22802588? ago

Think about James Dean. He arrives on a train to Marion, Indiana...his mother is in the back car in a casket. He lives with reatives and attends high school in fairmont. He goes off to hollywood by himself with basically no family after high school. He make 4 huge movies out of the date. He turns bi-sexual. What we know now...you know he must have been gang raped by all out there to land those roles. Maybe he wanted to die on that highway to escape the raping? Just a thought.

22805570? ago

So Feldman, he's going to name people tomorrow ? @madmalloy @TREDDITFIRST ? ? @JesusRules @ellanana @CluelessInTheDark

22801079? ago

If you had listened to any of Corey's interviews you would know he's not dropping a big name but more of a no body name.

22806362? ago

Steven King 'uneasy' over Hachette dropping creepo Woody Allen https://voat.co/v/QRV/3694485

22799623? ago

"This Tweet is unavailable."

22800563? ago

Corey Feldman Actually Made the Documentary. Release Date Next Month. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3646729/22419805 Rumors for years, jokes on Simpsons and Family guy and South Park people with inside knowledge on the Open Secret? Elijah Wood & Corey Feldman ... speak out? Corey Feldman Leaves Matt Lauer SPEECHLESS On Sexual Harrassment https://youtu.be/YLFX2oWK2-c Corey Feldman names sex abuse documentary 'Truth: The Rape of 2 Coreys' https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/corey-feldman-names-sex-abuse-documentary-truth-the-rape-of-2-coreys This permanent A list mostly movie director raped a series of teen boys who were auditioning for a a movie starring 95% men. His check to keep everything quiet was by far the largest.POSTED BY ENT LAWYER AT 10:10 AM ... Corey Feldman and Hugh Hefner | | Working Relationship ? www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/01/todays-blind-items-real-list.html A couple good guesses so far, but rest assurred many of us already have good ideas ourselves:sandybrook said...Wes CravinDario ArgentoAnd Spielberg I guessDonnaMarie said...Cory FeldmanWes CravenVictor SalvaFrances Ford Coppola-Appocolypse Now ... Corey Feldman's 1993 audio files naming alleged sexual predators found by Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office ... Corey Feldman obliquely whistleblows a name: look at the teen magazines (early 90s), and say 'what was the name of that venue they were promoting and who ran that venue and who endorsed it?"

Alphy's Soda Pop Club run by Randy Miller

Owned by Alphy Hoffman

Some of our biggest acts at the times were NKOTB (New Kids on the Block), Jazzy Jeff, Queen Latifta, Lenny Kravitz, Def Jam records, Sony Music Entertainment etc, etc, etc...my point is, they were all cool back then, but look at them now...they all seem to have sold out to some other insidious agenda that has nothing to do with what originally got them there. And I believe the 'venue' he may be talking about is http://www.viperroom.com/

...and Woody Allen?

The Soda Pop Club - Cory Feldman interview, mentions Spacey.


22800438? ago

something about hollyweird pedos, maybe SJW leftwings and the Polanski apologists got the twitter removed

22799593? ago

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22799432? ago

22799108? ago

Bellhop (Hint...it's a Clue)

22798569? ago

Tweet unavailable/deleted. What did it say?

22799496? ago

He wrote about a pedophile orgy in his book IT.

22886490? ago

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22799340? ago

hollyweird pedo conspiracy, big names are about to drop and Stephen King wants to 'Shut it down' a Leftwing horror writer who had pedo themes in his horror books wants Corey Feldman to shut up, some anon posters are not sure about Feldman he could be good or he could be fake news.

22799568? ago

Leftwing horror writer

They are bibliographies.

22797856? ago

Water seeks it's own level. These fucked up "people" find each other so you end up with Hollywood full of satanic pedophiles running the show!

22799409? ago

Anyone remember? “ De Niro, was arrested by the French at the Bristol Hotel in Paris yesterday and held for questioning in connection with an international underage pedo prostitution ring.” -

22798945? ago

Water seeks it's own level.

Please tell me you aren't talking about flat earth. Because flat earthers love that phrase.

22801599? ago

No i'm talking about pedo's like " birds of a feather flock together " ! The flat earth assholes are only here to make the whole group look stupid !

22799783? ago


22798422? ago

and television?? Reality TV Tennessee Nigger dancer gets 9 months for exposing teen to HIV, statutory rape by an authority figure and solicitation of a minor https://nypost.com/2020/03/02/tv-dance-teacher-gets-9-months-for-exposing-teen-to-hiv-after-rape/

22797812? ago

Put your money on Spielberg

22801494? ago

Dude everyone up there is or turns the other way and knows someone that is. Right down from royalty to the fucking bitches everyone loves has been fucked by a pedo or is a pedo.

