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22716816? ago

Wow, thank you!!! I have just recently been reading and watching videos on DUMBS, but have sooo many questions, your links are incredible to me, thank you again! For some reason this topic of DUMBS just fascinates me....I am so excited to spend tonight reading all this!

22717851? ago

POTUS TWEETS > Sooo a deliberate coded message 'o-o' <


22717840? ago



Notable: >

Black Mamba 100 354 59 1739

Calabasas 209 354 59 1093

Joker 745 354 59 842

Eminem 119 354 59 806

Cipher 165 354 59 788

Renegade 147 354 59 714

Lemon 145 354 59 360

Liars 200 354 59 285

Gorillians 326 696 116 46

Stallone 326 588 98 32

Accident 165 354 59 217

Con Job 745 354 59 187

Spear 236 354 59 155

The Game 156 354 59 141

Im All Ears Q 326 642 107 26

Barack And Michelle Obama 326 924 154 24

Cartel 209 354 59 121

Emails 155 354 59 110

Poke The Bear 326 636 106 22

Electric Chair 326 684 114 20

Obama care 173 354 59 101

Leaking 92 354 59 101

Dr Ford In Hell 326 750 125 18

I Am The Taliban 326 690 115 16

Buggati 326 402 67 15

Creflo 164 354 59 90

Cracker 182 354 59 89

Acosta 245 354 59 88

Barraq H Obama 326 582 97 12

Huggies 326 456 76 9

Pitch Fork 326 636 106 8

Obama Is Blackish 326 750 125 6

No Fear 182 354 59 80

Belize 541 354 59 74

Wmds 1024 354 59 66

Masonic Npc 326 642 107 6

Barack Is A Demon 326 696 116 2

France Is Fallen 326 750 125 2

The Slain Llamb 326 696 116 0

Epic Collapse 326 696 116 0

Coven 798 354 59 44

Payback 477 354 59 40

Glen Beck 92 354 59 40

Krona 181 354 59 40

Rodham 173 354 59 38

Casket 209 354 59 32

Obama Code 146 354 59 28

Braille 137 354 59 26

Black Mafia 83 354 59 15

Epic Game 120 354 59 8

22716085? ago

yee ha what a trove, thank you!!

22717705? ago

Thanks my friend.

22695014? ago

Amos 9:2

If they dig down to Sheol, from there My hand will take them; if they climb up to heaven, from there I will bring them down.

22695035? ago

No place to hide.

22694871? ago

Where is the SAUCE???!!!


22694878? ago

You Hillaryous Bro!

22701620? ago

lol... gotta have a sense of humor, or life sux

22703727? ago

Very true.

22694709? ago

Anonymous 7-07-19 (Sun) 00:31:21 ID 9351a2 (1) No.6938949

Q Team

I see you got it on the second shot.

World Shaking victory.

I salute the patriots who stayed and held in place.

The last people out were responsible for alerting it to the operation.

I believe the guilty person is an older white lady.

Perhaps part of the medical personnel?

I believe it was done intentionally.

She definitely needs to be interrogated.

God Bless and Godspeed.

I screen shot the above back then. Whether true or mis info who knows. This was around the time of that 1/2mi deep earthquake by an airforce base I believe. If applicable, I hope Q and Team blew these squids straight to hell.

22694759? ago

P.S. > I have a pretty good idea who that "older white lady" was too I might say.

22694748? ago

Was it Q in that post?

Speculate please Anon.


22694804? ago

Like I said I'm not sure whether disinfo or not. Just was lurking and saved. Knew something was up. Knew about these DUMBS for decades. Never wanted to post but felt this was the appropriate time.

22694866? ago


Thanks for sharing it with me.

There's more here than I am letting on.

22693179? ago

Thank you Patriot! What an amazing amount of research!

22693835? ago


I live to give.

22693197? ago

Aww shucks. Thanks!

22693058? ago

This is an excellent video from SGT Report from a couple of years ago with Dr. Richard Sauder, one of the most qualified people on DUMBs. I would highly recommend all Patriots give this a listen when they have the time.

22693061? ago

Thanks a lot.

22692618? ago

Damn, that's some good sauce OP. Archiving. Thank you o7

22692956? ago


Thanks heaps.

22692336? ago

what's going on under the Getty Center, and what will be done about it?

22692278? ago

OP, you might be interested in this... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3083720

22692966? ago

That's great. Digging.

22692137? ago

Abject awe and gratitude for the personnel fighting this war on our behalf above ground.

This war is so much more than waiting for Q drops, baking and sharing bits on Voat.

Not meaning to demean the effort here - it ALL matters.

But fighting in the DUMBS, my eternal gratitude to the Patriots there.

22692972? ago

Imagine how difficult and scary that must be in practice.

