17255402? ago

Very impressive work anon! Thank you for sharing this info with us. A+++ for making it easy to follow and understand.

17247285? ago


17244276? ago

Watch emery smith on YouTube, he was an insider that worked in secret underground labs in los alamos. Connections correlate.

17242906? ago

Underground cities

17242578? ago

Excellent research Anon. This is one of the major obstacles to true Human Freedom. Multi-National Conglomerate Corporations. They wield way too much power in the seats of our Power and Politicians are afraid of losing the money they bring. Peace Y

17241515? ago

The first thought I had when I read Bechtel is th book I read 'Confession of an Economic Hitman' written by John Perkins 2004.

The dots connect left and right...

17240359? ago

Good job! I need to do more research like you have.

17240211? ago

Daylyt crazy truth being told https://youtu.be/ZvAArR14fno

17239583? ago

to the south west off of tower road is now a big hill. That hill was a landfill. Over the years of driving by I always wondered why it always looked more like 80/20 dirt/trash. One thing I can tell you is those tunnels are DEEP! The reason I say that is to the south of the airport are some BIG piles of dirt/rocks those rocks are sandstone and full of fossils. The layers they came out of are old and deep. In the piles you can find evidence of each layer they dug through. I will dig tomorrow for more info. I have a ginko leaf and a log from those piles. I will post what I find. With a little field work I will be able to determine exactly how deep they went.

17239823? ago

If that company went 14 stories underground in Saudi, that's what about 140 feet AT LEAST!?!

17243556? ago

I am thinking closer to 2500 feet. Next time I am in the area I will do some digging.

17239180? ago

Wow a company that is likely majorly dirty and if it wasn't needs to be pruned back from its to big to fail size. A big sell off of branches and other companies from the largest companies in America with gross sales over 50 billion and is in over 5 companies in it's full size.

17239815? ago

You're right, it is. If you want to know how deep the ties go, look into that book by Sally Denton mentioned by the OP.

17246481? ago

you're a purple dinosaur, op...

17246482? ago

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17245191? ago

Wow. Good find. Sorry I can't make a post either but I sure hope someone does. Lots of info and links here.

17238493? ago

GReat digging! As Michael Flynn said, we have an army of sleuths working for us! Not that I help much, to say the truth, because I am not of the computer age, not a nerd at all, but younger people do a fabulous, absolutely fabulous job! THANK YOU TO ALL YOU TALENTED PATRIOTIC SLEUTHS!

17238345? ago

More on the esoteric side, from Alex Christopher who was friends with Phil Schneider (former Geologist, DUMBs engineer & someone who knew DIA well ...prior to being "suicided")


17239797? ago

This ties into the mind control part of that article. https://archive.is/R9062

17244448? ago

Jesus that's horrible. There's so much stuff about that I never even began to know..

17237571? ago

Bechtel was also the contractor for the Boy Scout Camp built in WV. During the construction, many "funny" things were going on. Like armed guards denying access to the area and huge volumes of concrete being ordered. Blackhawks were seen repeatedly touching down on the site during the construction.


17242931? ago

Nothing rustic about those accommodations....

17238137? ago

Did you know that 2 of the Founding Philanthropists are Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr. (Riley P. Bechtel's father who is still alive and listed as the Chairman Emeritus) and Rex Tillerson (he's buried at the bottom of the page).

Another interesting link. Funny how these people are all interconnected.

17238505? ago

It is freaky how connected they are

17237396? ago

I was at Denver airport earlier for work today. Didn’t really notice until I sat down to eat at a restaurant in the airport... there are a lot of Muslims who work there.

17237342? ago


17237288? ago

This was taken from a summarization of her book.


17237287? ago

Excellent work patriot. This shines a light on where to look. It's such a broad dig a body doesn't know where to start.

17237203? ago

Can confirm. Best friend got out of Bechtel midway up the ladder. Numerous offers to join the club and refused every time. Targeted to this day.

17238550? ago

Curious targeted to join or like harrassed?

17242482? ago

Targeted harrassment.

17237187? ago

Brendan Bechtel

Bechtel Corporation is still owned and operated by the Bechtel family. Its current CEO is Brendan Bechtel.

[Brendan] became CEO in 2016 and chairman & CEO in 2017


17242233? ago

This club was formed in 1913. Around same time as Fed Reserve?

17237486? ago

He was also an intern at the age of 14 in the Bechtel company.

17237120? ago

Thank you. This is very informative!

17237119? ago

Wow! Really nice work here with the digging. Great job including sources as well. I could imagine this took quite some time to research so thank you for sharing!

17237067? ago

As soon as I heard about the digging I immediately thought about the underground cities.

17237003? ago

Great digging thank you anon.

17236916? ago

They have a major portion of the contracts with Hanford Nuclear Site in Washington State.



Quote from Wikipedia “Hanford Site. Hanford is currently the most contaminated nuclear site in the United States and is the focus of the nation's largest environmental cleanup. Besides the cleanup project, Hanford also hosts a commercial nuclear power plant, the Columbia Generating Station, and various centers for scientific research and development,...”

17237610? ago

Oh. This is worrisome isn't it?

17237369? ago

CGS, or "WUPS" as it was previously known, is completely separate from the Hanford reservation. Different company, different property, different security. PNNL (Pacific Northwest National Labs) however, is aligned with the Hanford clean up and its major contract companies. So Wikipedia was mostly accurate...

17236821? ago

The tunneling underground I find fascinating when I remember reading the following:

And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” Revelation 6:15-17

17252343? ago

Awesome you read scripture so you should no the wrath is from son of God Jesus. Not son of man a so called plan to save world by man would def be in revelations and it’s not. But great deception like Q is. Trump he will be one hiding no good Jesuit,rich man, commander.

17246367? ago

many elites want to use nanotech et al to make themselves immortal. this verse says to them, be careful what you wish for!

17236751? ago

Thank you, Anon! WWG1WGA

17236557? ago

This is fantastic. Thank you so much for all your efforts, anon! WWG1WGA.

17236478? ago

Isn't Bechtel one of those CIA front corporations? They build everything from D.U.M.B.s to Area 51, all that classified stuff?

17236402? ago

Consolidated Contractors Company Big big money CF ties, Saudi Denver airport

17236388? ago

Tip of the hat to you and this effort.

17236292? ago


Fucking awesome dig Patriot!!

God's will is be carried out, let the arrests happen!!

17235977? ago

I am blown away by the connections among all these people! Hard to believe some days but you can't make this up ! Can we trust anything anymore? Sorry but this can be depressing, I was so naive.

17238531? ago

They are all part of the kids S.... F..... club. My heart bleeds when I think of what those sub-human stinky turds do to the children. THey do not belong to this planet, and if exile is an option, let's send send to some dark corner of the universe where life is hell for everyone of those sick fucks! Ganymede, so I read!

17238441? ago

Only yourself!

17235801? ago

Thanks anon for your work and your summary.

17235618? ago

My first thought was that 911 triggered a massive investment in airports globally. New x Ray's machines, automation and security.

17235469? ago

Fantastic work!

17235231? ago

Nice digging!