23193768? ago

To believe that this (rescuing kids) was part of the plan then you also have to believe the good guys started this virus to facilitate the secret rescue.

Lets say for kicks that the virus is a hoax...this "hoax"could end Trumps presidency. He will be blamed for every single death, real or not, and he will be blamed for the tanked economy. He would be responsible for people losing thier jobs, schools closing, businesses closing.

If the virus IS real and people are dying, then, if we are to believe this is a plan to rescue kids, we have to believe that the dead were sacrificed for the cause.

Logically this theory makes no sense. They dont need a ship to rescue the children. All they need is a distraction and some vehicles. Nothing about this theory is logical.

23189845? ago

I highly suggest anyone thinking of running to their normie friends and family with this spectacular and unlikely theory, pump the brakes quickly.

I agree given it's not proven.

However I don't discount the possibility that white hats might allow atrocities to continue in a game of chess where losing would incur a much greater cost than the atrocities themselves. War is hell.

23189203? ago

If "The Plan" is not executed at this time, and we don't see some Fuckers Arrested, I'm Out, and you No Source, Blind Believers can Shut The Fuck Up! Now Is The Time, Pull The Fucking Trigger!

23187125? ago

Do you know what happens when you go full on attack mode? Look what happened to JFK.

The evil cabal has been in power since the beginning.

Havn't you seen Q drops saying those who know can't sleep??? They've been fighting for last few years non stop.

23187061? ago

I have been very open minded which is how I ended up following Q for two years. Maybe it's just me, but something has just felt "off" lately. Q states often, "Ask yourself a simple question, why?" He also tells us to, "Think for yourself", "Trust Yourself" and to "Think Logically" so that is what I am doing.

Here are some things that I know:

“Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). (Dark to light)

"For I know the plans I have for you,...(Jeremiah 29.11) (Trust the Plan)

"God Wins" (Revelations 20)

Maybe this last one is the one that has really got me to thinking. Q post all the time that, "God Wins". Do you know who else knows that in the end, "God Wins". Satan. Another thing, Satan knows scripture and he used it when he was tempting Jesus. Satan uses ANYTHING at his disposal to deceive. Have any of you stopped to think that perhaps "Q" is a false prophet?

Call me a "shill", I don't care. For those of you who want to malign us who dare to question Q...remember, "SHEEP FOLLOW BLINDLY." - Q

"Ephesians 6:11-12

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Disclaimer: This is a re-post of mine from yesterday (March 30, 20). After much thought and prayer, this is what I wrote. But today (March 31, 20) I have to add, if I'm wrong about my doubts then the plan (Q's plan) still happens. If I'm right, I've walked away from a potential false prophet. I am NOT stating that President Trump shouldn't be in the White House. I am not stating that he is in anyway knowledgeable of Q. I believe that God is in control and that HIS plan has been unfolding since the beginning of time. TRUST GOD'S PLAN! If that quote is on qmap.pub, please let me know. With all the talk about God, shouldn't it be in there? Also, this post is meant for those who are followers of Christ. Not meaning to discriminate. This post is written from a Christian viewpoint.

23194557? ago

Well said.

23186706? ago

It is something else.

23186687? ago

I agree OP, I think this and more forthcoming 'bombshells' are relevant to the statement from Q 34 ("My fellow Americans"):

False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity.

So I really don't read much at all into these exclusive reveals getting spread around.

23186429? ago

Where are we getting all this underground stuff from? Like I know about tunnels and dumbs and all that but what is pointing us in that direction currently?

23186240? ago

AGreed. A lot of stuff from kids underground being rescued to the DUMBS military fighting vids need a slow down. It's a setup and a month from now it'll be "Qtards think kids underground"....but in reality they are setting this up and people are falling for it....

23186091? ago

God, this place has become a totally shit hole. If people want to talk, speculate, and make general conversation, that's their business. What's with all the nannie state / commie libtards coming here saying we shouldn't talk about whatever we want to talk about? If you don't like it the GTFO.

23185790? ago

Its's all BS..no kids will be coming out of tunnels. Utter fucking stupidity.

23185782? ago

This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!).

23185625? ago

I almost completely agree with you. Too many people are coming up with these wild theories that sound like something from a cheesy 80s movie but with the goriness of the 2000s. I love hearing the different theories but some of them are just too much of a stretch. If people run to non-believers with the wildest theories oh, they will not be able to open any eyes.