22691674? ago

Watch all available videos from Phil Schneider.. Head Geologist for NATO turned whistleblower from the 90s...they strangled him in his apt and released the gruesome death pics on the web, basically. His talks are life changing. He's no public speaker but he's definitely a highly credible expert and that's much better IMHO. He helped build many of the DUMBs.

22692975? ago

Dangerous business.

22692895? ago

what makes him "highly credible"? from his presentations he could easily be dismissed as a crackpot, so i am genuinely curious

22695059? ago

Anyone who gets blatantly suicided is onto something.

22691412? ago

Possibly where all the booms and crazy sounds we've been hearing is coming from. Below our feet. Many of them lately. Blasting maglev railways and escape routes. Trapping the bastards in place?

22692981? ago

Sealing them in tombs forever when needed.

22691084? ago

thats a shame, for them.

my best work happens in the dark.

22692988? ago

Me too... <

22691034? ago

....so Flat Earth is for retards gets shut down. but reptilians, tall whites Corey Good etc is OK.

hahah fuckin grow up

22692999? ago

I never said that.

I said I have watched much of their work, and some is starting to fall into place. Relax.

22690984? ago

Read an article about different advanced boring techniques and machines for making DUMBs a while back:


Just saying that “Figure 4: Tunnel Produced by Thermal Penetrator” (scroll down the article to find tunnel picture) kinda sorta coincidentally looks much like the ice tunnel burned into the ice from film Alien vs Predator:


22693004? ago

They're telling us how they do it.

22692232? ago

You might be interested in this... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3083720

It has to do with a big international boring company. TONS of links.

22690955? ago

Just remember, the goyim will suffer on the surface while the jew rats hide in tunnels https://files.catbox.moe/96086k.jpg

22690897? ago

Yep those tunneling machines weren't just for a couple commuter tunnels. Steady employment for many I'm sure. Wasn't Walmart building tunnels to go along with their internment camps?

22719123? ago

10,000 workers, and c. $18 Billion each to build.

22693005? ago

Jade Helm...

22692243? ago

Check this out... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3083720

22697719? ago

Unreal how much power they wield, great post.

22692092? ago

They were boring tunnels in Eastern CT just recently/ a few years back. For what I have no idea. It's all granite!

22692701? ago

Remember almost two years ago Elon Musk told Rogan they were boring out a whole system of tunnels underneath LA? Iirc

22719126? ago

I will try and find it.

22693378? ago


22690840? ago

Holy crap.... that is a ton of info.

22693011? ago

Not easy to find the good reads.

22690754? ago

RIP Phil

22691464? ago

An absolute legend

22690682? ago

just tell them where ,steal the sub sandwich off them

22690621? ago

I just came across a very interesting video and I’d like to share it here with the anons but I don’t know how to post a video link from YouTube, could you tell me how to do it? I promise I’m not a shill I’m just technologically challenged.

22693019? ago

Click on share and copy the link.

Then paste it here.

22692536? ago

see the box above where it says https://voat, etc? Open your video, select the text that appears in that same box, ctrl c (copy), then open your voat comment box (like the one I'm typing in), and ctrl v (paste). Is that what you mean?

22690516? ago

Too many links, with zero summary.

Is this "DUMBS" just the standard caves, tunnels, mines, and such? Or is this the theoretical Deep Underground Military Bases that are close to the center of the earth, and staffed by the worlds leftists, cabal honchos, and other malefactors? One obviously already exists, and the other has only made an appearance in the minds of certain types of people.

If you are referring to the second version, which of those links contains the best evidence?

There are some 'unusual' beliefs found in this vicinity, but I'm going to assume you acknowledge the earth is essentially round-like-a-ball, and that many to most of the things we see are real.

22690420? ago

Weren't there a bunch of tunnels connecting the Playboy Mansion and other buildings, then in Washington DC the underground is swiss cheese with all those tunnels. We always heard about Paris. I imagine London is the same. Probably most major cities.

22693026? ago

Hugh Hefner Blackmail honey pot.

Clown town. <

Follow the White Rabbit.

22690383? ago

Wow great list! Can’t tell ya how it much this helps to put it in to perspective + the believability factor.

22693029? ago

People keep saying it's not happening.

I beg to differ.

Read between the lines here.

22690311? ago

If the Project Looking Glass stuff is real, in the 'bad' timeline there was to be an ELE and the so-called elites would go to ground. The timelines converged to the 'good' one thank God, and nothing can stop the Great Awakening. They'll try to hide in their underground lairs, and our military will be trained to smoke 'em out! Awesome!

22693035? ago

I think that ELE was Comet Elenin.

22690310? ago

Practicing to remove us from our Bunkers when the Hunt begins.

22693040? ago

Depending on who is in control.

22690176? ago

thank you archived


22690216? ago

Excellent. Cheers.

22690106? ago

Thank you OP!

Great timing on this..