22799428? ago

Loaded gun is found inside the Manhattan jail where ' Jeffrey Epstein killed himself ' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8082975/Loaded-gun-inside-Manhattan-jail-Jeffrey-Epstein-killed-himself.html

22798432? ago

How many from Hollyweird were going to the island? Prosecutors release Jeffrey Epstein files. Time stamps, global satanic blackmail cults, state files, audio calls, and video interviews START DIGGING https://web.archive.org/web/20200204152914/http://sa15.org/stateattorney/NewsRoom/indexPR.htm?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app

22798409? ago

and modern Marvel DC a pedo in the Xmen and Superman movies? the Jew Jeffrey Lynn Goldblum comes off as a psycho??

22797571? ago

I have heard him mention Charlie Sheen before (in relation to what happened to the other Corey).

22798726? ago

kek...tweet got deleted.

22798439? ago

the music industry also... Mother of Sexually Abused Boy Bander Breaks Her Silence, Implicates Disney, CAA, Hollywood Records, LAPD, DA & Industry Elite in Pedophile Ring & Cover-up https://tiffanyfitzhenry.com/breaking-news/world-exclusive-mother-of-sexually-abused-boy-bander-breaks-her-silence-implicates-disney-caa-hollywood-records-lapd-da-industry-elite-in-pedophile-ring-cover-up/

22799211? ago

Home404 Not Found

Oops! That page can’t be found.

22798397? ago

Alex Jones was close to that drug addict weirdo Charlie Sheen, why did Alex Jones back off the pizzagate hollywood pedo thing? was Jones afraid to speak out or is his doomsday infowars show controlled by others??

22799092? ago

AJ is controlled opposition

Q called him out.

He is not a friend.

22799776? ago

Now Jones and Gorka are at each other, both called out by Q. Wth is going on?

22803350? ago

When did q call out gorka?

22806120? ago

3188 and 3182 his wife and MAGA coalition

22798927? ago

Alex Jones no doubt has been threatened by the Cabal, and stays away from certain subjects. That's why his show doesn't provide very useful info. If it did he would be dead.

22799103? ago

Alex Jones WORKS FOR the cabal.

He is the definition of Controlled Opposition

22799565? ago

Are you sure he didn't start out genuine and eventually cut a deal to avoid being offed?

22811073? ago

or sued into obscurity.....

22798226? ago

My money is on Charlie Sheen .

He was mentioned in that incident by what Corey said prior

22797570? ago

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22797381? ago

He was telling him to chill out regarding his nerves due to the rollout of his "movie". Taking people's word out of context is a cabal tool.

Your entire post is fake news.

22797813? ago


22797865? ago

What a deep, well thought out reply. I'm in awe!

22797420? ago

King has a book full of pedo shit? did anyone read that 'IT' the god of masonic jester jabaalon clown?

22797450? ago

Yes. I've read a lot of King's books. He is one sick man. He's gotten sicker, since he got hit 10 years ago, or so.

22797370? ago

I can not reach your link. It appears they may have took it down? Those that squawk the loudest.......

22797543? ago

between 11 YEAR OLDS voat.co/v/pizzagate/2138127/10540254 Isaac Kappy Exposes Stephen King as a Pedophile: https://youtu.be/kBvWfDQQ2fA ... voat.co/v/pizzagate/2652214 The Red Balloon of Pennywise could become a very effective pizzagate meme...... voat.co/v/pizzagate/2125774/10476545

22797478? ago

and pedo Polanski?? Is there a bigger agenda? Thread detailing NWO plan translated from French https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1217077142372212737.html

22797412? ago

Wheres the voat twitter bot when you need it? A tranny telling a dyke how he / she / it shows allegiance to satan.....some times they buy kids from Africa and other foreign places and make them change their sex? The fucking sickos.... elite globalists buy these expensive creams and treatments, but they [are taught to] believe the "foreskins" are discarded from 'routine' circumcision....Charlize Theron Illuminati Tranny Extraordinaire.... Charlize Theron's black son is now a blonde girl...Sandra Bullock admits to having the foreskins of Korean boys injected into her face in an Ellen interview. Normalization of bizarre Hollywood celebrity behavior. They both treat it like it's a joke.

22803403? ago

I have to admit I'd love to inject my cockskin into Sandra Bullock's face...

22797011? ago

Public blackmail in action.

Anyone notice how he never went to the police?

22797046? ago

...is Alyssa Milano a 'Finder'?

