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23182794? ago

You have no idea what is going on.

We already know there are breeding farms and child torture. Since the tunnel boring machines, it only makes sense the demons would go underground.

What about Zorro Ranch, crickets. Guarantee there is underground tunnels.

23183230? ago

Where is the proof of all of this? Give me solid proof of the things you are saying and perhaps more people will understand.

Just give us proof. Why do you believe these things?

Not here to argue, I'm genuinely looking for PROOF.

All I've seen are blogs and videos with nothing.... just opinions.

I've seen all the pizzagate stuff, the "testimony" of people claiming to be abused etc. But it's still hearsay.

Where is proof? I've seen pics of the poor kid with her face all mutiliated but it turns out it was a victim of a dog mauling... wtf is wrong with people that they would exploit that poor child's suffering in that way?! That pissed me off.

I've heard the so-called recordings of podesta yelling at some kid in a shower. How the hell do I know what that even was?? Or what the context was? Or if it was from some leaked recording of some domestic violence child abuse case?? People will take anything, and use it to fool others into believing something.

I'm not someone who is fooled easily or just accepts things at face value.

23185222? ago

The Fight in the DUMBs is real

Why are the Military training to fight underground if there's nothing to it?

23185362? ago

Iowa 6.5 Earthquake yesterday...Related? Underground battle? Methinks maybe...

23185636? ago

Yes I thought that too. Trump said last week " we all know how important Iowa is".

Now I know why.

23190691? ago

Earthquake was in Idaho

23190729? ago

Fair enough.

23185255? ago

Because the military needs something to spend all of it's money on? They've had all other types of training, why not underground training? There are tunnels and caves, yes. Doesn't mean they're full of slaves.

23185670? ago

There is more built underground than above ground. Open your eyes.

23185816? ago

I said I know there is stuff underground, of course there is. This is common knowledge. It's not a conspiracy.

The whole "mass slavery" going on underground is the conspiracy theory. (in other words, not substantiated.)

23185916? ago

You sound like a Shill. Sorry.

23188197? ago

You sound like a shill. Accusations and suspicious facts lead us to investigate, but in the end proof is required.

23188274? ago

I gave you proof.

23185939? ago

You should be sorry. What is deceitful about asking real questions?

I don't think you understand what the term "shill" means.

23186098? ago

It means you!

23186360? ago

This is why people think you are a cult.

23186532? ago

We know (((their))) dirty secret shill, so stop gaslighting us. It's all about that Adrenochrome...

23186656? ago

The proof is in the eating of the white rabbit