eliminated.

So imagining a victorious Third Reich just winds up at a different flavor of totalitarian New World Order. There's a very good case to be made that what is the global elite that is attempting to establish their New World Order in our reality context is a sleeper remnant of the German Nazi Third Reich - attempting to re-emerge.

So this is basically WW3 still being waged by what is in essence the same adversary - especially on the spiritual reality plane.

wokeasfook ago

Wow 2 long messages to demonstrate just how little you learned in 2.8 years.


Your country is fucked and you're still spouting "If it wasn't for us you'd be speaking German" propaganda.

Id rather speak German than have a transgender nigger grandson/daughter.

ALIENS2222 ago

I will not walk down the "white man bad" road with you. I will Heil Hitler and gas every jew for real before I do that. That said. Fuck socialism in any form whatsoever. Do you know. What. Nsdap is?

Gitmo-or-Bust ago

Lol sad but true......

Far2Long2 ago

Chap, we occasionally have to call upon your good offices to help us Brits keep the darkies in line.

ALIENS2222 ago

Send them back and you don't have to...

EZMojo ago

The point of Brexit was to stop the flow. We have our own house to clean in the US as well.

Micheal84 ago

Great post, nice to see that software_autist is from the Netherlands.

Sometimes i feel i'm the only Dutch Voater here.

KaputtmacherNL ago

Je bent niet alleen. This is worldwide.

G45Colt_II ago

Interesting. When Q posted Rig for Red, I figured it meant a period of silence commencing (not ending, as some have speculated).

I suspect the drug related arrests last week are bigger than we've been led to believe, and more is on the way (we may not hear about all of them for a while).

75usmc79 ago

Very interesting post, could explain a lot of whats going .

Scablifter ago

The British destroyer HMS Defender has just been deployed to Gibraltar, it will be based there as the Guard Ship.

EricKaliberhall ago

I dare not hope.

comprametu ago

Great informative thread. I like that perspective.

19810708321b ago

That certainly explains it.

ChiCom ago


Not one hair on a militarized rapefugee's head will be harmed and none will be deported.

What's the pricetag we pay for it?

Covidfefe ago

Waiting for the Hasbeenra troll to tell us how this is just wishful thinking.

Fried-Laptop ago

so now what are the jews getting?

hilltop ago

Is anyone near a national guard base? What activities are being observed?

Anyone seen MD ANG Baltimore/Martin today?

Today is a busy day.

DoubleTap ago

I'm in the ANG at Gowen Field in Boise. There hasn't been a peep of this silliness. We are however, preparing for coronavirus stuff.

hilltop ago

I am not making it up about MD ANG. A line of civilian vehicles a mile long to get on base. VERY unusual (ie- never seen that before) to see that volume on any morning much less a Saturday morning.

DoubleTap ago

That's pretty standard here on guard weekends, but we're a big base...

Rodjers04 ago

We saved the day in WW1 and WW2. Lulz.

FatLadySings ago

Uh.....not even close.

ALIENS2222 ago

Murdered our brothers as they tried to save themselves from Central banking... Is moar like it.

Acerphoon ago

Thanks for saving europe, guys!

I love my mixed-race, transsexual, communist grandchild. Very cool!

ALIENS2222 ago


TheRightSideofThings ago

Its getting down votes because people have gotten very fatigued with self styled experts who keep insisting that " this is it this time for sure" only to wait 30,45,90 and see nothing. I learned early on that if the things Q posts are accurate they are meant to confuse and confound the enemy. Thinking that any one of US has it figured out is folly. I dont feel we are MEANT to. I think this is all training on how to dig,discern and disseminate information so that this shit never happens again. But this oooh ooooh Mr. Kotter I have the answer stuff is what wears people out hence the down voting.

jrpark05 ago

Agree, and it's like most things you see, read, and hear. About 10% of all of it has merit and is reasonable, and the rest should be taken with a huge grain of salt.

It's really about sifting through to find the diamonds in the rough.

I also agree that the main purpose of QAnon is to link like-minded patriots worldwide, empowered by numbers, knowing they are not alone, and using our collective power combined with the internet and other sources to crack truths that have been (at best) on the periphery for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.


oooh ooooh Mr. Kotter I have the answer " thx for that

TheRightSideofThings ago

Yeah. Dating myself with that one.

ALIENS2222 ago

Think for yourself... Indeed!

WTFChuck ago

I agree on your points about self-styled experts and about discernment. But I consider that lots of the self-styled experts are the ones giving me my practice items for discernment. Like remember in the beginning of Q when that Potter guy was putting up videos and David Seaman who later created Fulcrum. Those guys blew their credibility in pretty short order. But they had a role to play in me learning to spot those types. I think I'm mostly figuring out that it's the ones with big egos that quickly lose credibility. Their big egos trip them up. One I can't quite get my mind around is Robert David Steele. Big ego on one hand but a dork on the other in some ways. Makes me wonder if I'm mistaking deep-seated insecurity for a big ego. I can't watch him because he annoys me, but I find him interesting nonetheless.

TheRightSideofThings ago

Yeah Im just answering the why the down vote question without getting personal about it. You're right that some of the suppositions can lead to others critically thinking. The drawback is. When things dont kick off repeatedly people get discouraged and demoralized. I dont think thats helpful to waking people up. The fact is, we're all still kids in a closet here no matter what we THINK we know. Time will hopefully show how close or far of we are

rickki6 ago

well said patriot ! I try to keep an open mind everyday with all the crap that is going on. we won't know until the very end.

hope4gaia ago

Yes, I agree on Robert David Steele. I think he is very smart but his ego is so annoying it is hard to listen to him. I prefer to read his stuff and not look at him. He always thinks he knows better than Trump and the white hats.

rickki6 ago

Threads are opinions that’s all. Take it for what it’s worth . Everyone can think for themselves regardless and just absorb the info they read or hear . The down votes don’t bother me. I’m just passing along the information that I find interesting, and many others do to. Thanks for your response tho. I’m open minded ☺️

Matthew1103 ago

With far too many taking the bullshit as gospel

WTFChuck ago

This is an important thread. It shouldn't be getting downvotes. The graphics alone are worth the read.

rickki6 ago

People down vote me all the time lOl! Ain’t no thang but a chicken wang ! Really good thread tho right ?!


People said that phrase in my highschool days. Damn we gettin old amigo negro.

Rhondaher ago

Excellent. Your over target and the down votes come from DS lurkers.

WTFChuck ago

Good thread, for sure.

ScotAnon17 ago

If this is right....oh's boner time.

GrizzlyDark ago

Get a weighted blanket and it's boner time all the time

Qcalanthevalentine ago


GrizzlyDark ago

you kek, but it's true. I swear if you get one, you will grow tired of not being able to roll over ever without feeling fear of breaking your dick. I think it's like actual weight lifting for your dick so it grows stronger every day or something but I swear it's a real side effect.

Qcalanthevalentine ago

Thanks for letting me know. But I don’t have a dick. 😏

GrizzlyDark ago

not sure it works the same way with morning dew

Qcalanthevalentine ago

I’m sure it doesn’t. Lol