I was just looking to give some information around this phenomenon to a good friend who because of all the weirdness recently coming to light is starting to ask questions -specifically around DUMBs- and actively red pilling himself.

Exciting times we are living in. I don’t know if this is the best possible timeline, but it sure is an interesting one!

Keep your head up patriots. We are making progress.

22692509? ago

A lot worse timelines we could have been experiencing now. This one is a lot more hopeful anyway. Imagine 8 years of Hillary.

22690228? ago

Thanks for your awesome reply and support.

22700212? ago

Awesome. Thank you patriot! We are in this together.

The future has the potential to be very bright.

Let’s all set our sights on the most optimal future / country for or ourselves and our descendants, and make it happen.

22703709? ago

Copy that Sir.

22690017? ago

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22689832? ago

Hats off to you! Plus a pat on the back for good measure. Well done Anon.

22689986? ago

Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it.

22689709? ago

Is this to fight the Cabal hiding in their DUMBs or to fight the Inner Earth reptilians in their cavern cities?

22691929? ago

Is there a difference?

22693471? ago

Good point.

22690063? ago

You know, I was thinking that myself, and it's both I think.

I've watched a lot of Corey Good et al, and it's starting to make a lot more sense than before.

I think they like their privacy down there.

22695018? ago

Corey Goode came from the Project Avalon forum when I was a member there. He was a regular member with his name and everything on his account, then the forum staff gave his account a makeover and hid his personal details and called him an anonymous whistleblower, then all this horse shit started.

You have to be less gullible. 90%+ of “alternative media” personalities are controlled disinformation of one form or another. Goode is a total asshat and can’t even keep his elaborate stories straight.

His handler after Avalon, David Wilcock, is another beauty and has been bullshitting people since 2000 when he claimed the new year would cause everyone to “ascend” in some big horse shit event that never happened. That was just the BEGINNING of that assholes career.

22695127? ago

Look. Yes I get all that, but they are bringing up topics, as is the shill Alex Jones I might add, which make people (Normies) wake up to more than they see on TV regardless.

So I don't know whether they are useful or not.

At the very start, Alex Jones helped red pill me, as did CG and DW.

The Synchronicity Key was an interesting read and video.

Now I'm not a fan of any of them anymore for obvious reasons, which don't need to be explained, but where do all these people fit in?

Another example is Anthony Patch who was on The Kev Baker Show a lot.

Very technical and super interesting material.

Kev Baker has a Pedophile triangle symbol logo, and Anthony Patch is a Q denier.

Other than that, they have a very interesting show.

Now if I wasn't following Q, I would have believed AP about Q.

But now I realize he and KB, are just part of the Shills, and they sow disinformation into what they present, in order to obfuscate, and confuse people.

Either way, I learned A LOT, and I intend to inform others of what happened to me.

Can we please some Truth FFS.

22696260? ago

Alex Jones could be a double agent. He does SOME good, you're right. He also makes "respected" people in society not associate with conspiracy theories because he's the crazed poster boy of them.

Corey Goode is a straight up bullshit artist. If fantasizing about aliens that come straight out of his retarded imagination is helping people "wake up" then people are far more stupid than I've given them credit for. I grew disillusioned with the entire Internet crowd of "my reptilian story is bigger than your reptilian story" hoaxers and CIA glowniggers. If anyone is legit they'd better have good security or they'd already be dead.

22718923? ago

Alex Jones is a Mossad asset.

Q has confirmed this.

22719719? ago

Yes, but he could still be a double agent. Wouldn’t surprise me.

22723447? ago

Now that would be Hillaryous, and seeing him piss all over the enemy gloating. I doubt it though. He can be very funny.

22696199? ago

What do you guys think about Al Bielek? Opinions aside, there’s one story he tells where he’s supposed to have a clandestine meeting about some secret shit going on and the meet-up place is like a bar somewhere in Arizona. Well the person he’s supposed to meet with shows up and it’s none other than Luke Skywalker. Bielek says that he’s part of the program. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit if “life experience” is one of the reasons certain actors get certain movie roles.

22693741? ago

Corey Goode? come on man

22693819? ago

Like i said, the more time goes on, the more seems likely to be true.

I'm not saying it all is man, but to dismiss it arbitrarily seems closed minded.

What about the things Tompkins revealed before he died? All garbage?

22693973? ago

I would go so far as to say I am a believer when it comes to DUMBS and ETS, just not CG or his version of events.

22693988? ago

Fair enough.

Then please just say that.

I never said he was right, I said more of what he has said is making more sense as time passes.

That's all.

I would like to see him be right to be honest.

22693993? ago

Im saying the guy is a scammer not to be taken seriously

22693997? ago

OK I beleive you.

Can I have something to back up your claims.

Like I said, I am not disputing what you are saying, I just want to know how you have arrived at this assessment.

Where is his story awry?