23185475? ago

It wouldn't necessarily be the case of them "letting" them. It could be that as part of a round up, they arrested somebody that spilled some more of the beans to save themselves. It's possible that they are still finding new stuff. This "discovery" might go on for months as people rat each other out.

23185262? ago

So where is the proof of this DUMB shit? Some overboard Q followers want to believe there is a great underground war going on. Now every earthquake is the result of a nuke going off underground. My question where in the holy mother eff are the thousands of casualties that would result in such a war?

23185261? ago

This is a reflection of the fact that we all sense we are being lied to big time and trying to piece together whatever evidence we can to try and come up with the truth.

23185114? ago

Are you new here, or retarded, or a shill? This has been happening for decades. Its one of the primary reasons this movement gained traction....

23184980? ago

^ Shill. Watch NYC

Watch the shill replies below.

23184919? ago

Did anyone ever stop and think that maybe it’s an effort to get runaways, prostitutes, victims of sex slavery (children/ adults) and or druggies off the streets and out of the tunnels of NY?

Maybe it’s not necessarily an organized ring that has been allowed to operate and continue but just simply what has been a way of life for these victims that has been allowing to go on for too long. And to get them round up and bring them in to safety all at once required a massive / confidential effort.

23184764? ago

Trust the Plan: The Choice to Know Will be OURS (not for everyone) We will be the GATEKEEPERS...

If i've learned anything in the past 3 years (and I've been right a LOT) it's that people process "news" through their own normalcy bias. Most people don't want to know the Truth... They just don't. If the truth is as simple as Trump and the MiL killed the Terrorists, they will happily go back to their routine... For those that want the information, they can be directed from people on this board to the proper places.

23184760? ago

No, the kids need to be saved. The fact that it's location makes it more dramatic and enticing for TV viewers helps the Q movement as well since it'll encourage interest in these issues. Don't hate on technique when it can help the movement.

23184741? ago

I don't think POTUS or Q allowed it...I think they've been planning on how to stop it. You don't just Leroy Jenkins into a situation like that...you don't know how defended it is, if we charge in to 'save the day' and they end up flipping a switch and killing all those kids or adults that are captured...how would that be an effective plan?

23184656? ago

Qult Fiction. That is what they do. Spin conspiracy after conspiracy that is proved all just a bunch of hyped up delusional thinking. Qultist's have lost their ever living minds.

23185489? ago

The Fight in the DUMBs is real <


23185590? ago

No it isn't. kek I have friends and family who serve. Two in the Pentagon. Officers. You're full of dung.

23185613? ago

STFU bot.

23185654? ago

Bot? kek

23184627? ago

Yeah. I would never tell anyone I know in real life this theory.

I like it though.

23184610? ago

I eventually stopped trying to make the case that time is never on your side. Many good people tuned out years ago with the lack of arrests. Thousands and thousands of people have died in the past 3 years while waiting for the perfect timing to drop a hammer that may never get dropped.

23186096? ago

I agree completely. Justice delayed is justice denied. Look at Harvey Weinstein. Now cruising around in a little rascal. Will never feel the cold rim of a stainless steel toilet in a maximum security prison. And Hillary Clinton, still making jabs at Patriots on twitter. Tired of this "the timing has to be perfect" bullshit. I don't care if this all comes down to demons skinning infants alive. I want the fucking evidence NOW. Fuck your timing. With evidence of this nature, it would be suicidal for any judge to let these people walk free on a technicality. It would be suicide for even the most leftist activist judges to sentence anything but public execution. So none of this waiting bullshit makes any sense.

23184594? ago

How do you know many haven't already been rescued? How do you know that just storming in to get them wouldn't cause the traffickers to just blow up the tunnels themselves kill all the children and hide the evidence. Please don't minimize this because you aren't privy to how the operation is and has been carried out.

23184400? ago

Q the newest false prophet on the Interweb of Lies leading the lost CINO's into the ditch of perplexity.

And many false Prophets will arise and will deceive many.

23184341? ago

What do you care what the “movement” looks like faggot? Question everything but stop trying to pretend like you give a shit about the movement.. you are a slippery shill trying to slide the board.. I thought dead kids being found in a Muslim terrorist testing faculty was nuts too even listened to some of you and wow look it was true haha man go spend time with your young lil ((tikes))) and tell them daddy’s job is essential to the NWO because you work for the fucking devil

23184362? ago

things a glow clown pickle boy says for $1000, Alex !!

