Tom Hanks keeps tweeting weird shit like this. Is he advertising trafficked children with coded messages? (
submitted 5 years ago by 3693227?
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22798636? 5 years ago
Anons appropriately blasting him on twatter.
22799585? 5 years ago
He was in a movie with Corey Feldman..... and .... StephenKing? Is bullying Coreyfeldman & telling him to chill out over criminal hollyweird satanic pedophiles? Who did it Charlie Sheen, Rob Reiner, Spielberg?
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22798636? ago
Anons appropriately blasting him on twatter.
22799585? ago
He was in a movie with Corey Feldman..... and .... StephenKing? Is bullying Coreyfeldman & telling him to chill out over criminal hollyweird satanic pedophiles? Who did it Charlie Sheen, Rob Reiner, Spielberg?