22694029? ago

Corey was taken as a preteen by the US military, tortured in DUMB, trained as soldier, accelerated his ageing, met "Blue Avians" superior belevolent alian intelligence (big blue humainoid bird aliens)

was commissioned into an intergalactic war against bad aliens, killed his way through thousands of bad aliens in space war, then reversed his aging to travel back in time (corey claims to be a reverse aged old man in the body of a guy in his late 40s) to become the chosen emissary of the Blue Avians on Earth, a Galactic Ambassador. His job is to lead humanity though this difficult time for a nominal fee of a few hundred dollars to enroll in his online educational course, dvds, cruises, memorabilia.

22694058? ago

Ok awesome.

Now let's pick through those fruity concepts, but also drill down deeply into what he is saying.

BTW, he should be allowed to make money if people are prepared to buy his content. Even if it's a load of horse shit.

FYI, I don't get a cent for my decodes, as I like it that way, but it would be nice to be paid, and to know there are those that value my work enough to pay something for it.

Moving on: Inner Earth Civilizations. I'm starting there is something to this.

Maybe some of those things he described did happen, and only time will tell.

Separately, riddle me this: Why did the Cabal make the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"?

Not saying CG is correct at all, just been wondering about this question.



22689875? ago


22689727? ago

Great question!

22689694? ago

Tunnel rats.

22690069? ago

Very true.

22689539? ago

We know

22689546? ago

Thank you Sir.

22689560? ago

No, thank you.

22690027? ago


22689474? ago

Spare a thought for the Soldiers that do this kind of work.

The psychological effect of being deep underground alone, is difficult to come to terms with.

Claustrophobia is very real.

Thank you Patriots.

22693255? ago

Also imagine being the innocent civilians hiding in the sewers to avoid being killed over some enterprising politician's war...

22693833? ago

Like a post apocalyptic war zone.

That's their intention.

22717815? ago

In the interest of disclosure, the gentlemen is an actor 'portraying' Orwell and that is not actually Orwell.


"Imagine a boot stamping on a human face, forever. That is the future if we continue on our present path."

22717860? ago

Never give up.

22717941? ago

Wouldn't know how. :) o7

22718127? ago

We will not bend, we will not break.

We will never give up, we will never give in, until we are Victorious.


22691187? ago

Agree wholeheartedly!

22689403? ago

You lost me at the Call Of Duty map. Thanks for the rest!

22689425? ago

My point being, that (((they))) are training us through games to fight in wars. <

And thanks BTW.


22690610? ago

And they are using kids games that are advertised when my grandkid plays angry birds or even something as banal as scrabble. It's stunning how many war games there are, and how many illuminati symbols show up in a stupid game like angry birds. I started playing along with him so I could see for myself. I think I'm gonna "accidentally" break his iPad

22693145? ago

Mind control.

That's all it is.

22689430? ago


22689400? ago

Wow, thanks for sharing!

22689432? ago

Thank you also Anon!


22689311? ago

Most Excellent Research Anon , Respect.

Peace Y

22689347? ago

Thank you very much Sir.

I've been thinking about this deeply for some time now.

22689271? ago

Been telling folks for a couple of years that the mysterious booms that communities have been hearing at all hours and from seemingly underground, was warfare being conducted against the cabal. They (Brotherhood of the Snake) have been burrowing into the earth for millennia.

22693083? ago

The silent war not so silent. This is also why President Trump, his administration, and his family members like saying BOOM so much.

22691329? ago

Been hearing in my area as well. Different than a transformer blowing. But just as loud. Usually around 2:00 am - 4:00 am

22692078? ago

Same in mine. They say the local university who owns the land is using it to test explosives, but the booms don't match up with what they are saying. Not with the granite/ gneiss bedrock here in the Northeast. Blast effects shouldn't travel that far, due to the density of the bedrock. But they shake houses miles away. Of course nobody is allowed on site and nobody can point anyone in the direction these "blasts" are happening...

22692818? ago

Ya. After reading some of the articles, I'm wondering the same thing. What's underneath?

22689846? ago

Yep. Even in my small town there have been booms that sounded like they came from under the ground.

22689363? ago

Yes indeed. And California activities and fires related to identifying underground positions?

Big fight going down in Cali.

22692036? ago

I think the Searles Valley earthquakes are. I've been watching all the sudden swarms of earthquakes happening daily in Southern Puerto Rico on a daily basis for the past month or so, very similar to what happened out at China Lake Naval Base (Searles Valley), and now more recently, big daily swarms on the Iranian Turkey border. I check the worldwide daily alert map every day. Here's a link if you'd like: http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/index2.php

22693050? ago

They use DEWs to target shallow fault lines.

Fukushima was a terrorist attack.

22689216? ago

Wow, thank you anon.

I'm thinking Defender Europe and Defender Pacific are for a very good reason.