23184331? ago

If the plan isn't listing alll jews as foreign enemy combatants then I dont want no part of it

23184205? ago

You are living in a Hollywood fantasy where what should be must align with what is. Thats not how reality always works.

23184176? ago

The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc.

The pedo networks are being dismantled.

The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody).

23184010? ago

What if your wrong, OP? If we take everything with a grain of salt, and research for ourself, the truth will come to light.

One thing i have learned, is there are things going on that we can't imagine, bc the majority of us are not evil. If you have been around long enough, you would have seen things that you can never unsee. Those who have seen these things, can not sleep. We have ONE chance to correct this, and the time is now.

Regardless, if this is happening now or not, it will happen, and it will shock the world. These sick fuckers are really doing this, no question in my mind. PRAY for the Patriots in harms way, and especially the victums. GOD WINS!

23185955? ago

Luckily I wasn't one of the NYPD officers who saw the supposed horrible EVIDENCE on Weiner's laptop. Because if I were, I would've told the Attorney General I have distributed copies of the entire laptop to 1000 locations and he has 24hrs to go public with it. Well, that didn't happen. So either I'm smarter than every NYPD officer who supposedly saw that EVIDENCE, or all those NYPD officers are full of shit or didn't give a shit, or it was all bullshit. Which of those three do you suppose is the truth? I don't care if it was demons in full physical demon form cannibalizing screaming infants. It goes public in 24hrs. Why is that so hard to understand?

23186392? ago

I agree with you 100% on the laptop point. However, that doesn't mean those types of things are not happening. Expand your thinking for a moment. What if, to some degree, things like child sex slaves or adult sex slaves are happening, and there was a plan to capture most of them in a short period of time. Wouldn't shutting the world down in quarantine, be a good start to that plan?

I'm just going on what i have seen personally. Very disturbing stuff. I will never be the same. This seems like a start of returned prayers to stop the horrific acts of evil.

If we do nothing, and this continues, then God should recycle, and restart. I'm praying , this is the beginning to the end, and God wins.

23186728? ago

Sorry but I'm a purist on this one. Nothing excuses waiting a nanosecond on justice, much less 3 years. Not even if it was aliens threatening to atomize the entire planet if their existence was revealed. Fuck those alien assholes, I'm going public in 3...2...1... But that's just me. I don't subscribe to this bullshit "it would turn your stomach, you can't unsee it, it would give you nightmares" etc. That's all horseshit. I don't care if authorities are doing it for our own good. It's not their right to decide that for the rest of us. If they haven't blown their own brains out after seeing said "evidence" then it must've not been as bad as they're making it out to be. They're saying this shit as justification to conceal the truth from the public. Anyone who does that is MORE GUILTY than the ones committing the crime.

23187528? ago

The TRUTH, will come out, whatever that is, imo. Factor out the extreme, bc i agree, if i saw a known person commit an act as described on the laptop, i would do whatever for justice. However, that might be a story, planted on purpose, to discredit. Only real evidence would suffice for action. That, which i have not seen.

The problem is the unknowns, like things i have seen, there is no way of determining who was committing the atrocities. Horrific shit, that if true must be stopped at all costs.

We all know evil exists, and to what degree, who knows. Just read the news, and you will see today a women in her 20's just got arrested for posting videos of children and toddlers getting raped. This shit exists, and we need to cull the perps, once and for all. No fucking mercy, if it were up to me

23183948? ago

People have died, and will die, to make sure evil doesn't win in the end. If you think you can just wave a magic wand and everything will be roses because you say so, you are a child.

23183941? ago

Hey OP please answer,

What if it wasn't for a show but that the military needed time to train for the extraction of these slaves? What if we have way more non-governmental and foreign troops below our feet then we could possibly imagine?


23183995? ago

rolling up global rat lines was priority number one

but we're supposed to believe that kid blood factory was festering under Trump's hometown ?


23184657? ago

I don't think it is only children or that it is en mass yet, but I do think the evidence of the military training for the fight is self-evident and people are morons to believe otherwise.

23183863? ago

He hasn't done a thing to stop the gangstalking, electronic harassment or 5g either.

23183817? ago

What are you even talking about? What do you think is going on? Don't tell me what's not going on. I'm not interested in your interpretation of what's not going on. What is going on? If you don't have that answer then you should shut the fuck up.