Hollywood’s evil secret: pedophilia

Allegations that powerful figures in Hollywood have been sheltering child abusers have become ­impossible to ignore in recent years. During the past decade ­several convictions have been ­secured — and far more accusations levelled — against wealthy and ­important people in the industry. Some of these criminals have left prison, returned to Hollywood and begun working again with children.

Sitting in a Los Angeles restaurant to promote his latest film, The Trust, Wood compares revelations of child abuse in Hollywood with those that surfaced in Britain after the death of entertainer Jimmy Savile. “You all grew up with Savile — Jesus, it must have been devastating,” he said. “Clearly something major was going on in Hollywood. It was all organised. There are a lot of vipers in this industry, people who only have their own interests in mind. There is darkness in the ­underbelly — if you can imagine it, it’s probably happened.

“What upsets me about these situations is that the victims can’t speak as loudly as the people in power. That’s the tragedy of ­attempting to reveal what is happening to innocent people: they can be squashed but their lives have been irreparably damaged.”

Wood says his mother, Debra, protected him. “She was far more concerned with raising me to be a good human than facilitating my career. I never went to parties where that kind of thing was going on. This bizarre industry presents so many paths to temptation. If you don’t have some kind of foundation, typically from family, then it will be difficult to deal with.”

Other child actors did not have his luck. Corey Feldman was perhaps the biggest child star of the 1980s, a hero in such hits as Gremlins, The Goonies, Stand by Me and The Lost Boys. In 2011 Feldman ­decided to speak out about the abuse he suffered as a young actor. “The No 1 problem in Hollywood was and is — and always will be — pedophilia,” he said, adding that by the time he was 14 he was “surrounded” by molesters. Feldman met another child actor, Corey Haim, on a film set in the mid-1980s. They became best friends, starring in numerous movies together and sharing their own television show.

Describing their first meeting in his memoir, Feldman wrote: “An adult male had convinced Corey that it was perfectly normal for older men and younger boys in the business to have sexual ­relations ... So they walked off to a secluded area between two ­trailers ... and Haim allowed himself to be sodomised.”


Allegedly Rob reiner and Joel Schumacher?

22799610? ago

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22796968? ago

Kevin Spacey and Lucas?

22797021? ago

There was Rob Cohen's Daughter Accuses Him of Sexual Assault, anotehr film maker director would take his kid to Thailand who since became some kind of fucked up tranny with trauma, Emma Thompson writes to the producers of "Luck" re their hiring of John Lasseter, who recently left Disney/Pixar following multiple allegations of sexual misconduct, some of those super hero DC Marvel stuff seem to have fucked up criminal things happening.

22799836? ago

The whole comic book scene has a fair share of weirdos.

22796962? ago

"This has been going on for a very long time," concurs former "Little House on the Prairie" star Alison Arngrim. "It was the gossip back in the '80s. People said, 'Oh yeah, the Coreys, everyone's had them.' People talked about it like it was not a big deal."

Arngrim, 49, was referring to Feldman and his co-star in "The Lost Boys," Corey Haim, who died in March 2010 after years of drug abuse.

"I literally heard that they were 'passed around,'" Arngrim said. "The word was that they were given drugs and being used for sex. It was awful - these were kids, they weren't 18 yet. There were all sorts of stories about everyone from their, quote, 'set guardians' on down that these two had been sexually abused and were totally being corrupted in every possible way."


22797127? ago

King possible pedo? So in the It (novel) by Stephen King the children or teens or kids? including one negro take part in some gross pedo gang bang orgy this King seems fucked in the head, anyone read those books? @1Sorry_SOB @con77 ? @Zenocide @killer7 @madmalloy the female goes into the clown Jester sewer, copulates and ass bang sodomizes and has sex with all the boys to bring 'unity' back? The diseased teen kid ass banger Losers Club then swear a blood oath should this spider clown creature IT ever return in the future?

22797150? ago

@carmencita @IIJOSEPHXII Never read that book, anyone read King's books? Seems to be some gross pedo theme in the book according to the reviews @worldofmadness @Kofiannan

22798522? ago

Bit of a complex account of how The Shining is about Jack raping Danny (and much more besides) pulls no punches http://subliminalsynchrosphere.blogspot.com/2013/04/?m=1

22796932? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/R5YIH :

Annie Collins on Twitter: "kinda how you are bullying #Coreyfeldman and telling him to chill out over his pedophile exposing docu? who are you protecting here?… /fWcmpOkMFt"

This has been an automated message.

22796917? ago

.... ?

22796934? ago

Rumors of Tom Hanks ... so this is why Star Wars actress Carie Fisher became a drug addict?