Who knows where the rabbit holes will lead?

22689245? ago

Got to get this done, not matter where the rabbit holes lead.

22689722? ago

I want to contribute.

22689212? ago

Great info, thank you.

22689234? ago

Cheers brother.

22689139? ago

Will they be able to stop the diabolical Mole Man?!!!

22689145? ago

Fuck me, I hope so!

22689095? ago






Only kidding...

22689136? ago



22688973? ago

For the uninitiated, what is a DUMB? A slang for bunker?

22689008? ago

Deep Underground Military Base.

22688995? ago

Deep Underground Military Base

22688947? ago

Thank you, Anon! Prolific amount of work!

22691568? ago

22689014? ago

Thank you.

22693644? ago

For you!🍿

22693822? ago

Hot, fresh, golden and delicious.

22688899? ago

So, you're showing us, that five decades later, the Army is finally addressing the reason that they lost in Vietnam? These pentagon types are a tad slow on the uptake, evidently...

22690480? ago

can u expand about losing vietnam? what was vietnam even about anyway? why did we care about that little forest place?

22693605? ago

play black ops 2 campaign if you want a small glimpse into what it looked like.

their tunnels were so elaborate.

the warfare was dirty, these dudes were fighting to the death in holes you can't even turn around in.

fuck everything about that shit.

22691553? ago

Research Air America. You'll find your answer.

22691533? ago

we lost Vietnam because, at that time, our military methodolgy was incompetent against an enemy who couldn't be seen, across a clear battlefield (think cannons at Gettysburg.) The vietnamese had spent generations building tunnels, and could pop up out of the jungle floor, kill, and disappear. Our military had zero strategy for that, at the time. The public was unable to stomach the horrendous losses, and the US retreated out of the country.

22691013? ago

Vietnam is full of tunnels, with a history. A very deep hole.

22690951? ago


22689059? ago

Erm... Yes.

22688761? ago

ok wow that is compelling. reading between the lines....

22689051? ago

That was my point for posting it.

Shills were being difficult, so I posted all this for them, or anyone else having doubts about the underground war going on beneath our feet.

Let's not forget the Mag Lev system of tunnels they have linking all the cities.

What evil are (((they))) perpetrating under our feet?

22690614? ago

You didn't figure anything out. You bought the disinfo. Great success.

22693138? ago

Whatever Shill.

22690292? ago

I still don't get it. You're telling me that the major nation's have been tunneling like crazy building vast networks underground? Working in a mine is incredibly dangerous and building vast compounds that stretch the globe seems DUMB when it can be sabotaged by simply drilling from the ocean down and flooding the network with the sea.

I think you guys are taking the term "Deep underground" literally instead of figuratively.

22690668? ago

You're right I don't get it.

There's a massive difference between a network of tunnels in DC connecting politicians to young boys and girls discretely or as an escape route. Or an ancient city built underground. Or a massive network of tunnels big enough to wage a war in between nations.

Why the fuck do you build a submarine base in Nevada? Its fucking land locked!!! Its anywhere from 200-180 miles from the nearest body of water that has a draft deep enough for a submarine, presumably they'd have to stay underwater the whole time, if they came through the SF bay above water people might start to notice subs going in an out of a waterway that is presumably a dead end for submarines. Hawthorne clearly is a MASSIVE weapons depot, could have an underground base, whatever.

All of this fails occam's razor.

22692485? ago

Who said anything about "a submarine base in Nevada"? Where did that example come from?

22697152? ago

that was a bunch of handwaving followed by a weak strawman to derail the subject. funny stuff!

22688397? ago

Great links. Thank you, anon.

22691832? ago

Remember all the stories from all over the World about the "Mysterious Hum"? Most described it as more of a grinding sound. Went on 24/7.

Gosh, I wonder what that was all about?

Oh yeah....

22698386? ago

Many reports of strange booms as well

22772111? ago

Yeah, I forgot about those....

22693533? ago

There is something like that going on right now in Anchorage, Alaska. I can't post links, but look at the Alaska Daily News website for articles on it.

22772102? ago

! ! ! !....

22693109? ago

Remember how DARPA was asking on Twitter for underground bunkers?


22772082? ago


22688465? ago

You're welcome.


23176632? ago

Yea dude. I’m starting to see this is a part of the picture. Fucking crazy though.

23178216? ago

People keep denying it, and I am sick of their shit!

They can't now.


Underground fighting. It's the main game.

22717794? ago

I'm also very interested in DUMBs but the content is usually low quality or not easy to find, especially since the YT purging began.

Please continue your effort to document and collect these resources and above all please keep sharing them.

It is formally appreciated.

22717858? ago

I have a channel.

I will archive here and present there.

Thanks again.

22688750? ago

Yes, thx Anon, digging in that now!