23183810? ago

What kind of proof would convince you?

23184048? ago

something this spectacular could not be covered up for more than a day

you'll know I'm right about this time tomorrow

23183918? ago


23183965? ago

Pick one

23184087? ago

any is much more generous than one

23184208? ago

I don’t believe any amount of evidence would convince you

23183774? ago

Yep, and why do it on a certain date. Weird if true.

23183705? ago

there is an entire sub-culture down there... like hg wells the time machine, but more like the hills have eyes, urban version

23183660? ago

I call bullshit as well but when you say 'POTUS would allow'...' you're off base. If all is this shit was happening and it all went down for Easter, it wouldn't be that Trump wanted to set it all up as a grand show, it would be that 1)it took time to put all the pieces in place to even clear these networks and 2) the clearing of these networks and subsequent would need to be timed with this global quarantine because there will be civil unrest on many levels.

23183496? ago

That is why people were saying years ago to just arrest the motherfuckers. Of course, we were yelled at to trust the plan.

If children have been abused because we trusted the plan, then who is responsible? We will storm the beaches at Normandy, but then we are told to stand down before a bunch of satanic pedophile cowards.

23183404? ago

It's like a retard had a burst of common sense. But then when back to being a retard.

23183315? ago

It happens when and if it happens with absolute proof, until then it is shilling aimed at discrediting or just pure fantasy by the mentally ill.

23183207? ago

The qtards really thought they had something this time. Instead its just trumpstein once again going along with whatever scheme the kikes are running. This scheme is massive bailouts for jewish owned companies, in case you retards still haven't figured it out yet. Remember those sports ball teams you really thought you were sticking it to? Lol yeah, you get to pay their bailouts now. Good job electing another boomer kike.

23183134? ago

No sources. Second hand accounts. It's already been a few hours and nothing.

Pretty soon everyone will have enough of your bullshit. April fools.

23183132? ago

I don’t see that playing out live on TV either.

23182975? ago

It's for the rescued slaves, including children who have been BRED for torture, rape and harvest and never even been above ground.

Also for the junkies who can't get their fix because the cartels are also cut off from China's supply.

Calling people stupid and retarded for not looking away isn't an argument, niggerfaggot.

23183046? ago

you cunt... I never called anyone retarded or stupid.

I'm throwing a wrench into the building hysteria.

carry on shilly

23183456? ago

I'm throwing a wrench into the building hysteria.

carry on shilly

OK Groomer. Spike the Kool Aid with more denial and willful ignorance. Because slow acting poison will only extend the forth coming melt downs and global hysteria.

It's like censorship must continue to protect Pedovores one more day.

Grooming ignorance is all Pedovores can do to save face. Well fuck you.

23183598? ago

I get it... I don't believe thousands of slave children will be led out of tunnels under New York city into the ships Mercy and Comfort, this week.

and I'm a groomer for it

lol you clown cunts are behind this bullshit story !!!

23184192? ago

From PragerU and Tim names Glen Beck with an eye opening mention. Goes on for about a minute that kind of floored me.

The Candace Owens Show: Tim Ballard

At the 09:00 mark Tim first mentions Beck for the lazy like me ;-)

23183147? ago

You didn't call anyone names.

23183104? ago

[-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-]

23183086? ago

people with a valid argument rely on arguments not ad hominem attacks on the anonymous internet

23182964? ago

99% of the population will need to be hospitalized because their safe space bubble is about to be popped.

So keeping them clueless longer is only going to make the melt downs into freaked out Murder/Suicide cluster fucks.

So the plan is to pretend this has not been going on even before Trump won? Sure, we can blame Trump later, but he is just a figurehead with the battle going on at DUMB around the US and the world.

Too many nurses and support staff have volunteered. They are talking. They have camera's. They have loved ones in the medical field freaking out. Not all of them are compromised and a few are leaking info in real time. More than a few.

23186909? ago

So where is the leak footage? Where are the photos? Curious.

23183789? ago


23182863? ago

The children are being led out the NYC tunnels directly to the hospital ship.

23183339? ago

You state this as fact, but you know it's speculation. Why state it as a fact? You are the retards making this whole thing look like a ruse.

23183176? ago

the same way many of them entered that hell hole called NYC

23183051? ago

I see you attracted the Pedo-protectors. Over target and doing the Lords work.

Hat tip with a smile and a wink.

23187170? ago

4 hours later.

Where's your fucking proof?

23187982? ago

We found the Groomer. (spit)

23187993? ago

Not proof. More reactionary emotion. Are you some boomer female?

23193980? ago

Pedovore Groomers are getting too dammed easy to spot.

Your entertainment value is lacking.

23182990? ago

yeah... and if you concluded that based on a SOUND file that is proliferating the internets today


23183481? ago

What sound file are you talking about? Link please?

23183128? ago

you're a clown

23182979? ago

No they aren't. They are being transported by molecular transport mechanisms like Star Trek that the government have kept secret.

23183129? ago


23183142? ago

Because it's bullshit just like the transporters.

23184575? ago

Most people think the sun is yellow and the moon comes out at night. Are you able to observe the truth of something simple like that which you have been brainwashed to believe? I am asking ... are you sure you can tell? Are you simply asserting your belief system because there is a threat here to your worldview? Could you stand to be wrong? Would you have a great big rip roaring belly laugh at yourself?

23182908? ago

Video or it didn't happen.

23183218? ago

I want everyone to fucking remember this bullshit. Don't let these fuckers live down this embarrassment.

23182854? ago

What is today's date?

23184145? ago

Jesters and Shriners go honk honk? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3739754/23184025

23182794? ago

You have no idea what is going on.

We already know there are breeding farms and child torture. Since the tunnel boring machines, it only makes sense the demons would go underground.

What about Zorro Ranch, crickets. Guarantee there is underground tunnels.

23191281? ago

You have no idea what is going on.

think mirror

23187062? ago

Elon is a stuttering eye blinking moron.

23184947? ago

The evil elite??? You mean jews. Wont even name the enemy and were supposed to take you seriously

23184926? ago

When Elon was on Joe Rogan, you could tell he was shook about something.

23183890? ago

So Q team and POTUS allowed children to be tortured for another 4 more years so the rescue would match up with the CoronaVirus gag?

23184666? ago

In a war, the good guys don't get to sweep in and heroically wipe out the bad guys at will. It takes reconnaissance, planning, training, and more. If even a small portion of the child trafficking and abuse rumors are true, these evil people have run governments and intelligence agencies with access to unlimited funds to create fortified, hidden, and disguised lairs, and have their players embedded in every level of government, military, big business, and more. The amount of planning and preparation for an event of this scale would take years, and premature action and defeat would result in much greater suffering. As for the timing of a rescue event coinciding with the coronavirus quarantine, there are many scenarios that could account for this without being the one you propose.

23184514? ago

I think he had to get judges in place, shut down the supply chain, and collect irrefutable evidence against the Tippy Top offenders- politicians, billionaires and celebrities- in order to get convictions. Sure he could have gone dictator but then he would not have saved our republic.

It would have been easy for the fake news to paint DJT as treasonous.

Also, there is Biblical precedence for this- i am a Jesus follower and I often wonder why Jesus and God-who are oodles more powerful than our President- doesn’t just strike down the evil people in this world. I still don’t know why, but I do know I trust the plan because it is GOD’S PLAN and who am I to criticize it.

23184307? ago

Possibly, but they may have not been able to sleep while waiting for a time in which they could actually save them. Saving them early could have had terrible consequences for all, including setting off traps (like automatic poisoning of water supplies, or dirty bombs set as traps). The fact is, we don't have all the data so we can't know the reasons why they didn't act sooner.

23183886? ago

Neither do you, LMAO!

23183791? ago

The question is why do it today??

23184574? ago

It won’t happen today. Or tomorrow, or the day after that.

23183316? ago

Neither do you. None of us know what's going on. The insanity of the theories is completely out of step with what's going on.

Not sure if you guys are shills or under their influence. But knock it off.

Shit will happen when it happens. When we're meant to know, we will know. Until then, we have no idea what's doing on and the bullshit theories going around are only harmful. Easily exploited by even the dumbest of shills. Stop feeding them mental illness to use against the movement. You are harmful.

23186021? ago

So you're saying that THINKING and DISCUSSING ideas is... well "harmful". Um... okay. So don't comment then, you don't want to "harm" yourself do you?

23186017? ago

Learning, test theories, and thinking are necessary. Settle down.

23185027? ago

Harmful for your small mind?