All that wonder sometime why arrests take long and what Q means with 'just because you don't see doesn't mean nothing is happening'

Watched a video on DUMBS the other day that gave a good explanation of the plan:

Gain control and maintain supremacy in space (space force), in the sky, on the ground, and underground.

Most of what is/ has been going on we don't see, many dumbs are taken out already!

22692435? ago

Thank you for broaching the subject of Phil Schneider. I think this is our biggest problem and the source of many other problems attributed to humanity. The deep state (Jesuits, Sabbateans, etc) became intrigued by the occult and by these creatures, became involved with them, and then were taken over by them. The cabal are their slaves. The creatures are the ones that are actually pushing the agenda in order to take over the planet and use us all as slaves. The NWO isn't human. This is our true battle, and it's being hidden from us like any predator would hide and sneak up on its prey. Once it's out in the open, it becomes much easier for us to win. There are a lot of signs and evidence that this is going on. Schneider's testimony is an example.

22693164? ago

And they're Fallen Angels to boot.

This is the connection not being made.

22695262? ago

We'll be Angels on another world, and we won't fall like them.

I think that's why God allowed this to continue, why instead of just doing a cosmic mulligan "oops my bad, sorry for the shitty employees there, here have Eden back and we can forget this whole experience" we went through thousands of years of suffering.

When I look at the human race, not our worst, but our best. The Anons who've dedicated thousands of hours of their lives to this cause even though no single one of us has any hope of changing this, but as a collective force we're like water, we will topple mountains.

All I can think is what will humans do when we see injustice in the universe?

These Fallen Angel's or Annunaki, whatever the fuck they are. They made an enemy in humans. I'm sure we're not the only world they've done this to.

22695354? ago


I am here to warn them, that we are ready to destroy them completely.

Ready to put our lives on the line for real.


Put water inside the cup, and it becomes the cup. <

Shapeless. Formless.

Anons represent a Mortal enemy for The Cabal.

Asymmetric Warfare.

Remember that.

Enter The Dragon <


22691245? ago

Northern border Anon here. I posted about some loud underground booms in June 2019. The booms had been going on for a long, long while. Unexplained for years. It baffled the community as it shook our homes.

The booms stopped literally the day I posted about it and have not continued. It was either a spectacular coincidence or...

22689179? ago

Space Force. LOL No such thing as a Space Force. Black Budget money.

NASA already admitted we cannot go into deep space.

We live in an enclosed system.

22689257? ago

Can you elaborate on this enclosed system we live in?

22691864? ago

Flat earth shit... Clown op. Ignore the faggot.

22689965? ago

Don't feed the retards

22689467? ago

The Book of Enoch. Book of Genesis. Firmament Above Us that we cannot pass through.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpPMoIv1lxI NASA ADMITS WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WogsSOrr0l8 Real Eyes Realize Real Lies (2018 Documentary)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x15CE3pUbRM&list=PL38H4TQwOi2nhZtgnQbc3a3JNaLUWvXFQ&index=4 The Truth In Plain Sight

http://convexearth.org/ Convex Earth

22693795? ago

I thought the firmament was just a quarantine, which was lifted in the last decade? Been seriously looking into flat earth but having sailed from the west coast to Hawai'i, still can't get on board with it due to the horizon.

22696326? ago

The earth isn't exactly flat like a disc.

Besides the Horizon doesn't curve. I spent 22 years at sea all over the world.


7 scientists, 7 years of scientific research, 6 continents, 15,000 hours, 1 conclusion.

22696611? ago

Thanks, man. Maybe we're just in a petri dish on someone's desk?

22696657? ago

Horton here's a Who.

22689142? ago

Full Spectrum Dominance. They really mean that shit.

22688306? ago

Hmm. Maybe it's time to clean out whatever the hell lurks around down there. Maybe that's why all of the last second trips to Antarctica post election

22694284? ago

I believe it's already happened


That would explain how confident POTUS and Q are. And how he keeps saying . "we're watching a movie"

Imagine if all those who were in control (MJ12 and others hiding in DUMBs) were already captured in 2018...

22695048? ago

The entire MJ12 mythology originated from a man who openly admits he worked for Air Force counter-intelligence. He just promises us that this stunt of his, unlike all his others, has “real” documents.

22694825? ago

Fair stance. I often suspect that much has happened but not disclosed. Why not that too?

22688454? ago

There was a reference to an Antarctic treaty in the Gematria results this week.


Antarctic Treaty with who?

22689036? ago

Germans who fled to antarctic/agartha after ww2? and fucked the americans up when they went after them in operation highjump.

22689108? ago

Admiral Byrd and his HUGE fleet had their asses handed to them.

22689160? ago

And byrd was thrown under the bus and labeled insane, fucking assholes

22689203? ago

Yes, sadly.

Held back disclosure for all this time.

What the hell is down there.