23186016? ago

Baseless conjecture can be harmful

23187247? ago

Define baseless. Are you denying all the pedo arrests over the last three years? Are you denying hillary is evil beyond belief? No "CONJECTURE" No Hypotheses. GO with your gut.

23191359? ago

Baseless: having no basis in reason or fact.

Are you denying all the pedo arrests over the last three years?


Are you denying Hillary is evil beyond belief?


Was your comment supposed to be useful?

23184251? ago


23184763? ago

Cope. Evil will be routed...you will be out of a job.

23183357? ago

fuck off, pedophile shill.

you're a disgrace to America.

23184058? ago

same fruit, different day

23183914? ago

Repeat after me: you don't know what's going on.

Then take a Midol and drink a glass of water.

23183282? ago

John of God was not even the first adrenochrome manufacturer to go down. He was just famous because of Clinton and Oprah Winfrey connection.

WuHan CCP was the biggest Global manufacturer who was ground zero for the Adrenochrome Flu.

Wuhan had a lot of millionaires because they were skimming (((Adrenochrome))) and worse. Think black market breeding farms with looted medical equipment.

The DUMB (Deep Underground Military Bunkers) under that area has been nuked and is a hot spot deep under ground. Like miles deep

23189308? ago

Are you saying the DUMBs are miles deep? Do you realize how fucking Hot it is that deep? Try Again.

23193907? ago

20,000 feet is a hair more that 3 miles. The deepest dill was 7.5 miles.

The Kola Superdeep Borehole was just 9 inches in diameter, but at 40,230 feet (12,262 meters) reigns as the deepest hole. Drilled by the Russians in the seventies.

23196153? ago

A drill hole and DUMBs are slightly different, don't ya think?

23205491? ago

To a feral animal, yes. Huge difference between life and death. But as a "logical" and "reasoned" means to defend an debate, you would need to lack intelligence.

Your defense is retarded at an emotional based level of problem solving. Great for a cornered animal, not so good for reasoned logic.

Sucks to be you.

23184960? ago

I'm really confused about this. Why didn't we take over the dumbs instead of just blowing them up? Doesn't make sense.

23185507? ago

You ever play Civilization? You know how hard it is to maintain a bunch of cities when you start conquering the world? Sometimes the best choice is just to raze them and move onto the next target.

23185280? ago

Because every mile is a bobby trap or an escape point for the bad actors to exploit.

From what I understand only a few thousand miles have been secured. No telling how many millions more there are just in the States.

They are older than the bible by a few (hundreds of?) thousand years.

I doubt they will release all the info. But the kids will be hard to hide. Most will be in isolation because they are broken and very much (violently) retarded. Due to inbreeding and abuse. Most will be reactivated to society in baby steps, if at all.

They will have trust issues till death stops the voices.

23184810? ago

You mean literally it's a hot spot now, or do you mean metaphorically?

23185349? ago

It is mildly radioactive a few hundred feet below ground. Deep down (think miles) it is sterilized and radioactive.

23183256? ago

"You have no idea what's going on."

That's fucking rich. How about you wait for confirmation before embarrassing yourself, and this entire community, further.

23184623? ago

It's a theory but it fits pretty damn well with what we see happening and with what Trump announced. No one is 100% sure. I think OP has made a bit of straw man based on the feely-weelies and not having looked around enough.

23183964? ago


You don't think this community has embarrassed itself enough by this point?

You ain't seen nothing yet!

As of today, I only visit this board for entertainment.

It's an amazing case-study of cult behavior.

This week it's all about underground breeding facilities of human children run by mutant mole men.

Next week it will be about sex slaves on Mars being rescued by Q's top secret space force that uses alien warp drives and looking glass technology!


23184555? ago

Go ahead. Get it ALL out.

Because after the players are all put to sleep, we ARE coming back for the POS drones who abetted the criminals. You deserve exactly what they are going to get.

You are pretty far down the totem pole, I know.....but you ARE stupid enough to have logged every service provided to the DS. "Easy to find" makes even the smallest targets attractive.

23184241? ago

Anyone that groups anons into a group think box is a shill. There is no community. There are anons and they often agree on things and often don't. Nobody represents anons. Nobody defines anons.

23184480? ago

Disagreement? Anything you pose that is a different set of ideas people scream shill or better yet we are over the target. It is rare you find any honest discussion

23184125? ago

ur bound to tune in tho. what level of cult membership is constantly participating but non-believing?

23183537? ago

Right... I'm suggesting people STOP AND THINK for a moment, for THEMSELVES.

I lose nothing by being wrong.

23183668? ago

You’ve been practicing denialism too long. You’re also being passive aggressive / sassy. You’re a narcissist with control issues. People around you in real life are sick of your shit.

23183724? ago

You're gaslighting and projecting, begone kike.

23183301? ago

It annoys me and makes me laugh at the same time. "you have no idea what's going on, but I know for certain all of this stuff is absolutely going on because I read a post on twitter about it" none of us know what's going on.

23184951? ago

Exactly, it's speculation for the most part.

23183230? ago

Where is the proof of all of this? Give me solid proof of the things you are saying and perhaps more people will understand.

Just give us proof. Why do you believe these things?

Not here to argue, I'm genuinely looking for PROOF.

All I've seen are blogs and videos with nothing.... just opinions.

I've seen all the pizzagate stuff, the "testimony" of people claiming to be abused etc. But it's still hearsay.

Where is proof? I've seen pics of the poor kid with her face all mutiliated but it turns out it was a victim of a dog mauling... wtf is wrong with people that they would exploit that poor child's suffering in that way?! That pissed me off.

I've heard the so-called recordings of podesta yelling at some kid in a shower. How the hell do I know what that even was?? Or what the context was? Or if it was from some leaked recording of some domestic violence child abuse case?? People will take anything, and use it to fool others into believing something.

I'm not someone who is fooled easily or just accepts things at face value.

23189126? ago

My thoughts Exactly!

23186939? ago

the very nature of political science

23186540? ago

Smart people with strong logic and intuition dont need proof. Only dumb people with weak logic and intuition do.

You say you're not someone who is easily fooled. If that was the case, you would be able to discern truth from reality with your own judgment. But you can't so you need to see proof because you actually ARE EASILY FOOLED.

23191327? ago

Wow that sounds so good for total bullshit.

23200674? ago

Said the loser moron with nothing insightful to contribute

23186779? ago

Your gut instincts, intuition, common sense, and logical-mindness are all TOOLS to assist you in your RESEARCH of truth. ALL are necessary and vital. When you take one of them out of the equation, you end up being fooled. You expose your lack of commitment to truth and your laziness in the pursuit of justice, and your cheapening of the sanctity of TRUTH by the post above. You are in need of self reflection.

23200665? ago

You sound like a loser moron with no brain. Point to the specific point above that exposes me.

23185875? ago

Because of national security laws and OPSEC, the proof cannot be presented until the mission is complete. All we have to work with is coincidences, and at a certain point following a given rabbit hole the coincidences become too great for the alternative to be likely - occums razor. Then connecting the rabbit holes you discover coincidences that become too great to ignore, you discover it's all connected! You need to do your own research and come to your own conclusions, dont allow yourself to be manipulated by popular opinion. You wont find definitive proof now, all you can do is discover the coincidences and paint a picture adding them together until the picture becomes clear and the alternative or mainstream viewpoint is debunked out of mathematical impossibility - too many coincidences to the contrary.

Good luck

23185967? ago

Yes, but you could say that about ANY theory, fren.


23186751? ago

No, just the ones that are likely more than not to be true.

23185648? ago

Some are shills but I think many people are just naive.

23185687? ago

I agree.

23185222? ago

The Fight in the DUMBs is real


Why are the Military training to fight underground if there's nothing to it?

23185362? ago

Iowa 6.5 Earthquake yesterday...Related? Underground battle? Methinks maybe...

23185636? ago

Yes I thought that too. Trump said last week " we all know how important Iowa is".

Now I know why.

23190691? ago

Earthquake was in Idaho

23190729? ago

Fair enough.

23185255? ago

Because the military needs something to spend all of it's money on? They've had all other types of training, why not underground training? There are tunnels and caves, yes. Doesn't mean they're full of slaves.

23185670? ago

There is more built underground than above ground. Open your eyes.

23185816? ago

I said I know there is stuff underground, of course there is. This is common knowledge. It's not a conspiracy.

The whole "mass slavery" going on underground is the conspiracy theory. (in other words, not substantiated.)

23185916? ago

You sound like a Shill. Sorry.

23188197? ago

You sound like a shill. Accusations and suspicious facts lead us to investigate, but in the end proof is required.