Lots of activity: >

John Kerry Visit election day 2016?

Buzz Aldrin (became sick), and tweeted about pure evil?

Aldrin is a Freemason. <

The Russian Orthodox Pope

Speculation of MASSIVE pyramids being found.

Much more.

22690481? ago

The work of Miles Mathis fits nicely into all of this. As I was getting redpilled by Q I stumbled on mileswmathis.com and read his writings. He makes a lot of sense when you have the benefit of these decodes to back up some of his theories. Dark to Light indeed.

22693153? ago

Cheers brother. I will watch it all.

22689946? ago

It’s not “down there”. Antarctica is an ice wall circled around the rest of the world(what did they “highjump?). Until you understand that, you won’t understand the rest.

22691340? ago

They jumped down, not up. Think mirror etc

22690719? ago

This sounds like FE BS. Operation High Jump for leaping 1 mile glaciers.

22689650? ago

The Arc of Gabriel killing all those people in SA, then they hand over the relic to the Russians, who take it to Antarctica?

What’s this?

22688669? ago

The Tall Whites?

22691985? ago

Under Mount Shasta? I've heard those legends.

22692290? ago

I think it's the ancient Lemurians under Mount Shasta. The Tall Whites, as I understand them to be, are more dangerous.

I drove to Mount Shasta not too long ago. Compelled beyond denial. Don't know what I was expecting to find but the energy around that place is wild. Had an almost new battery in the car and it kept draining. A full charge on the phone and laptop would only last half an hour. Felt like the air was teeming with swimmers that were invisible to the sight but I could feel them brushing past me or resting on my skin.

When I headed home, the devices, car, and general feel returned to normal when there was about 50 miles between me and the mountain. I plan on going again when I have more time for exploring.

22693410? ago

I believe there are special areas like that. I call them energy vortexes.

22695741? ago

Took a trip to Sedona Az to check out the vortexes there. What an experience that was! The energy in places is palpable and I mean that in the most literal sense.

22696572? ago

I've heard and Id love to go! Been to AZ but haven't had the time to make it up there yet,.

22706474? ago

Darn! I visited Sedona back in 1987 and didn't notice anything other than the peacefulness.

22708406? ago

I've heard it was extremely peaceful/ spiritual. Incredibly so!

22693395? ago

Wow. Crazy, but I believe it! Sounds like the energy around my area. Even the native Americans left it alone. Colonists purchased my town super cheap. The empty lands they called it..

22695692? ago

It's a dream of mine to be able to travel to all these types of places. There's so much to be learned from their energy signatures. Very exciting stuff imo.

22696505? ago

It IS! I agree. It's amazing how places can give off energy, both good and bad. Just shows how how little we know, or have collectively forgotten. We still have that sense, such as when the hair raises on the backs of our necks, but we've forgotten how to use it, and how much more we can do with it. Everything IS connected! Very much like how birds migrate or fly in large groups, this way and that., but as one..

22692433? ago

Whoah....got any reliable links to learn more about this Mount Shasta and whatever's going on there?

22692622? ago

I don't know much about it myself. Ran into a clip a few years ago that talked about it. The four things that stuck out the most: Lemurians still live there, there are hidden "portals" at the base, people that have gone expressly to find a way into the mountain never returned, and it is known as Earth's crown chakra.

I was instantly intrigued but didn't think about it often. Then one day I woke up and the desire to go was so strong I had to.

I don't have links but if you type in Mount Shasta mystery you are sure to find many.

22689119? ago

All of them. Inter dimensional beings.

22689678? ago

Do you think the interviews with "Dr. Anderson" (WingMakers.us) are legitimate? Sure would explain a lot.

22690042? ago

I have some of that. Seems to make some sense.

I will go back and watch it again.

22691510? ago

I have only read them on the original site (.us). Was unaware there is a video and haven't been able to find it. Would you mind sharing a link? tyia

22693057? ago

Yes I will dig it up and link.

22691068? ago

Rh negative blood type

22691259? ago

That was random lol what is the intended context please? I'm sure it's relevant to a large number of anons here.

22691506? ago

Someone about said “Tall Whites” so listed what might be their type of blood which has always been a subject of interest since nobody seems to provide answers to its origin[s]. Talk of it being from ET blood hybrid with human. Whats most interesting is there appear to be no real scientific research on it. Why?

Here’s an article on someone from military who talks about the ET tall people.


But again, why no actual science research done?

22692032? ago

Yes, I remember watching/reading Charles Hall's accounts years ago. Very interesting but I don't recall him talking about the Tall Whites having Rh negative blood (which I have researched for many years).

The information blackout tells me a lot. Over the years I've been able to piece together enough buried information to form a few beliefs but there is still so much missing. It's also a subject that attracts instant attacks when brought up - another tell as to its importance.

22693076? ago

That was in the linked Gematria results.

RH bloodline.

22693156? ago

It should be understood that if it said "Rh bloodline" it is talking about Rh positive blood, not Rh negative. "Rh negative" is a misnomer as it isn't lacking the Rhesus factor but is in the original state. Rh positive blood has the added D antigen. Therefore, unless the numbers specified "negative," we read it as Rh positive.

22695754? ago


The Gematria could have been referring to either.

I'm sorry if that's confusing, but this Isisian Cipher system is objective, and very subjective, with much esoteric conceptualization required to discern exoteric and especially esoteric truths.

When putting the entry into the Gematria database, the messenger's intent may have been purely to bring the readers attention to RH Bloodlines in the first instance.


22696333? ago

Makes perfect sense. Thank you for the explanation.

22693205? ago

Thanks for clarifying.

I will educate myself further.

22693522? ago

Ugg, just typed a whole thing on this and went to submit, playpen went down n lost it all!

Ok, just go to wiki as is actually quite thorough.


Cant believe I just typed all that and lost it. Frustrating.

22693830? ago

Happens all the time.

I will study this carefully, as my knowledge is lacking here.


22695651? ago

Mainstream "medicine" and academia will mislead you on purpose, as I know you are fully aware of (thank goodness). This article is a very good place to start. From personal experience along with many years of research, I can say the information here is correct and is presented clearly and succinctly.


It's extremely time consuming and confusing to sift through the mountains of disinformation concerning Rh - blood but many here do have it and can attest to the fact that it "calls" you to dig for the truth.

Do you have Rh- blood as well? Good luck on your search. I know you are a very busy individual as it is! plur

22695766? ago

O -ve I think.

22695931? ago

No surprise. Same here.

22696040? ago

That means give blood to anyone right?

Not that I would...

22696149? ago

Yes, O- is the universal donor. But we cannot accept any other blood into our own system. You're wise to hang on to it.

Rh- people cannot be traced back to primates like the other 93% of the world's population can. Rh- share many intriguing traits as well.

22688655? ago

How does any of that autistic knowledge make sense? Where does one learn about the power of what seems to be completely random numbers?!?

22697395? ago

Gematria is not random numbers.

Gematria consists of adding up the ordinal numbers for the letters of a word. ABC is 6, DEF is 15, etc. Information be encoded by this method.

It's just like any other method of text compression. However, in Gematria there is not a fixed dictionary. 6 could be ABC or BBB or CC. Multiple meanings exist for any number. Hence the multiple wordings.

22690607? ago

It's a red herring. Time waster.

22689751? ago

Gematria is mostly speculative BS but the occultists really do use it to hide values and alternative meanings.

22690169? ago

Its. Code FFS!

Please stop gaslighting people on here who don't yet understand what this Gematria and the secret communication going on.

Its critical to get everyone noticing all these connections and meanings, as (((they))) certainly DO, and are using it to try and kill us all!

22690823? ago

By all means keep researching but make sure you're stocked with Kenneth Grant books which cover a lot of their favorite numbers.

22693119? ago

Thanks I will.

22690457? ago

Thank you - ignore the shills. I'm learning from you and I appreciate all of it

22692947? ago


22689096? ago

Interpretation, diligence, hard work and a curious mind.

Facts, numbers, evidence based.

Patterns everywhere.

This is (((their))) secret language.

Learn it, and the secrets of the Universe are unlocked and revealed in spectacular fashion.

It's hidden knowledge being used against us.

Turn the table.

22689462? ago

The problem is, it isn't any ONES language, it's a Universal one.

Yes it's related to Jewish Mysticism, but the Jews were given that knowledge in a Post-Deluvian time as a...Call it a leg up to give them greater odds of surviving, the humans of the time went from a High Technology time to a suddenly banging sticks and stones together, they needed knowledge to ensure their survival.

They are the "Chosen People" only in the sense that the aliens found them first and fed them some BS lines about them being special, they have been useful pawns of the Cabal for thousands of years, just like how Muslims hide behind "Moderates".

22689901? ago

Lay off the drugs

22689506? ago

The work I do is decoding a language all the elites are using.

I have just seen through all their lies and bullshit.

Trump wanted to learn all this for a very good reason.

We need to be able to compete with bad people, who are using all this knowledge to their advantage.

It's not theirs, it belongs to God, and they are keeping it all from us.

This is powerful knowledge. Knowledge IS power.

The power to control money, people, technology, the factors of production, the Universe itself.

This is The Great Awakening.

22690782? ago

I think the chap above was asking for a key text and or executive summary type guide to gematria

22693126? ago

I have already done all that work.

It's on my master page on here.

I will post a beginners guide.

22691346? ago

Anybody who wants it that easily and lazily will turn right around as waste it on lottery tickets. So to speak.

22693130? ago

People are using it for sports betting, as it's all rigged, and based on ritual.