23188274? ago

I gave you proof.


23185939? ago

You should be sorry. What is deceitful about asking real questions?

I don't think you understand what the term "shill" means.

23186098? ago

It means you!

23186360? ago

This is why people think you are a cult.

23186532? ago

We know (((their))) dirty secret shill, so stop gaslighting us. It's all about that Adrenochrome...

23186656? ago

The proof is in the eating of the white rabbit

23185131? ago


23185113? ago

It's pretty clear that something horrendous is going on when they need to stage the grandest fucking fake crisis the world has ever known. I know, they did all this so they can hid the arrest of Podesta. There most likely is a tunnel entrance right in central park if for nothing more than servicing the Q line.

23185216? ago

Or the virus could be real and they're just trying to get a handle on it before it gets really bad or they could be ushering in the new world order after the economy completely collapses or yellowstone is bout to blow. or jurassic park is real and they're getting ready to unleash the velociraptors. Or the antichrst is here, or the bluebeam alien thing, or maybe aliens are real, or maybe..... etc. xinfinity. There are endless possibliities. Though the unleashing of the velocirpators seems a bit interesting. Who the hell knows what is going on.

23185386? ago

SAW this earlier on here:

We have the unsealing of the federal indictments of Epstein, Raniere, Mack, Smolette, Avenatti, Nygard, thousands of pedophiles and child traffickers, over 12,000 notable resignations and firings with hundreds of CEO's resigning this year alone. There are arrests of multiple JP Morgan gold market manipulators, corrupt judges, Chinese spies, voter fraudsters, and open ongoing investigations into the deep state players along with Harvard and Yale. The roundup of the deep state henchmen MS13 and 600 arrests of the Cartel in the US at once with Project Python. Now even the Federal Reserve bank is losing it's grip. I could go on.

23184274? ago

You are a sophisticated little faggot shill. This (((shill))) is employee of the month hahaha good job

23184024? ago

Don't think DJT has allowed it to go on for years. There have been thousands of arrests of human traffickers reported in MSM. A report, then no follow up. Sessions as responsible for thousands of these.

23186330? ago

That's not even close to enough proof to justify the claims of underground breeding grounds and harvesting.

23186821? ago

Most of the movement doesn’t believe the far fetched things you’ve named. If Q himself didn’t write it, it’s just a theory. You’ll find a lot of theories here as this is QRV (Q “Research” Voat). Hence the researching.

23186849? ago

Post counts and comment counts and voat ratios say you're incorrect.

23186927? ago

Also, please provide us with the same proof you come here demanding. Where’s these charts with the prof of “comment counts and voat ratios” going one way or another. Calm down with your demands and do a little “research” of your own. Fuck

23186883? ago

Hahaha. You’re wrong. The rest of the movement isn’t hanging out on QRV. Only the researchers. Wtf

23186922? ago

Twitter threads are even more of a train wreck. Every "decode" by the famous YouTubers and Twitter handles (SB, PM, X22, etc) gets pushed as gospel, but no critical analysis is done when they're incorrect. They just move on to the next batshit idea.

23187139? ago

No, most people (including myself) aren’t listening to whoever you’re talking about. Sorry. Just God, POTUS, and Q on these matters.

23187165? ago

You're saying Mercy /Comfort being prison transport ships to GITMO wasn't a massively -popular idea 48 hours ago?

23193304? ago

Exactly what I’m saying. Hahahaha. Wtf. That idea was not a popular one at all among 85% of us that are normal and sane.

23188154? ago

People want justice and are speculating on ways it might be carried out, but it was in no way commonly accepted as a fact that Mercy and Comfort were prison ships.

23183934? ago

You ask for proof? Heretic!

(/s for our slower readers)

23185142? ago

lol at the idiotic downvoats to this comment. ugh.

23183169? ago

Space X continues to launched ballistic projectiles into space, many being government/military satellites.

Rationalize that.

23182778? ago

Its socialized healthcare for worthless shitskins who shouldnt be here in the first place.

23182762? ago

It's April Fools Day. Take everything you read today as bullshit. Best to just spend today outside and off the net.

23182761? ago

Remember goyim, if you arrest the deep state pedophiles, they win.

23182924? ago

^^^ the goyim shill!!


23182760? ago

Exactly. It's OK to allow kids to be fucked and killed as long as it's part of "the plan".

23182727? ago
